

科技视界 2014年18期


【摘 要】本文主要考虑无线通信系统中经过无线衰落信道传播后的信号在多天线接收机中帧检测与同步的问题。本文在信号检测过程中引入了利用天线分集和时间分集的不同信号合并算法,通过对上述算法在瑞利衰落信道下的接收性能的理论分析和仿真分析来进行研究。


【Abstract】In this paper, we consider the problem of frame detection by using multiple antennas over wireless fading channels. We introduce frame detection with different combining schemes including space diversity and time diversity, performance of which is studied for the Rayleigh fading channel using both theoretical analysis and simulations.

【Key words】Frame detection; Diversity reception; Combining algorithm

0 引言


Urkowitz[2]研究了确定信号的能量检测问题,在该研究中假定信号传输通过平坦衰落和带限高斯白噪声信道。特别的Urkowitz通过应用采样定理和χ2分布得到了检测概率与虚警概率之间的关系。Kostylev[3]研究了类似的问题,即当无线信号传输经过了可变衰落信道时的信号接收检测同步问题。在瑞利衰落信道下的检测概率通过公式闭式表示后,莱斯衰落信道和Nakagami衰落信道下的检测概率也可以通过公式来闭式表达。 本文中在信号检测过程中引入了利用天线分集和时间分集的不同信号合并算法。本论文中会衡量和比较经过衰落信道的接收信号基于选择合并、等增益合并、最大比合并和多帧合并等信号检测概率和漏检概率。

论文其余部分按如下架构撰写。第1部分中介绍了信道模型和LTE 中的主同步信号。第2部分介绍了匹配滤波器和基于最大比合并方案的帧检测同步算法。最后在第3部分给出了本文的结果。

1 系统模型


其中xk是能量为Ex,周期为Tx的发射符号。yk,i 是第i个接收天线上的接收符号。hk,i是信道增益, nk,i表示方差为No的零均值复高斯白噪声。N是帧长。接收天线数是Nr。假定信道增益hk在一个符号周期里保持恒定,且拥有归一化的平均功率,也就是E{hkhk*}=1。最后我们假定星座集合及大小是X and |X|。

1.1 信道模型



其中Mr决定了滑动窗口的宽度。对于一个给定的fd,系数ρ随着Mr变化。表一显示了在不同归一化多普勒频率fdTx下的最优ρ值。更重要的是当信道是快速时变,系数ρ是接近于一的,并且是在[0.999, 0.99999]这个区间的。这个事实对于相干检测和非相干检测的性能分析是非常重要的。

1.2 主同步序列


主同步序列利用du(n)产生频域Zadoff-Chu (ZC)序列[8]

2 帧检测


2.1 匹配滤波器


2.2 最大比合并




3 结论



[1]H. V. Porr, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation, 2nd ed[Z]. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994.

[2]H. Urkowitz, Energy detection of unknown deterministc signals. Proc[Z]. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 523-531, Apr. 1967.

[3]V. I. Kostylev, Energy detection of a signal with random amplitude. Proc[Z]. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications (ICC02), New York, May, 2002, pp. 1606-1610.

[4]M. Dong, L. Tong and B. M. Sadler, Optimal insertion of pilot symbols for transmissions over time-varying flat fading channels[Z]. IEEE Trans. Signal Proces., vol. 52, pp. 1403-1418, May 2004.

[5]D. Morales-Jimenez, J. F. Paris and J. T. Entrambasaguas, Performance tradeoffs among low-complexity detection algorithms for MIMO-LTE receivers. Int[Z]. J. Commun. Syst., vol. 22, pp. 885-897, Jul. 2009.

[6]S.-Y. Jung, Design of a preamble signal for synchronization in ultra-wideband noncoherent energy detection receivers. Int[Z]. J. Commun. Syst., to be appear.

[7]G. L. Stuiber, Principles of Mobile Communication[Z]. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2ed, 2001.

[8]3GPP, 3GPP TS 36.211 v8.9.0 3rd generation partnership project; technical specification group radio access network; evolved universal terrestrial radioS access (E-UTRA); physical channels and modulation(release 8)[Z]. 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Tech. Rep., Dec. 2009.

[9]S. Sesia, I. Toufik, and M. Baker, LTE-The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice[Z]. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009.


[2]H. Urkowitz, Energy detection of unknown deterministc signals. Proc[Z]. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 523-531, Apr. 1967.

[3]V. I. Kostylev, Energy detection of a signal with random amplitude. Proc[Z]. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications (ICC02), New York, May, 2002, pp. 1606-1610.

[4]M. Dong, L. Tong and B. M. Sadler, Optimal insertion of pilot symbols for transmissions over time-varying flat fading channels[Z]. IEEE Trans. Signal Proces., vol. 52, pp. 1403-1418, May 2004.

[5]D. Morales-Jimenez, J. F. Paris and J. T. Entrambasaguas, Performance tradeoffs among low-complexity detection algorithms for MIMO-LTE receivers. Int[Z]. J. Commun. Syst., vol. 22, pp. 885-897, Jul. 2009.

[6]S.-Y. Jung, Design of a preamble signal for synchronization in ultra-wideband noncoherent energy detection receivers. Int[Z]. J. Commun. Syst., to be appear.

[7]G. L. Stuiber, Principles of Mobile Communication[Z]. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2ed, 2001.

[8]3GPP, 3GPP TS 36.211 v8.9.0 3rd generation partnership project; technical specification group radio access network; evolved universal terrestrial radioS access (E-UTRA); physical channels and modulation(release 8)[Z]. 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Tech. Rep., Dec. 2009.

[9]S. Sesia, I. Toufik, and M. Baker, LTE-The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice[Z]. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009.


[2]H. Urkowitz, Energy detection of unknown deterministc signals. Proc[Z]. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 523-531, Apr. 1967.

[3]V. I. Kostylev, Energy detection of a signal with random amplitude. Proc[Z]. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications (ICC02), New York, May, 2002, pp. 1606-1610.

[4]M. Dong, L. Tong and B. M. Sadler, Optimal insertion of pilot symbols for transmissions over time-varying flat fading channels[Z]. IEEE Trans. Signal Proces., vol. 52, pp. 1403-1418, May 2004.

[5]D. Morales-Jimenez, J. F. Paris and J. T. Entrambasaguas, Performance tradeoffs among low-complexity detection algorithms for MIMO-LTE receivers. Int[Z]. J. Commun. Syst., vol. 22, pp. 885-897, Jul. 2009.

[6]S.-Y. Jung, Design of a preamble signal for synchronization in ultra-wideband noncoherent energy detection receivers. Int[Z]. J. Commun. Syst., to be appear.

[7]G. L. Stuiber, Principles of Mobile Communication[Z]. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2ed, 2001.

[8]3GPP, 3GPP TS 36.211 v8.9.0 3rd generation partnership project; technical specification group radio access network; evolved universal terrestrial radioS access (E-UTRA); physical channels and modulation(release 8)[Z]. 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Tech. Rep., Dec. 2009.

[9]S. Sesia, I. Toufik, and M. Baker, LTE-The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice[Z]. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009.
