邓亚南 刘艳芳 陈建平 张宇
【摘要】 目的:改进大鼠经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术,探索更加简便、快捷、安全、有效的大鼠鞘内给药的新方法。方法:健康雄性大鼠60只,按随机数字表法分为经寰枕膜鞘内置管组(C组,n=30)和经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管组(T组,n=30)。戊巴比妥钠腹腔麻醉后,C组大鼠接受经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管操作,T组大鼠接受在L6~S1间隙,用20 G穿刺针行经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管操作。两组大鼠在操作成功后,均经导管注入2%利多卡因10 ?L。观察并比较两组大鼠置管成功只数、瘫痪只数以及死亡只数。结果:与C组比较,T组大鼠鞘内置管成功率明显提高,术后瘫痪、死亡率明显减少,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术是一项简便、快捷、安全、有效的鞘内给药方法。
【关键词】 蛛网膜下腔; 经皮穿刺; 鞘内置管; 大鼠
【Abstract】 Objective:To explore a simple, safe, fast and effective method of intrathecal application by studying the method of intrathecal catheterization via lumbosacral puncture in rats.Method:60 healthy rats were randomly divided into the intrathecal catheterization through the atlantooccipital membrane group (the group C, n=30)and the intrathecal catheterization through lumbosacral puncture group (the group T, n=30). All the rats in the two groups received abdominal anesthesia by pentobarbital natrium. The group C received intrathecal catheterization by the atlantooccipital membrane. The group T received intrathecal catheterization by 20 G needle in L6-S1 interspace. Then, all the rats in the two groups were administrated 2% lidocaine hydrochloride 10 μL via the catheter. The number of successful catheterization, paralysis and death were compared in the two groups.Result:Compared with the group C, the success rate of catheterization was significantly increased, the incidence of death and paralysis were significantly decreased in the group T, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:Intrathecal catheterization by lumbosacral puncture is an effective and safe intrathecal catheterization method for rats undergoing scientific experiments.
【Key words】 Subarachnoid space; Percutaneous puncture; Sheath built-in tube; Rats
First-authors address:Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China
大鼠鞘内置管给药是研究药物在脊髓水平作用机制的常用实验方法,广泛应用于疼痛领域的研究[1-4]。尤其对于需要在大鼠脊髓腰膨大部位进行鞘内给药的实验研究,鞘内置管给药技术更是尤为重要。传统的鞘内置管是经寰枕膜鞘内置管,由于是经皮切开置管,创伤较大,且PE-10聚乙烯导管要下行经脊髓颈曲、胸曲后才能到达大鼠腰膨大的部位,术中易损伤脊髓而导致大鼠瘫痪或死亡,并且大鼠接受经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管操作后,术后需要修养恢复5~7 d后才能观察其痛行为反应。这种方法周期长,大鼠瘫痪率或死亡率较高[5]。近几年,随着鞘内给药技术的不断改良,反复腰骶部直接鞘内注射给药技术受到大家的关注,但是由于注药部位在腰骶部,无法满足在胸段给药的实验要求。而经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管给药技术的出现解决了这一难题。因此,本研究通过将经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术与传统的经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管技术进行对比,旨在探讨该方法的可行性与优越性。
1 材料与方法
1.1 实验动物与分组 成年雄性SD大鼠60只,体重230~260 g,由山西医科大学实验动物中心提供,按随机数字表法分为两组:经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管组(T组)和经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管组(C组),每组30只。实验期间,将大鼠置于温度20~24 ℃、昼夜交替、自由摄食食物与水的环境中。
1.2 实验方法 两组大鼠均采用戊巴比妥钠40 mg/kg腹腔内注射麻醉,随后进行鞘内置管操作,C组采用经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管术,T组采用经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管术,鞘内置管成功后,在体外留置导管1~2 cm,并用消毒的不锈钢针堵塞PE-10聚乙烯导管外口,以防脑脊液外溢。待大鼠快要清醒,用10 ?L微量注射器连接留置在大鼠体外的导管,两组大鼠均给予10 ?L 2%利多卡因注射液以便术后观察穿刺置管成功率。注药成功后,留置导管1~2 min,随后拔出导管。endprint
1.2.1 经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管 采用传统的Yaksh等[6]的手术方法,C组大鼠麻醉后至于实验台上,颈下放置直径约为2~3 cm圆柱状物体使枕骨大孔与寰椎之间的间隙充分张开便于插管操作。常规剪毛并用碘伏消毒手术范围,依次切开皮肤,皮下筋膜,钝性分离肌肉直至暴露枕骨大孔,用针尖轻轻挑开寰枕膜,此时可见清亮的脑脊液溢出,随后将充满生理盐水的PE-10聚乙烯导管直视下,缓慢插入蛛网膜下腔约7.5 cm,使其尖端位于腰膨大处[7]。
1.2.2 经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管 借鉴Li等[8]介绍的方法并加以改进。T组大鼠麻醉后置于实验台上,腰骶部下方放置直径约为3~5 cm圆柱状物体,使L6~S1之间的间隙充分张开便于穿刺操作。常规剪毛并用碘伏消毒穿刺区域皮肤,铺无菌洞巾,实验者用拇指和中指分别触摸大鼠双侧髂嵴并向两侧绷紧皮肤,食指于两侧髂嵴连线同一水平触摸大鼠脊椎,触及的最高点即为L6棘突,在L6~S1间隙采用20 G(外径0.90 mm,针长30 mm)穿刺针(穿刺针针尖斜面朝向头侧)由上向下垂直刺入皮肤、皮下肌层,当出现明显的落空感或是阻力消失感,证明针尖已经突破黄韧带和蛛网膜进入蛛网膜下腔,此时将穿刺针稍稍向尾侧倾斜约30°,继续向前推进1 mm左右即可。随后将充满生理盐水的PE-10聚乙烯导管从穿刺针内部缓慢插入约4 cm左右,即到达腰膨大部位,导管插入过程中可出现脑脊液流出、动物甩尾等显著特征以充分证明导管置入成功。
1.3 观察指标
1.3.1 置管成功率 两组大鼠术后清醒后,采用观察运动法和钳夹缩足反应法,观察大鼠蛛网膜下腔阻滞情况。并记录清醒后双下肢麻痹,钳夹不产生缩足反应,并且于2%利多卡因药效退去后可完全恢复正常肢体活动能力的大鼠只数,以此判断蛛网膜下腔置管的成功率。
1.3.2 并发症 两组大鼠蛛网膜下腔阻滞作用消退后,持续观察7 d,记录术后两组大鼠发生瘫痪只数以及术后死亡只数,并进行比较。
1.4 统计学处理 采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件对数据进行处理,计数资料的比较采用 字2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 两组置管成功率比较 T组置管成功率为96.7%(29/30),明显高于C组的60.0%(18/30),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。C组8只大鼠,T组19只大鼠术后清醒后出现双后肢麻痹,用镊子钳夹双后足均不引起缩足反应。大约3 h左右双下肢肌力慢慢恢复,活动自如,未发现任何肢体运动障碍。
2.2 两组并发症比较 与C组相比,T组大鼠操作并发症明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),见表1。
3 讨论
本研究表明,与Yaksh法相比,经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术成功率高,瘫痪、死亡等并发症明显减少,充分证明了经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术的优越性。究其原因:(1)与经皮切开寰枕膜鞘内置管技术直接暴露脊髓相比,腰骶部穿刺位置较低,不会接触脊髓,即使对马尾神经有少数损伤也不会引起瘫痪等严重并发症。(2)腰骶部相对枕骨大孔,离腰膨大部位较近,导管鞘内走行距离较短,上行不经过脊髓颈曲与腰曲,发生脊髓损伤、导管折叠的可能较小。(3)与Yaksh法切开直视下置管相比,经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术属于微创操作,不用切开皮肤、肌层、蛛网膜甚至椎板,对大鼠损伤较小,炎症反应也相对较轻,更利于大鼠的术后存活。(4)经皮穿刺腰骶部鞘内置管技术操作简单,对大鼠损伤较小,可以反复操作,单次给药,避免了Yaksh法鞘内留置导管导致的局部神经炎症反应、神经变性反应、大鼠对伤害性刺激反应改变等副作用[15]。有研究表明,经皮穿刺技术不会引起大鼠痛阈的改变以及脊髓小胶质细胞和星形胶质细胞的变化,能够大限度的减少鞘内置管操作对实验结果的影响[10]。(5)由于本方法操作简单,手术时间很短(10 min左右),损伤小,若将腹腔注射麻醉剂戊巴比妥钠改为异氟醚气体麻醉或是丙泊酚腹腔注射麻醉[8-10],鞘内置管给药后停留1~2 min即把管抽出,20~30 min后即可检测药物对大鼠的痛行为的影响,大大提高了实验效率,且在不同时间点可多次重复操作。endprint
[1] Sun Y,Zhang W,Liu Y,et al.Intrathecal injection of JWH015 attenuates remifentanil-induced postoperative hyperalgesia by inhibiting activation of spinal glia in a rat model[J].Anesth Analg,2014,118(4):841-853.
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[3] He Z,Guo Q,Xiao M,et al.Intrathecal lentivirus-mediated transfer of interleukin-10 attenuates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain through modulation of spinal high-mobility group box 1 in rats[J].Pain Physician,2013,16(5):615-625.
[4] Naderi N,Majidi M,Mousavi Z,et al.The interaction between intrathecal administration of low doses of palmitoylethanolamide and AM251 in formalin-induced pain related behavior and spinal cord IL1-β expression in rats[J].Neurochem Res,2012,37(4):778-785.
[5] Tsang B K,He Z,Ma T,et al.Decreased paralysis and better motor coordination with microspinal versus PE10 intrathecal catheters in pain study rats[J].Anesth Analg,1997,84(3):591-594.
[6]Yaksh T L,Rudy T A.Chronic catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space[J].Physiol Behav,1976,17(6):1031-1036.
[8] Li A,Zhang Y,Lao L,et al.Serotonin receptor 2A/C is involved in electroacupuncture inhibition of pain in an osteoarthritis rat model[J].Evid Based Complement Alternat Med,2011(2011):619 650.
[9] Poon Y Y,Chang A Y,Ko S F,et al.An improved procedure for catheterization of the thoracic spinal subarachnoid space in the rat[J].Anesth Analg,2005,101(1):155-160.
[11] Xu J J,Walla B C,Diaz M F,et al.Intermittent lumbar puncture in rats: a novel method for the experimental study of opioid tolerance[J].Anesth Analg,2006,103(3):714-720.
[13] Storkson R V,Kjorsvik A,Tjolsen A,et al.Lumbar catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space in the rat[J].J Neurosci Methods,1996,65(2):167-172.
[14] Zeidel A,Melloul M M,Maiburd E,et al.Tc99m macroaggregated albumin cisternography for the detection of persistent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak in an animal model[J].J Neurosci Methods,2002,114(2):181-183.
[15] Serpell M G,DeLeo J A,Coombs D W,et al.Intrathecal catheterization alone reduces autotomy after sciatic cryoneurolysis in the rat[J].Life Sci,1993,53(25):1887-1892.
(收稿日期:2014-04-04) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint
[1] Sun Y,Zhang W,Liu Y,et al.Intrathecal injection of JWH015 attenuates remifentanil-induced postoperative hyperalgesia by inhibiting activation of spinal glia in a rat model[J].Anesth Analg,2014,118(4):841-853.
[2] Chen H P,Zhou W,Kang L M,et al.Intrathecal miR-96 inhibits Nav1.3 expression and alleviates neuropathic pain in rat following chronic construction injury[J].Neurochem Res,2014,39(1):76-83.
[3] He Z,Guo Q,Xiao M,et al.Intrathecal lentivirus-mediated transfer of interleukin-10 attenuates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain through modulation of spinal high-mobility group box 1 in rats[J].Pain Physician,2013,16(5):615-625.
[4] Naderi N,Majidi M,Mousavi Z,et al.The interaction between intrathecal administration of low doses of palmitoylethanolamide and AM251 in formalin-induced pain related behavior and spinal cord IL1-β expression in rats[J].Neurochem Res,2012,37(4):778-785.
[5] Tsang B K,He Z,Ma T,et al.Decreased paralysis and better motor coordination with microspinal versus PE10 intrathecal catheters in pain study rats[J].Anesth Analg,1997,84(3):591-594.
[6]Yaksh T L,Rudy T A.Chronic catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space[J].Physiol Behav,1976,17(6):1031-1036.
[8] Li A,Zhang Y,Lao L,et al.Serotonin receptor 2A/C is involved in electroacupuncture inhibition of pain in an osteoarthritis rat model[J].Evid Based Complement Alternat Med,2011(2011):619 650.
[9] Poon Y Y,Chang A Y,Ko S F,et al.An improved procedure for catheterization of the thoracic spinal subarachnoid space in the rat[J].Anesth Analg,2005,101(1):155-160.
[11] Xu J J,Walla B C,Diaz M F,et al.Intermittent lumbar puncture in rats: a novel method for the experimental study of opioid tolerance[J].Anesth Analg,2006,103(3):714-720.
[13] Storkson R V,Kjorsvik A,Tjolsen A,et al.Lumbar catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space in the rat[J].J Neurosci Methods,1996,65(2):167-172.
[14] Zeidel A,Melloul M M,Maiburd E,et al.Tc99m macroaggregated albumin cisternography for the detection of persistent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak in an animal model[J].J Neurosci Methods,2002,114(2):181-183.
[15] Serpell M G,DeLeo J A,Coombs D W,et al.Intrathecal catheterization alone reduces autotomy after sciatic cryoneurolysis in the rat[J].Life Sci,1993,53(25):1887-1892.
(收稿日期:2014-04-04) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint
[1] Sun Y,Zhang W,Liu Y,et al.Intrathecal injection of JWH015 attenuates remifentanil-induced postoperative hyperalgesia by inhibiting activation of spinal glia in a rat model[J].Anesth Analg,2014,118(4):841-853.
[2] Chen H P,Zhou W,Kang L M,et al.Intrathecal miR-96 inhibits Nav1.3 expression and alleviates neuropathic pain in rat following chronic construction injury[J].Neurochem Res,2014,39(1):76-83.
[3] He Z,Guo Q,Xiao M,et al.Intrathecal lentivirus-mediated transfer of interleukin-10 attenuates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain through modulation of spinal high-mobility group box 1 in rats[J].Pain Physician,2013,16(5):615-625.
[4] Naderi N,Majidi M,Mousavi Z,et al.The interaction between intrathecal administration of low doses of palmitoylethanolamide and AM251 in formalin-induced pain related behavior and spinal cord IL1-β expression in rats[J].Neurochem Res,2012,37(4):778-785.
[5] Tsang B K,He Z,Ma T,et al.Decreased paralysis and better motor coordination with microspinal versus PE10 intrathecal catheters in pain study rats[J].Anesth Analg,1997,84(3):591-594.
[6]Yaksh T L,Rudy T A.Chronic catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space[J].Physiol Behav,1976,17(6):1031-1036.
[8] Li A,Zhang Y,Lao L,et al.Serotonin receptor 2A/C is involved in electroacupuncture inhibition of pain in an osteoarthritis rat model[J].Evid Based Complement Alternat Med,2011(2011):619 650.
[9] Poon Y Y,Chang A Y,Ko S F,et al.An improved procedure for catheterization of the thoracic spinal subarachnoid space in the rat[J].Anesth Analg,2005,101(1):155-160.
[11] Xu J J,Walla B C,Diaz M F,et al.Intermittent lumbar puncture in rats: a novel method for the experimental study of opioid tolerance[J].Anesth Analg,2006,103(3):714-720.
[13] Storkson R V,Kjorsvik A,Tjolsen A,et al.Lumbar catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space in the rat[J].J Neurosci Methods,1996,65(2):167-172.
[14] Zeidel A,Melloul M M,Maiburd E,et al.Tc99m macroaggregated albumin cisternography for the detection of persistent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak in an animal model[J].J Neurosci Methods,2002,114(2):181-183.
[15] Serpell M G,DeLeo J A,Coombs D W,et al.Intrathecal catheterization alone reduces autotomy after sciatic cryoneurolysis in the rat[J].Life Sci,1993,53(25):1887-1892.
(收稿日期:2014-04-04) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint