

新东方英语·中学版 2014年8期


你是不是也因做阅读题时经常碰到不认识的单词而苦恼?有时候甚至想把遇到的所有生词都背下来“以绝后患”?当然,如果你拥有超凡的记忆力,那也未尝不可。但是对于课业繁重的高中小伙伴们来说,这可不是一个good idea。那我们该怎么办呢?今天笔者就以因生词太多而著称的托福阅读中的天文类文章为例,教大家一个阅读技巧——跳读。


先来看一个简单的句子:The largest terrestrial planet, Earth, has a diameter only one quarter as great as the diameter of the smallest Jovian planet, Neptune. 如果我们懂得基本语法,就能分析出此句中的terrestrial planet与Earth是同位语,Jovian planet与Neptune是同位语。如果我们还认识基本词汇(如diameter)的话,我们就可以跳过不认识的专业词汇,将这句话翻译为:最大的terrestrial planet——地球——的直径只有最小的Jovian planet——Neptune——的四分之一。这样句子就已经大体读懂了。可见,在这句话中只要掌握了diameter、quarter等基础词汇,完全忽略掉terrestrial、Jovian、Neptune这些“外星”词也一样能读懂句子大意。

再来看一个段落:The Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of nine planets, their satellites, and numerous small bodies, including asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. The planets, in order of their distance from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction. 其中黑体标注的是天文词汇。小小一段文字中有这么多“外星”词,看完是不是头都大了?别慌,我们在一定的词汇和语法知识的基础上,可以用下面的方法跳着看。


The Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of nine planets, their s, and numerous small bodies, including a, c, and m. An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. The planets, in order of their distance from the Sun, are M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N, and P. Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction.


The Sun is the hub of a ... system consisting of.... An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. The planets, in order of their distance from the Sun, are.... Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction.endprint





... The compositional similarity (between chondritic meteorites, like Allende, and the Sun) is striking. The major difference is that Allende is depleted in the most volatile elements, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, relative to the Sun.

Question: According to paragraph 6, the composition of chondritic meteorites differs from the composition of the Sun primarily in .

A. containing nebular matter

B. containing many fewer atoms of iron

C. the relative amount of volatile elements

D. the ratio of iron to silicon


本段文字跳读后大意为:像Allende这样的chondritic meteorites与the Sun的组成成分的相似性是惊人的。最大的不同就是,相对于the Sun来讲,Allende里面最volatile元素,如×××,已经消耗殆尽。回到题目,根据跳读后的中文大意,我们可以很轻松地选出正确答案为C项。显而易见,通过跳读法处理后,上文中我们只要认识major、deplete、element等核心基础词汇即可答题,而不是必须认识如hydrogen、carbon、oxygen、nitrogen、noble gases等专业词汇才能解题。


