

中国全科医学 2015年32期







Li R,Ma QB.Research progress of the influence of digestive system impairment after cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia on digestive system[J].Chinese General Practice,2015,18(32):3906-3909.


治疗性低温指将患者核心体温降至32~34℃,维持12~24 h后复温,是目前唯一被证实能提高心搏骤停患者生存率的方法[5]。其通过降低基础代谢率减少氧耗,减轻系统性炎性反应和超氧化物反应,减少氧自由基的产生和细胞凋亡,改善线粒体功能等,从而达到减轻脏器损伤的目的。低温治疗在神经系统领域应用广泛并且成熟,但目前低温治疗对患者消化系统的受益情况仍存在争议。本文探讨了心搏骤停后消化系统损伤的病理生理机制,总结低温治疗对胃肠道、肝脏及胰腺影响的相关研究,以期为心搏骤停后消化系统损伤的低温治疗提供借鉴。

1 心搏骤停后消化系统损伤的病理生理机制

心搏骤停后消化系统的损伤常累及胃肠道、胰腺、肝脏等重要器官。脏器损伤不仅是由最初长时间全身脏器的缺血引发,再灌注造成的二次损伤同样尤为重要。ROSC后主要表现为心搏骤停后脑损伤、心搏骤停后心肌功能障碍、系统性缺血再灌注反应及持久的病理学状态[4],消化系统损伤的病理生理机制主要为缺血再灌注损伤。患者心搏骤停时,血流和氧输送突然停止,心肺复苏成功后由于心肌抑制,血流动力学不稳定和微血管功能障碍造成血流和组织氧输送不足仍持续存在,导致消化系统的缺血再灌注损伤。有研究显示,ICU心搏骤停后存活患者48 h内胃肠功能紊乱发生率高达60%,其中以腹泻、胃肠营养不耐受常见[6]。心搏骤停4 min可使空肠血流减少持续60 min,肠道内环境乳酸、谷氨酸盐和胆碱水平在缺血再灌注的60~120 min内明显增高。Korth等[7]通过体内微量透析法监测肠缺血发现,心肺复苏后消化道对缺血的敏感程度甚至高于大脑。肠道缺血再灌注会增加肠道屏障的渗透性,从而导致致病菌的移位和内毒素的产生,引起脓毒症和MODS[8-9]。Piton等[10]报道1例心肺复苏后发生急性胰腺炎的患者,但目前尚无大规模的临床研究证实心搏骤停患者复苏后可导致胰腺炎。心搏骤停与肝功能损伤密切相关,心搏骤停后的缺血再灌注损伤可导致肝酶急剧升高[11]。此外,在心肺复苏过程中,会有一定风险发生腹腔脏器损伤,如肝破裂、脾破裂、胃肠道机械性损伤[12]。

2 低温对消化系统的影响








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Research Progress of the Influence of Digestive System Im pairm ent After Cardiac Arrest and Therapeutic Hypotherm ia on Digestive System

LIRan,MAQing-bian.Department of Emergency,Peking University Third Hospital,Beijing 100191,China

At present,the success rate of return of spontaneous circulation(ROSC)in patientswith cardiac arrest has gradually improved,but the final survival rate of patients is still low.Post-cardiac arrest syndrome(PCAS)andmultiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS)are the major causes of death.Therapeutic hypothermia is defined as patient's core body temperature being down to 32 to 34℃,and it has been proven the only way to improve the survival rate of patients with cardiac arrest so far.Hypothermia has been widely used and has become mature in the field of nervous system,but the influence of hypothermia on the digestive system remains controversial.This paper discussed the pathophysiologicalmechanism of the digestive system injury following cardiac arrest,andmade a review of the related research of the influence of hypothermia on gastrointestinal tract,liver and pancreas in order to provide references for hypothermia treatment after cardiac arrest.

Heart arrest;Digestive system;Reperfusion injury;Hypothermia;Review

R 541.78








