

佛山陶瓷 2014年10期


摘 要:本文针对陶瓷烧成窑炉具有大滞后、非线性、不确定性等特点,提出一种基于小波基函数的陶瓷烧成温度的预测函数控制方法。给出陶瓷烧成温度预测函数控制的基本原理;利用小波的多尺度分析和紧支局部特性,选取小波函数作为基函数,根据逼近要求灵活设置小波基函数的个数及位置分布,在保证系统整体优化性能的同时又兼顾了局部重点要求;理论分析和仿真表明,该控制方法与普通PFC方法相比,在动态特性、控制精度、抗干扰等方面具有明显的改善作用。


1 引言


预测函数控制(Predictive Functional Control, 简称PFC)是第三代模型预测控制算法,由Richalet与Kuntze等人于1986年提出[8],广泛应用于机器人跟踪、雷达跟踪、热焓控制等领域[9-14]。该方法的特点是在控制量的结构中加入了基函数的内容,基函数的形式以及数量可以根据控制过程预先选定,控制量的解析解为与基函数相关的线性组合,各基函数作用系统形成的输出为加权组合结构,通过目标函数的优化得到加权系数。在普通PFC控制方法中,基函数一般可取阶跃函数、斜坡函数、指数函数以及正弦多项式函数等。这类基函数结构简单,离线计算方便,不足的是以上函数都是全局函数,对信号的逼近不能根据信号的局部特征即不同逼近精度而灵活设置,难以达到预期的控制效果[15]。本文提出一种基于小波基函数的陶瓷烧成窑温度预测函数控制方法,仿真结果表明该方法的有效性。

2 陶瓷烧成窑温度预测函数控制


2.1 陶瓷烧成窑数学模型[16]


4.2 选取均匀分布基函数




4.3 受干扰情况

为说明基于小波基函数PFC的抗干扰能力,在系统进入稳定时间 200s 处,加入20% 干扰信号后的响应曲线如图5所示。仿真结果表明,加入干扰后,小波基函数PFC的温度回到设定值的时间比普通PFC要快5至8s。可见抑制干扰的能力优于普通PFC。

5 结语



[1] 陈作炳,乔红伟,刘军.陶瓷窑变结构温度控制系统的设计[J].自


[2] 刘美俊.基于PID模糊控制的陶瓷窑炉温度控制系统的设计


[3]LU Jianhong,CHE Laijiu.Fuzzy PID controner and its application

study in the temperature control system[J].Pmecedings ofthe

Chinese Society of Electrical Enginecring,2008,15(1):16-22.

[4] 李颖冲,陈小强.基于模糊自适应 PID 的陶瓷窑炉温度控制系

统仿真[J] .中国陶瓷,2009,45(7):51-54.

[5] 戴璐平.基于陶瓷窑炉温控的模糊预测控制系统的应用[J].工


[6] 刘伟,王思明,张国武.基于RBF神经网络陶瓷窑炉温度动态


[7] 陈静,程明家,徐国成,等.陶瓷辊道窑的温度特性与智能逻辑控


[8] Richalet J.Predictive functional control: Application to fast and

accurate robots[C] . Proc. of 10th IFAC World Congress, Munich,


[9] Abdelghani-Idrissi MA, Arbaouia MA, Estel L, et al. Predictive

functional control of a counter current heat exchanger using

convexity property[J].Chemical Engineering and Processing,


[10] Marko Lepetic, Igor Skrjanc, et al. Predictive functional control

based on fuzzy model: magnetic suspension system case study

[J]. Engineering Applications of Arti?cial Intelligence. 2003,16 :


[11] 张泉灵,王树青.化学反应器温度跟踪预测函数控制的研究及

应用[J]. 控制理与应用,2001,18(4):559-563.

[12] 张日东,王树青.基于神经网络的非线性系统预测函数控制[J].


[13] 王民权,应力恒. 制腈反应釜分段升温的多模式控制策略[J] .

计算机工程与应用,2012, 48(17):220-223. [14] Richalet J.

Elementary Predictive functional control: A tutorial[C].

Proceedings of the 2011 4th International Symposium on

Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, China, May,


[15] 刘春波,王鲜芳,章瑶,等. 基于小波基函数和Hammerstein模

型的预测函数控制[J].系统工程与电子技术, 2009, 31 (08):

1935 - 1939.

[16] 李颖冲,陶瓷窑炉温度测控系统的设计与研究[D].兰州交通大


[17] Richalet J. Elementary Predictive functional control: A tutorial

[C]. Proceedings of the 2011 4th International Symposium on

Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, China, May, 2011.306-


[18] 潘红华,胡家升,朱森,等.一种改进的预测函数控制法[J].系统

工程与电子技术, 2003, 25 (11): 1389 - 1391.

[19] 胡家升, 潘红华. 预测函数控制系统的闭环性能分析[J]. 控制


Abstract: For ceramic firing kiln with large delay, nonlinear and uncertain characteristics, proposed a predictive functional control method based wavelet function to control firing temperature of the ceramic. Firstly, the basic principle of ceramic firing temperature predictive function control has been given. Then using wavelet multi-scale analysis and compact support local characteristics as a basis function of the selected wavelet function, according to the requirements of the approach requires flexibly set the number and location of distribution of wavelet basis function, in ensuring the overall optimal performance of the system while taking into account local key requirements. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that compared with the general method of PFC, the dynamic characteristics and control accuracy, anti-interference, etc of this control method has obviously improved.

Key words: ceramic firing kiln; first-order time-delay system; predictive functional control; wavelet functionendprint

[6] 刘伟,王思明,张国武.基于RBF神经网络陶瓷窑炉温度动态


[7] 陈静,程明家,徐国成,等.陶瓷辊道窑的温度特性与智能逻辑控


[8] Richalet J.Predictive functional control: Application to fast and

accurate robots[C] . Proc. of 10th IFAC World Congress, Munich,


[9] Abdelghani-Idrissi MA, Arbaouia MA, Estel L, et al. Predictive

functional control of a counter current heat exchanger using

convexity property[J].Chemical Engineering and Processing,


[10] Marko Lepetic, Igor Skrjanc, et al. Predictive functional control

based on fuzzy model: magnetic suspension system case study

[J]. Engineering Applications of Arti?cial Intelligence. 2003,16 :


[11] 张泉灵,王树青.化学反应器温度跟踪预测函数控制的研究及

应用[J]. 控制理与应用,2001,18(4):559-563.

[12] 张日东,王树青.基于神经网络的非线性系统预测函数控制[J].


[13] 王民权,应力恒. 制腈反应釜分段升温的多模式控制策略[J] .

计算机工程与应用,2012, 48(17):220-223. [14] Richalet J.

Elementary Predictive functional control: A tutorial[C].

Proceedings of the 2011 4th International Symposium on

Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, China, May,


[15] 刘春波,王鲜芳,章瑶,等. 基于小波基函数和Hammerstein模

型的预测函数控制[J].系统工程与电子技术, 2009, 31 (08):

1935 - 1939.

[16] 李颖冲,陶瓷窑炉温度测控系统的设计与研究[D].兰州交通大


[17] Richalet J. Elementary Predictive functional control: A tutorial

[C]. Proceedings of the 2011 4th International Symposium on

Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, China, May, 2011.306-


[18] 潘红华,胡家升,朱森,等.一种改进的预测函数控制法[J].系统

工程与电子技术, 2003, 25 (11): 1389 - 1391.

[19] 胡家升, 潘红华. 预测函数控制系统的闭环性能分析[J]. 控制


Abstract: For ceramic firing kiln with large delay, nonlinear and uncertain characteristics, proposed a predictive functional control method based wavelet function to control firing temperature of the ceramic. Firstly, the basic principle of ceramic firing temperature predictive function control has been given. Then using wavelet multi-scale analysis and compact support local characteristics as a basis function of the selected wavelet function, according to the requirements of the approach requires flexibly set the number and location of distribution of wavelet basis function, in ensuring the overall optimal performance of the system while taking into account local key requirements. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that compared with the general method of PFC, the dynamic characteristics and control accuracy, anti-interference, etc of this control method has obviously improved.

Key words: ceramic firing kiln; first-order time-delay system; predictive functional control; wavelet functionendprint

[6] 刘伟,王思明,张国武.基于RBF神经网络陶瓷窑炉温度动态


[7] 陈静,程明家,徐国成,等.陶瓷辊道窑的温度特性与智能逻辑控


[8] Richalet J.Predictive functional control: Application to fast and

accurate robots[C] . Proc. of 10th IFAC World Congress, Munich,


[9] Abdelghani-Idrissi MA, Arbaouia MA, Estel L, et al. Predictive

functional control of a counter current heat exchanger using

convexity property[J].Chemical Engineering and Processing,


[10] Marko Lepetic, Igor Skrjanc, et al. Predictive functional control

based on fuzzy model: magnetic suspension system case study

[J]. Engineering Applications of Arti?cial Intelligence. 2003,16 :


[11] 张泉灵,王树青.化学反应器温度跟踪预测函数控制的研究及

应用[J]. 控制理与应用,2001,18(4):559-563.

[12] 张日东,王树青.基于神经网络的非线性系统预测函数控制[J].


[13] 王民权,应力恒. 制腈反应釜分段升温的多模式控制策略[J] .

计算机工程与应用,2012, 48(17):220-223. [14] Richalet J.

Elementary Predictive functional control: A tutorial[C].

Proceedings of the 2011 4th International Symposium on

Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, China, May,


[15] 刘春波,王鲜芳,章瑶,等. 基于小波基函数和Hammerstein模

型的预测函数控制[J].系统工程与电子技术, 2009, 31 (08):

1935 - 1939.

[16] 李颖冲,陶瓷窑炉温度测控系统的设计与研究[D].兰州交通大


[17] Richalet J. Elementary Predictive functional control: A tutorial

[C]. Proceedings of the 2011 4th International Symposium on

Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, China, May, 2011.306-


[18] 潘红华,胡家升,朱森,等.一种改进的预测函数控制法[J].系统

工程与电子技术, 2003, 25 (11): 1389 - 1391.

[19] 胡家升, 潘红华. 预测函数控制系统的闭环性能分析[J]. 控制


Abstract: For ceramic firing kiln with large delay, nonlinear and uncertain characteristics, proposed a predictive functional control method based wavelet function to control firing temperature of the ceramic. Firstly, the basic principle of ceramic firing temperature predictive function control has been given. Then using wavelet multi-scale analysis and compact support local characteristics as a basis function of the selected wavelet function, according to the requirements of the approach requires flexibly set the number and location of distribution of wavelet basis function, in ensuring the overall optimal performance of the system while taking into account local key requirements. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that compared with the general method of PFC, the dynamic characteristics and control accuracy, anti-interference, etc of this control method has obviously improved.

Key words: ceramic firing kiln; first-order time-delay system; predictive functional control; wavelet functionendprint