An Introduction to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Its Application in JMSET


校园英语·中旬 2014年9期

Zhu Yangyang

1. Introduction

Howard Gardner first formulated the theory of multiple intelligences (MI).

The theory of MI at least offers teachers 7 different possibilities of teaching (Lazear 5). Teachers can apply different intelligences flexibly to design teaching activities. In that way, the students can take part in more activities and get more sense of achievement in study, which is good to build up their confidence. In the following part the author will elaborate the definitions of nine intelligences.

2. The definitions of nine intelligences

English teachers should cultivate students MI in and out of English class to develop their ability of solving problems in English learning.

Linguistic intelligence involves the ability to use words effectively both orally and in writing. Logical-mathematical intelligence involves the ability to use numbers effectively and to reason well. Visual-spatial intelligence involves the ability to sense form, space, color, line, and shape. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence involves the ability to use the body to express ideas and feelings and to solve problems. Musical intelligence involves the ability to sense rhythm, pitch, and melody. Interpersonal intelligence involves the ability to understand another person's moods, feelings, motivations, and intentions. Intrapersonal intelligence involves the ability to understand the internal aspects of the self and to practice self-discipline. Naturalist intelligence involves the ability to recognize and classify plants, minerals, and animals, including rocks and grass, and all variety of flora and fauna.

Based on the understanding of nine intelligences the author will discuss their application in Junior Middle School English teaching (JMSET).

3. The application of the theory of multiple intelligences in Junior Middle School English teaching

3.1 Linguistic intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is about reading, writing, speaking and listening. The students made up different funny stories. Some one immediately got a lesson from it, and finally sold his house; another one never got lesson from his faults, and sold his house piece by piece. At last, only four walls were left. The intelligences are not absolutely isolated, but they mingle with each other in complex. While making up a story, the students are using their logical thinking. Story-telling is a good way to link linguistic intelligence with logical intelligence.

3.2 Logical-mathematical intelligence

Logical-mathematical intelligence involves the ability to solve different kinds of problems through logic. It may be exercised through classifying and sequencing activities, playing number and logic games, or solving various kinds of problems. Designing interesting mathematical problems in class is a good example of applying logical-mathematical intelligence in Junior Middle School English Teaching. When students are learning numbers, teachers can give them some easy numbers to calculate orally.

3.3 Visual-spatial intelligence

Generally speaking, most students in Junior Middle Schools have strong points in visual-spatial intelligence. Visual aids can stimulate students to thinking then make them learn efficiently. So it is a good way for an English teacher to use painting to serve linguistic teaching. The teacher can help the students to understand descriptive language by pictures, stick drawings, slide--projectors and the like. The teacher leads the students thinking direct to the words and their meaning and helps them understand the target language without translation. Most students in Junior Middle School like painting, these activities can cultivate students interests in English learning and make them painting, these activities can cultivate students interests in English learning and make them be more interested in learning English.

3.4 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Giving students adequate space to perform is absolutely a good pattern to cultivate students organizing language and speaking ability. Sometimes the teacher can let students determine the number of people and plots. The teacher can also ask students to make some cards on which they can write down the new words and paint something.

3.5 Musical intelligence

Musical intelligence includes such skills as the ability to recognize simple songs and to vary speed, tempo, and rhythm in simple melodies. In the process of English teaching, the teacher can instruct not only the song in the book, but also classical childrens songs from foreign countries. The teacher can match the teaching material with tune, chant, or tongue twister and the like patterns to sing and say. Consequently, learning language becomes an easy funny thing. For example, a half students say “cat, cat”, the other half eco, “I like cat”. The teacher can also let students discuss some songs which have some relationship with the learning thesis.

3.6. Interpersonal intelligence

Role-play is a good type of cooperation. It involves interpersonal intelligence. There are several patterns of cooperation. Group-work, partner activity and so on. Students can interview their classmates according to the topic given by the teacher. Students can make dialogues with their partner. Students can work together to finish the task the teacher asked. In the group every one can bring their different intelligences into play. They can also work together to draw pictures and make up stories in English then perform them before the whole class.

3.7 Intrapersonal intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence involves understanding ones inner world of emotions and thoughts. It refers to the ability to control ones emotions and thoughts and work with them consciously. Hence, in English class, a teacher can use ones intrapersonal intelligence to combine teaching materials with ideological education.

The teacher can hold an oral English competition with the theme of “spring, summer, autumn and winter” to let students discuss or debate to show their opinions of likes and dislikes and to give reasons. The teacher can also ask students to write an article about themselves after learning a text.

3.8 Naturalist intelligence

Naturalist intelligence is of the understanding the natural world of plants and animals. Those people who have distinctive naturalist intelligence have great interests in plants and animals. They will observe the plants and animals and notice their characteristics. The teacher can apply naturalist intelligence in English teaching, taking out-door activity as an example. Nature is marvelous. Being close to the nature, students can learn better, they can have deeper impression on the acquired knowledge. Consequently, the English teacher can let students learn English while they are in spring, or autumn outing. Take the following as examples: In different places, the teacher lets students distinguish east, west, south and north; the teacher lets students say different kinds of flower. The students who have strong thirst of knowledge will inquire about some English words. Of course, the most fun thing is to sing English songs, to do English games, or to play English short play in the open field.

4. Conclusion

This paper discusses the theory of MI and the application of these intelligences in JMSET. While developing students listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability, the teacher should try his best to give students more extensive materials and offer more diversified activities. As a teacher, he or she should be full of passion, the childlike innocence and compassion. Teachers are expected to build up equal and harmonious relationships between students and teachers. The teacher should be amiable to the students. The teachers play an important role in opening students wisdom door and publicize their personality. A teacher should discover, develop and explore students MI, to show songs, paintings, games, short-plays and competition in English class, to realize teaching the whole child,to make students study in a happy atmosphere.