

土木与环境工程学报 2015年6期


(南京林业大学 土木工程学院,南京 210037)




Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51378263);National Promotion Program of Forestry Science and Technology Achievements(No.[2015]21).

竹材是一种可再生、可降解的天然生物质复合材料,一般3~5年就可以成材,具有硬阔叶树材的诸多优良特性,其比强度和比刚度高于钢材,是一种理想的绿色高强建筑材料。竹结构建筑的环境负荷远小于钢材、混凝土等传统建筑。但原竹材壁薄中空,几何变异性大、含糖高易虫蛀、质地不均匀、耐久性较差,不能满足现代工程结构对构件的力学性能和几何构形要求。原竹剖割成约长2 m、宽15 mm、厚3 mm的竹蔑,经80 ℃恒温烘干至含水率低于11%,再将竹篾碾压成竹丝束,同方向平行组坯并浸渍酚醛树脂胶,通过高温热压胶合,制成重组竹[1-3]。由于在工业化制造的过程中,竹材经过筛选,剔除了原竹的缺陷,且含水率低,故重组竹力学性能均匀、变异性小、强度高、耐久性好,很少出现收缩、翘曲、开裂等现象。重组竹可以加工成不同截面的型材,适用于房屋的梁、柱及跨度较大的构件[4-6]。因此,重组竹可以满足现代建筑结构对材料的力学、环保与耐久性等方面的性能要求。研究表明,重组竹结构在节能环保、工业化生产、装配式施工等方面有着传统材料不可替代的优势,以重组竹作为结构材料建造多层甚至高层建筑是极具潜势的发展方向。





图1 重组竹3个材料主方向Fig.1 Main direction of PSB


试验竹材取自浙江安吉5年生毛竹(phyllostachys),按照重组竹标准制作工艺制成试验材料,试件的密度和含水率分别为11.0 kN/m3和 8.0%。每个试验类型的试件为30个,试件构形见表1。单轴试验参照ASTM D143-09[17]、剪切试验参照ASTM D7078标准[18]进行。采用TDS-530多通道数据采集箱同时采集荷载、变形和应变,采集频率为1 Hz。各类型试验过程与现象详见表2。

表1 试件的尺寸、形状和相关参数计算公式


表2 试验过程与现象



3.1 主要力学性能参数




图2 横纹受压正态分布检验图Fig.2 Gaussian distribution test for compressionin


表4 重组竹与结构木材的力学性能比较

3.2 应力-应变关系




式中:系数λi和βi(i=1, 2, 3), 可以由下式确定



图3 应力应变曲线曲线的比较Fig.3 Compare the calculating stress-strain curves to those obtained by




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Author brief:Sheng Baolu(1990-),PhD candidate,main research interest:mechanics performance analysis of bamboo/wood structure,(E-mail)。

Zhou Aiping(corresponding author),associate professor,PhD,(E-mail)。

Stress-strain relationship of parallel strand bamboo under uniaxial or pure shear load

Sheng Baolu, Zhou Aiping, Huang Dongsheng

(College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, P.R. China)

Abstract:Parallel Strand Bamboo (PSB) is a biocomposite composed of long narrow parallel bamboo strands which are adhesively bonded under high pressure. It has more and more attractive structural applications in building and construction engineering. It’s important to well understand the stress-strain relationship to develop the constitutive law and conduct the nonlinear analysis of PSB structures. The PSB was treated as an transversely isotropic composite in the experiment and the uniaxial parameters in each main material axis and the pure shearing parameters in each main material plane were proposed, and the corresponding stress-strain relationships of each stress state were also established. The results show that compared with common used woods in construction engineering, PSB has higher strengths with less variability. Strength of tension parallel to grain is nearly as twice as that of compression parallel to grain. In perpendicular to grain direction, the strength of tension is much lower than the that of compression. Shearing in transverse-to-grain plane presents lowest modulus and strength than those shearing in other two directions. The shearing strength in perpendicular to grain is as about 3 times as that of shearing in parallel to grain direction. The stress-strain relationships and the failure modes of PSB are significantly depended on the way in which the fiber participated. In parallel to grain direction, tensile damage almost entirely contributes to the broken of fibers, which shows the highest strength and brittle behavior among all stress states. In other cases, when the expending of failure cracks are restricted by fibers, the damage presents progressive process and higher strength, and the stress-strain relationships exhibit linearity in the earliear life while turn to nonlinearity in the later life of the specimens. When damages take place in matrix or in fiber-matrix interface without fibers involved in, the material shows lower strength, and the stress-strain curves present linear and brittle behavior.

Key words:Parallel strand bamboo;stress-strain relationship;failure mode;transversely isotropic composite







