

计算机辅助工程 2014年5期


摘要: 针对浮式液化天然气(Floating Liquefied Natural Gas,FLNG)船大型储舱内的液体晃荡问题,分别以薄膜型储舱的1∶20模型及原型为研究对象,采用CFD仿真方法分析百年一遇生存海况下液舱内晃荡载荷的基本规律和危险工况.结果表明:在真实海况下,现有FLNG储舱设计中的晃荡冲击载荷主要来源于船体纵向运动,可能出现的最大冲击载荷约为0.4 MPa,主要发生在纵舱壁与横向隔水舱的拐角位置,危险载液率为20%~30%及90%.

关键词: 浮式液化天然气船; 储舱; 晃荡; 危险载液率; CFD

中图分类号: TE88;TB115.1文献标志码: B

Abstract: As to the issue of liquid sloshing in the large tank of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas(FLNG) ship, the numerical models for 1∶20 model and prototype of a membrane tank are taken as the research objects, and the CFD simulation method is used to analyze the sloshing load and dangerous conditions in liquid tank under the survival sea condition in ahundredyear return period. The results indicate that, the impact load of sloshing in the current FLNG tank design is ascribed to the longitudinal motion of ship body, the possible maximum impact load is 0.4 MPa, the maximum impact load mainly occurs on the corners of the longitudinal wall and the horizontal bulkhead, and the risky filling rate is 20%~30% and 90%.

Key words: floating liquefied natural gas ship; tank; sloshing; risky filling rate; CFD


随着海洋油气资源开发的快速发展,浮式液化天然气船(Floating Liquefied Natural Gas, FLNG)成为该领域内最前沿的设计研究.与液化气运输船不同,FLNG船在指定海域内长期定点作业,且其储舱内部分装载的情况时有发生,因此晃荡载荷成为FLNG船储舱设计的关键问题之一.由于晃荡问题的非线性和随机性,理论方法对晃荡载荷的研究能力有限.对于三维不规则激励下舱内液体晃荡载荷的研究,目前主要通过室内小比例模型试验与数值计算相结合的方法,并利用相似律评估原型液舱的晃荡载荷.CFD仿真技术是室内模型试验的有效辅助手段,广泛应用于晃荡问题研究[15],对于新型储舱设计尤为重要.本文采用FLUENT,基于有限体积法(液面追踪采用VOF法),结合1∶20液舱模型的晃荡试验,对原型液舱在真实海况激励下的晃荡载荷进行评估和预测.










试验和数值在自由液面位置0.2h处压力监测点得到的压力时程曲线见图4.(a)相位1数值模拟(b)相位1试验(c)相位2数值模拟(d)相位2试验图 3自由液面对比






(3)最大晃荡载荷约为0.4 MPa,主要出现在横纵舱壁的拐角部位.



[1]祁江涛. 基于VOF法的液舱晃荡数值模拟[D]. 无锡: 中船重工第七○二研究所, 2007: 3233.

[2]沈猛. 基于改进VOF法的棱形液舱液体晃荡分析及应用[D]. 上海: 上海交通大学, 2008.

[3]THIAGARAJAN K P, RAKSHIT D, REPALLE N. The airwater sloshing problem: Fundamental analysis and parametric studies on excitation and fill levels[J]. Ocean Eng, 2011, 38(2/3): 498508.

[4]HIRT C W, NICHOLS B D. Volume of Fluid(VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries[J]. J Comput Phys, 1981(39): 201225.

[5]MILKELIS N E, MILLER J K. Sloshing in partially filled liquid tanks and its effect on ship motions, numerical simulations and experimental verification[J]. Trans R Inst Naval Architect, 1984(126): 267277.

[6]王福军. 计算流体动力学分析: CFD软件原理与应用[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2004.

[7]朱仁庆, 吴有生. 液舱内流体晃荡特性数值研究[J]. 中国造船, 2002, 43(2): 1521.

ZHU Renqing, WU Yousheng. A numerical study on sloshing phenomena in a liquid tank[J]. Shipbuilding China, 2002, 43(2): 1521.

[8]朱仁庆, 侯玲. LNG船液舱晃荡数值模拟[J]. 江苏科技大学学报: 自然科学版, 2010, 24(1): 16.

ZHU Renqing, HOU Ling. Numerical simulation of liquid sloshing in the tanks of LNG carrier[J]. J Jiangsu Univ Sci & Technol: Nat Sci, 2010, 24(1): 16.

[9]刘桢兵. 基于VOF法的液舱晃荡数值模拟及载荷计算[J]. 重庆理工大学学报: 自然科学版, 2011, 25(3): 2429.

LIU Zhenbing. Numerical simulation of liquid tank sloshing and pressure calculation based on volume of fluid method[J]. J Chongqing Inst Technol: Nat Sci, 2011, 25(3): 2429.(编辑武晓英)

[1]祁江涛. 基于VOF法的液舱晃荡数值模拟[D]. 无锡: 中船重工第七○二研究所, 2007: 3233.

[2]沈猛. 基于改进VOF法的棱形液舱液体晃荡分析及应用[D]. 上海: 上海交通大学, 2008.

[3]THIAGARAJAN K P, RAKSHIT D, REPALLE N. The airwater sloshing problem: Fundamental analysis and parametric studies on excitation and fill levels[J]. Ocean Eng, 2011, 38(2/3): 498508.

[4]HIRT C W, NICHOLS B D. Volume of Fluid(VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries[J]. J Comput Phys, 1981(39): 201225.

[5]MILKELIS N E, MILLER J K. Sloshing in partially filled liquid tanks and its effect on ship motions, numerical simulations and experimental verification[J]. Trans R Inst Naval Architect, 1984(126): 267277.

[6]王福军. 计算流体动力学分析: CFD软件原理与应用[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2004.

[7]朱仁庆, 吴有生. 液舱内流体晃荡特性数值研究[J]. 中国造船, 2002, 43(2): 1521.

ZHU Renqing, WU Yousheng. A numerical study on sloshing phenomena in a liquid tank[J]. Shipbuilding China, 2002, 43(2): 1521.

[8]朱仁庆, 侯玲. LNG船液舱晃荡数值模拟[J]. 江苏科技大学学报: 自然科学版, 2010, 24(1): 16.

ZHU Renqing, HOU Ling. Numerical simulation of liquid sloshing in the tanks of LNG carrier[J]. J Jiangsu Univ Sci & Technol: Nat Sci, 2010, 24(1): 16.

[9]刘桢兵. 基于VOF法的液舱晃荡数值模拟及载荷计算[J]. 重庆理工大学学报: 自然科学版, 2011, 25(3): 2429.

LIU Zhenbing. Numerical simulation of liquid tank sloshing and pressure calculation based on volume of fluid method[J]. J Chongqing Inst Technol: Nat Sci, 2011, 25(3): 2429.(编辑武晓英)

[1]祁江涛. 基于VOF法的液舱晃荡数值模拟[D]. 无锡: 中船重工第七○二研究所, 2007: 3233.

[2]沈猛. 基于改进VOF法的棱形液舱液体晃荡分析及应用[D]. 上海: 上海交通大学, 2008.

[3]THIAGARAJAN K P, RAKSHIT D, REPALLE N. The airwater sloshing problem: Fundamental analysis and parametric studies on excitation and fill levels[J]. Ocean Eng, 2011, 38(2/3): 498508.

[4]HIRT C W, NICHOLS B D. Volume of Fluid(VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries[J]. J Comput Phys, 1981(39): 201225.

[5]MILKELIS N E, MILLER J K. Sloshing in partially filled liquid tanks and its effect on ship motions, numerical simulations and experimental verification[J]. Trans R Inst Naval Architect, 1984(126): 267277.

[6]王福军. 计算流体动力学分析: CFD软件原理与应用[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2004.

[7]朱仁庆, 吴有生. 液舱内流体晃荡特性数值研究[J]. 中国造船, 2002, 43(2): 1521.

ZHU Renqing, WU Yousheng. A numerical study on sloshing phenomena in a liquid tank[J]. Shipbuilding China, 2002, 43(2): 1521.

[8]朱仁庆, 侯玲. LNG船液舱晃荡数值模拟[J]. 江苏科技大学学报: 自然科学版, 2010, 24(1): 16.

ZHU Renqing, HOU Ling. Numerical simulation of liquid sloshing in the tanks of LNG carrier[J]. J Jiangsu Univ Sci & Technol: Nat Sci, 2010, 24(1): 16.

[9]刘桢兵. 基于VOF法的液舱晃荡数值模拟及载荷计算[J]. 重庆理工大学学报: 自然科学版, 2011, 25(3): 2429.

LIU Zhenbing. Numerical simulation of liquid tank sloshing and pressure calculation based on volume of fluid method[J]. J Chongqing Inst Technol: Nat Sci, 2011, 25(3): 2429.(编辑武晓英)