

中国学术期刊文摘 2015年24期

Bouhabila, E; Ben, Aim R; Buisson, H

Influence of the characteristics of natural organic matter on the fouling of microfiltration membranes

Fan, LH; Harris JL; Roddick FA; et al.

Fouling of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes by natural waters

Howe, KJ; Clark, MM

Membrane fouling in pilot-scale membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) treating municipal wastewater

Kimura, K; Yamato, N; Yamamura, H; et al.



(1. 第二炮兵工程大学3系,西安,710025;2. 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院,杭州,310027)






对于人类社会的发展而言,水既是必不可少的自然资源,也是重要的社会资源。中国的水资源总量约为2.8×1012m3,人均水资源量为2185 m3,仅为世界平均水平8800 m3的1/4,是世界上13个水资源贫乏的国家之一。由于过去工业的粗放发展模式,使得单位水资源产出水平较低,水环境污染较为严重;此外,中国自然的水资源还存在着时空分布不均、与生产力布局不相匹配,发展需求与水资源条件之间的矛盾突出等现象,中国水资源短缺形势不容乐观,水安全问题对社会发展的约束作用不断增强。


根据中国《中国水资源公报》统计数据,目前中国万元GDP用水量为109 m3,与世界平均水平相当,与发达国家相比仍有差距。而降低万元GDP用水量,提高水利用率,则需要提高节水型社会建设水平,实现水资源优化配置和建立高效利用的工程技术体系,近年来,随着材料和工程等相关科学的不断进步,以膜技术、吸附等为代表的水处理技术得到了快速发展,使其在非常规水源处理中得到了良好的应用,并发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此,绿色生产工艺的设计,高性能的水处理材料的制备,集成工艺的开发等将有助于从源头上解决水安全问题。



截至2015年11月15日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“水处理(water treatment)、膜(membrane)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为987条与16696条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。







根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“水处理(water treatment)、膜(membrane)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。


根据Web of Science统计数据,以“水处理(water treatment)、膜(membrane)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 30文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。

来源出版物: Journal of Membrane Science 1997, 132 (2): 159-181

Fouling characterisation in membrane bioreactors

Bouhabila, E; Ben, Aim R; Buisson, H

Abstract:Compared with conventional wastewater treatment processes, membrane bioreactors offer several advantages, e.g. high biodegradation efficiency, smaller sludge production and compactness. However, membrane fouling is the main limitation to faster development of this process. An experimental study has been performed using hollow fibers (pore size 0.1 mum) immersed in an aerated tank for treating synthetic wastewater representative of dairy effluent. For the same organic load (5.7 kg COD/m3per day) the COD removal efficiency, the sludge production and fouling ability were compared in three reactors operated at different sludge ages (10, 20 and 30 days). COD removal was high: 95%-97.5%. The sludge production decreased from 0.31 to 0.16 kg MLSS/kg COD removed when the sludge age increased from 10 to 30 days. Concerning the fouling ability of the sludge, a specific experiment (measurement of the specific resistance and hydraulic resistance during filtration) was designed to determine the influence on membrane fouling of the three fractions of the sludge: suspended solids, colloids and solutes. All the experiments confirm the importance of the interstitial matter-colloids and solutesin membrane fouling. Consecluently, bubbling can be expected to be only partially efficient, as bubbles are efficient for limiting particle deposition and polarisation phenomena, but not for internal fouling. Increasing the air flow rate from 1.2 to 3.6 m3/m2membrane area) per hour, it was possible to decrease the total resistance-thus increasing the filtrate flux-by a ratio of 3. However, for given conditions of aeration, periodic backwashing rave an additional efficiency by decreasing internal fouling. In optimal conditions of backwashing (15 severy 5 min) the resistance could be decreased by 3.5-fold.

Keywords:submerged membrane bioreactor; aeration; membrane fouling; wastewater treatment; backwashing

来源出版物: Separation and Purification Technology, 2001, 22-23 (1-3): 123-132

Influence of the characteristics of natural organic matter on the fouling of microfiltration membranes

Fan, LH; Harris JL; Roddick FA; et al.

Abstract:Natural organic matter (NOM) plays a significant role in fouling microfiltration membranes in drinking water treatment processes even though the NOM is retained only to a small extent. The aim of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the interactions between the fractional components of NOM and microfiltration membranes. Filtration experiments were performed using 0.22 mum hydrophobic and hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes in a stirred-cell system on the NOM isolated from three Australian surface waters. As expected, the fouling rate for the hydrophobic membrane was considerably greater than for the hydrophilic membrane. Focusing on the hydrophobic membrane, it was shown that the high molecular weight fraction of NOM (>30 kDa) was responsible for the major flux decline. Filtration tests on the four fractions of NOM isolated on the basis of hydrophobicity and charge using non-functionalised and anionic resins revealed that the fouling potential for the three waters was hydrophilic neutral > hydrophobic acids > transphilic acids >hydrophilic charged. The low-aromatic hydrophilic neutral compounds were the main determinant of the rate and extent of flux decline. This was linked to the colloidal size fraction (>30 kDa) and to the selective concentration of calcium in the fraction leading to organics-Ca2+bridging. It was also shown that the higher the aromaticity of the NOM the greater the flux decline, and the aromatics mainly resided in the hydrophobic acids fraction. Overall, the fouling mechanism controlling the flux decline involved the combined effects of adsorptive and colloidal fouling by the hydrophilic neutral fraction in the internal pore structure of the membrane.

Keywords:drinking water treatment; fouling; microfiltration; natural organic matter

来源出版物: Water Research, 2001, 35 (18): 4455-4463

Fouling of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes by natural waters

Howe, KJ; Clark, MM

Abstract:Membrane filtration (microfiltration and ultrafiltration) has become an accepted process for drinking water treatment, but membrane fouling remains a significant problem. The objective of this study was to systematically investigate the mechanisms and components in natural waters that contribute to fouling. Natural waters from five sources were filtered in a bench top filtration system: A sequential filtration process was used in most experiments. The first filtration steps removed specific components from the water, and the latter filtration steps investigated membrane fouling by the remaining components. Particulate matter (larger than 0.45 mum) was relatively unimportant in fouling as compared to dissolved matter. Very small colloids, ranging from about 3-20 nm in diameter, appeared to be important membrane foulants based on this experimental protocol. The colloidal foulants included both: inorganic and organic matter, but the greatest fraction of material was organic. When the colloidal fraction of material was removed, the remaining dissolved organic matter (DOM); which was smaller than about 3 nm band included about 85%-90% of the total DOM, caused very little fouling. Thus, although other studies have identified DOM, as a major foulant during filtration of natural waters, this work shows that a small fraction of DOM may be responsible for fouling. Adsorption was demonstrated to be an important-mechanism for fouling by colloids.

来源出版物: Environmental Science & Technology, 2002, 36 (16): 3571-3576

Membrane fouling in pilot-scale membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) treating municipal wastewater

Kimura, K; Yamato, N; Yamamura, H; et al.

Abstract:The main obstacle for wider use of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) for wastewater treatment is membrane fouling (i.e., deterioration of membrane permeability), which increases operating costs. For more efficient control of membrane fouling in MBRs, an understanding of the mechanisms of membrane fouling is important. However, there is a lack of information on membrane fouling in MBRs, especially information on features of components that are responsible for the fouling. We conducted a pilot-scale experiment using real municipal wastewater with three identical MBRs under different operating conditions. The results obtained in this study suggested that the food-microorganisms ratio (F/M) and membrane filtration flux were the important operating parameters that significantly influenced membrane fouling in MBRs. Neither concentrations of dissolved organic matter in the reactors nor viscosity of mixed liquor, which have been thought to have influences on fouling in MBRs, showed clear relationships with membrane fouling in this study. Organic substances that had caused the membrane fouling were desorbed from fouled membranes of the MBRs at the termination of the operation and were subjected to Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. These analyses revealed that the nature of the membrane foulant changes depending on F/M. It was shown that high F/M would make the foulant more proteinaceous. Carbohydrates were dominant in membrane foulants in this study, while features of humic substances were not apparent.

来源出版物: Environmental Science & Technology, 2005, 39 (16): 6293-6299




(1. 第二炮兵工程大学3系,西安,710025;2. 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院,杭州,310027)






1 气候变化的现状

气候变化对水安全的影响,主要来自于全球变暖及降雨量和降雨时空分布发生的变化。IPCC 2014年发布的气候变化评估报告给出了关于全球变暖的最新统计和预测数据。



根据IPCC报道,由于北极冻土层顶部温度上升,自20世纪初以来北半球季节冻土覆盖面积已减少了约7%;从1978年以来,北极海冰面积以2.7%/10年的平均速率退缩。冰川对气候变化则表现得更为敏感,自20世纪80年代以来,高原冰川末端在近几十年间出现了快速退缩,且在边缘山区比中腹地区更为明显。中国拥有46377座冰川,覆盖面积达59425 km2。有研究指出,由于全球气候变暖,中国的西部有超过80%的冰川处于衰退中。有学者通过气温重建技术证实,过去的50年是青藏高原近500年以来最热的半个世纪,直接导致了过去40年中,青藏高原的冰川衰退了7%(3790 km2),并且厚度每年以200 mm的速度衰退。

全球变暖引起的海平面上升,主要是由海水吸热膨胀、陆地冰川融化、格陵兰冰盖融化及南极冰盖融化等的综合作用所致。IPCC 2007年的气候评估报告显示,海洋吸收了80%全球变暖的热量,这部分热量会引起上层海水的受热膨胀。据统计,近20年来格陵兰冰盖融化量翻了两番,从1992—2001年的(51±65)Gt/年到2002—2011年的(221±37)Gt/年,这部分冰川的融化使海平面上升了(7.5±1.8)mm。这些现象的综合作用使得在过去的1个世纪里全球海平面平均上升速度为1.7~1.8 mm/年。对于中国而言,近百年来,海平面总上升量为14 cm,其中渤海海面上升5 cm,东海上升19 cm,南海上升20 cm。上升量超过20 cm的省市有江苏、上海和广东。如果海平面升高与全球气温上升之间的关系不变,未来100年海平面可能上升20~90 cm。



IPCC 2014年发布的第5次气候变化评估报告中还指出:气候变化引起了一些地区降雨量和时空分布的变化,改变了当地的水文循环,影响水资源的数量和质量。许多地区均观测到降水量存在着明显的变化趋势:北美和南美东部、欧洲北部、亚洲北部和中部降水量显著增加,而萨赫勒、地中海、非洲南部、亚洲南部部分地区降水量减少。这种降雨量和时空分布的变化导致了降水多而集中的地区发生洪涝灾害的可能性提高,降水少而分散的地区发生旱灾的可能性上升。


2 气候变化对水安全的影响

2.1 气候变化对水资源安全的影响

目前面临的水资源安全问题主要包括水资源短缺和水污染。有研究表明,气候变化会加重这种全球性和地域性的水资源危机,并建立了多个模型预测气候变化对水资源的影响,结果表明:如果全球气温再升高2℃(即比工业革命前高2.7℃),全球处于极度缺水环境(<500 m3·人-1·年-1)的人口将会增加15%。




2.2 气候变化对水环境安全的影响



2.3 气候变化对水生态安全的影响



2.4 气候变化对水工程安全的影响


2.5 气候变化对供水安全的影响


3 气候变化下的中国水安全对策

据IPCC 2007年气候变化评估报告可知,人类活动对近50年的气候变化负主要责任,而且根据预测,人类活动对气候变化的影响还在不断增强。因此,为应对气候变化背景下的水安全问题,主要可从以下两方面入手:一是阻止或延缓气候变化;二是提高人类自身应对水安全问题的能力。主要措施为:





4 结论









来源出版物:环境科学, 1995, 16(5): 79-82






来源出版物:长江流域资源与环境, 2001, 10(1): 51-59






来源出版物:给水排水, 1999, 21(1): 28-32






来源出版物:环境污染治理技术与设备, 2000, 1(5): 12-20






来源出版物:城市环境与城市生态, 2000, 13(1): 51-54




摘要:用减压膜蒸馏(VMD)技术进行的处理废水中丙烯腈的实验室研究和中间试验,均取得了良好的结果。丙烯腈的去除率在98%以上,出水浓度低于5 mg/L,达到了排放控制的要求。理论分析和实验数据都说明,液相温度和流量对VMD的传质和丙烯腈的脱除效果有很大的影响。而中间试验的结果又表明,真空度、气液比、流程走向和纤维装填密度等工艺和设备参数在一定条件下对丙烯腈的脱除效果也有较大的影响。所有试验结果显示,作为一种新颖的水处理技术,VMD将在挥发性有机污染物的处理方面发挥重要的作用。


来源出版物:膜科学与技术, 2000, 20(2): 55-60






来源出版物:工业水处理, 2006, 26(4): 1-4






来源出版物:环境科学进展, 1997, 5(6): 72-76





来源出版物:给水排水, 2002, 28(3): 21-24






来源出版物:水处理技术, 2002, 28(5): 256-259


Arsenic removal from water/wastewater using adsorbents-A critical review

Mohan, Dinesh; Pittman, Charles U

Abstract:Arsenic’s history in science, medicine and technology has been overshadowed by its notoriety as a poison in homicides. Arsenic is viewed as being synonymous with toxicity. Dangerous arsenic concentrations in natural waters is now a worldwide problem and often referred to as a 20th-21st century calamity. High arsenic concentrations have been reported recently from the USA, China, Chile, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Canada, Hungary, Japan and India. Among 21 countries in different parts of the world affected by groundwater arsenic contamination, the largest population at risk is in Bangladesh followed by West Bengal in India. Existing overviews of arsenic removal include technologies that have traditionally been used (oxidation, precipitation/coagulation/membrane separation) with far less attention paid to adsorption. No previous review is available where readers can get an overview of the sorption capacities of both available and developed sorbents used for arsenic remediation together with the traditional remediation methods. We have incorporated most of the valuable available literature on arsenic rernediation by adsorption (similar to 600 references). Existing purification methods for drinking water; wastewater; industrial effluents, and technological solutions for arsenic have been listed. Arsenic sorption by commercially available carbons and other low-cost adsorbents are surveyed and critically reviewed and their sorption efficiencies are compared. Arsenic adsorption behavior in presence of other impurities has been discussed. Some commercially available adsorbents are also surveyed. An extensive table summarizes the sorption capacities of various adsorbents. Some low-cost adsorbents are superior including treated slags, carbons developed from agricultural waste (char carbons and coconut husk carbons), biosorbents (immobilized biomass, orange juice residue), goethite and some commercial adsorbents, which include resins, gels, silica, treated silica tested for arsenic removal come out to be superior. Immobilized biomass adsorbents offered outstanding performances. Desorption of arsenic followed by regeneration of sorbents has been discussed. Strong acids and bases seem to be the best desorbing agents to produce arsenic concentrates. Arsenic concentrate treatment and disposal obtained is briefly addressed. This issue is very important but much less discussed.

Keywords:adsorption; arsenic; adsorbents; solid waste utilization; activated carbons; low-cost adsorbents; arsenic remediation; arsenic removal; arsenic adsorption

来源出版物:Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 142(1-2): 1-53


Recent developments in photocatalytic water treatment technology: A review

Chong, Mengnan; Jin, Bo; Chow, Christopher WK

Abstract:In recent years, semiconductor photocatalytic process has shown a great potential as a low-cost, environmental friendly and sustainable treatment technology to align with the “zero” waste scheme in the water/wastewater industry. The ability of this advanced oxidation technology has been widely demonstrated to remove persistent organic compounds and microorganisms in water. At present, the main technical barriers that impede its commercialisation remained on the post-recovery of the catalyst particles after water treatment. This paper reviews the recent R&D progresses of engineered-photocatalysts, photoreactor systems, and the process optimizations and modellings of the photooxidation processes for water treatment. A number of potential and commercial photocatalytic reactor configurations are discussed, in particular the photocatalytic membrane reactors. The effects of key photoreactor operation parameters and water quality on the photo-process performances in terms of the mineralization and disinfection are assessed. For the first time, we describe how to utilize a multi-variables optimization approach to determine the optimum operation parameters so as to enhance process performance and photooxidation efficiency. Both photomineralization and photo-disinfection kinetics and their modellings associated with the photocatalytic water treatment process are detailed. A brief discussion on the life cycle assessment for retrofitting the photocatalytic technology as an alternative waste treatment process is presented. This paper will deliver a scientific and technical overview and useful information to scientists and engineers who work in this field.

Keywords:TiO2; photocatalysis; water treatment; photocatalytic reactors; kinetic modelling; water qualities; life cycle analysis; mineralization; disinfection

来源出版物:Water Research, 2010, 44(10): 2997-3027


Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewaters: A review

Fu, Fenglian; Wang, Qi

Abstract:Heavy metal pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems today. The treatment of heavy metals is of special concern due to their recalcitrance and persistence in the environment. In recent years, various methods for heavy metal removal from wastewater have been extensively studied. This paper reviews the current methods that have been used to treat heavy metal wastewater and evaluates these techniques. These technologies include chemical precipitation, ion-exchange, adsorption, membrane filtration, coagulation-flocculation, flotation and electrochemical methods. About 185 published studies (1988-2010) are reviewed in this paper. It is evident from the literature survey articles that ion-exchange, adsorption and membrane filtration are the most frequently studied for the treatment of heavy metal wastewater.

Keywords:heavy metal wastewater; treatment technology; review

来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(3): 407-418


Recent advances in membrane bioreactors (MBRs): Membrane fouling and membrane materialMeng, Fangang; Chae, So-Ryong; Drews, Anja; et al.

Abstract:Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have been actively employed for municipal and industrial wastewater treatments. So far, membrane fouling and the high cost of membranes are main obstacles for wider application of MBRs. Over the past few years, considerable investigations have been performed to understand MBR fouling in detail and to develop high-flux or low-cost membranes. This review attempted to address the recent and current developments in MBRs on the basis of reported literature in order to provide more detailed information about MBRs. In this paper, the fouling behaviour, fouling factors and fouling control strategies were discussed. Recent developments in membrane materials including low-cost filters, membrane modification and dynamic membranes were also reviewed. Lastly, the future trends in membrane fouling research and membrane material development in the coming years were addressed.

Keywords:membrane bioreactor (MBR); membrane fouling; extracellular polymeric substances (EPS); soluble microbial products (SMP); membrane modification

来源出版物:Water Research, 2009, 43(6): 1489-1512


Reverse osmosis desalination: Water sources, technology, and today’s challenges

Greenlee, Lauren F; Lawler, Desmond F; Freeman, Benny D; et al.

Abstract:Reverse osmosis membrane technology has developed over the past 40 years to a 44% share in world desalting production capacity, and an 80% share in the total number of desalination plants installed worldwide. The use of membrane desalination has increased as materials have improved and costs have decreased. Today, reverse osmosis membranes are the leading technology for new desalination installations, and they are applied to a variety of salt water resources using tailored pretreatment and membrane system design. Two distinct branches of reverse osmosis desalination have emerged: seawater reverse osmosis and brackish water reverse osmosis. Differences between the two water sources, including foulants, salinity, waste brine (concentrate) disposal options, and plant location, have created significant differences in process development, implementation, and key technical problems. Pretreatment options are similar for both types of reverse osmosis and depend on the specific components of the water source. Both brackish water and seawater reverse osmosis (RO) will continue to be used worldwide; new technology in energy recovery and renewable energy, as well as innovative plant design, will allow greater use of desalination for inland and rural communities, while providing more affordable water for large coastal cities. A wide variety of research and general information on RO desalination is available; however, a direct comparison of seawater and brackish water RO systems is necessary to highlight similarities and differences in process development. This article brings to light key parameters of an RO process and process modifications due to feed water characteristics.

Keywords:desalination; reverse osmosis; brackish water; seawater; drinking water; membranes

来源出版物:Water Research, 2009, 43(9): 2317-2348


Physico-chemical treatment techniques for wastewater laden with heavy metals

Kurniawan, TA; Chan, GYS; Lo, WH

Abstract:This article reviews the technical applicability of various physico-chemical treatments for the removal of heavy metals such asCd(II). Cr(III), Cr(VI), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) from contaminated wastewater. A particular focus is given to chemical precipitation, coagulation-flocculation, flotation, ion exchange and membrane filtration. Their advantages and limitations in application are evaluated. Their operating conditions such as pH, dose required, initial metal concentration and treatment performance are presented. About 124 published studies (1980-2006) are reviewed. It is evident from the survey that ion exchange and membrane filtration are the most frequently studied and widely applied for the treatment of metal-containinated wastewater. Ion exchange has achieved a complete removal of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) with an initial concentration of 100 mg/L, respectively. The results are comparable to that of reverse osmosis (99% of Cd(II) rejection with an initial concentration of 200 mg/L). Lime precipitation has been found as one of the most effective means to treat inorganic effluent with a metal concentration of higher than 1000 mg/L. It is important to note that the overall treatment cost of metal-contaminated water varies, depending on the process employed and the local conditions. In general, the technical applicability, plant simplicity and cost-effectiveness are the key factors in selecting the most suitable treatment for inorganic effluent.

Keywords:electroplating industry; heavy metal uptake; inorganic effluent; metal-contaminated water; water pollution control

来源出版物:Chemical Engineering Journal, 2006, 118(1-2): 83-98


Removal of selected pharmaceuticals, fragrances and endocrine disrupting compounds in a membrane bioreactor and conventional wastewater treatment plants

Clara, M; Strenn, B; Gans, O; et al.

Abstract:Eight pharmaceuticals, two polycyclic musk fragrances and nine endocrine disrupting chemicals were analysed in several waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). A membrane bioreactor in pilot scale was operated at different solid retention times (SRTs) and the results obtained are compared to conventional activated sludge plants (CASP) operated at different SRTs. The SRT is an important design parameter and its impact on achievable treatment efficiencies was evaluated. Different behaviours were observed for the different investigated compounds. Some compounds as the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine were not removed in any of the sampled treatment facilities and effluent concentrations in the range of influent concentrations were measured. Other compounds as bisphenol-A. the analgesic ibuprofen or the lipid regulator bezafibrate were nearly completely removed (removal rates>90%). The operation of WWTPs with SRTs suitable for nitrogen removal (SRT > 10 days at 10 degrees C) also increases the removal potential regarding selected micropollutants. No differences in treatment efficiencies were detected between the two treatment techniques. As in conventional WWTP also the removal potential of MBRs depends on the SRT. Ultrafiltration membranes do not allow any additional detention of the investigated substances due to size exclusion. However, MBRs achieve a high SRT within a compact reactor. Nonylphenolpolyehtoxylates were removed in higher extend in very low-loaded conventional WWTPs, due to variations of redox conditions, necessary for the degradation of those compounds.

Keywords:wastewater treatment; endocrine disrupting chemicals; pharmaceuticals; musk fragrances; membrane bioreactor; removal efficiency

来源出版物:Water Research, 2005, 39(19): 4797-4807


Removal of pharmaceuticals and fragrances in biological wastewater treatment

Joss, A; Keller, E; Alder, AC; et al.

Abstract:The removal of seven pharmaceuticals and two fragrances in the biological units of various full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants was studied. The observed removal of pharmaceuticals was mainly due to biological transformation and varied from insignificant (< 10%, carbamazepine) to > 90% (ibuprofen). However, no quantitative relationship between structure and activity can be set up for the biological transformation. Overall, it can be concluded that for compounds showing a sorption coefficient (K-d) of below 300 L kg-1, sorption onto secondary sludge is not relevant and their transformation can consequently be assessed simply by comparing influent and effluent concentrations. The two fragrances (HHCB, AHTN) studied were mainly removed by sorption onto sludge. For the compounds studied, comparable transformation and sorption was seen for different reactor types (conventional activated sludge, membrane bioreactor and fixed bed reactor) as well as for sludge ages between 10 and 60-80 days and temperatures between 12 degrees C and 21 degrees C. However, some significant variations in the observed removal currently lack an explanation. The observed incoming daily load of iopromide and roxithromycin in medium-sized municipal wastewater treatment plants (up to 80000 population equivalents) is generated by only a small number of patients: the consequences for representative 24 h composite sampling are discussed. Generally, the paper presents a method for setting up mass balances for micropollutants over entire wastewater treatment plants, including an estimation of the accuracy of the quantified fate (i.e. removal by sorption and biological transformation).

Keywords:degradation; sorption; municipal wastewater; membrane bioreactor; pharmaceuticals; musk fragrances

来源出版物:Water Research, 2005, 39(14): 3139-3152


Membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment

Chang, IS; Le Clech, P; Jefferson, B; et al.

Abstract:Membrane bioreactors (MBRs), in which membranes are applied to biological wastewater treatment for biomass separation, provide many advantages over conventional treatment. However, membrane fouling in MBRs restricts their widespread application because it reduces productivity and increases maintenance and operating costs. Recently much research and development has taken place to investigate, model, and control membrane fouling processes. However, unified and well-structured theories on membrane fouling are not currently available because of the complexity of the biomass matrix, which is highly heterogeneous and includes living microorganisms. Membrane fouling in MBR systems can be reversible (i.e., removable by physical washing) or irreversible (removable by chemical cleaning only), and can take place on the membrane surface or into the membrane pores. Although establishing a general model to describe membrane fouling in such a process is made extremely difficult by the inherent heterogeneity of the system, the nature and extent of fouling in MBRs is strongly influenced by three factors: biomass characteristics, operating conditions, and membrane characteristics. Fouling control techniques which have been investigated include low-flux operation, high-shear slug flow aeration in submerged configuration, periodical air or permeate back flushing, intermittent suction operation or addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC). Of these, only PAC addition is currently not used in existing large-scale installations.

Keywords:membrane; wastewater treatment; sewage; biomass; biological treatment

来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Engineering ASCE, 2002, 128(11): 1018-1029


Membrane separation bioreactors for wastewater treatment

Visvanathan, C; Ben Aim, R; Parameshwaran, K

Abstract:With continuing depletion of fresh water resources, focus has shifted more toward water recovery, reuse, and recycling, which require an extension of conventional wastewater treatment technologies. Downstream external factors like stricter compliance requirements for wastewater discharge, rising treatment costs, and spatial constraints necessitate renewed investigation of alternative technologies. Coupled with biological treatment processes, membrane technology has gained considerable attention due to its wide range of applicability and the performance characteristics of membrane systems that have been established by various investigations and innovations during the last decade. This article summarizes research efforts and presents a review of the how and why of their development and applications. The focus is on appraising and comparing technologies on the basis of their relative merits and demerits. Additional facts and figures, especially regarding process parameters and effluent quality, an used to evaluate primary findings on these technologies. Key factors such as loadings rates, retention time, cross-flow velocities, membrane types, membrane fouling, and backwashing, etc. are some of the aspects covered. Membrane applications in various aerobic and anaerobic schemes are discussed at length. However, the emphasis is on the use of membranes as a solid/liquid separator, a key in achieving desired effluent quality. Further, technology development directions and possibilities are also explored. The review concludes with an economic assessment of the technologies because one of the key technology selection criteria is financial viability.

Keywords:membrane bioreactor; membrane technology; solid/liquid separation; membrane air diffusers; membrane fouling; backwashing; micro-porous membranes

来源出版物:Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2000, 30(1): 1-48






来源出版物:科技导报, 2015, 33(14): 32-35联系邮箱:李明,





来源出版物:水处理技术,2015, 41(2): 1-5联系邮箱:李晨,





来源出版物:环境工程学报,2015, 9(7): 3069-3076联系邮箱:王东升,





来源出版物:化工进展, 2015, 34(8): 3133-3141联系邮箱:全学军,





来源出版物:工业水处理, 2015, 35(2): 19-22





来源出版物:水处理技术,2014, 40(12): 11-18联系邮箱:费锡智,





来源出版物:给水排水, 2013, 39(3): 13-16





来源出版物:给水排水, 2013, 39(S1): 400-404



摘要:超滤技术是一种膜分离技术,在给水处理领域的应用己趋于成熟。随着环境污染问题日益严重化以及CB 5749—2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》对饮用水水质各项指标要求的严格化,传统水处理技术己经无法满足人们的需求,发展与推广以超滤技术为代表的新型水处理技术非常必要。通过对超滤技术概况及其工程应用实例的介绍,分析了超滤技术的发展瓶颈以及市场技术前景。


来源出版物:环境工程, 2013, 31(增刊): 163-195

Polymer-matrix nanocomposite membranes for water treatment

Yin, Jun; Deng, Baolin

Abstract:One of the grand challenges to sustain the modern society is to secure adequate water resources of desirable quality for various designated uses. To address this challenge, membrane water treatment is expected to play an increasingly important role in areas such as drinking water treatment, brackish and seawater desalination, and wastewater treatment and reuse. Existing membranes for water treatment, typically polymeric in nature, are still restricted by several challenges including the trade-off relationship between permeability and selectivity (also called Robeson upper boundary in membrane gas separation), and low resistance to fouling. Nanocomposite membranes, anew class of membranes fabricated by combining polymeric materials with nanomaterials, are emerging as a promising solution to these challenges. The advanced nanocomposite membranes could be designed to meet specific water treatment applications by tuning theft structure and physicochemical properties (e.g. hydrophilicity, porosity, charge density, and thermal and mechanical stability) and introducing unique functionalities (e.g. antibacterial, photocatalytic or adsorptive capabilities). This review is to summarize the recent scientific and technological advances in the development of nanocomposite membranes for water treatment. The nanocomposite membranes were classified into (1) conventional nanocomposite, (2) thin-film nanocomposite (TEN), (3) thin-film composite (TFC) with nanocomposite substrate, and (4) surface located nanocomposite, based on the membrane structure and location of nanomaterial. Challenges and future research directions in developing high performance nanocomposite membranes were also discussed.

Keywords:nanocomposite; polymeric membrane; mixed-matrix; water treatment; antifouling

来源出版物:Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 479: 256-275

Modification of membrane surfaces via microswelling for fouling control in drinking water treatment

Du, Jennifer Runhong; Peldszus, Sigrid; Huck, Peter M; et al.

Abstract:To increase membrane fouling resistance a new membrane post-treatment process, i.e solvent induced microswelling, was used to increase membrane surface hydrophilicity and smoothness. Driven by interfacial free energy minimization, the surface of microporous membranes will reassemble when exposed to a dilute aqueous solution of a suitable solvent. To prove this concept, three commercial membranes for water treatment were used: a polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane and poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes. The membrane physiochemical properties were characterized by pure water permeation, contact angle, X-ray-photoelectron spectroscopy and roughness measurements. After the membranes were post-treated with dilute aqueous solutions of a suitable solvent, membrane surface hydrophilicity and smoothness were effectively increased while the permeance of pure water was maintained. After 18 h of permeation using surface water, the modified poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membrane exhibited a 50% higher flux and the same permeate water quality compared to the unmodified membrane. The microswelling conditions (including processing time and temperature, type and amount of solvents) affected the extent of the surface reassembly and thus the surface properties and anti-fouling behavior. These results show that microswelling treatment induced by dilute solvent solutions is a promising method for altering membrane surface properties for fouling control in drinking water treatment.

Keywords:surface modification; fouling control; microswelling; hydrophilicity; roughness

来源出版物:Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 475: 488-495

Formation of micro-channels in ceramic membranes-spatial structure, simulation, and potential use in water treatment

Lee, Melanie; Wang, Bo; Wu, Zhentao; et al.

Abstract:In this study, alumina membranes with distinct types of micro-channels have been developed via a fingering induced phase inversion and sintering technique. The designed membrane morphologies were achieved by using five different solvents DMSO, NMP, DMAc, EWE and TEP, which led to unique changes in the macroand microstructures of the membranes. The micro-channel shapes vary from long, straight, cylindrical and densely packed (DMSO) to pear-shaped conical structures (NMP and DMAc). When DMF and TEP were used, symmetric membranes with sponge-like structure were formed. These micro-channels display a regular and periodic distribution and also have a hierarchical spatial structure with a distribution in number, length and width along the depth of the membranes. Dead end water permeation tests reveal that the micro-channels can greatly reduce the resistance to water permeation. Furthermore, the microstructures also vary with a change in solvent, and different membrane pore sizes were observed. The initialisation of the micro-channels was interpreted using the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, driven by acceleration on the interface and facilitated by a difference in density between the suspension and the coagulant. The spacing between the microchannels and their hierarchical structure was quantitatively mimicked using R-T Instability theory and the simulation results matched the experimental results reasonably well.

Keywords:asymmetric structure; alumina membranes; micro-channels; Rayleigh-Taylor instability; water treatment

来源出版物:Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 483: 1-14

Fouling-tolerant nanofibrous polymer membranes for water treatment

Lee, Jang-Woo; Jung, Jiyoung; Cho, Young Hoon; et al.

Abstract:Nafion/polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanofibrous membranes with electrostatically negative charges on the fiber surface were fabricated via electrospinning with superior water permeability and antifouling behaviors in comparison with the conventional microfiltration membranes. The fiber diameter and the resultant pore size in the nanofibrous membranes were easily controlled through tailoring the properties of the electrospinning solutions. The electrospun Nafion/PVDF nanofibrous membranes revealed high porosities (>80%) and high densities of sulfonate groups on the membrane surface, leading to praiseworthy water permeability. Unexpectedly, thewater permeability was observed as proportional to the fiber diameter and pore size in the membrane. The presence of sulfonate groups on the membrane improved the antifouling performance against negatively charged oily foulants.

Keywords:electrospinning; nanofibrous membrane; charged membrane; antifouling Nafion; polyvinylidene fluoride; water treatment

来源出版物:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(16): 14600-14607

Fabrication of porous matrix membrane (PMM) using metal-organic framework as green template for water treatment

Lee, Jianyuan; Tang, Chuyang Y; Huo, Fengwei; et al.

Abstract:Pressure-driven membranes with high porosity can potentially be fabricated by removing template, such as low water stability metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) or other nanoparticles, in polymeric matrix. We report on the use of benign MOFs as green template to enhance porosity and interconnectivity of the water treatment membranes. Significantly enhanced separation performance was observed which might be attributed to the mass transfer coefficient of the substrate layer increased in ultrafiltration (UF) application.

来源出版物:Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 3740

Recent progresses on fabrication of photocatalytic membranes for water treatment

Zhang, Xiwang; Wang, David K; da Costa, Joao C. Diniz

Abstract:Compared to conventional separation membranes, photocatalytic membranes possess a number of unique properties, such as anti-fouling, anti-microbial, superhydrophilicity, concurrent photocatalytic oxidation and separation, all of which make them an attractive technology in water treatment. Moreover, the problem of photocatalyst separation which is the main obstacle of photocatalysis processes can be resolved by the photocatalytic membranes thereby advancing their practical application. This article presents an overview of this new type of membrane, with a focus on recent progresses achieved on their fabrication methods. Based on membrane materials, they are broadly categorized into pure inorganic and inorganic-polymer hybrid membranes. The fabrication methods are separately reviewed and discussed for these two membrane categories. In addition, future perspectives on membrane development and feasibility are given. The paper would provide new insights into the development of photocatalytic membranes and their potential in water treatment.

Keywords:photocatalysis; membrane; photocatalytic degradation; TiO2

来源出版物:Catalysis Today, 2014, 230:47-54

Preparation and characterization of electro-spun nanofiber membranes and their possible applications in water treatment

Feng, C; Khulbe, K. C; Matsuura, T; et al.

Abstract:Nano-scale materials can be designed to exhibit novel and significantly improved physical and chemical properties. Polymer nanofibers, an important class of nano-materials, have attracted increasing attention in the last 10 years because of their high surface-to-mass (or volume) ratio and special characteristics attractive for advanced applications. In particular, electro-spun nanofiber membranes (ENMs) have high porosity, interconnected open pore structure and tailorable membrane thickness. Moreover, their high surface hydrophobicity makes them suitable for membrane distillation (MD). In this paper, recent progresses are reviewed on the preparation of different types of nanofibers with different secondary nanostructures, including hollow nanofibers. Applications of hollow nanofibers for membrane separation processes are then discussed based on an imaginary design of hollow nanofiber module. Application of ENMs in MD is, on the other hand, not a product of imagination but experiments have already been conducted in various laboratories, as reviewed in this paper. In particular, the experimental results obtained in our laboratory for desalination of saline water and gases stripping of VOCs are highlighted. By using an electrospun PVDF nanofiber membrane, saline water with NaCl content of 6% was successfully desalinated for more than 20 days with no indication of membrane wetting. The PVDF ENM could also be successfully used in gas-stripping of chloroform, representing VOCs, with mass transfer coefficients higher than hollow fiber membranes. It is expected that MD by ENMs can be applied for many other purposes such as waste water treatment, food processing, and treatment of pharmaceutical products.

Keywords:nanofiber membrane; electro-spinning; membrane application

来源出版物:Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 102: 118-135

Polymer nanocomposites with graphene-based hierarchical fillers as materials for multifunctional water treatment membranes

Crock, Christopher A; Rogensues, Adam R; Shan, Wenqian; et al.

Abstract:Phase inversion of polymer casting mixtures filled with hierarchical functional nanostructures is proposed as a synthetic route for the design of multifunctional membranes. The study tested the hypothesis that by regulating the relative content of components representingdifferent levels in the nanofiller hierarchy, the structure and additional functions of such membranes could be controlled separately. Exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets (xGnPs) decorated by Au nanoparticles (Au NPs), used as a model hierarchical nanofiller, were added to the casting mixture of polysulfone, N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone and polyethylene glycol prior to forming the membrane by phase inversion. The resulting porous asymmetric nanocomposites were shown to be permselective and catalytically active ultrafiltration membranes that were more resistant to compaction, more permeable than xGnP-free membranes and at least as selective. By designing membrane compositions with different relative amounts of Au-decorated xGnPs and Au-free xGnPs, the structure (controlled by the loading of xGnPs) and catalytic activity (controlled by the loading of Au NPs) could be controlled largely independently.

Keywords:graphene; polymer nanocomposites; mixed matrix membranes; multifunctional membranes; membrane catalysis; membrane reactors

来源出版物:Water Research, 2013, 47(12): 3984-3996

Granular iron oxide adsorbents to control natural organic matter and membrane fouling in ultrafiltration water treatment

Cui, Xiaojun; Choo, Kwang-Ho

Abstract:Fine iron oxide particles (IOPs) are effective in removing natural organic matter (NOM) that causes membrane fouling in water treatment, but the separation of used IOPs is problematic. This study focused on the fabrication and use of granular iron oxide adsorbents, in combination with ultrafiltration (UF) membranes while investigating the NOM removal efficiency and fouling control. Sulfonated styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer beads were coated with two types of iron oxides (ferrihydrite and magnetite) and their performances were compared to that of fine IOPs. A significant amount of iron oxide coating (52-63 mg of Fe per g bead) was achieved by means of electrostatic binding and hydrolysis of iron ions. Iron oxide coated polymer (IOCP) beads were able to remove some amounts (similar to 20%) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) comparable to that achieved by IOPs within a. short period of time (<15 min). Regenerated IOCPs exhibited the same sorption capacity as the fresh ones. The integrated IOCP/UF system operation with a 15-min empty bed contact time and 10-h cyclic regeneration maintained the 20% DOC removal with no sigh of significant membrane fouling. In contrast, a sharp transmembrane pressure buildup occurred in the UP system when no iron oxide pretreatment was applied, regardless of the types of membranes tested. Iron oxide adsorbed the NOM fraction with molecular weights of >1000 kDa which is believed to be responsible for severe UF fouling.

Keywords:natural organic matter; ultrafiltration; membrane fouling; iron oxide; polymer bead

来源出版物:Water Research, 2013, 47(13): 4227-4237

PAC membrane bioreactor as an alternative to biological activated carbon filters for drinking water treatment

Leveille, Simon; Carriere, Annie; Charest, Sebastien; et al.

Abstract:A high concentration powdered activated carbon (PAC) membrane bioreactor (MBR) was fed by clarified-ozonated surface water. As a control, a MBR without PAC was run in parallel. Water quality was also compared with a full-scale biological activated carbon (BAC) filter. Biological PAC inside the MBR caused a higher fouling rate as compared to the MBR without PAC, although it was still possible to maintain operation for about 3 months at 25 L m-2h-1before a chemical cleaning was needed. The fouling rate inside the MBR with PAC increased as the PAC age increased from 0 to 60 d. Full nitrification was achieved in the PAC-MBR down to 7 degrees C. Preozonation had no significant impact on dissolved organic carbon removal. Although the PAC-MBR globally provided superior removal of natural organic matter, haloacetic acid precursors and UV absorption at 254 nm (UVA254), its removal of trihalomethane (THM) precursors was inferior compared to the BAC filter. This effect was shown to be caused by the accumulation of suspended solids inside the bioreactor.

Keywords:activated carbon; biological treatment; drinking water; hybrid membrane process; THM; ultrafiltration

来源出版物:Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-AQUA, 2013, 62(1): 23-34


The role of chemical and physical interactions in natural organic matter (NOM) fouling of nanofiltration membranes is systematically investigated, Results of fouling experiments with three humic acids demonstrate that membrane fouling increases with increasing electrolyte (NaCl) concentration, decreasing solution pH, and addition of divalent cations (Ca2+). At fixed solution ionic strength, the presence of calcium ions, at concentrations typical of those found in natural waters, has a marked effect on membrane fouling. Divalent cations interact specifically with humic carboxyl functional groups and, thus, substantially reduce humic charge and the electrostatic repulsion between humic macromolecules. Reduced NOM interchain repulsion results in increased NOM deposition on the membrane surface and formation of a densely packed fouling layer. In addition to the aforementioned chemical effects, results show that NOM fouling rate increases substantially with increasing initial permeation rate. It is demonstrated that the rate of fouling is controlled by an interplay between permeation drag and electrostatic double layer repulsion; that is, NOM fouling of NF membranes involves interrelationship (coupling) between physical and chemical interactions. The addition of a strong chelating agent (EDTA) to feed water reduces NOM fouling significantly by removing free and NOM-complexed calcium ions. EDTA treatment of NOM-fouled membranes also improves the cleaning efficiency dramatically by disrupting the fouling layer structure through a ligand exchange reaction between EDTA and NOM-calcium complexes.

natural organic matter; water treatment; nanofiltration membranes; humic substances; divalent cations; fouling control

文章题目第一作者来源出版物1 Chemical and physical aspects of natural organic matter (NOM) fouling of nanofiltration membranes Hong, SK Journal of Membrane Science 1997, 132 (2): 159-181 2 Fouling characterisation in membrane bioreactors Bouhabila, E Separation and Purification Technology, 2001, 22-23 (1-3): 123-132 3 Influence of the characteristics of natural organic matter on the fouling of microfiltration membranes Fan, LH Water Research, 2001, 35 (18): 4455-4463 4 Fouling of microfiltration and ultrafiltration Environmental Science & Technology, 2002, 36 membranes by natural waters Howe, KJ (16): 3571-3576 5 Membrane fouling in pilot-scale membrane Environmental Science & Technology, 2005, 39 Bioreactors (MBRs) treating municipal wastewater Kimura, K (16): 6293-6299

Chemical and physical aspects of natural organic matter (NOM) fouling of nanofiltration membranes

Hong, SK; Elimelech, M


