徐逸鹤, 徐涛, 王敏玲, 白志滕吉文
1 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,岩石圈演化国家重点实验室, 北京 100029 2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049 3 中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心, 北京 100101
1 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,岩石圈演化国家重点实验室, 北京 100029 2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049 3 中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心, 北京 100101
井中震源; 远场波场; 解析解; 最速下降积分; 最速下降法
1 引言
井中震源是指具有圆柱形结构的震源,常用于人工震源的地震探测和勘探中,例如深地震测深、地震勘探和采矿地球物理等领域.常见的井中震源包括炸药震源,井下的空气枪、水枪、射孔枪、以及钻头震源等(Chen et al., 1990).钻井的存在给井中震源问题带来了较为复杂的边界条件,使得井中震源波场体现出与常规震源不同的特性(Lee and Balch, 1982; Meredith et al., 1993).
以震源类型划分,井中震源可以大致分为三种:即径向应力源、轴向应力源和旋转应力源,其他震源可以由这三种震源的组合而成.采矿地球物理中的炸药震源可以简化为径向应力源(Blair, 2007, 2010),随钻地震勘探中的钻头震源可以简化成轴向应力源和旋转应力源的组合(Rector and Hardage, 1992).以研究区域划分,井中震源的波场可以分为井内波场和井外波场.井内波场作为声波测井的主要研究区域,前人已经对其有大量而详实的研究(Tsang and Rader, 1979; Cheng and Toksöz, 1981; Tubman et al., 1984; Cheng, 1994; 沈建国和张海澜,2000);而井外波场的研究还相对较少(Heelan, 1953; Lee and Balch, 1982; Meredith, 1991; 刘银斌等,1993a, b; 张钋等,1995; Blair, 2007).但是随着采矿地球物理和随钻地震的发展,井外波场研究的重要性日益明显(Rector and Marion, 1991; Rector and Hardage, 1992; Haldorsen et al., 1995; Poletto, 2005; Vasconcelos and Snieder, 2008; 陆斌等,2009;王鹏等,2009;黄伟传等2010;吴何珍等,2010).
井中震源的波场研究方法主要分为数值模拟方法(Cheng, 1994; Dong and Toksöz, 1995)和解析法(Heelan, 1953; Tsang and Rader, 1979; Lee, 1986; Meredith et al., 1993; De Hoop et al., 1994; Blair, 2007)两类.而井外波场问题的计算区域(如炮检距为1000m)和研究对象(如钻井半径为0.1m)的尺度相差很大,因此在使用数值模拟方法时,如果要求网格尺寸逼近钻井半径,波场模拟效果较好,但计算量会过大;如果网格尺寸过大则不能很好地研究井中震源的地震波场特征(王鹏等,2009).所以,解析法成为目前研究井外波场的主要手段.
Heelan(1953)在远场近似下得到了有限长度的三种基本井中震源的远场解析解.Jordan(1962)和Abo-Zena(1977)使用不同的方法也获得了井中震源的远场解析解.Lee和Balch(1982)考虑了钻井中流体的存在,得到含液井的远场解析解.刘银斌等(1993a,b)将多个震源的解叠加起来,得到了井中震源阵列的远场解析解.上述研究均基于两个假设条件:(1)井孔半径远小于特征波长;(2)炮检距大于特征波长.本文中我们分别称之为“小井孔”和“远场”假设.Meredith(1991)和Blair(2007)使用离散波数法对频率波数域的解进行数值积分,得到了精确的远场波场,并分别应用于井间地震和采矿地球物理的研究.离散波数法通过增加等间距的虚拟震源,将积分转化为求和,是计算波数域积分的常用方法(Bouchon and Aki, 1977; Bouchon, 1978, 2003).但是波数域积分中极点(pole)和支线(branch cut)所代表的丰富物理意义也随之消失(Lapwood, 1949).为了保留波数域积分的优势,井内波场的研究通常采用实轴积分法(Tsang and Rader, 1979; 沈建国和张海澜,2000).但是当研究井外波场时,由于炮检距一般远大于钻孔半径,实轴积分的积分函数会出现高频振荡的现象,严重影响数值积分的精度和计算量,不适用于井外波场的计算.
2 井中震源波场解析解
2.1 频率波数域的解析解
为了便于边界条件的描述,我们采用柱坐标系,并将柱坐标系的z轴与圆柱形空洞的对称轴重合(图1a).在柱坐标系下,边界上的应力可以用σrr,σr θ,σrz三个分量来表示,它们分别对应于径向、旋转和轴向应力源(图1b).
图1 井中震源示意图(a)震源结构.震源S呈轴对称状分布于半径为a的井壁上,检波器位于P(r,z)点.(b)三种基本的井中震源.Fig.1 Diagram of downhole seismic sources(a) Source geometry. The source S is distributed axisymmetrically around the borehole wall of radius a. The receiver is placed at point P(r, z). (b) Three basic types of downhole seismic sources.
使用Helmholtz分解和极环分解,我们可以将位移场u=(ur,uθ,uz)T分成三个标量场的组合(Meredith, 1991):
前人关于井中震源的解析解研究中,尽管采用的具体方法不尽相同,但最终都会得到与(9)式等价的解(Heelan, 1953; Abo-Zena, 1977; Lee and Balch, 1982; Meredith, 1991; 刘银斌等,1993a, b; Blair, 2007).而对(10)式中双重积分的计算方法则主要分为两类.一类是在远场的假设下,解析地计算两个积分,得到远场解析解(Heelan, 1953; Abo-Zena, 1977; Lee and Balch, 1982);另一类是采用数值积分法计算,得到半解析解(Meredith, 1991; Blair, 2007).
2.2 近似条件下的远场解析解
考虑到本文中φ的定义与前人使用的φL的关系φ=φL-π/2,上述公式与前人的结果一致(Heelan, 1953;LeeandBalch, 1982).从(19)、(20)式中可以看出,两种震源激发的SV波能量都比P波能量大,并且能量差会随着两种波速差的增大而增大(图2).
图2 井中震源的远场辐射图样(修改自Lee and Balch, 1982;参数相同)震源分别是(a)施加在裸眼井井壁上的径向压力源,(b)施加在充液井井壁上的径向压力源,和(c)位于充液井对称轴上的单极声波源.Fig.2 Far-field radiation patterns for downhole seismic sources (modified after Lee and Balch, 1982; same parameters are used)The sources are respectively (a) a radial stress source applied on an empty borehole, (b) a radial stress source applied on a fluid-filled borehole, and (c) a monopole acoustic source placed at the center of a fluid-filled borehole.
3 井中震源波场半解析解
图3 最速下降积分和实轴积分的对比图(a)(c)分别是实轴积分和最速下降积分在复波数平面内的积分路径,图(b)(d)则是两个路径上的积分函数.波数h的单位是m-1.Fig.3 Comparison of Steepest Descent Integration Method and Real-axis Integration Method Panels (a) (c) show two different integration paths for Real-axis Integration Method and Steepest Descent Integration Method in complex wavenumber plane, while (b) (d) are the corresponding integrands along the paths.
4 近似条件下远场解析解的适用性特征4.1 最速下降积分法试验
我们首先验证最速下降积分法在计算远场波场时的适用性,采用如下参数模型:井孔半径为0.1 m,检波器放置在距离钻井1000 m处;井外地层为常见的Pierre页岩,其P波波速为2074 m·s-1,S波为869 m·s-1,密度为2250 kg·m-3(Meredith, 1991);震源为径向应力震源,震源时间函数是主频为30 Hz的Ricker子波(图4a).该主频的震源在这种地层中的特征波长λm约为346 m,既远大于井孔半径2 m,又远小于1000 m,同时满足“小井孔”和“远场”假设,近似条件下的解析解可以准确地得到位移解.
4.2 径向应力震源
4.2.1 高频情况
径向应力震源通常用来模拟炮眼中的爆炸震源,典型的炮眼半径约为0.1 m.为了避免震源激发时地面的剧烈振荡破坏检波器和近井的井壁面波的影响,检波器一般放置在离井一段距离之外,放置在r=1000 m,z=0 m处,其他参数也同4.1节.
我们首先检验“小井孔”假设失效时的情况.在井孔绝对半径不变的情况下,通过减小特征波长同样可以使“小井孔”假设失效.在地层速度不变的前提下,提高震源的主频可以减小特征波长.计算结果如图5所示.该模型中,“小井孔”的条件为特征波场λ≫a=0.1 m,图5a中可以看出,该假设条件完全满
图4 径向应力源激发波场的半解析解和解析解对比(a)震源时间函数(Ricker子波);(b)解析解远场波形(Ricker子波的导数);(c)实线表示最速下降积分得到ur的半解析解,虚线为解析解.倒三角形为P波的到时.Fig.4 Comparison of the semi-analytical solution and the analytical solution of wave field excited by a radial stress source (a) Source time function (Ricker wavelet); (b) Far-field waveform of analytical solution (derivative of Ricker wavelet); (c) Solid line denotes the semi-analytical solution of ur obtained by Steepest Descent Integration Method and dashed line is the analytical solution. The inverted triangle denotes the theoretical arrival time of P waves.
图5 高频情况下径向应力源激发波场的半解析解(实线)和近似条件下的解析解(虚线)对比图(a—f)分别是Ricker子波主频为30, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 Hz时,位于r=1000 m,z=0 m处的检波器记录的径向分量.倒三角形为P波理论到时.Fig.5 Comparison of the semi-analytical solution (solid line) and the analytical solution (dashed line) of wave field excited by a radial stress source for high frequency Panels (a—f) are radial components of seismograms recorded by the receiver placed at r=1000 m,z=0 m with the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet being 30, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 Hz respectively. The inverted triangle denotes the theoretical arrival time of P waves.
足时,两者之间差异很小.当震源主频逐渐增加时,子波波长逐渐减小,图5b和图5c的假设条件接近失效,两者之间的差异增加,但波形差异仍然较小.当子波波长进一步减小时,“小井孔”假设失效(图5d—5f),虽然数值解和近似条件下的解析解的P波到时一直保持在理论到时0.4821 s处,但两者在振幅和相位方面的差异开始凸显.其中,半解析解的振幅略高于解析解的振幅,最大振动的到时相对滞后.
4.2.2 低频情况
当震源频率变低时,特征波长会随之增加.虽然这时“小井孔”假设不会受到影响,但是有可能会导致“远场”假设失效.低频情况下的计算结果如图6所示.该模型中“远场”假设的条件是λ≪r=1000 m.从图6a中可以看出,该假设完全满足,两者差异很小.但是当震源主频逐渐到5 Hz时,“远场”假设接近失效,两者差异已经开始体现(图6b).随着震源主频的进一步增加,两者之间的差异越来越明显(图6c—6f).在低频情况下,半解析解和解析解同样出现了振幅和相位上的偏差.数值解的振幅大于解析解,并且比高频情况下更加明显(图6d—6f).与高频情况不同的是,低频情况下数值解的波形与解析解也有比较明显的差别,逐渐从Ricker子波的导数变成了Ricker子波.
一般情况下,远场是指炮检距的尺度远大于震源尺度;而在井中震源问题中,“远场”假设比较的是炮检距的尺度和特征波长的尺度.所以虽然本例中炮检距(1000 m)远大于震源的尺度(0.1 m),但是并不一定满足“远场”假设.如图6c—6f中,特征波长大于或等于炮检距时,解析解与数值解出现明显的差异.4.3 轴向应力震源
图6 低频情况下径向应力源激发波场的半解析解(实线)和解析解(虚线)的对比图(a—f)分别是Ricker子波主频为30, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.1 Hz时检波器记录的径向分量.倒三角形为P波理论到时.Fig.6 Comparison of the semi-analytical solution (solid line) and the analytical solution (dashed line) of wave field excited by a radial stress source for low frequency Panels (a—f) are radial components of seismograms recorded by the receiver placed at r=1000 m,z=0 m with the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet being 30, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.1 Hz respectively. The inverted triangle denotes the theoretical arrival time of P waves.
图7 轴向应力源激发波场的半解析解(实线)和解析解(虚线)的对比图(a—c)分别是Ricker子波主频为30, 0.5, 500 Hz时检波器的垂向分量.倒三角形是SV波的理论到时.Fig.7 Comparison of the semi-analytical solution (solid line) and the analytical solution (dashed line) of wave field excited by a axial stress source Panels (a)—(c) are vertical components of seismograms with the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet being 30, 0.5, 500 Hz respectively. The inverted triangle denotes the theoretical arrival time of SV waves.
图8 旋转应力源激发波场半解析解(实线)和解析解(虚线)的对比图(a—c)分别是Ricker子波主频为30, 0.5, 500 Hz时检波器的横向分量.倒三角形是SH波的理论到时.Fig.8 Comparison of the semi-analytical solution (solid line) and the analytical solution (dashed line) of wave field excited by a torsional stress source Panels (a—c) are transverse components of seismograms with the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet being 30, 0.5, 500 Hz respectively. The inverted triangle denotes the theoretical arrival time of SH waves.
4.4 旋转应力震源
5 结论
附录A 井中震源的频率波数域解
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(本文编辑 胡素芳)
Borehole sources, whose scope goes far beyond sources in boreholes, are of extreme importance in research with active seismic sources, including deep seismic sounding, reverse vertical seismic profiling (RVSP), seismic while drilling, mining geophysics, etc. Sources used in these studies are all of cylindrical structures, which is the reason why they are called borehole sources and why their wave fields has unique characteristics. Previous studies on borehole sources are mostly based on analytical solutions obtained when small-borehole assumption (the borehole radius is significantly smaller than the characteristic wave length) and far-field assumption (the offset is greater than the characteristic wave length) are satisfied. It is still an open question whether the analytical solutions are applicable to cases that violate the two assumptions.This study is based on the synthetic seismograms computed by both analytical solutions and semi-analytical solutions. The analytical solutions used in previous studies are obtained through asymptotic analysis, while the semi-analytical solutions are computed by numerical integration. The semi-analytical solutions are of higher accuracy and therefore regarded as “true solutions”. Synthetic seismograms from the analytical solutions are compared to true solutions to validate whether the analytical solutions are applicable to certain cases or not. Accuracy is crucial to the comparison. Yet the high oscillation of solutions in frequency-wavenumber domain brings out a great challenge. We developed a brand-new numerical method called Steepest Descent Integration Method (SDIM). The new method is inspired by the Method of Steepest Descent (SDM) in asymptotic analysis that is specially designed for highly oscillatory integral and is the very method used to obtain the analytical solutions. Replacing approximate integration path and approximate integrand in SDM with accurate ones, SDIM breaks the restraints of small borehole and far field and can compute seismograms at arbitrary offset and arbitrary source frequency with extremely high accuracy efficiently. We calculate the seismograms by both SDIM and SDM for a large offset (1000 m, significantly large compared to borehole radius of 0.1 m) and varied source frequency (0.1~1000 Hz). The assumption of small-borehole is violated in high frequency cases, while far-field assumption fails when the frequency is low. The same experiment is conducted for all three basic borehole sources.The works presented in the paper can be categorized into two parts, namely the new SDIM and comparison of seismograms. The study of SDIM shows that: (1) The solutions of borehole sources problem in frequency-wavenumber domain are highly oscillatory. The oscillation depends on source frequency and offsets. High frequency sources result in severe oscillation, so as large offsets. (2) The oscillation is attributed to Hankel functions in the solutions whose exponential part account for most of it. Hence, exponential functions are used in the derivation of SDIM instead of Hankel functions, making the work much easier. (3) The only difference between SDIM and SDM is the accuracy of the steepest descent path and the integrand. SDIM uses the accurate path and integrand, while SDM uses approximate ones. In addition, four numerical examples are presented in the paper. Each is designed specifically. They demonstrate that: (1) Results from SDIM are identical to ones from SDM when small-borehole assumption and far-field assumption are satisfied, which supports the validity of SDIM. (2) When small-borehole assumption is violated, the SDM results differ much from the SDIM ones that are considered as true results. It infers that the influence from borehole might not be ignored even for far-field wave field. (3) When far-field assumption fails, the results from SDM are inaccurate as well, which means the absolute value of the offset cannot guarantee far-field. The ratio of the offset to the characteristic wave length matters. (4) The same phenomenon occurs in the wave field of all the three basic borehole sources.Obtaining accurate far-field seismograms is the key problem of borehole sources research. Yet it is challenging because of highly oscillatory integral involved. By taking advantage of the special form of analytical solutions, we developed a brand-new method for computing highly oscillatory wavenumber integration. It completely avoids the oscillation and results in numerical integration of a fully smooth function, leading to synthetic seismograms with high precision. It also allows us to compute P, S and surface waves separately, reducing their mutual interference. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the results from SDM are considerably different from ones from SDIM, in both amplitude and phase when the small-borehole assumption or the far-field assumption fails. Therefore, the SDM has its constraint and SDIM is a better alternative if accurate wave-field information is needed.
Downhole seismic sources; Far-field wave field; Analytical solution; Steepest Descent Integration Method; Method of steepest descent
徐逸鹤,男,1990年生,博士生,主要从事井中震源和随钻震源波场研究. E-mail: xuyihe@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
*通讯作者徐涛,男,1978年生,副研究员,主要从事地震射线理论与壳幔结构成像研究.E-mail: xutao@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
徐逸鹤,徐涛,王敏玲等. 2015. 井中震源的远场波场特征研究.地球物理学报,58(8):2912-2926,
Xu Y H, Xu T, Wang M L, et al. 2015. Far-field wavefield characteristics of downhole seismic sources.ChineseJ.Geophys. (in Chinese),58(8):2912-2926,doi:10.6038/cjg20150824.