全排列综合图示法是由我国学者吴琼等在对生态城市指标体系与评价方法的研究中提出的一种指标综合评价方法[6]。该评价方法的代数计算结果考虑了各级指标临界值对综合指标的放大和紧缩效应,因而能够充分反映整体大于或者小于部分之和的系统整合原理。同时,该方法还可通过简单图示反映系统利导因子和限制因子,即反映系统呈现当前状态的具体原因。目前,全排列综合图示法被广泛应用于生态系统评价[7]、城市可持续发展评价[8]、水质综合评价[9]以及水环境安全评价[10]等领域。一般而言,该方法不设置指标权重参数,只依据实测数据确定与决策相关的上限、下限和临界值,减少了赋权的主观性[8-10]。Jiasheng Jin等曾尝试引入权重参数对原方法进行修正,但同时认为采用群组决策的方法设置权重使得研究过程无法避免主观干扰[11]。为降低主观干扰性,同时为使图示更加直观和真实地反映系统利导因子和限制因子,本研究沿用吴琼等最初提出的全排列综合图示法进行研究。本研究选用全排列综合图示法对太湖流域水资源反退化能力进行评价研究,不但可以综合分析2001-2012年太湖流域供需两侧水资源反退化能力综合发展指数及其发展演变速度的宏观状态,还可以定量分析不同微观因子对水资源系统反退化能力的影响程度。
(1) 对于需求侧,太湖流域相关部门应在巩固提升工农业生产及居民生活排污管控方面工作成果的同时,着重加强提高社会经济发展水平、用水效率水平和污染治理等方面的工作。例如,可通过推行阶梯水价和阶梯排污费政策提高用水效率和排污管控水平,通过适度提高城市非生产生活用水比重改善流域水环境。
(2) 对于供给侧,太湖流域相关部门应在巩固提升水土保持建设、地下水开采控制、河流污染治理方面工作成果的同时,适当加强生态建设投入。例如,可以适当提高流域水保及生态投资比重,加强自然生态保护区的维护,合理提高生态用水比重,并适度降低水资源开发利用程度。从具体措施上,应逐步扭转主要依靠调水工程改善太湖水体水质的不利局面,切实加强太湖流域反退化管理工作。
(编辑: 常勇 )
[1]陆桂华,张建华. 太湖水环境综合治理的现状、问题及对策[J].水资源保护,2014,30(2):67-69+94.[Lu Guihua, Zhang Jianhua. Present Status and Problems of Comprehensive Treatment of Water Environment in Taihu Lake and Countermeasures[J]. Water Resources Protection. 2014, 30(2): 67-69+94.]
[2]宋国君,高文程,韩冬梅,等. 美国水质反退化政策及其对中国的启示[J].环境污染与防治,2013,35(3):95-99.[Song Guojun, Gao Wencheng, Han Dongmei, et al. U. S. Water Quality Antidegradation Policy and Its Implications for China[J]. Environmental Pollution & Control. 2013, 35(3): 95-99.]
[3]王浩,杨贵羽.二元水循环条件下水资源管理理念的初步探索[J].自然杂志,2010,32(3):130-133. [Wang Hao, Yang Guiyu. Preliminary Study on New Concept of Water Resources Management under Dualistic Water Cycle Condition[J]. Chinese Journal of Nature. 2010, 32(3): 130-133.]
[4]朱一中,夏军,谈戈.关于水资源承载力理论与方法的研究[J].地理科学进展,2002,21(2):180-188. [Zhu Yizhong, Xia Jun, Tan Ge. A Prinary Study on the Theories and Process of Water Resources Carrying Capacity[J]. Progress in Geography. 2002, 21(2): 180-188.]
[5]姬宏.流域水资源承载能力研究及应用[D].南京:河海大学,2010. [Ji Hong. Basin Water Resources Carrying Capacity Study and Application [D]. Nanjing: Hohai University, 2010.]
[6]吴琼,王如松,李宏卿,等.生态城市指标体系与评价方法[J].生态学报,2005,25(8):2090-2095. [Wu Qiong, Wang Rusong, Li Hongqing, et al. The Indices and the Evaluation Method of Ecocity [J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(8): 2090-2095.]
[7]魏婷,吴长年.一种工业园区生态系统健康评价方法及其应用[J].长江流域资源与环境,2007,16(5):680-684. [Wei Ting, Wu Changnian. An Ecosystem Health Assessment Method With Its Application in Industrial Parks [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2007, 16(5): 680-684.]
[8]李锋,刘旭升,胡聃,等.城市可持续发展评价方法及其应用[J].生态学报,2007,(11):4793-4802. [Li Feng, Liu Xusheng, Hu Dan, et al. Evaluation Method and Its Application for Urban Sustainable Development [J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2007,(11):4793-4802.]
[9]龚艳冰,张继国,梁雪春.基于全排列多边形综合图示法的水质评价[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2011,21(9):26-31. [Gong Yanbing, Zhang Jiguo, Liang Xuechun.Water Quality Assessment of East Route Based on Entirearraypolygon Evaluation Method [J]. China Population,Resources and Environment,2011,21(9):26-31.]
[10]邱宇.汀江流域水环境安全评估[J].环境科学研究,2013,26(2):152-159. [Qiu yu.The Evaluation of the Tingjiang River Basin Water Environment Safety [J]. Research of Environmental Sciences,2013, 26(2): 152-159.]
[11]Jiasheng Jin, Rusong Wang, Feng Li, et al. Conjugate Ecological Restoration Approach with a Case Study in Mentougou District, Beijing[J]. Environ Monit Assess, Ecological Complexity, 2011, (8):161-170.
[12]凌峰.最严格水资源管:经济社会可持续发展的必然选择.[EB/OL]. 2012-05-04[2014-06-06] http://www.chinawater.com.cn/ztgz/hy/2012szyhy/6/201205/t20120504_220004.html. [Ling Feng. Most Stringent Water Management: Sustainable Economic and Social Development of the Inevitable Choice. [EB/OL]. 2012-05-04[2014-06-06] http://www.chinawater.com.cn/ztgz/hy/2012szyhy/6/201205/t20120504_220004.html.]
[13]袁伟,楼章华,田娟.富阳市水资源承载能力综合评价[J].水利学报,2008,39(1):103-108. [Yuan Wei, Lou Zhanghua, Tian Juan. Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Fuyang City[J].Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2008, 39(1): 103-108.]
[14]邵磊,周孝德,杨方廷,等.基于主成分分析和熵权法的水资源承载能力及其演变趋势评价方法[J].西安理工大学学报,2010,26(2):170-176. [Shao Lei, Zhou Xiaode, Yang Fangting, et al. Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Evaluation Method of Evolution Tendency Based on Principal Components Analysis and Entropy Weight Method [J]. Journal of Xian University of Technology, 2010, 26(2): 170-176.]
Research on Water Antidegradation Capacity in Taihu Lake Basin Based on
Water Supply and Demand Management
ZHOU Shenbei1,2DU Amin1
(1.Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211100, China;
2.School of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
AbstractIn recent years, the degradation problems of Chinas water resources system have become more serious. Given the current concerns with water resources system degradation, such as water quality deterioration, water ecology system degradation, and water pollution emergency normalization water resources antidegradation capacity of river basin has been paid more attention. Taihu Lake basin is one of the modernization construction demonstration areas, and the water resources antidegradation capacity is a basis of the district modernization constructions. In order to enhance the water resources antidegradation capacity of Taihu Lake Basin, we set up a water resources antidegradation capacity evaluation model from the perspective of water demand and supply management, and use the full permutation polygon synthesis illustration method (FPPSI) to analyze the comprehensive development index, evolution speed and its changing reasons of water resources antidegradation capacity from 2001 to 2012. Two dimensional matrix is used to estimate the water resources antidegradation capacity comprehensively. The results show that comprehensive development index of the water resources antidegradation capacity is overall on the increase from the water demand and supply aspect in Taihu Lake Basin. Since 2006, the water resources antidegradation capacity in the water demand side has been higher than it is in the supply side, which indicates the positive coordination efficiency between the two sides is not significant. The evolution speed of the basin antidegradation capacity development varies with great fluctuation. The antidegradation capacity of water demand side descends in some years for the factors such as the socioeconomic development, waterusage efficiency and pollution treatment. The antidegradation capacity of water supply side descends because of ecology system degradation. Based on the conclusions mentioned above, the strategies and suggestions for enhancing water resources antidegradation capacity of Taihu Lake Basin are put forward from the perspective of the water demand and supply management.
Key wordswater antidegradation capacity; water supply and demand management; full permutation polygon synthesis illustration method; Taihu Lake Basin
[7]魏婷,吴长年.一种工业园区生态系统健康评价方法及其应用[J].长江流域资源与环境,2007,16(5):680-684. [Wei Ting, Wu Changnian. An Ecosystem Health Assessment Method With Its Application in Industrial Parks [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2007, 16(5): 680-684.]
[8]李锋,刘旭升,胡聃,等.城市可持续发展评价方法及其应用[J].生态学报,2007,(11):4793-4802. [Li Feng, Liu Xusheng, Hu Dan, et al. Evaluation Method and Its Application for Urban Sustainable Development [J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2007,(11):4793-4802.]
[9]龚艳冰,张继国,梁雪春.基于全排列多边形综合图示法的水质评价[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2011,21(9):26-31. [Gong Yanbing, Zhang Jiguo, Liang Xuechun.Water Quality Assessment of East Route Based on Entirearraypolygon Evaluation Method [J]. China Population,Resources and Environment,2011,21(9):26-31.]
[10]邱宇.汀江流域水环境安全评估[J].环境科学研究,2013,26(2):152-159. [Qiu yu.The Evaluation of the Tingjiang River Basin Water Environment Safety [J]. Research of Environmental Sciences,2013, 26(2): 152-159.]
[11]Jiasheng Jin, Rusong Wang, Feng Li, et al. Conjugate Ecological Restoration Approach with a Case Study in Mentougou District, Beijing[J]. Environ Monit Assess, Ecological Complexity, 2011, (8):161-170.
[12]凌峰.最严格水资源管:经济社会可持续发展的必然选择.[EB/OL]. 2012-05-04[2014-06-06] http://www.chinawater.com.cn/ztgz/hy/2012szyhy/6/201205/t20120504_220004.html. [Ling Feng. Most Stringent Water Management: Sustainable Economic and Social Development of the Inevitable Choice. [EB/OL]. 2012-05-04[2014-06-06] http://www.chinawater.com.cn/ztgz/hy/2012szyhy/6/201205/t20120504_220004.html.]
[13]袁伟,楼章华,田娟.富阳市水资源承载能力综合评价[J].水利学报,2008,39(1):103-108. [Yuan Wei, Lou Zhanghua, Tian Juan. Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Fuyang City[J].Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2008, 39(1): 103-108.]
[14]邵磊,周孝德,杨方廷,等.基于主成分分析和熵权法的水资源承载能力及其演变趋势评价方法[J].西安理工大学学报,2010,26(2):170-176. [Shao Lei, Zhou Xiaode, Yang Fangting, et al. Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Evaluation Method of Evolution Tendency Based on Principal Components Analysis and Entropy Weight Method [J]. Journal of Xian University of Technology, 2010, 26(2): 170-176.]
Research on Water Antidegradation Capacity in Taihu Lake Basin Based on
Water Supply and Demand Management
ZHOU Shenbei1,2DU Amin1
(1.Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211100, China;
2.School of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
AbstractIn recent years, the degradation problems of Chinas water resources system have become more serious. Given the current concerns with water resources system degradation, such as water quality deterioration, water ecology system degradation, and water pollution emergency normalization water resources antidegradation capacity of river basin has been paid more attention. Taihu Lake basin is one of the modernization construction demonstration areas, and the water resources antidegradation capacity is a basis of the district modernization constructions. In order to enhance the water resources antidegradation capacity of Taihu Lake Basin, we set up a water resources antidegradation capacity evaluation model from the perspective of water demand and supply management, and use the full permutation polygon synthesis illustration method (FPPSI) to analyze the comprehensive development index, evolution speed and its changing reasons of water resources antidegradation capacity from 2001 to 2012. Two dimensional matrix is used to estimate the water resources antidegradation capacity comprehensively. The results show that comprehensive development index of the water resources antidegradation capacity is overall on the increase from the water demand and supply aspect in Taihu Lake Basin. Since 2006, the water resources antidegradation capacity in the water demand side has been higher than it is in the supply side, which indicates the positive coordination efficiency between the two sides is not significant. The evolution speed of the basin antidegradation capacity development varies with great fluctuation. The antidegradation capacity of water demand side descends in some years for the factors such as the socioeconomic development, waterusage efficiency and pollution treatment. The antidegradation capacity of water supply side descends because of ecology system degradation. Based on the conclusions mentioned above, the strategies and suggestions for enhancing water resources antidegradation capacity of Taihu Lake Basin are put forward from the perspective of the water demand and supply management.
Key wordswater antidegradation capacity; water supply and demand management; full permutation polygon synthesis illustration method; Taihu Lake Basin
[7]魏婷,吴长年.一种工业园区生态系统健康评价方法及其应用[J].长江流域资源与环境,2007,16(5):680-684. [Wei Ting, Wu Changnian. An Ecosystem Health Assessment Method With Its Application in Industrial Parks [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2007, 16(5): 680-684.]
[8]李锋,刘旭升,胡聃,等.城市可持续发展评价方法及其应用[J].生态学报,2007,(11):4793-4802. [Li Feng, Liu Xusheng, Hu Dan, et al. Evaluation Method and Its Application for Urban Sustainable Development [J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2007,(11):4793-4802.]
[9]龚艳冰,张继国,梁雪春.基于全排列多边形综合图示法的水质评价[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2011,21(9):26-31. [Gong Yanbing, Zhang Jiguo, Liang Xuechun.Water Quality Assessment of East Route Based on Entirearraypolygon Evaluation Method [J]. China Population,Resources and Environment,2011,21(9):26-31.]
[10]邱宇.汀江流域水环境安全评估[J].环境科学研究,2013,26(2):152-159. [Qiu yu.The Evaluation of the Tingjiang River Basin Water Environment Safety [J]. Research of Environmental Sciences,2013, 26(2): 152-159.]
[11]Jiasheng Jin, Rusong Wang, Feng Li, et al. Conjugate Ecological Restoration Approach with a Case Study in Mentougou District, Beijing[J]. Environ Monit Assess, Ecological Complexity, 2011, (8):161-170.
[12]凌峰.最严格水资源管:经济社会可持续发展的必然选择.[EB/OL]. 2012-05-04[2014-06-06] http://www.chinawater.com.cn/ztgz/hy/2012szyhy/6/201205/t20120504_220004.html. [Ling Feng. Most Stringent Water Management: Sustainable Economic and Social Development of the Inevitable Choice. [EB/OL]. 2012-05-04[2014-06-06] http://www.chinawater.com.cn/ztgz/hy/2012szyhy/6/201205/t20120504_220004.html.]
[13]袁伟,楼章华,田娟.富阳市水资源承载能力综合评价[J].水利学报,2008,39(1):103-108. [Yuan Wei, Lou Zhanghua, Tian Juan. Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Fuyang City[J].Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2008, 39(1): 103-108.]
[14]邵磊,周孝德,杨方廷,等.基于主成分分析和熵权法的水资源承载能力及其演变趋势评价方法[J].西安理工大学学报,2010,26(2):170-176. [Shao Lei, Zhou Xiaode, Yang Fangting, et al. Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Evaluation Method of Evolution Tendency Based on Principal Components Analysis and Entropy Weight Method [J]. Journal of Xian University of Technology, 2010, 26(2): 170-176.]
Research on Water Antidegradation Capacity in Taihu Lake Basin Based on
Water Supply and Demand Management
ZHOU Shenbei1,2DU Amin1
(1.Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211100, China;
2.School of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
AbstractIn recent years, the degradation problems of Chinas water resources system have become more serious. Given the current concerns with water resources system degradation, such as water quality deterioration, water ecology system degradation, and water pollution emergency normalization water resources antidegradation capacity of river basin has been paid more attention. Taihu Lake basin is one of the modernization construction demonstration areas, and the water resources antidegradation capacity is a basis of the district modernization constructions. In order to enhance the water resources antidegradation capacity of Taihu Lake Basin, we set up a water resources antidegradation capacity evaluation model from the perspective of water demand and supply management, and use the full permutation polygon synthesis illustration method (FPPSI) to analyze the comprehensive development index, evolution speed and its changing reasons of water resources antidegradation capacity from 2001 to 2012. Two dimensional matrix is used to estimate the water resources antidegradation capacity comprehensively. The results show that comprehensive development index of the water resources antidegradation capacity is overall on the increase from the water demand and supply aspect in Taihu Lake Basin. Since 2006, the water resources antidegradation capacity in the water demand side has been higher than it is in the supply side, which indicates the positive coordination efficiency between the two sides is not significant. The evolution speed of the basin antidegradation capacity development varies with great fluctuation. The antidegradation capacity of water demand side descends in some years for the factors such as the socioeconomic development, waterusage efficiency and pollution treatment. The antidegradation capacity of water supply side descends because of ecology system degradation. Based on the conclusions mentioned above, the strategies and suggestions for enhancing water resources antidegradation capacity of Taihu Lake Basin are put forward from the perspective of the water demand and supply management.
Key wordswater antidegradation capacity; water supply and demand management; full permutation polygon synthesis illustration method; Taihu Lake Basin