

山东农业科学 2014年8期


摘 要: 以菏豆 13 号和辽豆 11号为试材,研究不同贮藏温度和种子含水量对大豆种子活力的影响。结果表明:贮藏温度和种子含水量均能影响大豆种子活力;随贮藏时期的延长,大豆种子活力呈下降趋势;25℃贮藏各水分处理与4℃贮藏高水分(12%)处理影响大豆种子活力;-20℃贮藏时,水分条件对种子活力的影响反应敏感度较低,中水(8%)和低水(4%)处理可以减缓大豆种子老化速率,较好地保持大豆种子活力。

关键词: 贮藏温度;种子含水量; 种子活力;大豆

中图分类号: S565.101 文献标识号:A 文章编号: 1001 - 4942(2014)08 - 0037 - 05

Effects of Storage Temperature and Seed Moisture Content on Soybean Seed Vigor

Zhang Feng, Liu Mei, Yang Cuicui, Yang Wensi, Sun Qingquan*

(College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China)

Abstract Using Hedou 13 and Liaodou 11 as materials, the effects of storage temperature and seed moisture content on soybean seed vigor were studied. The results showed that storage temperature and seed moisture content both had influences on seed vigor. Soybean seed vigor declined with the extension of storage period. Each moisture treatment under 25℃ and high moisture treatment under 4℃ were all not conducive to soybean seed vigor. Moisture condition had less effect on soybean seed vigor under -20℃, and low and middle moisture treatments could slow down the seed aging rate and maintain higher seed vigor.

Key words Storage temperature; Seed moisture content; Seed vigor; Soybean

大豆 [Glycine max (L.)Merr.]原产自我国,是一种蛋白质和油脂含量丰富的豆类作物,国内常年种植面积达800万公顷[1]。为满足大豆产量、品质提高和种植面积增加的生产需求,大豆生产用种的质量需达到播种质量要求标准。大豆种子活力随种子发育至生理成熟期达到最高值,随后进入衰老过程,生活力逐渐丧失[2]。大豆种子贮藏过程中容易发生老化,影响播种后种子萌发出苗整齐度与幼苗生长质量,也影响后期植株的产量与品质。种子贮藏过程中受很多因素的影响,贮藏温度、种子含水量和贮藏时间对种子活力的影响较为显著[3]。采取合理的贮藏方法能够延长种子寿命,减慢种子老化过程,为农业生产提供高质量的种子。


1 材料与方法

1.1 材料与试验设计



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[3] Wang J,Sun B. Advances on seed vigor physiological and genetic mechanisms[J]. Agricultural Sciences in China,2007(9):1060-1066.

[4] 徐本美,韩建国,译. 种苗评定与种子活力测定方法手册[M]. 北京:北京农业大学出版社,1993:102-106.

[5] 廖文燕,高捍东. 金钱松种子贮藏过程中的生理生化特征研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2012,36(2):52- 58.

[6] 韩玉竹,伍莲,曾兵,等. 贮藏温度和种子含水量对高羊茅种子活力的影响[J]. 种子,2011,30(6):45-48.

[7] 高平平,乔燕祥,李莹.贮存温度对大豆种子活力影响及其生理效应[J].华北农学报,1996,11(4):116-120.

[8] Priestley D A,Wetner B G,Leopold A C. Organic free radical levels in seeds and pollen:The effects of hydration and aging[J]. Plant Physiology,1985,64:88-94.

[9] Rao R G S,Singh P M,Mathura R. Storability of onion seeds and effects of packaging and storage conditions on viability and vigour[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2006,110(1):1-6.

[10] Vertucci C W,Roos E E. Theoretical basis of protocols for seed storageⅡ. The influence of temperature on optimal moisture levels[J]. Seed Science Research, 1993,3:201-213.

[11] Vertucci C W,Roos E E,Crane J. Theoretical basis of protocols for seed storage Ⅲ. Optimum moisture contents for pea seeds stored at different temperatures[J]. Annals of Botany,1994,74:531-540.

[3] Wang J,Sun B. Advances on seed vigor physiological and genetic mechanisms[J]. Agricultural Sciences in China,2007(9):1060-1066.

[4] 徐本美,韩建国,译. 种苗评定与种子活力测定方法手册[M]. 北京:北京农业大学出版社,1993:102-106.

[5] 廖文燕,高捍东. 金钱松种子贮藏过程中的生理生化特征研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2012,36(2):52- 58.

[6] 韩玉竹,伍莲,曾兵,等. 贮藏温度和种子含水量对高羊茅种子活力的影响[J]. 种子,2011,30(6):45-48.

[7] 高平平,乔燕祥,李莹.贮存温度对大豆种子活力影响及其生理效应[J].华北农学报,1996,11(4):116-120.

[8] Priestley D A,Wetner B G,Leopold A C. Organic free radical levels in seeds and pollen:The effects of hydration and aging[J]. Plant Physiology,1985,64:88-94.

[9] Rao R G S,Singh P M,Mathura R. Storability of onion seeds and effects of packaging and storage conditions on viability and vigour[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2006,110(1):1-6.

[10] Vertucci C W,Roos E E. Theoretical basis of protocols for seed storageⅡ. The influence of temperature on optimal moisture levels[J]. Seed Science Research, 1993,3:201-213.

[11] Vertucci C W,Roos E E,Crane J. Theoretical basis of protocols for seed storage Ⅲ. Optimum moisture contents for pea seeds stored at different temperatures[J]. Annals of Botany,1994,74:531-540.

