The 12th CAEXPO: An Effective Platform for Putting the Maritime Silk Road Construction into Practice


中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2015年10期

written by the China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat / translated by Liu Yongjie

The 12th CAEXPO: An Effective Platform for Putting the Maritime Silk Road Construction into Practice

written by the China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat / translated by Liu Yongjie

“Sincerely wish you growing prosperity in business and a safe journey. See you next year!” At 16: 30 on September 21st, exhibitors and trade visitors from China and the ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and other countries beyond the area exchanged farewells with the working staff of the China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) at Gate 5 of the Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center. Until then, the 4-day 12th CAEXPO concluded successfully.

As the current cooperation platform for the construction of the Maritime Silk Road, the 12th CAEXPO features “Jointly Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Creating a New Blueprint for Maritime Cooperation”as its theme, follows closely the progress of upgrading the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA), highlights international capacity cooperation and promotes the construction of the China-ASEAN Information Harbor and other major projects. Based on the 10+1 cooperation between China and the ASEAN, the 12th CAEXPO opens to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) member countries and countries along the Belt and Road, coordinates with the efforts of the WTO to promote trade facilitation, facilitates the friendly cooperation between China and the ASEAN to score new progress and further puts into practice policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds.


Headsof Statesand Governments Attended the CAEXPO, Upgrading Cooperation to a New Pinnacle

Heads of states and governments attended the CAEXPO, pooling consensus on building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and upgrading friendly cooperation between China and the ASEAN to a new pinnacle. Altogether six heads of states and governments from China and the ASEAN countries attended the CAEXPO, participating in a series of high-level friendly exchanges activities. Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli held three bilateral meetings and talks with the visiting ASEAN heads of states and governments and joined a group photo with entrepreneurs of China and the 10 ASEAN countries. Being the Country of Honor of the 12th CAEXPO, Thailand arranged diverse programs and activities, including the inaugural ceremony for its national pavilion that was presented by Chinese and Thai heads of states and governments, roundtable talks between the visiting leaders of Thailand and the CEOs of Chinese enterprises, etc. The opening ceremony features “A Chime Concerto for Silk Road” as its theme, which symbolizes that China and the ASEAN countries will jointly play the strong cooperation sound and write down the wonderful chapters of the Silk Road by means of the important maritime link.

The visiting heads of states and governments and ministers of all countries concerned highly acclaimed the achievements of friendly cooperation between China and the ASEAN as well as the important role played by the CAEXPO and the China-ASEAN Business & Investment Summit (CABIS) and converged broad consensus on building the Maritime Silk Road. They said that they would coordinate the “Belt andRoad” initiative with the development strategies of their own countries, deepen cooperation through the platforms of CAEXPO and CABIS and jointly press ahead with the building of the Maritime Silk Road, so as to achieve winwin cooperation of higher quality and shape the China-ASEAN Community of Common Destiny. Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli gave high credits on the development of the China-ASEAN friendly relations and expressed China’s willingness to work with the ASEAN to put into practice the 2+7 cooperation framework and promote the bilateral strategic partnership to grow from strength to strength, with an aim to implement the “Belt and Road” initiative and build a more closely entwined China-ASEAN Community of Common Destiny. Heads of states and governments of the ASEAN countries expressed support and willingness to participate in the “Belt and Road” initiative put forward by China.


Follow Closely the Upgrading of the CAFTA and Promote International Capacity Cooperation

Trade in goods is thriving and investment cooperation turns fruitful, promoting the upgrading of the CAFTA. 84 investment promotion programs were held during the fair period. With respect to trade, a number of deals were sealed through a series of country and industry matching conferences. In regard to investment cooperation, the inaugural ceremony for the joint exhibition on the China and Malaysia’s “Two Countries, Twin Parks”, the promotion conferences on the ASEAN countries, the Roundtable Meeting on China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation and Promotion Conference on China-ASEAN Industrial Parks, the business networking with Chinese economic and commercial counselors in the ASEAN countries as well as investment and fund raising seminars, etc. were held. A large number of international cooperation projects were signed at the 12th CAEXPO. Those related to industrial sectors of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, such as cross-border trade and logistics and construction of industrial parks, increased by nearly 50% in contrast to the previous sessions.

The 12th CAEXPO follows closely the upgrading of the CAFTA, spotlights on international capacity cooperation and facilitates the China-ASEAN Information Harbor and other major projects to be grounded, significantly boosting the growth of tangible economic and trade outcomes. Exhibitors and trade visitors remain enthusiastic about the 12th CAEXPO. Exhibitor applicants applied for 5,563 booths in total, 21% more than the planned ones. 2,207 exhibiting enterprises participated and 4,600 booths were arranged actually. Among them, 1,296 booths were used by exhibitors from the 10 ASEAN countries and countries beyond the CAFTA, taking up 38.1% of the booths at the Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center. Six ASEAN countries –Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam – continued to charter exhibition halls for their commodity pavilions. Altogether 65,000 exhibitors and trade visitors as well as 85 buying missions were attracted.

For the first time, the 12th CAEXPO successfully held the International Capacity Cooperation Series Activities, including the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Promoting International Capacity and Equipment Manufacturing Cooperation Forum, the International Economic and Capacity Cooperation Exhibition, the project matching program of international capacity and equipment manufacturing. International Capacity Cooperation Series Activities provided a better communication and exchange platform for China, the ASEAN countries and other countries along the Maritime Silk Road, and played the key role in promoting mutual understanding and trust and pooling consensus on development by arranging diverse activities in a fullfledged manner, attracting high-profiled participants, pooling consensus on cooperation and strengthening mutual trust, providing a new venue for exchanges and cooperation, pragmatically promoting the bilateral cooperation and launching more cooperation mechanisms that will have profound influence.

5 5军1 6 3师4 8 9团7连战士刘万传在拔除“法国楼”工事的战斗中奋不顾身,所在连被授予对越自卫反击战攻坚英雄连,个人获勋章。但他事后在接受采访中有两句话令人印象深刻:“我只想活命”、“赶快结束战争”。

Exhibit Maritime Cooperation Achievements and Extend Cooperation from 10+1 to 10+6

The 12th CAEXPO arranged a series of people-to-people exchange activities as well, including the establishment of sister city relations, Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival, and the China-ASEAN International Touring Assembly, which has deepened the mutual understandings and strengthened the friendship among the countries along the “Belt and Road”.

New progress has been made in cooperation with non-CAFTA economies, and more business opportunities were created. The Republic of Korea, the Special Guest Country for the 12th CEAXPO, set up an independent exhibition zone. A vice minister with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy headed a delegation comprising government officialsand business elites attended the CAEXPO. Korea also held a promotion conference during the fair period. The cooperation area of the CAEXPO extended from 10+1 cooperation between China and the ASEAN to cooperation among RCEP member countries and countries along the“Belt and Road”. New progress has also been seen in the substantial cooperation between the CAEXPO and international organizations. The CAEXPO organized the substantial business activities of international organizations for the first time: Symposium on Trade Facilitation and Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of WTO. The WTO officially becomes a Supporting Organization of the CAEXPO.


Centering on the Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation, the Exhibition of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Achievements was held, displaying the achievements of China-ASEAN cooperation in marine economy, marine science and technology, maritime connectivity, environmental protection and people-to-people exchanges and envisioning the bright future of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The State Oceanic Administration of China signed with Guangxi the “Framework Agreement on Promoting Opening up and Cooperation of Coastal Areas of Guangxi”.

A Series of High-level Forums Enrich the Nanning Channel

New achievements scored through a series of high-level forums and exchange events, expanding cooperation on all fronts and enriching the Nanning Channel. A record high of 27 high-level forums were held during the 12th CAEXPO. Ministerial negotiations and dialogues between government officials, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars and eminent figures from all sectors of the society were held through multi-level and multi-field exchange activities, establishing a number of cooperation mechanisms, launching or carrying out a batch of major projects and promoting the implementation of the building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The China-ASEAN Information Harbor Forum of this year held discussions on the Internet information cooperation and unveiled the plaque for the information harbor base. The State Internet Information Office of China and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Lao PDR signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cyber Space Cooperation and Development. The Xinhua News Agency kicked off the composition and R&D of the China-ASEAN (Nanning) Monetary Indicators and the Pan Beibu Gulf Economic Indicators, playing an active role in building the information harbor into an information hub of the Maritime Silk Road.

Adopt New Measures and Upgrade Services

The supporting services have been further improved, creating a better exhibition and negotiation environment for the participating enterprises of different countries. The 12th CAEXPO has adopted new measures for administrating the exhibition sites and upgraded its hard and software services. The Dual Certificate On-site Exhibition Administration Measures were implemented at the pavilions of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam, to intensify the on-site law enforcement and prevent and control the sales of the products not for the purpose of exhibition. The internet and GPS were used for helping the enterprises trace the delivery of their exhibits for the first time. In addition, special channels for the VIPs to go through security check were opened, and a special area for the security check of bulky suitcases was set aside, providing more conveniences for the participating enterprises. The online passissuing service for vehicles is introduced in trial for the very first time, normalizing the application procedures and realizing the digitalized management of all kinds of passes. In addition, supporting services in catering, exhibition cleaning, hotel reception, charter flights, pick-up services, currency exchanges, language and volunteers were further improved to ensure that the participants enjoy a more comfortable, convenient, efficient and safe business environment.

The CABIS of this year adopted new measures and gave full play to its role of representing and serving the industrial and commercial community. Apart from the existing high-level dialogues and business promotion programs, the CABIS adopted new measures and upgraded activities so as to better serve as an important mechanism of representing the industrial and commercial community and providing services for the cooperation and exchanges among enterprises of China and the ASEAN. A series of activities were held during the summit, including the China-ASEAN Business Leaders Forum, China-ASEAN Commercial Law Services Cooperation Seminar and the Business Luncheon. The CABIS launched the Cross-border E-commerce Platform and the China-ASEAN trade facilitation research, and released the Research Report on China-ASEAN (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam) trade facilitation, providing better services for the business community.

The 12th CAEXPO concluded successfully, and the preparation for the 13th CAEXPO has begun. It is reported that the 13th CAEXPO will be held from Sept. 23th to 26th, 2016, and it will continue to set up the Pavilion of Commodity Trade, the Pavilion of Investment Cooperation, the Pavilion of Trade in Services, the Pavilion of Advanced Technology and the Pavilion of Cities of Charm. Vietnam will be the Country of Honor, and the Special Guest Country mechanism will be followed.


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