

分析化学 2014年8期


摘要设计了一种两极隔离式双极电极电化学发光装置,并以此装置为基础,研究了电化学发光试剂鲁米诺在此装置中的电化学发光行为和分析特性。通过外加电场的诱导,可以在双极电极的两极富集、分离对应的阴、阳离子,使鲁米诺阴离子富集于双极电极的阳极端,待检测的阳离子富集于双极电极阴极端。根据鲁米诺在阳极端的电化学发光信号定量分析阴极端所富集的阳离子的总量。\[15、16\]。其中非空间隔离式结构的双极电极的理论研究和应用特别广泛\[15\]。 Crooks等将非隔离式双极电极与微流控技术结合,研究人员发展了双极电极电化学发光化学\[8~14\]、生物传感\[17\],分析物分离富集\[18~24\]等方法,极大拓宽了双极电极的理论研究和分析应用范围\[15\]。





MPIA型电泳电化学发光检测仪(西安瑞迈公司);两根铂丝(驱动电极);自制隔离式双极电极,1.5 mL离心管(驱动电极的电解池);内径0.5 mm的聚四氟乙烯管;25×25 称量瓶(发光池); DDS11A型数字电导率仪(上海雷磁创益仪器仪表有限公司)。

鲁米诺(美国Sigma公司);NaH2PO4Na2HPO4缓冲液(PBS, pH 7.4)。实验所用试剂均为分析纯。实验用水为超纯水。


截取长约4 cm玻璃管,将长1 cm、直径0.5 mm的铂丝装进玻璃管(一半在玻璃管内部,一半在玻璃管外部),将其放置在酒精喷灯上灼烧,直至玻璃管与铂丝完全密封。






为验证上述装置的预设功能,以鲁米诺为电化学发光传感试剂, 以低浓度且组成较为复杂的PBS缓冲溶液为分析物。当向驱动电极施加足够高的脉冲式电压激发信号时,插入发光池中的双极电极阳极端将产生强烈的发光信号,且当脉冲电压信号的施加时间为3 s、检测电化学发光信号的时间为40 s时,可产生良好的峰型电化学发光信号,其发光动力学曲线如图2所示。更为重要的是,当连续脉冲信号施加时,相应的电化学发光信号会持续增强,而当分析物中不含电解质溶液时,体系所产生电化学发光信号弱,且增强缓慢。因此,这一电化学发光信号可用于定量分析溶液中电解质的总量。





Symbolm@@ 的加入,双极电极阳极端富集的阴离子将产生竞争效应,使富集的鲁米诺阴离子减少,电化学发光强度降低。









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20Perdue R K, Laws D R, Hlushkou D, Tallarek U, Crooks R M. Anal. Chem., 2009, 81(24): 10149-10155

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23Sheridan E, Hlushkou D, Anand R K, Laws D R, Tallarek U, Crooks R M. Anal. Chem., 2011, 83(6): 6746-6753

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25Cox J T, Guerrette J P, Zhang B. Anal. Chem., 2012, 84(20): 8797-8804

26Dhopeshwarkar R, Hlushkou D, Nguyen M, Tallarek U, Crooks R M. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130(32): 10480-10481

27GUO ZiCheng. The Second Volume of Physical Chemistry. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2013: 7-11

郭子成. 物理化学(下册), 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2013: 7-11

28Mavre F, Chow K F, Sheridan E, Chang B Y, Crooks J A, Crooks R M. Anal. Chem., 2009, 81(15): 6218-6225

AbstractA new closed bipolar electrode electrochemiluminescence (ECL)based device was designed, and further used to investigate the ECL behaviors of luminol in this device. Our results showed that, while a suitable voltage was applied to the two poles of the closed bipolar electrode, both the positively charged ions and luminolbased anionic ions could be enriched on the two poles of the closed bipolar electrode, respectively. More importantly, the ECL signals, generated from the electrooxidation of luminol on anodic pole, were found to be related to the total amount of positively charged ions on the cathodic pole of the closed bipolar electrode. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the ECL response was linearly to the concentration of analyte in the range of 1.0×10

Based on this finding, a new ECL method for sensing the solution conductance was developed.

KeywordsElectrochemiluminescnce; Closed bipolar electrode; Luminol; Solution conductance

25Cox J T, Guerrette J P, Zhang B. Anal. Chem., 2012, 84(20): 8797-8804

26Dhopeshwarkar R, Hlushkou D, Nguyen M, Tallarek U, Crooks R M. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130(32): 10480-10481

27GUO ZiCheng. The Second Volume of Physical Chemistry. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2013: 7-11

郭子成. 物理化学(下册), 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2013: 7-11

28Mavre F, Chow K F, Sheridan E, Chang B Y, Crooks J A, Crooks R M. Anal. Chem., 2009, 81(15): 6218-6225

AbstractA new closed bipolar electrode electrochemiluminescence (ECL)based device was designed, and further used to investigate the ECL behaviors of luminol in this device. Our results showed that, while a suitable voltage was applied to the two poles of the closed bipolar electrode, both the positively charged ions and luminolbased anionic ions could be enriched on the two poles of the closed bipolar electrode, respectively. More importantly, the ECL signals, generated from the electrooxidation of luminol on anodic pole, were found to be related to the total amount of positively charged ions on the cathodic pole of the closed bipolar electrode. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the ECL response was linearly to the concentration of analyte in the range of 1.0×10

Based on this finding, a new ECL method for sensing the solution conductance was developed.

KeywordsElectrochemiluminescnce; Closed bipolar electrode; Luminol; Solution conductance

25Cox J T, Guerrette J P, Zhang B. Anal. Chem., 2012, 84(20): 8797-8804

26Dhopeshwarkar R, Hlushkou D, Nguyen M, Tallarek U, Crooks R M. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130(32): 10480-10481

27GUO ZiCheng. The Second Volume of Physical Chemistry. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2013: 7-11

郭子成. 物理化学(下册), 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2013: 7-11

28Mavre F, Chow K F, Sheridan E, Chang B Y, Crooks J A, Crooks R M. Anal. Chem., 2009, 81(15): 6218-6225

AbstractA new closed bipolar electrode electrochemiluminescence (ECL)based device was designed, and further used to investigate the ECL behaviors of luminol in this device. Our results showed that, while a suitable voltage was applied to the two poles of the closed bipolar electrode, both the positively charged ions and luminolbased anionic ions could be enriched on the two poles of the closed bipolar electrode, respectively. More importantly, the ECL signals, generated from the electrooxidation of luminol on anodic pole, were found to be related to the total amount of positively charged ions on the cathodic pole of the closed bipolar electrode. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the ECL response was linearly to the concentration of analyte in the range of 1.0×10

Based on this finding, a new ECL method for sensing the solution conductance was developed.

KeywordsElectrochemiluminescnce; Closed bipolar electrode; Luminol; Solution conductance

