姚国旗 曹冰 单娟等
AbstractThe resistances of 34 tropical or subtropical maize inbred lines to southern rust were identified. There were 11 new maize germplasms resistant to southern rust. Among which, 4 highly resistant germplasms were conducted genetic analysis. The results indicated that the 4 maize germplasms showed complex hereditary modes controlled by host gene or host gene combined with minor gene.
Key wordsMaize; Southern rust; Tropical germplasms
南方锈病是多堆柄锈菌(Puccinia polysora Underw)侵染玉米引起的一种病害,该病是我国玉米生产的主要病害之一[1]。在流行年份,南方锈病能造成玉米大幅减产,严重时超过45%以上[2,3]。南方锈病的发生需要高温和高湿环境,过去主要发生于我国南方一些高温潮湿地区。近年来,随着气温的上升、降水的增多、极端气候的频繁出现,南方锈病发生区域逐渐北移,并在我国的北方玉米产区大面积发生。例如,1998年南方锈病在我国黄淮海玉米区流行成灾[4,5]。
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[4]王寿伦. 山东、河南和江苏部分地区玉米锈病1998 年流行[J]. 植保技术与推广, 1999(3):40-41.
[5]叶金才. 育成我国首例对玉米南方锈病免疫系齐319[J]. 中国农业科学, 2000, 33(4):110.
[6]张发军, 孟昭东, 穆春华,等. 抗南方锈病玉米自交系的筛选及评价[J]. 山东农业科学,2008(9):77-79.
[7]Goodman M M, Castillo-Gonzalez F, Moreno J. Choosing and using exotic maize germplasm[J]. Illinois Corn Breeders School Proc., 1990, 26: 148-171.
[8]Xia X C, Reif J C, Hoisington D A, et al. Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: I. Lowland tropical maize[J]. Crop Sci., 2004, 44: 2230-2237.
[9]Xia X C, Reif J C, Melchinger A E, et al. Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: II. Subtropical, tropical midaltitude, and highland maize inbred lines and their relationships with elite U.S. and European maize[J]. Crop Sci., 2005, 45: 2573-2582.
[10]Storey H H, Howland A K. Resistance in maize to the tropical American rust fungus, Puccinia polysora Underw, I. Genes Rpp1 and Rpp2 [J]. Heredity, 1957, 11: 289-301.
[11]Zhang Y, Xu L, Zhang D, et al. Mapping of southern corn rust-resistant genes in the W2D inbred line of maize (Zea mays L.) [J]. Mol. Breeding, 2009, 25: 433-439.
[12]Chen C X, Wang Z L, Yang D E, et al. Molecular tagging and genetic mapping of the disease resistance gene RppQ to southern corn rust[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2004, 108: 945-950.
[13]Scott G E, King S B, Armour J W J. Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in maize Zea mays populations[J]. Crop Sci., 1984, 24: 265-267
[14]Holland J B, Uhr D V, Je Vers D, et al. Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in tropical-by-corn-belt maize populations[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 1998, 96: 232-241.
[15]Jines M P, Balint-Kurti P, Robertson-Hoyt L A, et al. Mapping resistance to southern rust in a tropical by temperate maize recombinant inbred topcross population[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2007, 114: 659-667.
[16]姚国旗, 单娟, 曹冰,等. 玉米自交系CML470 抗南方锈病基因的定位[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2013, 14(3):518-522.
[17]杨典洱, 张承亮, 陈翠霞,等. 禾谷镰刀菌引起玉米青枯病的抗性基因遗传分析[J].作物学报, 2002, 28(3):389-392.
[18]单娟, 崔良国, 韩志景,等. 基于温热BC1 群体的农艺性状QTL定位[J]. 玉米科学,2013,21(3):24-29.
[4]王寿伦. 山东、河南和江苏部分地区玉米锈病1998 年流行[J]. 植保技术与推广, 1999(3):40-41.
[5]叶金才. 育成我国首例对玉米南方锈病免疫系齐319[J]. 中国农业科学, 2000, 33(4):110.
[6]张发军, 孟昭东, 穆春华,等. 抗南方锈病玉米自交系的筛选及评价[J]. 山东农业科学,2008(9):77-79.
[7]Goodman M M, Castillo-Gonzalez F, Moreno J. Choosing and using exotic maize germplasm[J]. Illinois Corn Breeders School Proc., 1990, 26: 148-171.
[8]Xia X C, Reif J C, Hoisington D A, et al. Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: I. Lowland tropical maize[J]. Crop Sci., 2004, 44: 2230-2237.
[9]Xia X C, Reif J C, Melchinger A E, et al. Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: II. Subtropical, tropical midaltitude, and highland maize inbred lines and their relationships with elite U.S. and European maize[J]. Crop Sci., 2005, 45: 2573-2582.
[10]Storey H H, Howland A K. Resistance in maize to the tropical American rust fungus, Puccinia polysora Underw, I. Genes Rpp1 and Rpp2 [J]. Heredity, 1957, 11: 289-301.
[11]Zhang Y, Xu L, Zhang D, et al. Mapping of southern corn rust-resistant genes in the W2D inbred line of maize (Zea mays L.) [J]. Mol. Breeding, 2009, 25: 433-439.
[12]Chen C X, Wang Z L, Yang D E, et al. Molecular tagging and genetic mapping of the disease resistance gene RppQ to southern corn rust[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2004, 108: 945-950.
[13]Scott G E, King S B, Armour J W J. Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in maize Zea mays populations[J]. Crop Sci., 1984, 24: 265-267
[14]Holland J B, Uhr D V, Je Vers D, et al. Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in tropical-by-corn-belt maize populations[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 1998, 96: 232-241.
[15]Jines M P, Balint-Kurti P, Robertson-Hoyt L A, et al. Mapping resistance to southern rust in a tropical by temperate maize recombinant inbred topcross population[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2007, 114: 659-667.
[16]姚国旗, 单娟, 曹冰,等. 玉米自交系CML470 抗南方锈病基因的定位[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2013, 14(3):518-522.
[17]杨典洱, 张承亮, 陈翠霞,等. 禾谷镰刀菌引起玉米青枯病的抗性基因遗传分析[J].作物学报, 2002, 28(3):389-392.
[18]单娟, 崔良国, 韩志景,等. 基于温热BC1 群体的农艺性状QTL定位[J]. 玉米科学,2013,21(3):24-29.
[4]王寿伦. 山东、河南和江苏部分地区玉米锈病1998 年流行[J]. 植保技术与推广, 1999(3):40-41.
[5]叶金才. 育成我国首例对玉米南方锈病免疫系齐319[J]. 中国农业科学, 2000, 33(4):110.
[6]张发军, 孟昭东, 穆春华,等. 抗南方锈病玉米自交系的筛选及评价[J]. 山东农业科学,2008(9):77-79.
[7]Goodman M M, Castillo-Gonzalez F, Moreno J. Choosing and using exotic maize germplasm[J]. Illinois Corn Breeders School Proc., 1990, 26: 148-171.
[8]Xia X C, Reif J C, Hoisington D A, et al. Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: I. Lowland tropical maize[J]. Crop Sci., 2004, 44: 2230-2237.
[9]Xia X C, Reif J C, Melchinger A E, et al. Genetic diversity among CIMMYT maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers: II. Subtropical, tropical midaltitude, and highland maize inbred lines and their relationships with elite U.S. and European maize[J]. Crop Sci., 2005, 45: 2573-2582.
[10]Storey H H, Howland A K. Resistance in maize to the tropical American rust fungus, Puccinia polysora Underw, I. Genes Rpp1 and Rpp2 [J]. Heredity, 1957, 11: 289-301.
[11]Zhang Y, Xu L, Zhang D, et al. Mapping of southern corn rust-resistant genes in the W2D inbred line of maize (Zea mays L.) [J]. Mol. Breeding, 2009, 25: 433-439.
[12]Chen C X, Wang Z L, Yang D E, et al. Molecular tagging and genetic mapping of the disease resistance gene RppQ to southern corn rust[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2004, 108: 945-950.
[13]Scott G E, King S B, Armour J W J. Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in maize Zea mays populations[J]. Crop Sci., 1984, 24: 265-267
[14]Holland J B, Uhr D V, Je Vers D, et al. Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in tropical-by-corn-belt maize populations[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 1998, 96: 232-241.
[15]Jines M P, Balint-Kurti P, Robertson-Hoyt L A, et al. Mapping resistance to southern rust in a tropical by temperate maize recombinant inbred topcross population[J]. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2007, 114: 659-667.
[16]姚国旗, 单娟, 曹冰,等. 玉米自交系CML470 抗南方锈病基因的定位[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2013, 14(3):518-522.
[17]杨典洱, 张承亮, 陈翠霞,等. 禾谷镰刀菌引起玉米青枯病的抗性基因遗传分析[J].作物学报, 2002, 28(3):389-392.
[18]单娟, 崔良国, 韩志景,等. 基于温热BC1 群体的农艺性状QTL定位[J]. 玉米科学,2013,21(3):24-29.