Control Efficacy of Botanical Pesticides Against Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür.)and Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa)for Grape


Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年5期

Xun ZHANG,Yingying ZHOU,Yan LI,Xuechi FU,Yuyan LIU,Zhan CHEN,Jian CHEN,Ronghua ZHAO,Qishan LIU,Yi ZHANG,Lingwang GAO,Qi WANG*

1.College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China

2.Shijiazhuang Pomology Institute,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050061,China

3.Horticulture Research Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China

4.Grape Fruit Development Research Center,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Shanshan 838200,China

5.Agriculture Bureau of Shangshui County,Henan Province,Zhoukou 466100,China

6.Institute of Plant Protection,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan 750002,China

Responsible editor:Nana FAN Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU

Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.)and Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa)are essential pests that affect the quality and yield of grapevine.The investigation on the pests in 26 grapevine production areas in China by the National Technology System for Grape Industry in 2012 suggested that Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür.) is mostly in 15 production areas such as Fujian,Anhui,Guizhou and Shandong.In some grape production areas in Shijiazhuang,there might be around 10%plants being slightly affected,above 30% plants being seriously affected[1].Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa) usually appears in Xinjiang,Henan,Shaanxi and Shandong,especially in Turpan in Xinjiang where 16 675 hm2of land would be affected by Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa) every year.2002 witnessed the largest breakout of Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa) in Xinjiang as 12 480 hm2of land being affected and the hazard ratio amounted to 100%,leading to an economic loss of 30.93 million[2].

At present,the control of Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.) and Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa)mainly depend on chemical prevention,while the overuse of chemical pesticides for a long time can easily result in a seires of problems,such as fruits pesticide residue exceeding the set standard,pests’ tolerance to pesticides strengthening,ecological environment destroyed and reduction in the pests species[3-5].The degradable botanic pesticides,which take the secondary metabolite of plants as the primary active ingredient,replace the chemical pesticides as the ideal pesticides for the prevention of pests in grapevine[6-7].The veratrine,the Oxygen·Lactone agent,the natural pyrethrin,the composite neem pesticide,the rotenone and the composite nicotine are several common botanic pesticides in the production of grapevine.Studies have found that the effect of veratrine,the Oxygen·Lactone agent,the natural pyrethrin for Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa) in Xinjiang is obvious[8].The mixed use of Oxygen·Lactone agent,the composite neem pesticide and Osthole can effectively prevent Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.) in the grape[9-10].The effects of composite neem pesticide,the rotenone and the composite nicotine on cicadellidae pests are distinct,but there is no report on their effects on Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa)[11].

This experiment applied 0.5%veratrine,the 0.6% Oxygen·Lactone agent,the 5% natural pyrethrin,the composite neem pesticide,the rotenone and the composite nicotine,and compared their effects on Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.) and Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa) with the chemical pesticides,in order to get highly-efficient and environmentallyfriendly biological pesticides,and to provide scientific proofs to the sustainable treatment of Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür.) and Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa).

Materials and Methods


Table1 reveals the variety,age and cultivation mode of grape and the target pests.The pesticides for experiment include 0.5% veratrine,the 0.6%Oxygen·Lactone agent,the 5% natural pyrethrin,the composite neem pesticide,the rotenone and the composite nicotine.Table2 indicates the botanic pesticides and the working concentrations.


Treatment method:one pesticide was considered as one treatment,and clean water treatment was regarded as control.Each treatment was repeated for four times,and each repetition includes five grapevines,and the central three grapevines are marked as top,central and lower ones.The dosage is as Table2.Pesticides were sprayed in the early period when the pests came into being,and both sides of leaves were sprayed with pesticides.

Investigation method for Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.):Each investigation was carried out seven to ten days after spraying pesticides.The total amount of marked leaves and damaged leaves were counted to obtain the hazard ratio and control efficacy[12].

Table1 Variety,age and cultivation mode of grape and the target pests

Hazard ratio (%)= (The number of damaged leaves/total leaves amount)×100%(1)

Control efficacy (%) = [(Leaves hazard ratio in the control area -Leaves hazard ratio in the processed area)/Leaves hazard ratio in the control area]×100%(2)

Investigation method for Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa):the base number of Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa)was written down one day before applying pesticides.Investigation then was carried out on the third,seventh and twenty-third day after applying pesticides.The total amount of marked leaves and damaged leaves were counted to obtain the insect reduction rate and control efficacy[13].

The insect reduction rate (%) =[(The number of insects before applying pesticides-The number of insects after applying pesticides)/The number of insects before applying pesticides]×100% (3)

Control efficacy (%) = [(The insects reduction rate in the processed area-The insects reduction rate in the control area)/(100-The insects reduction rate in the control area)]×100%(4)

Results and Analyses

Control efficacy of botanic pesticides on the Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür.)

Statistics found that the six botanic pesticides could prevent the Apolygus lucorum (Meyer -Dür.) to certain extent,the 0.5% veratrine in particular as the control efficacy was above 60%after seven days of applying pesticides,which was followed by 5% natural pyrethrin and the composite nicotine,as the control efficacy was all above 50% after applying pesti-cides(Fig.1).

0.5%veratrine is not used in Shijiazhuang.Results indicate that the control efficacy of divergent botanic pesticides on Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür.) were different.Statistic data prove that each hazard ratio after applying pesticides was lower than the previous one,and the control efficacy after applying pesticides was higher than the previous one.The effect of composite nicotine on preventing Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.) was the highest,since the control efficacy after the third applying of pesticide was above 70%.There was no distinct control efficacy for the first two times after applying the composite neem pesticide,while the control efficacy reached 60% ten days after the third times of applying pesticides(Fig.2).

Control efficacy of botanic pesticides on Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa).

Statistic analysis of the investigation result in Yinyuan suggests that the effect of 0.5%veratrine on the prevention of the first generation of Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa) was the best.The control efficacy was above 60%on the third,seventh,twenty-third day after applying pesticides.The effects of 5% natural pyrethrin,the rotenone and the composite nicotine were stable,around 50%.The the composite neem pesticide and 0.6%Oxygen·Lactone agent do not have effects on the prevention of Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa).

The 0.5% veratrine showed the highest efficacy against the second generation larvae of E.apicalis,as the control efficacy was all above 80% on the 14thand 23rdday after applying pesticides,which was the same as the efficacy of chemical pesticide acetamiprid.The control efficacy of the composite nicotine,the rotenone and 5%natural pyrethrin was in the second place(Fig.4).

In Nanjiang,the experiment condition only allowed the use of 0.6%Oxygen·Lactone agent and 5% natural pyrethrin.Results proved that the 5% natural pyrethrin showed 100%control efficacy against E.apicalis,while the effect of 0.6% Oxygen·Lactone agent had slight effects on the prevention of Erythroneura apicalis(Nawa) since the control efficacy of 0.6% Oxygen ·Lactone agent was above 40% on the fifteenth day after applying the pesticide.


Botanic pesticides can effectively prevent many pests.This experiment reveals that the control efficacy of different botanic pesticides was different,showing different availability and sustainability.Studies on the prevention of Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür.) illustrate that the control efficacy of botanic pesticides under different planting patterns was diverse.The control efficacy was especially obvious under the mode of planting grapevines avoiding rain,which might be related to climate conditions such as temperature,humidity,sunshine and drought,and management level.Experiments on Erythroneura apicalis (Nawa)showed that the control efficacy of botanic pesticides on the prevention of pests was divergent.The effects of 0.5%veratrine,the composite nicotine,the rotenone and 5% natural pyrethrin against the second generation larvae of E.apicalis were distinct,which might because the effective control of the first generation of adult insects leads to less pests.Therefore,botanic pesticides should be sprayed based on pests occurrence rules.

Studies illustrate that botanic pesticides carry intensive bioactivity against the pests in fruit trees and vegetables[6-14],and they would not threaten the safety of human beings,animals and other plants[15-16].With the application of modern biological technology,botanic pesticides will be further developed and applied[16].The use of botanic pesticides is of great significance to the ecological harmony and sustainable development of economy.


This paper explores the diverse effects of several botanical pesticides for A.lucorum and E.apicalis,including the 0.5%veratrine,the 0.6% Oxygen·Lactone agent,the 5% natural pyrethrin,the composite neem pesticide,the rotenone and the composite nicotine.The 0.5% veratrine and the compound nicotine have distinct effects on the prevention of A.lucorum,so it is suggested that 1000 times dilution of 0.5%veratrine,or 700 times dilution of the compound nicotine can be mixed with the chemical pesticide acetamiprid to prevent A.lucorum.The effect of 5% natural pyrethrin on the prevention of E.apicalis is distinct,especially in the larva stage.It is pointed out that 1 000 times dilution of 5%natural pyrethrin should be sprayed on the plants in the morning or in the afternoon when the pests are less likely to move.

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