摘要:从海岛棉Pima S-6中鉴定了一个1号染色体上稳定表达的纤维长度QTL(qFL-chr1),针对这一目标QTL,通过标记辅助选择得到近等基因系R01-40-08。近等性分析结果表明,该近等基因系其他7条染色体上仍含有 Pima S-6 的渐渗片段。以Tamcot 2111(轮回亲本)与R01-40-08(供体亲本)构建了1个含有1 672个单株的F2群体,分析了其他染色体上Pima S-6渐渗片段对纤维长度的遗传效应,单标记分析结果表明,位于14号染色体上的2个标记(NAU2190 和NAU5465)对纤维长度有显著的影响。
中图分类号: S562.032文献标志码: A文章编号:1002-1302(2014)10-0085-03
通信作者:沈新莲,博士,研究员,主要从事棉花分子育种研究。Tel:(025)84390291;E-mail:xlshen68@126.com。棉花是世界上重要的纤维作物,纤维品质是评价棉花品种的重要指标之一。纤维长度、纤维强度等重要品质指标与棉花产量及产量构成因素存在显著的负相关关系[1-5],这些因素制约了棉纤维品质的遗传改良。分子标记技术的发展为研究纤维品质的遗传和改良提供了一条新途径,迄今为止,国内外学者利用不同的优质纤维材料筛选并鉴定了100多个与纤维长度相关的数量性状位点[6]。目前,这些研究所用的群体都为F2、BC1和重组自交系群体,群体遗传背景较复杂,存在如QTL间的互作与QTL与环境的互作,导致所估计的QTL的效应与位置的精确性有限。由这些群体获得的QTL的分辨率通常在10~30 cM之间[7-8]。在这样大的区间内,可能存在多个连锁的QTL,无法分解紧密连锁的负相关性状QTL,影响标记辅助选择的效率以及对分子机理的研究。
在前期研究中,美国佐治亚大学通过回交高代QTL作图方法,从海岛棉Pima S-6中筛选、鉴定了1个1号染色体上的纤维长度QTL(qFL-chr1),该QTL解释的表型变异较高(12%~24%),而且在多个群体中均能检测到[12]。针对这一目标QTL,江苏省农业科学院与美国佐治亚大学通过标记辅助选择共同培育了近等基因系R01-40-08,该近等基因系在美国、中国南京的多年多点试验中纤维长度均显著高于轮回亲本Tamcot 2111[13]。本研究以Tamcot 2111与R01-40-08为亲本构建了1个F2群体,分析了其他染色体上Pima S-6渐渗位点对纤维长度的遗传效应,以期构建高遗传相似度的纤维长度单QTL近等基因系,为后期纤维长度QTL图位克隆提供重要的材料基础。
江苏省农业科学院与美国佐治亚大学通过标记辅助选择共同培育了1个增效基因来源于海岛棉Pima S-6的纤维长度QTL单片段渐渗系R01-40-08。
2008年,将R01-40-08种植在江苏省农业科学院溧水植物试验基地,以Tamcot 2111为母本与R01-40-08供体亲本杂交获F1;同年冬季将F1种植在海南试验基地,自交得F2;2009年将F2群体(共1 672个单株)种植在江苏省农业科学院溧水植物科学试验基地,收获重组个体单株籽棉,棉样送交农业部纤维检测实验室检测纤维品质。2010年重组个体家系种植在江苏省农业科学院溧水植物科学试验基地,重复2次,按家系收获籽棉,棉样送交农业部纤维检测实验室检测纤维长度(FL)。纤维长度由HVI900纤维品质测试仪检测。
为了分析近等基因系R01-40-08与轮回亲本的遗传相似度,根据已发表的2个棉花遗传连锁图谱[15-16],选择534个分布于棉花整个基因组的SSR引物分析渐渗系R01-40-08与供体亲本Pima S-6和轮回亲本Tamcot 2111之间的多态性。结果表明,供体亲本Pima S-6和轮回亲本Tamcot 2111呈现多态性的引物有413个,其中R01-40-08和轮回亲本Tamcot 2111之间呈现多态性的引物23个。其中1号染色体11个(BNL2921、JESPR240、NAU422、MUSS84、MUSS422、CIR018、JESPR56、NAU2182、TMD03以及BNL3090和STS引物(STS38)1对、2号染色体1个(NAU2858)、3号染色体2个(NAU1167和NAU5445)、14号染色体3个(NAU2190、NAU3820、NAU5465)、15号染色体1个(NAU2573)、19号染色体3个(NAU3110、NAU1221、NAU1042)、20号染色体1个(NAU3407)、23号染色体1个(NAU3732)。遗传背景相似性估计=N/S×100%,式中:N表示R01-40-08和轮回亲本Tamcot 2111之间为单态的标记数,S表示供体亲本Pima S-6和轮回亲本Tamcot 2111之间呈现多态性的引物总数(390/413=94.43%),因此渐渗系含有轮回亲本Tamcot 2111的94.43%基因组。
前期研究中在回交高代QTL分析中发现,除了1号染色体外,14、15、20、23号染色体上也存在纤维长度QTL[12]。基于RFLP和SSR的遗传图谱[20]和SSR标记的遗传图谱[15]中的桥梁标记,由此推断14、15、23号染色体上的Pima S-6遗传位点与纤维长度QTL连锁较紧密,可能这些位点对纤维长度QTL依然存在遗传效应。
2.2Pima S-6背景遗传位点对纤维长度的影响
为了进一步证实Pima S-6遗传背景对纤维长度的影响,本研究以Tamcot 2111为母本与R01-40-08供体亲本构建了1个含有1 672个单株的F2群体。根据目标QTL区间分子标记基因型的筛选,共鉴定了432个重组个体,用上述12对位于非目标QTL区间上的引物对F2群体的重组个体进行基因型鉴定并进行单标记分析,根据基因型鉴定结果,对单标记带型含有Pima S-6片段与不含有Pima S-6片段进行方差分析。对2009年F2群体背景标记对纤维长度单标记分析结果,遗传背景中Pima S-6位点对纤维长度影响不显著;对2010年F3群体单标记分析结果,14号染色体上的2个标记NAU2190 和NAU5465对纤维长度有显著的影响(表1)。15、23号上的Pima S-6遗传位点对纤维长度没有影响,可能在回交的过程中Pima S-6遗传位点与纤维长度QTL已发生重组,不存在连锁关系。
表1Pima S-6遗传背景单标记方差分析
本研究中的近等基因系R01-40-08是通过回交高代QTL作图方法并结合分子标记辅助选择创造获得的。Yamamoto等曾使用经典的高世代回交方法获得近等基因系并精细定位和克隆了水稻抽穗期QTL[24-25]。尽管该方法获得近等基因系耗时较长,但由于近等基因系与轮回亲本背景高度相似,所以极适合微效QTL遗传效应的估计。近等性分析表明,R01-40-08 已含有轮回亲本94.43%的基因组,背景中仍含有少量Pima S-6渐渗位点。在对棉花1号染色体上纤维长度QTL精细定位的基础上,继续选择在目标QTL区间含有较小渐渗片段的重组个体,与轮回亲本回交,并结合前景与背景分子标记辅助选择以及表型鉴定,可以获得遗传背景与轮回亲本高度相似的单QTL近等基因系。这些纤维长度单QTL近等基因系的获得为数量性状位点图位克隆和基于单个数量性状位点下纤维发育的分子机制研究创造重要的材料。
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[10]Shan J X,Zhu M Z,Shi M,et al. Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of spd6,responsible for small panicle and dwarfness in wild rice(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)[J]. Theoretical and Applied Gene-tics,2009,119(5):827-836.
[11]Zhou L,Zeng Y W,Zheng W W,et al. Fine mapping a QTL qCTB7 for cold tolerance at the booting stage on rice chromosome 7 using a near-isogenic line[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2010,121(5):895-905.
[12]Chee P,Draye X,Jiang C X,et al. Molecular dissection of interspecific variation between Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense(cotton)by a backcross-self approach:Ⅲ.Fiber length[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,111:772-781.
[13]Shen X L,Cao Z B,Singh R,et al. Efficacy of qFL-chr1,a quantitative trait locus for fiber length in cotton(Gossypium spp.)[J]. Crop Science,2011,51(5):2005-2010.
[14]Paterson A H,Brubaker C L,Wendel J F. A rapid method for extraction of cotton(Gossypium spp.)genomic DNA suitable for RFLP or PCR analysis[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,1993,11:122-127.
[15]Guo W Z,Cai C P,Wang C B,et al. A microsatellite-based,gene-rich linkage map reveals genome structure,function and evolution in Gossipium[J]. Genetics,2007,176:527-541.
[16]Xiao J,Wu K,Fang D D,et al. New SSR markers for use in cotton(Gossypium spp.)improvement[J]. Journal of Cotton Science,2009,13:75-157.
[17]Zhang J,Wu Y T,Guo W Z,et al. Fast screening of SSR markers in cotton with PAGE/Silver staining[J]. Cotton Sci Sin,2000,12:267-269.
[18]王慧,喻德跃,吴巧娟,等. 大豆对斜纹夜蛾抗生性基因的微卫星标记(SSR)的研究[J]. 大豆科学,2004,23(2):91-95.
[19]徐吉臣,邹亮星. 利用相关性分析鉴定与水稻根部性状表达相关的分子标记[J]. 遗传学报,2002,29(3):245-249.
[20]Rong J K,Abbey C,Bowers J E,et al. A 3347-locus genetic recombination map of sequence-tagged sites reveals features of genome organization,transmission and evolution of cotton (Gossypium)[J]. Genetics,2004,166(1):389-417.
[21]刘立峰,张洪亮,穆平,等. 水、旱稻根基粗、千粒重主效QTL近等基因系的构建及鉴评[J]. 农业生物技术学报,2007,15(3):469-476.
[22]章清杞,黄荣华,张书标,等. 长穗颈不育系协青早eA(1)的选育[J]. 福建农业大学学报,2000,29(4):411-415.
[23]Muehlbauer G J,Specht J E,Thomas-Compton M A,et al. Near-isogenic lines-a potential resource in the integration of conventional and linkage maps[J]. Crop Science,1988,28(2):729-735.
[24]Yamamoto T,Kuboki Y,Lin S Y,et al. Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci Hd-1,Hd-2 and Hd-3,controlling heading date of rice,as single Mendelian factors[J]. Theoretische und Angewandte Genetik,1998,97(1/2):37-44.
[25]Takahashi Y,Shomura A,Sasaki T,et al. Hd6,a rice quantitative trait locus involved in photoperiod sensitivity,encodes the alpha subunit of protein kinase CK2[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2001,98(14):7922-7927.
[7]Paterson A H,Saranga Y,Menz M,et al. QTL analysis of genotype×environment interactions affecting cotton fiber quality[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2003,106(3):384-396.
[8]Shen X L,Guo W Z,Lu Q X,et al. Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for fiber quality and yield trait by RIL approach in upland cotton[J]. Euphytica,2007,155(3):371-380.
[9]Xie X B,Song M H,Jin F X,et al. Fine mapping of a grain weight quantitative trait locus on rice chromosome 8 using near-isogenic lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and Oryza rufipogon[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2006,113(5):885-894.
[10]Shan J X,Zhu M Z,Shi M,et al. Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of spd6,responsible for small panicle and dwarfness in wild rice(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)[J]. Theoretical and Applied Gene-tics,2009,119(5):827-836.
[11]Zhou L,Zeng Y W,Zheng W W,et al. Fine mapping a QTL qCTB7 for cold tolerance at the booting stage on rice chromosome 7 using a near-isogenic line[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2010,121(5):895-905.
[12]Chee P,Draye X,Jiang C X,et al. Molecular dissection of interspecific variation between Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense(cotton)by a backcross-self approach:Ⅲ.Fiber length[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,111:772-781.
[13]Shen X L,Cao Z B,Singh R,et al. Efficacy of qFL-chr1,a quantitative trait locus for fiber length in cotton(Gossypium spp.)[J]. Crop Science,2011,51(5):2005-2010.
[14]Paterson A H,Brubaker C L,Wendel J F. A rapid method for extraction of cotton(Gossypium spp.)genomic DNA suitable for RFLP or PCR analysis[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,1993,11:122-127.
[15]Guo W Z,Cai C P,Wang C B,et al. A microsatellite-based,gene-rich linkage map reveals genome structure,function and evolution in Gossipium[J]. Genetics,2007,176:527-541.
[16]Xiao J,Wu K,Fang D D,et al. New SSR markers for use in cotton(Gossypium spp.)improvement[J]. Journal of Cotton Science,2009,13:75-157.
[17]Zhang J,Wu Y T,Guo W Z,et al. Fast screening of SSR markers in cotton with PAGE/Silver staining[J]. Cotton Sci Sin,2000,12:267-269.
[18]王慧,喻德跃,吴巧娟,等. 大豆对斜纹夜蛾抗生性基因的微卫星标记(SSR)的研究[J]. 大豆科学,2004,23(2):91-95.
[19]徐吉臣,邹亮星. 利用相关性分析鉴定与水稻根部性状表达相关的分子标记[J]. 遗传学报,2002,29(3):245-249.
[20]Rong J K,Abbey C,Bowers J E,et al. A 3347-locus genetic recombination map of sequence-tagged sites reveals features of genome organization,transmission and evolution of cotton (Gossypium)[J]. Genetics,2004,166(1):389-417.
[21]刘立峰,张洪亮,穆平,等. 水、旱稻根基粗、千粒重主效QTL近等基因系的构建及鉴评[J]. 农业生物技术学报,2007,15(3):469-476.
[22]章清杞,黄荣华,张书标,等. 长穗颈不育系协青早eA(1)的选育[J]. 福建农业大学学报,2000,29(4):411-415.
[23]Muehlbauer G J,Specht J E,Thomas-Compton M A,et al. Near-isogenic lines-a potential resource in the integration of conventional and linkage maps[J]. Crop Science,1988,28(2):729-735.
[24]Yamamoto T,Kuboki Y,Lin S Y,et al. Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci Hd-1,Hd-2 and Hd-3,controlling heading date of rice,as single Mendelian factors[J]. Theoretische und Angewandte Genetik,1998,97(1/2):37-44.
[25]Takahashi Y,Shomura A,Sasaki T,et al. Hd6,a rice quantitative trait locus involved in photoperiod sensitivity,encodes the alpha subunit of protein kinase CK2[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2001,98(14):7922-7927.
[7]Paterson A H,Saranga Y,Menz M,et al. QTL analysis of genotype×environment interactions affecting cotton fiber quality[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2003,106(3):384-396.
[8]Shen X L,Guo W Z,Lu Q X,et al. Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for fiber quality and yield trait by RIL approach in upland cotton[J]. Euphytica,2007,155(3):371-380.
[9]Xie X B,Song M H,Jin F X,et al. Fine mapping of a grain weight quantitative trait locus on rice chromosome 8 using near-isogenic lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and Oryza rufipogon[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2006,113(5):885-894.
[10]Shan J X,Zhu M Z,Shi M,et al. Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of spd6,responsible for small panicle and dwarfness in wild rice(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)[J]. Theoretical and Applied Gene-tics,2009,119(5):827-836.
[11]Zhou L,Zeng Y W,Zheng W W,et al. Fine mapping a QTL qCTB7 for cold tolerance at the booting stage on rice chromosome 7 using a near-isogenic line[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2010,121(5):895-905.
[12]Chee P,Draye X,Jiang C X,et al. Molecular dissection of interspecific variation between Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense(cotton)by a backcross-self approach:Ⅲ.Fiber length[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,111:772-781.
[13]Shen X L,Cao Z B,Singh R,et al. Efficacy of qFL-chr1,a quantitative trait locus for fiber length in cotton(Gossypium spp.)[J]. Crop Science,2011,51(5):2005-2010.
[14]Paterson A H,Brubaker C L,Wendel J F. A rapid method for extraction of cotton(Gossypium spp.)genomic DNA suitable for RFLP or PCR analysis[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,1993,11:122-127.
[15]Guo W Z,Cai C P,Wang C B,et al. A microsatellite-based,gene-rich linkage map reveals genome structure,function and evolution in Gossipium[J]. Genetics,2007,176:527-541.
[16]Xiao J,Wu K,Fang D D,et al. New SSR markers for use in cotton(Gossypium spp.)improvement[J]. Journal of Cotton Science,2009,13:75-157.
[17]Zhang J,Wu Y T,Guo W Z,et al. Fast screening of SSR markers in cotton with PAGE/Silver staining[J]. Cotton Sci Sin,2000,12:267-269.
[18]王慧,喻德跃,吴巧娟,等. 大豆对斜纹夜蛾抗生性基因的微卫星标记(SSR)的研究[J]. 大豆科学,2004,23(2):91-95.
[19]徐吉臣,邹亮星. 利用相关性分析鉴定与水稻根部性状表达相关的分子标记[J]. 遗传学报,2002,29(3):245-249.
[20]Rong J K,Abbey C,Bowers J E,et al. A 3347-locus genetic recombination map of sequence-tagged sites reveals features of genome organization,transmission and evolution of cotton (Gossypium)[J]. Genetics,2004,166(1):389-417.
[21]刘立峰,张洪亮,穆平,等. 水、旱稻根基粗、千粒重主效QTL近等基因系的构建及鉴评[J]. 农业生物技术学报,2007,15(3):469-476.
[22]章清杞,黄荣华,张书标,等. 长穗颈不育系协青早eA(1)的选育[J]. 福建农业大学学报,2000,29(4):411-415.
[23]Muehlbauer G J,Specht J E,Thomas-Compton M A,et al. Near-isogenic lines-a potential resource in the integration of conventional and linkage maps[J]. Crop Science,1988,28(2):729-735.
[24]Yamamoto T,Kuboki Y,Lin S Y,et al. Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci Hd-1,Hd-2 and Hd-3,controlling heading date of rice,as single Mendelian factors[J]. Theoretische und Angewandte Genetik,1998,97(1/2):37-44.
[25]Takahashi Y,Shomura A,Sasaki T,et al. Hd6,a rice quantitative trait locus involved in photoperiod sensitivity,encodes the alpha subunit of protein kinase CK2[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2001,98(14):7922-7927.