

重庆与世界 2015年2期

□ 文/本刊综合报道



















Chongqing Blessed with Competitive Advantages in Applying for FTA

Recently,the debate on FTA zone has been sizzling.Economic Observer put on an article on December 20,2014,discussing that who,among Xi’an,Chongqing,and Wuhan in China’s inland,is eligible to win FTA in the next round.This reporter didn’t intend to argue who is more qualified in this regard,instead,in light of information disclosed hereof,would like to contribute insights into competitive strengths of the three cities.

Economic Observer reported,since the establishment of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone,the second round of list was pinpointed with Guangdong,Tianjin,and Fujian included.It’s worthy noting three of which are all located in the coastal region.

In comparison with the coastal regions,the voice of Xi’an and Chongqing is laud,however this is a fact that they face many challenges and difficulties in applying for FTA.Among them,Xi’an is one of cities applying for,in a high key,the establishment of FTA zone.Against the backdrop of the Silk Road Economic Belt drive,Xi’an,known as the hub in northwestern China,plays the “national strategy”card in its application.

“In order to further exert the role of Xi’an in building the Silk Road Economic Belt,it’s suggested to establish the China (Xi’an) FTA Zone,which will become the first hub along the belt linking Europe with Asia and between east and west”,expressed openly Mayor Dong Jun of Xi’an,during the annual sessions of the NPC and the CPPCC.

Xi’an faces multifarious challenges too.Looking around the existing FTA zones worldwide,they are all backed by harbors featuring relatively cheap costs for shipment.It’s nothing less than an unfavourable factor without a harbour.This is to say,Xi’an has to rely on the railway for cargo transport in int’l trade.Xi’an Int’l Trade & Logistics Park,as a core area of proposed Xi’an FTA Zone,claims a main channel for int’l trade i.e.“Chang’an”int’l cargo train connecting to Europe and Asia.

Nevertheless the path encounters competition too as trains to Europe from various domestic cities overlap basically with the main line of Xi’an westward,which eclipsed,to a certain extent,the role of Xi’an as a starting station and put a dent in its radius effect.Data showed that imports and exports of Xi’an lag far behind that of Chengdu,less than a half in 2013.

Chongqing is the other one vigorously applying for FTA.Chongqing,the one and only in western China under the direct leadership of the State Council,boasts the largest economic aggregate in China’s inland.Regardless either GDP or growth,Chongqing took the lead in China’s inland in 2013.

Presently,Chongqing houses two bonded parks,one is called Lianglu Cuntan Bonded Port,known for dual functions solely in China’s inland and first of this kind for the "Water Port and Airport" mode;the other Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Area,situated in Chongqing Xiyong Micro-Electronics Industrial Park,Shapingba District,Chongqing,claims one of the largest planned area in China,which has by far allured an army of IT giants e.g.HP,Foxconn,Inventec,and Quanta.


As for the application strategy,Chongqing underscored its strategic merit of being “a juncture of two Belts”(the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Economic Belt).On the trade path westward along the Silk Road Economic Belt,Chongqing opened the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe int’l railway;in building the Yangtze River Economic Belt,Chongqing,renowned for the largest port city on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River,possesses the facilities Xi’an is short of.It’s said the principle area in which Chongqing applied for the establishment of FTA zone mainly covers part of Liangjiang New Area and Banan District,the latter one was designed for “Binjiang Free Trade Zone”.

This reporter found out that not only does Chongqing accommodate “two bonded parks”but it owns three “threein-one”platforms i.e.port,airport,and railway as well as three “three-in-one”open platforms featuring “three hubs,three ports,and three bonded areas”.Chongqing is the only one who proclaimed that each hub of waterway,road,and aviation can become a port and pair with its respective bonded area.Three “three-in-one”endow Chongqing’s opening-up with iconic concept and traits.

Economic Observer pointed out,as for Chongqing,the Yangtze River is subject to the passing-through capacity of the Three Gorges Dam and the waterway depth of Jingjiang River.Cargo ships from Chongqing have to be transferred at ports e.g.Yichang and Wuhan on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,making a drastic increase in relatively cheap shipment costs.What’s worse,the waterway depth of Jinjiang River is maximally 4.5 meters,it means,by current technologies,the most economic 10,000-ton cargo ships from Chongqing won’t be able to have access to the seas.

This reporter investigated that how to enable the Yangtze River to smoothly open to navigation so as to make full play of the “Golden Waterway”is a pivotal part of Yangtze River Economic Belt Planning.

According to Economic Observer,another inland city worth mentioning is Wuhan in central China.Hubei Provincial Government kicked off,in August 2014,a meeting “Learning from China (Shanghai) Int’l FTA Zone and Launching the Pilot and Trial Programs”in Wuhan,and officially identified Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Zone (incl.East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone) as the principal body to try a pilot program in seven key fields in an endeavour to become the first of this kind in China’s inland.

In comparison with Xi’an and Chongqing,Wuhan unquestionably enjoys geographic advantages as it,known as a hub of railway network inland,runs the “Wuhan-Xinjiang-Europe”int’l railway to West Asia and East Europe.Meanwhile,Wuhan,the largest port city on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Belt,also cultivated trade relations with the ASEAN through waterway.Given insufficient economic aggregate itself and low reliance on int’l trade,Wuhan has to overcome the most salient weakness.Comparing to Chongqing,Wuhan’s GDP is less than 1 trillion yuan.Regardless either imports and exports or growth,it couldn't make up one third of Chongqing’s in 2013.

This reporter checked out,Chongqing saw a rapid growth of int’l trade in the first three quarters last year,imports and exports totaled 451.442 billion yuan,outperforming that in 2013,a year on year increase of 52.9%,ranking No.1 nationwide.Exports stood at 292.031 billion yuan,up by 45.5%;imports at 159.411 billion yuan,up by 68.6%.The total of imports and exports,imports,and exports of Chongqing separately jostled into national top 10,occupying the first place in western China.

Economic Observer raised,the predicament and reality disappointed the cities inland applying for FTA in the first round.Objectively speaking,geographic strength,transport convenience,and degree of dependence on export-oriented economy are indeed an impediment for them,whether they will be given green light or not relies on national strategy and balance of interest as well as the capabilities of local governments in tackling the real problems.

