焦铬 范双南
摘要:减少SoC的测试时间是降低测试成本的有效方法。提出一种二次排序组合的扫描链平衡算法以减少IP核测试时间。算法首先对内部扫描链按升序排列,然后对其进行mod n(封装后扫描链的条数)划分,得到n个余数序列,将余数为0的序列按降序排列,与其它余数序列组合成新的序列;对新序列再进行一次mod n划分,再次得到n个余数序列,最后对各余数序列分别求和,求和的结果即为n条扫描链封装后的扫描链长度。在ITC02基准电路上的实验结果表明,该算法能有效地缩短IP核测试时间。
中国分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2014)29-7000-03
Abstract: Reducing SoC test time is an effective way to reduce testing costs.This paper proposes a scan chain balance algorithm based on two times reordering and combination for minimizing IP testing time. Firstly, the internal scan chains in ascending order, then its mod n (the number of packaged scan chain) division, get the n remainder sequence, the remainder of the sequence 0, in descending order, and other than a few sequences combined into a new sequence; once again for the new sequence mod n is divided to obtain a sequence of residues n again, and finally the remainder of the respective sequences are summed, the result is the sum of the length n of the scan chain after scan chains package.Experimental results on ITC'02 benchmark circuits show that the method can effectively reduce the test time.
Key words: SoC test; scan chain balance; two times reordering and combination
1 概述
随着超大规模集成电路设计技术的发展,集成度和复杂度的不断提高,SoC的测试问题也越来越突出。对SoC的测试实际上就是对单个IP(intellectual property)核的测试,如果能减少IP核的测试时间,就能有效地缩短SoC的测试时间。IP核的扫描测试时间由测试壳中最长的扫描链决定。因此,扫描链的平衡处理是有效降低IP核测试时间的有效方法之一。
2 相关研究工作
已有很多学者提出了各种扫描链平衡的算法来降低SoC的测试时间。文献[1]提出了一种最佳递减匹配(best fit decrease,BFD)算法,该算法对IP核内部的扫描链进行逐条分配,具有运行效率高、结构简单的优点,在扫描链平衡处理中应用广泛。但是该算法只能得到局部最优解,存在很大的改进空间。文献[2]提出了一种基于平均值(mean value approximation,MVA)的扫描链平衡算法,MVA算法以Wrapper扫描链的平均值为基准,分配时利用平均值对结果进行预估和控制,能得到相对较好的结果,但是当遇到内部扫描链长度的分布离散程度较大时,结果不理想。文献[3]提出了一种基于差值2次分配的扫描链平衡算法,其主要思想是选择一个基准扫描链,分别选择长度大于和小于基准的扫描链与之做差,按差值进行2次分配,该算法实现简单,算法复杂度低。
4 实验与结果分析
图2 3种算法的最优解分布
2) BFD算法得到的最优解的个数为:11393+45+7+29=11474,占所有最优解的97.92%;
3) MVA算法得到的最优解的个数为:11393+76+7+12=11488,占所有最优解的98.04%;
5 结论
[1] IYENGAR V,CHAKRABARTY K,MARINISSEN E J.Test wrapper and test access mechanism co-optimization for system-on-chip[A].ITC International Test Conference[C].Baltimore:IEEE Comp.Soc.Test Technology Technical Council,2001:1023-1032.
[2] Niu D H,Wang H,Yang S Y,et al.Re-optimization algorithm for SoC wrapper-chain balance using mean-value approximation[J].Tsinghua Science and Technology,2007,12(S1):61-66.
[3] 邓立宝,乔立岩,俞洋等.基于差值二次分配的扫描链平衡算法[J].电子学报,2012(2):338-343.
[4] MULLANE B,HIGGINS M,NAMEE C M.An optimal IEEE 1500 core wrapper design for improved test access and reduced test time[A].IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference[C].Galway,Ireland:Institution of Engineering and Technology,2008:204-209.
[5] BENSO A,DI C S, PRINETTO P,et al.IEEE standard 1500 compliance verification for embedded cores[J].IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) System,2008,16(4):397-407.
[6] HIGGINS M,MACNAMEE C,MULLANE B. Design and implementation challenges for adoption of the IEEE 1500 standard[J].IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 2010,4(1):38-49.endprint
5 结论
[1] IYENGAR V,CHAKRABARTY K,MARINISSEN E J.Test wrapper and test access mechanism co-optimization for system-on-chip[A].ITC International Test Conference[C].Baltimore:IEEE Comp.Soc.Test Technology Technical Council,2001:1023-1032.
[2] Niu D H,Wang H,Yang S Y,et al.Re-optimization algorithm for SoC wrapper-chain balance using mean-value approximation[J].Tsinghua Science and Technology,2007,12(S1):61-66.
[3] 邓立宝,乔立岩,俞洋等.基于差值二次分配的扫描链平衡算法[J].电子学报,2012(2):338-343.
[4] MULLANE B,HIGGINS M,NAMEE C M.An optimal IEEE 1500 core wrapper design for improved test access and reduced test time[A].IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference[C].Galway,Ireland:Institution of Engineering and Technology,2008:204-209.
[5] BENSO A,DI C S, PRINETTO P,et al.IEEE standard 1500 compliance verification for embedded cores[J].IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) System,2008,16(4):397-407.
[6] HIGGINS M,MACNAMEE C,MULLANE B. Design and implementation challenges for adoption of the IEEE 1500 standard[J].IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 2010,4(1):38-49.endprint
5 结论
[1] IYENGAR V,CHAKRABARTY K,MARINISSEN E J.Test wrapper and test access mechanism co-optimization for system-on-chip[A].ITC International Test Conference[C].Baltimore:IEEE Comp.Soc.Test Technology Technical Council,2001:1023-1032.
[2] Niu D H,Wang H,Yang S Y,et al.Re-optimization algorithm for SoC wrapper-chain balance using mean-value approximation[J].Tsinghua Science and Technology,2007,12(S1):61-66.
[3] 邓立宝,乔立岩,俞洋等.基于差值二次分配的扫描链平衡算法[J].电子学报,2012(2):338-343.
[4] MULLANE B,HIGGINS M,NAMEE C M.An optimal IEEE 1500 core wrapper design for improved test access and reduced test time[A].IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference[C].Galway,Ireland:Institution of Engineering and Technology,2008:204-209.
[5] BENSO A,DI C S, PRINETTO P,et al.IEEE standard 1500 compliance verification for embedded cores[J].IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) System,2008,16(4):397-407.
[6] HIGGINS M,MACNAMEE C,MULLANE B. Design and implementation challenges for adoption of the IEEE 1500 standard[J].IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 2010,4(1):38-49.endprint