基于人文教育的高中英语教学设计实例与解析——以外研版高中英语教材第四册Module 1 Life in the Future 为例
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本模块不同课时教学设计中的教学目标均为“三维教学目标”,即知识与技能、过程与方法和情感态度价值观。其中,“情感态度价值观”目标的确立,能够反映出教师在进行教学设计的人文思想以及如何培养学生的人文素养。本课时的“情感态度价值观”目标可以这样设立:At the end of the class:
1.Students will learnthe spirit of group-cooperation and improve the awareness of teamwork.
2.Students will know the trend of the city of the future.It will help students set up a healthy and environmental life style.
3.Students will have an optimistic attitude towardsthe life and the future.
Step 1 Lead-in
Show 9 pictures of houses made of different materials to students.Ask students to guess what they are made of./Then ask students to brainstorm what other materials can be used to build a house and collect as many answers as they can./Instruct students to choose the building material to complete some sentences.通过图片的启发,学生可以展开联想,争相说出已知的词汇。通过简单有趣的导入,既能够调出学生的原有认知,又能够激发学生的学习热情,帮助学生自然而然地过渡到新课的学习当中,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
Step 2 Pre-reading
Show some pictures about the city of the future and ask students to imagine the materials,resources and other changes in the city of the future.关于未来,高中生一定有着千奇百怪的想象。通过讨论,学生可以充分调动思维和情感,描述想象中的未来城市,在有趣的交流中,学生可以勾勒出自习心目中未来的样子,对未来充满美好的想象。
Step 3 While-reading
教师可以采用pair-work,group-work 的形式,设置相应的问题,让学生在读中学,并为学生提供必要的帮助与指导。
Step 4 Post-reading
Ask students to state three changes in the city of the future which they are most interested in with their own words and talk about the possibilities of the changes./Ask students to discuss the questions using some expressions and structures learnt today.这个环节的设计,为学生搭建了语言输出的平台,既能让学生复习本节课所学的语言知识,又能让学生就自己感兴趣的城市变化发表看法,在夯实所学语言知识的同时,帮助学生深入思考他们理想中的城市发展的可能性,可能遇到什么样的问题,如何解决,等等。
Step 1 Lead-in
Show students a video about the house in the future and help them know some new technology applied in the house./Ask students to imagine the changes of the house in the future.选择描述未来房屋建造的视频短片,让学生听过之后进行讨论,并说出自己对未来房屋的设想。关于未来的房屋,应该是充满着高科技和人文化的元素,很多都是目前无法实现的,通过这样的讨论,有利于引发学生对学习科学的思考,激发学习热情,用自己的双手建设属于自己的未来。
Step 2 Pre-listening
Askstudents to predict more information about the house of the future according to the words given.在播放听力材料之前,让学生依据听力材料的主题进行预测能够引导学生在短时间内聚焦到相关问题上,在听的过程中更好地抓住重点信息,在心理上也可以分散学生对英语听力“听不懂”的担心与焦虑。
Step 3 While-listening
Ask students to listen to the tape and find out the main aspects of changes about the house of the future.Students can get it easily mainly based on the questions of the host.
Step 4 Post-listening
Ask students to discuss their ideal house in the future and try to express their ideas using the words and phrases they have learnt in this module.
这部分设计,能够为学生提供语言输出的有效路径。学生通过表达,发散思维,集思广益。表达自己的看法之后,可以选出若干内容作为全班集体认为比较理想的未来房屋的特征,对本节课的Lead -in 部分进行了升华。
Step 1 Warming-up
Ask students to predict a new technology and what change it will bring to life.Students need to use the future continuous tense./Ask students to find out the sentences which express the future in the passages in this module.高一的学生对于将来进行时并不陌生,因此本节课的学习目标应该定位在如何借助Life in the Future 这一话题,帮助学生理解将来进行时这一语法项目所要表达的语言意义。所以在Warming -up 中设置这样的问题可以借助将来进行时学生对新技术的想象和期望,呈现出学生的原有认知,让教学更有针对性,也让学生感受到新生活离不开新技术,新技术离不开高科技人才的创造,从而更加努力学习,热爱科学,崇尚新生活。
Step 2 Presentation
Show students some sentences which usebe going to,the future simple tense and the future continuous tense in the passages in this module./Help students have a better understanding of them by discussing in pairs or groups.如果语法课的教学能融入教师情感的设计,会实现更好的教学效果。在学生对将来进行时的语法规则熟悉之后,教师可以通过科学的教学设计,提供更多师生、生生互动的机会,促进课堂中的情感交流。在积极、热烈的课堂交流活动中,学生的合作探究能力和团队协作能力能够得到很好的提升。
Step 3 Practice
Help students express themselves with different usages of the future tense in some circumstances according to some pictures./Help students express their summer holiday properly using the tense they have just learnt.
Step 1 Warming-up
Ask students to introduce something about predictions they heard of and use the future tense that they have learnt in the last period to describe them.
本节课主要通过处理Cultural Corner 这一部分,培养学生正确运用将来时进行写作的能力。教师应借助这一部分,挖掘其中的文化内涵,在帮助学生学习语言知识的同时,更多地了解和学习西方文化,提升学生的人文素养。
Step 2 Cultural Corner
Let students read the passage and find out what the passage is mainly about and which aspects of the predictions are mentioned./Ask students to read the predictions again and then explain what each prediction really means in their own words./Let students find out the useful expressions in the passage./Ask students to predict what will happen in 2050 using some expressions or structures they learnt today.对Cultural Corner 的教学设计是以学生的认知规律为基础,逐层递进,这样的设计以传递信息和表达意义为目的,有利于激发学生的学习动机,提高学习效果。
Step 3 Writing
Askstudents to read the passage on page 8 and list useful expressions and structures which may help them do the writing./Ask students to write a passage about what they will be doing in ten years in 100 words.通过循序渐进的教学,教师既能帮助学生在贴合本模块中心话题的基础上学习并运用相关的语言知识,对将来时的运用有更深的感悟,又在引导学生进行自主学习与合作学习的基础上引发学生对未来自身发展的思考,对未来生活的思考。同时,学生也经历了愉快的教育与自我教育的过程,在美好的情感体验中得到人文素养的提高。
[2]吴长宏,衡清芬.高中英语教学中学生人文素养的提高[J].教学与管理,2010,(30):127 -129.