

重庆与世界 2015年2期




代表团在三国开展了系列活动:一是在法国以当地议会与重庆市人大常委会的友好交流为桥梁,促进互信和文化交流。在图卢兹市,代表团与图卢兹市参议长Aviv Zonabend先生进行会晤,双方共同回顾了两市建立友城关系30多年的历程,交流了两市近年来的发展变化,提出共同努力通过文化、经济、技术等方面合作,深化友谊、促进发展。二是在比利时以友城为纽带,推介“渝新欧”国际大通道。与安特卫普省副省长卢得维·卡路威先生进行会晤,借助重庆与安特卫普省的友城关系,向其介绍“渝新欧”班列运行情况,希望拓展“渝新欧”铁路延伸线,增加回程班列货源。三是在荷兰以外事活动为平台,促进投资经贸合作。中国驻荷兰大使陈旭和杜黎明一同应邀出席荷兰外交部主办的荷兰驻重庆总领事馆开馆仪式,陈旭大使致辞,杜黎明发表讲话。期间,杜与荷兰外交部官员、鹿特丹市市长等进行会晤,并举办经贸推介活动,增进双方了解,促进双边贸易投资,探讨深化合作的初步构想。






韩语演讲全国总决赛首次在渝举行 决出前三强












Du Liming Visits France,Belgium and the Netherlands

December 14th to 22nd,2014,Deputy Director of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress,Mr.Du Liming visited the three countries at the invitation of Toulouse city government of France,Antwerp provincial government of Belgium,Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.They are supply distribution center and important area of the beginning in Europe of the “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe" International Railway.

Three activities were held by the delegation: First was to promote mutual trust and culture communication through friendly exchanges between local parliamentary in France and Chongqing People's Congress as a bridge.The delegation met with the speaker of the senate of Toulouse,Mr.Aviv Zonabend in Toulouse.The two parties jointly reviewed the 30 years of sister-city relations history,shared development and changes of the two cities in recent years,and proposed to deepening friendship and promoting development through cooperation in cultural,economic and technological areas.

Second was to promote "Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe" international Railway in Belgium as its link of sister city.The delegation met with the Deputy Governor of Antwerp,and introduced the operation of the "Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe" international Railway to him,hoped to expand the railway line to increase supplies of the return train.

Third was to promote investment in economic and trade cooperation foreign through activities as a platform in the Netherlands.Chen Xu,Chinese Ambassador to Netherlands and Mr.Du Liming attended the opening ceremony of Netherlands Consulate General in Chongqing hosted by Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,and both made speeches at the ceremony.During the time they also met with the Netherlands Foreign Ministry officials,the Mayor of Rotterdam,and held economic and trade promotion activities to enhance mutual understanding,promoting bilateral trade and investment,exploring preliminary ideas for deepening cooperation.


More Direct Flights Expected to Open from Chongqing to the U.S

On December 17,2014,the newly appointed Consul General of the U.S Consulate General in Chengdu,Mr.Raymond Greene came to Chongqing and visited Chongqing Stilwell Museum,and met with Mr.Zhu Xiyan,Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Government,the two parts hoped to make efforts to promote launching more direct flights to America.

Mr.Raymond showed great interest in Chongqing Stilwell Museum.He said that his grandfather was a veteran who involved in the World War II and had served under General Nimitz,which made him have a certain understanding of China' s Anti-Japanese War.He planed to discuss with Ford Company about the maintenance and repair the United States military vehicles that were saved during World War II in the museum.

Subsequently Mr.Raymond and his party met with Zhu Xiyan.Zhu said,Chongqing and America have a very good basis for cooperation.Right now Chongqing has only one direct flight to Chicago,the U.S,which is not enough.He hoped the United States Consulate General in Chengdu and Chongqing can work together to promote more direct flights to the United States as soon as possible.In this regard,Mr.Raymond said he will take this as an important work during his tenure of the office,strive to promote American Airlines and more companies opening in Chongqing.He will come to Chongqing once a month in future to promote economic and cultural exchanges between Chongqing and America.

The assistant to director of Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office,Mr.Wang Guangcheng,inspector Mr.Chen Gaoshan participated in related activities.

Korean Speech of National Competition First time Held in Chongqing

On December 9,2014,the Nineth Kumho Asiana Cup Chinese Korean speech contest final was held in Chongqing and determined the National Champion.It is the first Korean speech of national competition held in Chongqing.

25 college students whose major are Korean majors came to Chongqing to attend the finals.After a fierce competition,Zhang Lei who’s from Shandong University won the first place,Vice Chairman of Sino-Korean Friendship Association,first permanent of Chinese Ambassador to Korea,Mr.Zhang Tingyan issued a certificate and 8000 Yuan scholarship.Yi Lewen from Shanghai International Studies University and Zhang Fu from Beijing University won the second and the third place respectively.

Liu Qiang Goes to Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office for Research

On December 30,2014,Vice Mayor of Chongqing Liu Qiang went to Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs office for research,of which he heard the work report about.

Liu pointed out that,in 2015,the Chongqing foreign and overseas Chinese Affairs work needs to carry out a number of influential activities,showing characteristics of the opening Chongqing and the status of its own as a municipality revolve around spirit of the Central Foreign Affairs work,and responding the guidelines of the government.He also said that Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs office needs to cooperate with Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Commission in future to organize and participate more influential international events.

Liu also said that the 2015 Chongqing foreign and overseas Chinese affairs work needs to implement the strategies of "one belt one road" and the Yangtze River economic belt development,building the open Highland of Chongqing,strengthening its international standards and attracting more foreign investment.

Leader of Overseas Chinese Compatriot in Russia Visits Chongqing for Cooperation

On January 8,the Deputy Chairman of the World Federation of Overseas Chinese Association,Deputy Chairman of the overseas Chinese Association of Russian Federation St Petersburg,Mr.Zhang Rongjun visited Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office,the deputy director,Mr.Yang Daqing participated in the meeting.

Yang Daqing briefly introduced the economic development,investment environment and competitive industries of Chongqing,and built consensus with Zhang Rongjun in spreading Chinese culture and conservating overseas Chinese Affairs resources.He said,the construction of national strategy of the "one belt one road" and the Yangtze River economic belt development have brought Chongqing new opportunities of development,which also have provided wider platform for overseas Chinese to invest in Chongqing.He hoped to play the unique role of the overseas Chinese,to promote establishing friendly cooperation relationship between Chongqing and St Petersburg city,promoting deep exchange cooperation in trade,culture,and technology with Russia.


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