

江苏农业科学 2014年7期

庞坤 朱松波 何敏等

摘要:通过试验饲养泌乳小鼠,每天测量母鼠的体质量和采食量,在不同泌乳阶段采集乳腺组织,提取RNA,反转录成cDNA,荧光定量PCR分析氨基酸转运载体Slc7a1、Slc7a5基因mRNA的表达差异。结果表明,随着泌乳的开始,母鼠的采食量逐渐增加;Slc7a1基因mRNA的表达量在泌乳中期达到最高,为妊娠期的1.94倍(P<0.05),而在其他时期差异不显著;Slc7a5基因mRNA的表达量在整个泌乳阶段都显著增加,与妊娠期相比,在泌乳12 d时的表达量达到最高,为妊娠期的15.93倍(P<0.01)。说明Slc7a5载体可能在乳腺氨基酸转运中的作用更重要。


中图分类号: Q786 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1002-1302(2014)07-0037-02




通信作者:韩立强(1979—),男,河南新乡人,博士,副教授,主要从事泌乳生物学研究。。氨基酸是构成动物机体蛋白质的主要成分,同时也参与细胞内很多重要的代谢反应。在泌乳过程中,哺乳动物乳腺需要从血液中摄取大量的氨基酸来满足乳蛋白的合成需要,1头奶牛1 d大约需要1 kg的氨基酸来合成乳蛋白[1-2]。氨基酸的转运主要是通过多种氨基酸转运载体从血液循环系统中获得的,不同的转运系统具有不同的离子和底物特异性。这些转运载体主要定位在乳腺上皮细胞的基底膜上[3],根据转运氨基酸底物酸碱性的不同分为酸性、中性和碱性氨基酸转运载体[4],其中,Slc7a1(solute carrier family 7 member 1)、Slc7a5(solute carrier family 7 member 5)均属于碱性氨基酸转运载体,通过细胞质膜的化学-电偶联、逆碱性氨基酸浓度梯度向细胞内聚集碱性氨基酸。在大鼠的乳腺中发现氨基酸转运载体LAT-1、CAT-1在泌乳阶段mRNA的表达分别升高了20、12倍[5];但是,由于氨基酸转运载体多,一些转运载体是否在妊娠泌乳阶段表达依然还不清楚。因此,本试验采集小鼠的乳腺组织,研究在乳腺泌乳的不同时期乳腺组织氨基酸转运载体Slc7a1、Slc7a5的mRNA表达,为生产实践中针对泌乳营养供应的指导打下基础。



Trizol、cDNA反转录试剂盒试剂盒等,购于宝生物工程(大连)有限公司;SYRB PCR Master mix,购于TOYOBO公司;其他试剂为分析纯。试验用昆明小白鼠,购于河南省实验动物中心;商品化颗粒饲料和全价营养粉料,购于河南省实验动物中心,其基本成分为粗蛋白21.86%、粗脂肪4.11%、粗灰分4.60%、水分13.36%。仪器有NanoDrop-1000 微量核酸蛋白检测仪(赛默飞世尔科技公司)和荧光定量PCR仪(ABI7300)。


1.2.1试验动物与样品采集试验采用24只雌性和12只雄性昆明小鼠进行同笼饲养;同笼后,检查雌性小鼠阴道栓,阴道栓明显的小鼠作为妊娠鼠单独饲养,直至分娩;分娩后,调整每只母鼠带8只幼鼠。在泌乳阶段,每天测量母鼠的采食量和体质量,分别在母鼠妊娠阶段的18 d(P18)和泌乳的6 d(L6)、12 d(L12)、18 d(L18)断头处死泌乳母鼠(n=6),迅速剪取母鼠的乳腺组织,放入液氮速冻,保存于-80 ℃冰箱中。


1.2.3合成cDNA取0.3~0.5 mg乳腺组织,使用Trizol进行RNA提取,溶解于30 μL DEPC水中备用。反转录体系为DEPC水6.5 μL、dNTP 4 μL、50 pmol/L 5×AMV Buffer 4 μL、oligo d(T)18 1 μL、40 U/mL Ribonuclease Inhibitor 0.5 μL、Total RNA 2 μL、5 U/mL AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL 2 μL。反应程序为:25 ℃ 10 min,42 ℃ 60 min,72 ℃ 15 min 后冰浴2 min得到cDNA,以此为模板进行荧光定量PCR扩增目的基因。

1.2.4荧光定量PCR分别取妊娠期和泌乳期样本cDNA稀释10倍,进行定量PCR,反应体系为:cDNA 2 μL,上下游引物(20 pmol/L)各0.25 μL,2×SYRB PCR Master mix 10 μL,nuclease-free water 7.5 μL,总体积20 μL,在荧光定量PCR仪上进行反应。反应条件为:95 ℃预变性2 min;95 ℃ 变性15 s,60 ℃退火15 s,72 ℃延伸45 s,共40个循环。根据溶解曲线判断产物特异性,用软件计算标准曲线斜率(k)和相关系数,并计算扩增效率E=10-1/k(表1)。


哺乳动物在泌乳阶段为养育下一代,乳腺需要大量的氨基酸来合成乳蛋白。因此,随着泌乳的开始,乳腺需要从血液中摄取大量的氨基酸,泌乳母鼠的采食量就会逐渐增加,这也符合母鼠的泌乳需要。母鼠的体质量在泌乳期间增加并不是很明显,在泌乳后期基本上保持恒定(47~48 g)。相关研究发现,动物机体流经乳腺血液的动静脉氨基酸具有一定的浓度差[7],在转运过程中,转运载体基因的表达对氨基酸的转运起到关键性作用。研究表明,在泌乳期,大鼠乳腺中SLCA2等载体的基因表达呈现有规律的变化[8-9];一些氨基酸转运载体如谷氨酰胺转运载体在乳腺中的表达受到日粮的调控[10]。本试验发现,Slc7a1、Slc7a5作为2种氨基酸转运载体,在不同的泌乳阶段基因表达具有很大的差异,其中,Slc7a1基因mRNA的表达量除了泌乳中期(L12)有显著增加,其他时期与妊娠期(P18)相比并没有显著差异,Slc7a5基因mRNA的表达量在整个泌乳阶段都有显著增加,最高时达到妊娠期(P18)基因mRNA表达的15倍。这一结果说明在泌乳阶段,各种氨基酸转运载体的基因表达规律并不相同,Slc7a5转运载体可能在乳腺转运氨基酸方面的作用更加重要。


[1]Shennan D B,Peaker M. Transport of milk constituents by the mammary gland[J]. Physiological Reviews,2000,80(3):925-951.

[2]Tovar A R,Becerril E,Hernández-Pando R,et al. Localization and expression of BCAT during pregnancy and lactation in the rat mammary gland[J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2001,280(3):E480-E488.

[3]Millar I D,Shennan D B. The regulation of Na+-dependent anionic amino acid transport by the rat mammary gland[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,1999,1421(2):340-346.

[4]魏宗友,徐柏林,郝志敏,等. 动物细胞碱性氨基酸转运载体的研究进展[J]. 饲料工业,2010,31(21):12-16.

[5]Alemán G,López A,Ordaz G,et al. Changes in messenger RNA abundance of amino acid transporters in rat mammary gland during pregnancy,lactation,and weaning[J]. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental,2009,58(5):594-601.

[6]Han L Q,Yang G Y,Zhu H S,et al. Selection and use of reference genes in mouse mammary glands[J]. Genetics and Molecular Research,2010,9(1):449-456.

[7]Guan X,Pettigrew J E,Ku P K,et al. Dietary protein concentration affects plasma arteriovenous difference of amino acids across the porcine mammary gland[J]. Journal of Animal Science,2004,82(10):2953-2963.

[8]Tovar A R,Avila E,Desantiago S,et al. Characterization of methylaminoisobutyric acid transport by system A in rat mammary gland[J]. Metabolism,2000,49(7):873-879.

[9]López A,Torres N,Ortiz V,et al. Characterization and regulation of the gene expression of amino acid transport system A(SNAT2)in rat mammary gland[J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2006,291(5):E1059-E1066.

[10]Martínez-López I,García C,Barber T,et al. The L-glutamate transporters GLAST(EAAT1)and GLT-1(EAAT2):expression and regulation in rat lactating mammary gland[J]. Molecular Membrane Biology,1999,15(4):237-242.


[1]Shennan D B,Peaker M. Transport of milk constituents by the mammary gland[J]. Physiological Reviews,2000,80(3):925-951.

[2]Tovar A R,Becerril E,Hernández-Pando R,et al. Localization and expression of BCAT during pregnancy and lactation in the rat mammary gland[J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2001,280(3):E480-E488.

[3]Millar I D,Shennan D B. The regulation of Na+-dependent anionic amino acid transport by the rat mammary gland[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,1999,1421(2):340-346.

[4]魏宗友,徐柏林,郝志敏,等. 动物细胞碱性氨基酸转运载体的研究进展[J]. 饲料工业,2010,31(21):12-16.

[5]Alemán G,López A,Ordaz G,et al. Changes in messenger RNA abundance of amino acid transporters in rat mammary gland during pregnancy,lactation,and weaning[J]. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental,2009,58(5):594-601.

[6]Han L Q,Yang G Y,Zhu H S,et al. Selection and use of reference genes in mouse mammary glands[J]. Genetics and Molecular Research,2010,9(1):449-456.

[7]Guan X,Pettigrew J E,Ku P K,et al. Dietary protein concentration affects plasma arteriovenous difference of amino acids across the porcine mammary gland[J]. Journal of Animal Science,2004,82(10):2953-2963.

[8]Tovar A R,Avila E,Desantiago S,et al. Characterization of methylaminoisobutyric acid transport by system A in rat mammary gland[J]. Metabolism,2000,49(7):873-879.

[9]López A,Torres N,Ortiz V,et al. Characterization and regulation of the gene expression of amino acid transport system A(SNAT2)in rat mammary gland[J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2006,291(5):E1059-E1066.

[10]Martínez-López I,García C,Barber T,et al. The L-glutamate transporters GLAST(EAAT1)and GLT-1(EAAT2):expression and regulation in rat lactating mammary gland[J]. Molecular Membrane Biology,1999,15(4):237-242.


[1]Shennan D B,Peaker M. Transport of milk constituents by the mammary gland[J]. Physiological Reviews,2000,80(3):925-951.

[2]Tovar A R,Becerril E,Hernández-Pando R,et al. Localization and expression of BCAT during pregnancy and lactation in the rat mammary gland[J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2001,280(3):E480-E488.

[3]Millar I D,Shennan D B. The regulation of Na+-dependent anionic amino acid transport by the rat mammary gland[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,1999,1421(2):340-346.

[4]魏宗友,徐柏林,郝志敏,等. 动物细胞碱性氨基酸转运载体的研究进展[J]. 饲料工业,2010,31(21):12-16.

[5]Alemán G,López A,Ordaz G,et al. Changes in messenger RNA abundance of amino acid transporters in rat mammary gland during pregnancy,lactation,and weaning[J]. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental,2009,58(5):594-601.

[6]Han L Q,Yang G Y,Zhu H S,et al. Selection and use of reference genes in mouse mammary glands[J]. Genetics and Molecular Research,2010,9(1):449-456.

[7]Guan X,Pettigrew J E,Ku P K,et al. Dietary protein concentration affects plasma arteriovenous difference of amino acids across the porcine mammary gland[J]. Journal of Animal Science,2004,82(10):2953-2963.

[8]Tovar A R,Avila E,Desantiago S,et al. Characterization of methylaminoisobutyric acid transport by system A in rat mammary gland[J]. Metabolism,2000,49(7):873-879.

[9]López A,Torres N,Ortiz V,et al. Characterization and regulation of the gene expression of amino acid transport system A(SNAT2)in rat mammary gland[J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2006,291(5):E1059-E1066.

[10]Martínez-López I,García C,Barber T,et al. The L-glutamate transporters GLAST(EAAT1)and GLT-1(EAAT2):expression and regulation in rat lactating mammary gland[J]. Molecular Membrane Biology,1999,15(4):237-242.

