

校园英语·中旬 2014年9期



【关键词】词块 教学 英语 准确度 口语



初中英语教材中含有大量有用的词块,教师要有意识地培养学生的词块意识。学习新的单词时,要学习与其搭配的词块,而不是孤立地学习单词。比如,在教学单词proud时,要结合词块be proud of sb. / sth.; be proud to do sth.; be proud + that从句进行操练。教师可以呈现姚明的图片,引导学生说出句子:We Chinese are proud of Yao Ming. We are proud to watch Yao Ming play basketball. We are proud that Yao Ming can play basketball so well. 又如,教学单词spend时,引出词块spend some time or money on sth./ (in) doing sth.,并围绕购书经历引导学生说出句子:I spent 8 yuan on the book./ I spent 8 yuan (in) buying the book.还可以比较意思相近的句子:The book cost me 8 yuan./ I paid 8 yuan for the book./ I bought the book for 8 yuan.


学生的英语词汇理解和记忆并没有多大问题,问题是如何在使用时尽快将所需词汇从大脑中搜索出来,并能恰当使用(于秀莲,2008)。教师要通过各种方式训练学生提取和使用词块的能力,使学生在词块运用中提高口语表达的准确度和流利度。以8B Unit5 International Charities的教学为例,学生整体理解课文后,教师可以提取本课重点词块used to do sth, be used to sth/ doing sth, do/give/ perform operation on sb, operate on sb, so ...that, such...that, be proud of/ to do sth/ that..., be grateful to sb./ for sth, afford sth./to do sth,要求学生选用以上词块复述课文,训练学生提取和使用词块的能力,促进词块知识转化成词块能力。


为了促进词块的巩固和内化过程,笔者经常在课上设计口头对话和话题描述活动,训练学生创造性地使用词块的能力。比如在8B Unit1 Past and Present 单元,我要求学生比较并谈论小学和初中生活的差异,在对话中要尽可能多地使用词块。以下是笔者整理的学生对话:


A: When I was in primary school, I used to go to school by bike on my own. Sometimes my mother took me to school because of bad weather.

B: How lucky you are. My home is far away from school. My mother had to drive me to school every day. It took me about half an hour to get to school. We have moved into a new flat near our school. And Im old enough to come to school on my own. Whats more, my mother has more time to relax.


A: When I was in primary school, I used to go to school at 7:00 a.m. and I have a lot of time to play with my friends after school.

B: I have the same feeling. Now we go to school at 6:15 every morning and I am not used to it. I often feel tired and sleepy. I have a lot of homework to do after school and I have no time to play. School life is much busier than before.

A: Yes, thats true.


A: When I was in primary school, I was poor at my studies and I used to fail in the exams. My father often shouted at me amd made me very sad.

B: Hard luck. Are things better now?

A: Yes. My father often encourages me to work hard and not to lose heart. I feel happier and do better in my lessons than before. What about you?

B: My parents used to give me a lot more exercises to do after school and also at weekends. Most of my free time was used to do exercises and I had no time to play or watch TV. I was tired of it.

A: Thats too bad.

B: Now I live in the school dormitory .Im happy to have a lot of friends and I always have a great time chatting with them. I also have more free time to plan to do things I like to do.

A: That sounds interesting. School life is really great.

B: Yes, I agree.



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