迈克尔·诺伊布格 X东方艺术大家:信任与安全—自由与控制


东方艺术·大家 2014年10期



















What is City?

City is the physical and conceptual frame of interaction. It is the rule set for living together at high speed and high efficiency. Mankind and its culture is not imaginable without city.

What is Traffic?

Traffic goes far beyond physical transportation. Traffic means controlled movement (You cannot drive your car top speed through your neighbors garden). All kind of information is traffic. Displacement of physical objects as well as any information we receive, compute or distribute is traffic. If we describe a citys life by its traffic, the traffic rules define the system as well as the security level of the system. The future development of the system depends on the present (traffic) rules.

Traffic is the systems soul.

What is Mach?

From walking to sonic speed to the speed of light.

Compared to the speed of a car, Mach seems to be very fast. How does this work? Physical objects do not move but swing while distributing information (like swinging air molecules transport sound). Spreading information at sonic speed is one of the secrets of working cities and it was a limiter for thousands of years. As information now is available beyond the citys boundaries at light speed, the world is in a status of global merging of all cities. The speed of information / traffic changes the applicability of the traffic rules.

About my work:

Sometimes people call me an architectural photographer. This is ridiculous. I never picture buildings. My interest is focused on places – places of social interaction. The city is the universal place as human culture cant be imagined without. More than 50% of humans worldwide living in cities nowadays and dynamics accelerated - in the mechanical age and now in the communicational / informational age.

In my work, I never approach humans directly, as this would limit the possibilities of the beholder substantially. Thats why I show cities crowded places often without people or only in a distant way. My new portrait technique (Monoliths / Thoughts are free) provides the ability to explore peoples faces but keeping their unity instead of freezing / “killing” them.

Trust and Security – Freedom an Control

Thoughts are free is a statement and a postulation. It is also the title of an old German song addressing the topic.

Threat Alert shows calm places in big cities. While looking peaceful, people feel a little bit uncomfortable as cities could be and have been attacked easily. As security is the primary demand in Maslows hierarchy of needs beyond physical needs it is fundamental to people.

Put it together and you will find that the balance of freedom and control is crucial. Thats a constant in all human societies over all ages.

Secular Cities – Ritual Places

It is all about fetishes. All the pictured places show “temples” of human fetishes like life, death, sex, advertising, 24/7, communication, mobility, commuting, etc. It is a technique of the appropriate exposure to discover the fetishes in these places.


How does the concept of “city” form in our minds as a picture? I started to analyze the ways how the global memory of pictures is developed.

When I was young and I traveled to unknown places I developed an idea of how it would look like – and I was always proven wrong. Nowadays I am no longer surprised visiting unknown places, as the places images are always faster in my mind as I physically travel. 矛盾是不同需求间的纽带,在城市化、高效率、机械化的运转中,纽带常常纠结于城市角落的一隅;当然,最初的单项需求转为双向需求,使得人们的内心产生了极大的反差,矛盾也在这种转变中升级。而这种变化我们始料未及,我们无法追溯他的过去,因为他的过去在另一个矛盾的夹层里。这种癫狂的仪式不再是单纯的迷恋,而是一种“主义”。




我的作品从未直接指向人类,因为这会限制观者的基本可能性。这就是我为何要展示城市中拥挤无人或只是远远拍摄场所的原因。我的新的肖像技术(磐石/思想是自由的[Monoliths / Thoughts are free])可以探究人们的脸,但保留了他们的完整性而非冻结/“杀死”他们。



《凶兆警报》(Threat Alert)展示的是大城市中宁静的场所。这些场所看起来很平静,但是人们能觉察到一丝不安,因为城市易受到外来的袭击。当马斯洛需求层次理论中的安全需求成为主要需求时,它便超越了人们的基础需求,即生理需求。







About my work:

Sometimes people call me an architectural photographer. This is ridiculous. I never picture buildings. My interest is focused on places – places of social interaction. The city is the universal place as human culture cant be imagined without. More than 50% of humans worldwide living in cities nowadays and dynamics accelerated - in the mechanical age and now in the communicational / informational age.

In my work, I never approach humans directly, as this would limit the possibilities of the beholder substantially. Thats why I show cities crowded places often without people or only in a distant way. My new portrait technique (Monoliths / Thoughts are free) provides the ability to explore peoples faces but keeping their unity instead of freezing / “killing” them.

Trust and Security – Freedom an Control

Thoughts are free is a statement and a postulation. It is also the title of an old German song addressing the topic.

Threat Alert shows calm places in big cities. While looking peaceful, people feel a little bit uncomfortable as cities could be and have been attacked easily. As security is the primary demand in Maslows hierarchy of needs beyond physical needs it is fundamental to people.

Put it together and you will find that the balance of freedom and control is crucial. Thats a constant in all human societies over all ages.

Secular Cities – Ritual Places

It is all about fetishes. All the pictured places show “temples” of human fetishes like life, death, sex, advertising, 24/7, communication, mobility, commuting, etc. It is a technique of the appropriate exposure to discover the fetishes in these places.


How does the concept of “city” form in our minds as a picture? I started to analyze the ways how the global memory of pictures is developed.

When I was young and I traveled to unknown places I developed an idea of how it would look like – and I was always proven wrong. Nowadays I am no longer surprised visiting unknown places, as the places images are always faster in my mind as I physically travel.

