

风景园林 2014年5期

撰文:斯科特·卡拉特兹 翻译:邝嘉儒



第11街道大桥公园的实现有赖于市政府与非营利性机构市政厅教育美术娱乐学院跨河桥梁建筑(THEARC-Building Bridges Across the River)的通力合作,市政厅教育美术娱乐学院(THEARC:Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus)位于阿纳卡斯蒂亚河河东,面积约110 000平方尺(约12 222m2),内设合作机构包括科克伦艺术学校(the Corcoran School of Art)、美国华盛顿芭蕾舞团(the Washington Ballet)、莱文音乐学校(Levine School of Music)以及国家儿童医疗中心诊所(National Children Medical Center clinic)。建设第11街道大桥公园的想法最开始由华盛顿规划办公室主任海瑞特·翠高宁(Harriet Tregoning)提出,她于2011年4月与斯科特·卡拉特兹(Scott Kratz,本项目的总监)取得联系,并获得后者的支持与帮助,将这座年事已高的大桥改造成一个创造性的广场,作为首都独一无二的居民与游客集会胜地。在随后的两年半里,项目组与当地居民、企业主、教会领袖以及市议员召开了超400次商讨会,收集与确定公众的考虑与需求。经总结,得出以下理念:公园应该是一个多性能空间,全市居民都可以在其中观赏日常剧场、音乐会或举办社区聚会等活动;它将成为一种公共艺术,阐述该地区丰富的历史;包含一个环境教育设施;作为都市农业背景,为种植/丰收节日服务;成为一个老少咸宜的21世纪玩乐空间;包含一个供皮划艇停靠与出发的码头。



在竞赛的每一个阶段,由5名全国知名专家组成的设计评委会从第一阶段提交的作品中挑选出前四名设计团队,并以我们的社区目标为基础做出最终决定。评委会由来自城市设计、建筑、风景园林、社区参与以及公共卫生各领域的专家组成,成员包括:哈利·罗宾森(Harry Robinson);霍华德大学(Howard University)建筑学院名誉院长米歇尔·普莱德(Michaele Pride);新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)对外宣传与参与学院副院长、城市设计师托尼·格里芬(Toni Griffin);纽约大学建筑学院(City College of New York School of Architecture),备受赞誉的风景园林师卡萝·玛雅·里德(Carol Mayer Reed)以及华盛顿大学(University of Washington)公共卫生学院院长霍华德·弗鲁姆金博士(Howard Frumkin)。

最终的4个设计团队是:巴尔摩里事务所与CRP事务所联合体(Balmori Associates /Cooper, Robertson & Partners)、OMA 与欧林事务所联合体(OLIN / OMA)、斯托斯景观都市主义设计公司与HY建筑事务所联合体(Stoss Landscape Urbanism / Höweler +Yoon Architecture)、WRT与NEXT事务所联合体(Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT) / NEXT Architects )。

经过为期7个月的全国性竞赛,OMA 与欧林事务所联合体最终获得了竞赛评审会的肯定。除了评审会的一致肯定外,OMA 与欧林事务所联合体鼓舞人心的设计还收到了由社区利益相关者组成的“设计监督委员会”的最高评价,同时收获了超1 100个民意投票中的最高票数。

华盛顿市政府对本项目已投入了1 450万美元的投入,而第11街道大桥公园项目的全体员工现正全力投入建设工作,争取在2018年夏天为人们带来一个超越期待的公园开幕。


As the old 11thStreet automobile bridges from Washington D.C.'s Capitol Hill to its east of the river communities are replaced, the city has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to repurpose this infrastructure into the city's first elevated park: a new community venue over the Anacostia River for the arts, environmental education and healthy recreation.

The 11thStreet Bridge Park will be a place unlike any other in the nation's capital-one that supports the community's artistic, physical,environmental and economic health. A critical link connecting regional initiatives along the river, it will be a place for gathering and entertainment for neighboring communities, a playful destination for some and a pedestrian or bicycle link for others.And for everyone, the 11thStreet Bridge Park has the potential to be an iconic architectural symbol celebrating the Anacostia River, its environmental restoration, and the culture and history of the communities along it.

The 11thStreet Bridge Park is a collaboration between the D.C. Government and the non-profit Building Bridges Across the River at THEARCTown Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus-a 110,000 square-foot facility east of the river that houses such partners as the Corcoran School of Art,the Washington Ballet, the Levine School of Music,and a National Children Medical Center clinic. The idea for the 11th Street Bridge Park first originated with Harriet Tregoning, Director of the D.C. Office of Planning who, in April, 2011, reached out to Scott Kratz, now the project Director, to help realize the opportunity to re-purpose an aged out freeway bridge into a venue of creative placemaking, serving as a destination gathering place unlike any other in the nation's capital for both residents and tourists.Over the next two and a half years, staff led more than 400 meetings with local residents, business owners, church leaders and city councilmembers to identify civic concerns and needs. These concepts include: performance spaces where residents from across the city can gather for regular theater,music and community events; public art that tells the rich history of the region; an environmental education facility; urban agriculture that can serve as a backdrop for planting/harvest festivals; a 21stcentury playspace for those of all abilities; and kayak/canoe launches on the river below.

These programming concepts support the 11thStreet Bridge Park's four goals which are:Using the arts as catalyst, reconnect the neighborhoods of Anacostia and Capitol Hill ; Create a healthy community by establishing a safe place for residents to exercise and play;Connect the community with the Anacostia River-an historic and irreplaceable natural resource; Generate economic activity,including new investment and jobs.

In March of 2014, the 11thStreet Bridge Park launched a nation-wide design competition to manifest these community inspired programming ideas into a full concept. A Design Oversight Committee was formed to review the competition brief and review submissions at each stage. The committee was comprised of residents from across the city- members of the cultural, artistic,economic, health and environmental community.Their comments informed the Design Jury's final selection process.

At each phase of the competition, a Design Jury of five nationally recognized professionals winnowed the first-stage submissions to the top four teams and made the final selection based on our community-generated goals. The jury was comprised of professionals in urban design,architecture, landscape architecture, community engagement and public health. This five-member design jury included: Harry Robinson, emeritus dean of architecture, Howard University; Michaele Pride, associate dean for public outreach and engagement, University of New Mexico; urban designer Toni Griffin, City College of New York School of Architecture; award-winning landscape architect Carol Mayer Reed; and Dr. Howard Frumkin, dean of public health at the University of Washington.

The four final teams were: Balmori Associates/Cooper, Robertson & Partners; OLIN / OMA;Stoss Landscape Urbanism / Höweler + Yoon Architecture; Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT) /NEXT Architects.

After a seven-month nationwide competition,the OMA + OLIN design was unanimously selected by the competition jury. In addition to a unanimous jury selection, OMA + OLIN's inspirational design received the highest marks from the competition's "Design Oversight Committee"comprised of community stakeholders and the most votes in a public poll of over 1,100 participants.

The Washington D.C. government has committed $14.5 million to the project and 11thStreet Bridge Park staff are working to match these funds for an expected opening in the summer of 2018.


设计事务所 芬兰PES建筑师事务所