A Questionnaire for Readers of Chinese Nursing Research


Frontiers of Nursing 2015年4期

A Questionnaire for Readers of Chinese Nursing Research

Dear Reader/Colleague/Expert:

Many thanks for your continuing trust and support toChineseNursingResearch! For improving the journal’s quality, we request you to fill out this questionnaire and scan it, then sent it to, we will offer you one-year subscription of our journalChineseNursingResearch. Thanks for your participation!

Chinese Nursing Research Editorial Office

1. What is your current occupation?□ Clinician□ Nurse□ Educator□ Medical college graduate student□ Other (Please Specify)------------------------------

2. What is your profession or research direction?----------------------------------------

3. How did you know our journalChineseNursingResearch?□ Library□ Colleague□ Internet□ Exhibition/conference□ Other (Please Specify)------------------------------

4. Which article have given you the deepest impression on our journal from 2014 till now?

5. Would you like to submit your manuscript to our journal?□ Yes□ No


6. What is your impression on our journal's format and cover design?□ Good□ General□ Not good□ Bad


7. Based on your opinion, which columns we should add or modify? Would you like to give more precious advice for Chinese Nursing Research?