

高中生学习·高二版 2014年6期


1. 问:as...as结构能表示最高级吗?


① any后接名词(名词常被省略)表最高级。

He is as clever as any (student) in our class. 他是我们班最聪明的同学。

② ever后接动词的过去式,也表最高级。

He was as brave a soldier as ever lived. 他是最勇敢的士兵。

2. 问:much too和too much都可以作状语吗?如果是,有什么不同?

答:都可以作状语,但much too作状语修饰形容词或副词,而too much 作状语修饰动词。如:

He is much too tired. 他实在是太累了。(作状语,修饰形容词)

He walked much too slow. 他走得实在是太慢了。(作状语,修饰副词)

I miss you too much. 我实在是太想你了。(作状语,修饰动词)

注:too much还可以作代词或形容词用,分别担当主语、宾语、定语和表语。例如:

Too much will be done. 要做的事太多了。(作主语)

He ate too much. 他吃的太多了。 (作宾语)

He wasted too much time. 他浪费了太多的时间。(作定语).

The rubbish in the room is too much. 屋子里的垃圾太多了。(作表语)

3. 问:我看到这样一句话“He had the bravery to save the child from the flood.”,请问如何理解?

答:句意:“他非常勇敢,结果从洪水中救出了那个孩子。”这是“have + the + 抽象名词 + 不定式”表示“如此......以至于……;非常……结果……”的句式。又如:

He had the luck to find a satisfactory job.

= He was so lucky that he found a satisfactory job.

= He was lucky enough to find a satisfactory job.

= He luckily found a satisfactory job. 他非常幸运,找到称心如意的工作。

注:这种结构中的不定式to do也可以用of doing。如:

He had the carelessness to fail / of failing in the exam. 他是如此地粗心大意,以至于他没有通过这次考试。

4. 问:在“He came up to see what was the matter.”这句话中,what was the matter是否应该写成what the matter was?

答:这里的what was the matter与 what was wrong是一样的。wrong是形容词,the matter是名词,但在表示“问题;毛病”时,the matter常被当作形容词来用。例如:

Is anything the matter? 怎么了?

Theres nothing the matter with it. 这没有问题。

当然也有人将the matter直接用作名词“毛病;麻烦事”。如:

Every time he peeps, she jumps to see what the matter is. 每次他一发出尖细的叫声,她就跳起来看是怎么一回事。


I dont know what is the matter. 我不知道出了什么问题。

I dont know what the matter is. ① 我不知道出了什么问题。② 我不知道这个物质是什么。

5. 问:This secret is more than we can let out. 怎样翻译?是什么句式?

答:这是绕弯强调句式。句意:“这个秘密我们是不能泄露的。” more than之后接带有can的从句时,常表示“否定意义”。此时,从句中的谓语必须是及物动词,并且与句子的主语发生逻辑上的动宾关系。在英语中,为了加重语气,常使用此类绕弯强调法。这里再介绍几种绕弯强调句式:

① 双重否定。例如:

If you dont hurry, you wont catch the early bus. 若不快点,你就赶不上早班车了。

Without the Chinese Communist Party, there would be no New China. 没有共产党就没有新中国。

② nothing but“不过;只是”。例如:

Winds are nothing but moving air. 风不过是运动着的空气罢了。

③ anything but“决不是”。例如:

He is anything but a thief. 他决不是小偷。

▲ 注:若but后接形容词,则but是并列连词。如:endprint

He is anything but honest. (= He is anything, but he is not honest.)他绝对不诚实。

④ no more than“不过;仅仅”。例如:

He is no more than a small bully. 他不过是个小混混。

He has no more than 5 yuan. 他身上仅有五块钱。

⑤ no more…than或not…any more than“和……一样地不……”,意味着两者都否定,但往往着重说明前面的一个分句,其作用相当于“neither…nor”。例如:

Mary is no more diligent than Tom. = Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent. 玛丽和汤姆俩人都不勤奋。

⑥ no / none other than“正是,就是”。例如:

My English teacher is none other than my father. 我的英语老师就是我父亲。

That was no other than my old friend Jones. 那正是我的老朋友琼斯。

6. 问:Its up to you. 是什么意思?

答:“取决于你;由你决定”。短语up to的用法很多,在不同的句式中有不同的意义。例如:

① up to “多达”,如:

Tobacco kills up to half of its users. 烟草导致多达半数使用者死亡。

② up to “直到;到……为止”。如:

I walked straight up to him. 我径直走到他跟前。

Up to now, Ive heard nothing from him. 到目前为止,我没有他的任何消息。

③ up to “可以相比;比得上;相近”。如:

As for English, I m not up to my desk-mate. 至于英语,我比不上我的同桌。

④ up to “有能力;能胜任;适合”。如:

I m not up to the job. 我不能胜任这个工作。

⑤ up to “从事于;忙于”。如:

What tricks has he been up to? 他一直在搞什么鬼?

⑥ up to “知道;懂得”,相当于aware of。如:

He is up to nothing about music. 他对音乐一窍不通。

⑦ up to “由……决定;由……负责”,常构成“It s up to sb + 从句或不定式”句式。如:

It s up to you whether to accept the gift or not. 收不收这份礼物得由你决定。

7. 问:在“When the suggestion came up, everyone agreed with it.”这句话中,came up为什么不用被动语态?能不能用was come up with?

答:这里用came up是正确的,但也可以用was come up with。come up与come up with均可表“提出,提到”,请看例题:

We all hope to see the plan that at the beginning of the year carried out next year.

A. came up B. came up with

C. came out D. came about

解析:答案是A。come up不及物,主语是“事物”,常以主动形式表被动意义;而come up with是及物的,应该用was come up with才对;B、D两项与题意不符,均应排除。


How do the newspapers come out? 这些报纸是如何出版的?

Our food soon ran out. 我们的粮食很快就吃完了。

The new bridge will come into use next month. 那座桥梁下个月开始使用。

This kind of cloth washes well. 这种布料很好洗。

The door wont lock. 门锁不上。

8. 问:ever是一个很常见的词,但它的意义很难把握,能列举一下它的用法吗?


①永远;老是;总是;一直 (用于肯定句)。例如:

He is ever quick to respond. 他的反应总是很快。

②曾经;以前 (用于疑问句)。例如:

Did you ever talk it over with him? 你可曾跟他谈过这个问题?

Have you ever lived in Wuhan? 你曾经在武汉住过吗?


The hole punched through his cheek doesnt ever heal. 他脸颊里的那个洞永远无法愈合。

This idea hasnt ever been thought of before. 以前从未有人想到过这个主意。

④要是,如果有的话,任何时候(用于if 条件从句,加重主句的意思)。例如:

If ever you pass my home, please drop in. 如果你哪天路过我家时,请一定进来坐坐。


When ever did you leave the classroom last night? 昨晚你究竟什么时候离开教室的?

What ever did you say to him yesterday? 你昨天究竟对他说了些什么?

Where ever have you put my briefcase? 你究竟把我的公文包放哪儿了?

注:以上的“疑问词+ever”结构并不等于whenever“无论何时”, whatever“无论什么”或wherever“无论那儿”。

⑥极为;极其(美国英语的口语中常用“be + 主语 + ever + adj.”的倒装结构表示强调)。例如:

Was he ever delighted when seeing you come to his birthday party! 看到你来参加他的生日派对,他高兴极了!

注:ever常构成一些固定词组。如:ever so / such (a) 及其,非常;for ever 永远,总是;ever since (then) 从那时到现在;as ever 一直,依旧;ever more 永远,始终;never ever 绝不,从不;than ever比以前;比以往任何时候。endprint


The Wheels on the Bus