

中国医药导报 2014年18期


[摘要] 目的 探讨人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型(HIV-1)B′亚型感染者人类白细胞抗原(HLA)-A、-B、-C位点等位基因的分布及其对病毒载量的影响。 方法 对146例HIV-1B′亚型感染者采用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物(PCR-SSP)扩增方法进行HLA-A、-B、-C位点等位基因检测,计算各位点等位基因的频率及其对感染者病毒载量的影响。 结果 在146例HIV-1B′亚型感染者中分别检出HLA-A位点14个等位基因,-B位点24个等位基因,-Cw位点12个等位基因,其中频率大于0.1的等位基因为HLA-A*02,-A*11,-A*24,-A*30,-B*13,-B*40,-B*51,-Cw*03,-Cw*06,-Cw*08;HLA-A、-B、-C等位基因纯合子携带者的病毒载量高于杂合子(P=0.0013);HLA-A*03(P=0.0314)、-A*30(P=0.0072)、-B*13(P=0.0087)、-Cw*06(P=0.0145)等位基因携带者具有较低病毒载量。 结论 HIV-1B′亚型感染者HLA-A*03、-A*30、-B*13、-Cw*06等位基因与低病毒载量相关。

[关键词] 人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类白细胞抗原;病毒载量;感染

[中图分类号] R117[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)06(c)-0009-04

Impact of HLA class Ⅰ alleles on viral load in HIV-1 B′ infected individuals

MA Yongli CHEN Yanli HAO Jinjuan RUAN Yuhua SHAO Yiming HONG Kunxue▲

National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China

[Abstract] Objective To study the distribution of HLA-A, -B, and C alleles in HIV-1 B′infected individuals and to analyze its impact on HIV-1 viral load. Methods 146 HIV-1 infected individuals were recruited and their HLA-A, -B, and C alleles were genotyped using PCR-SSP technique. Allele frequencies and association of HLA-A, -B, and C alleles with HIV-1 viral loads were also analyzed. Results 14 HLA-A allels, 24 HLA-B allels, and 12 HLA-Cw allels were detected in 146 HIV-1 B' infected individuals. Of them, HLA-A*02, -A*11, -A*24, -A*30, -B*13, -B*40, -B*51, - Cw*03, -Cw*06, -Cw*08 were among the most common alleles with frequencies above 0.1; subjects homozygous at HLA class Ⅰ loci had higher viral loads (P=0.0013), subjects carrying HLA-A*03 (P=0.0314), -A*30 (P=0.0072), -B*13 (P=0.0087) and -Cw*06 (P=0.0145) alleles had lower viral loads. Conclusion HLA-A*03, -A*30, -B*13 and -Cw*06 alleles may associate with lower viral loads in HIV-1 B′infected individuals.

[Key words] Human immunodeficiency virus; Human leukocyte antigen; Viral load; Infection

人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)基因影响人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者的病毒复制,有研究报道携带HLA-B*27,-B*57等位基因的HIV感染者病毒载量较低,多表现为缓慢疾病进程,而HLA-B*35,-B*08,-B*56等位基因则与HIV-1感染者的疾病快速进展相关[1-2]。HLA不同等位基因对HIV病毒复制影响的差异可能与其提呈HIV保护性或非保护性抗原表位,从而激发具有细胞毒作用的CD8+T细胞(cytotoxic T lymphocyte,CTL)免疫应答的能力不同有关[3-4]。然而HLA基因对HIV-1病毒复制和感染者疾病进展的作用受不同人群特定的遗传背景的影响,目前在不同地区不同种族人群中的研究结果并不完全一致[5]。本研究探讨了146例未接受抗病毒治疗的B′亚型HIV-1感染者的HLA Ⅰ类等位基因分布,并分析了该感染人群HLA Ⅰ类等位基因对HIV-1病毒载量的影响。

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象

根据知情同意原则从HIV-1B′亚型感染人群中招募146例未经抗病毒治疗者,所有病例均经HIV抗体初筛和确证试验检测阳性,其中男82例,女64例,年龄22~60岁,平均(47.6±10.2)岁。采集EDTA抗凝静脉血标本5 mL,常规分装全血和血浆,-80℃保存备用。研究方案经中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心伦理委员会批准。患者均知情同意并签署知情同意书。

1.2 HLA基因分型

提取全血基因组DNA,并应用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物扩增(PCR-SSP)试剂盒(HLA-ABC SSP MorganTM)进行HLA基因分型。

1.3 病毒载量测定

使用罗氏公司HIV-1定量检测试剂盒(COBAS AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR Test)检测血浆病毒载量,定量测定的检出限为50拷贝/mL。

1.4 统计学方法

使用SigmaPlot 10.0和GraphPad Prism 5.0进行统计分析和作图,携带或不携带HLA纯合子、携带或不携带某HLA等位基因的感染者间病毒载量的差异分析用Mann-Whitney U检验进行,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 研究对象中HLA-A、-B、-C位点等位基因的多态性分布

本研究在146例HIV-1感染者中分别检出HLA-A位点14个等位基因,-B位点24个等位基因,-Cw位点12个等位基因,其中频率大于0.1的高频率的等位基因为HLA-A*02,-A*11,A*24,A*30,-B*13,-B*40,-B*51,- Cw*03,-Cw*06,-Cw*08,研究人群中HLA-A、B、C位点等位基因呈现多样性分布(图1)。



3 讨论

HLA等位基因控制HIV病毒复制的的保护性作用机制尚未完全清楚,以往有关的研究多集中于对携带HLA-B*27和HLA-B*57等位基因的HIV感染者进行分析,研究结果提示这种保护性效应可能与HLA-B*27和HLA-B*57限制识别的表位及其诱发的CTL应答特征相关[6],其中HLA-B*27识别的免疫显性表位KK10(KRWIILLNK263~272)和HLA-B*57识别的免疫显性表位TW10(TSTLQEQIGW240~249)位于序列相对保守的p24Gag区,其所诱导的特异性CTL应答呈现多功能特征(CD107a,IFN-γ,TNF-α,IL-2,MIP-1β),这种多功能的CTL应答与病毒复制的控制显著相关[7]。新近的研究发现HLA-B*27还能结合Leu268Met的KK10表位突变体,且所诱导的携带TRBV6-5 TRBJ1-1基序T细胞受体的CTL克隆能交叉识别野生型及突变型KK10表位,进一步说明HLA-B*27的保护性效应与其结合的KK10表位诱导的特异性CTL效应相关[8]。但本研究未观察到HLA-B*27和HLA-B*57与病毒载量相关的保护性效应,这可能是这两个等位基因在亚洲人群中的频率低所致[5]。

本研究人群中检出的高频率等位基因为HLA-A*02、-A*11、-A*24、-A*30、-B*13、-B*40、-B*51、-Cw*03、-Cw*06、-Cw*08,符合我国汉族人群HLA-Ⅰ类等位基因的分布特点。对HIV-1B′亚型感染者的分析结果表明携带HLA-Ⅰ类等位基因纯合子感染者的病毒载量较高(P=0.0013),这与以往的研究报道一致,表明HLA-Ⅰ类等位基因纯合状态不利于控制病毒的复制和疾病的发展。HLA杂合子则可能通过递呈更多的CTL表位而诱导广谱的CTL免疫反应,有利于控制病毒通过序列变异逃逸感染者体内CTL的识别与杀伤,因而在控制HIV感染者病毒复制和疾病进展中表现出一定的优势[9-10]。各等位基因与病毒载量相关性分析结果表明携带HLA-A*03、-A*30、-B*13、-Cw*06等位基因的感染者分别比不携带相应HLA等位基因的感染者的病毒载量低,其中HLA-B*13的保护性作用以往有报道,其与低病毒载量相关的保护性作用与其识别的表位诱导的CTL应答多功能特征密切相关[11]。HLA-A*03、-A*30、-Cw*06这三个等位基因与低病毒载量相关的保护性作用研究尚少,但有报道表明我国汉族人群中HLA-A*30-B*13-Cw*06处于连锁不平衡状态,因而需要进一步的研究明确HLA- A*30、-Cw*06在HIV-1B′亚型感染者中与低病毒载量相关是否由于与HLA- B*13连锁所致[12]。



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[9]Carrington M,O'Brien SJ. The influence of HLA genotype on AIDS [J]. Annu Rev Med,2003,54:535-551.

[10]Goulder PJ,Watkins DI. Impact of MHC class I diversity on immune control of immunodeficiency virus replication [J]. Nat Rev Immunol,2008,8:619-630.

[11]Honeyborne I,Prendergast A,Pereyra F,et al. Control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is associated with HLA-B13 and targeting of multiple gag-specific CD8+ T-cell epitopes [J]. Journal of virology,2007,81(7):3667-3672.

[12]Zhang H,Zhao B,Han X,et al. Associations of HLA class I antigen specificities and haplotypes with disease progression in HIV-1-infected Hans in northern China[J]. Hum Immunol,2013,74(12):1636-1642.

[13]Roider J,Kalteis AL,Vollbrecht T,et al. Adaptation of CD8 T Cell responses to changing HIV-1 sequences in a cohort of HIV-1 infected not selected for a certain HLA allele [J]. PLoS ONE,2013,8(12):e80045.

[14]McLaren PJ,Ripke S,Pelak K,et al. Fine-mapping classical HLA variation associated with durable host control of HIV-1 infection in African Americans [J]. Human Molecular Genetics,2012,21(19):4334-4347.


[9]Carrington M,O'Brien SJ. The influence of HLA genotype on AIDS [J]. Annu Rev Med,2003,54:535-551.

[10]Goulder PJ,Watkins DI. Impact of MHC class I diversity on immune control of immunodeficiency virus replication [J]. Nat Rev Immunol,2008,8:619-630.

[11]Honeyborne I,Prendergast A,Pereyra F,et al. Control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is associated with HLA-B13 and targeting of multiple gag-specific CD8+ T-cell epitopes [J]. Journal of virology,2007,81(7):3667-3672.

[12]Zhang H,Zhao B,Han X,et al. Associations of HLA class I antigen specificities and haplotypes with disease progression in HIV-1-infected Hans in northern China[J]. Hum Immunol,2013,74(12):1636-1642.

[13]Roider J,Kalteis AL,Vollbrecht T,et al. Adaptation of CD8 T Cell responses to changing HIV-1 sequences in a cohort of HIV-1 infected not selected for a certain HLA allele [J]. PLoS ONE,2013,8(12):e80045.

[14]McLaren PJ,Ripke S,Pelak K,et al. Fine-mapping classical HLA variation associated with durable host control of HIV-1 infection in African Americans [J]. Human Molecular Genetics,2012,21(19):4334-4347.



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