

江苏农业科学 2014年6期


摘要:以鹅坦布苏病毒(goose Tembusu virus,GTMUV)的囊膜蛋白基因序列为基础,采用Chou-Fasman法、Garnier-Robson法和Karplus-Schulz法预测蛋白质的二级结构,采用Kyte-Doolittle方案、Emini方案和Jameson-Wolf方案预测鹅坦布苏病毒囊膜蛋白的B细胞表位。结果表明,鹅坦布苏病毒囊膜蛋白肽链的35~41、80~89、148~159、245~251、314~320、392~402和475~482区段为预测的B细胞表位优势区。综合研究结果,利用多参数方案综合预测E蛋白的B细胞抗原表位为进一步鉴定表位及设计疫苗奠定了基础。


中图分类号: S858.335.3文献标志码: A文章编号:1002-1302(2014)06-0166-03




通信作者:李银,博士,研究员,主要从事家禽疫病流行病学和防治相关的研究。。2010年春季以来,上海、浙江、江苏等地相继暴发了一种导致鸭鹅产蛋量急剧下降的新发疾病,发病鸭鹅主要表现为高热、运动障碍、食欲下降甚至废绝、产蛋下降甚至停止,死亡率可达 5%~10%[1]。其典型病理变化表现为鸭鹅的卵巢先发生出血、萎缩、破裂,患病后期出现神经症状,倒地震颤,最终衰竭死亡。该病传播迅速、波及面广,几乎席卷了整个水禽养殖密集地区,给我国鸭鹅养殖业造成了巨大损失[2]。目前已证实,引起该病的病原为坦布苏病毒(Tembusu virus,TMUV)[3]。坦布苏病毒属于黄病毒科(Flaviviridae)不分节段的单股正链 RNA 病毒,含有单一的开放读码框,编码 结 构 蛋 白(C、 PrM、E)和 非 结 构 蛋 白(NS1、NS2A、NS2B、NS3、NS4A、NS4B、NS5),其中E蛋白是坦布苏病毒的囊膜蛋白,由 500个氨基酸组成,在病毒的吸附、融合、细胞趋向性、病毒毒力和诱导保护性免疫反应中起重要作用[4]。测定E蛋白的晶体结构发现,它在空间上可以形成3个不同的结构域(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ区)。在乙型脑炎病毒E蛋白抗原表位研究中,Kolaskar等认为,E蛋白的三维结构域Ⅲ(292~402 aa)集中许多抗原中和表位[5]。Seif等通过分段表达E蛋白,证明了中和表位存在于 E373-399位的27个氨基酸序列内[6]。Wu等研究发现,JEV的中和位点主要集中在EⅢ的E307-309、E327-333、E386-390这3个区域内[7]。由于该病毒的发现时间不长,其主要蛋白抗原表位研究尚未见报道。有学者提出,蛋白质的二级结构、亲水性、柔韧性、抗原性、表面可及性等特性与B细胞抗原的表位分布存在密切联系[8]。本试验首次应用生物信息技术对鹅坦布苏病毒(goose Tembusu virus,GTMUV)E蛋白基因推导的肽链进行蛋白质二级结构和B细胞表位的预测分析,旨在为坦布苏病毒E蛋白功能的研究、抗体的制备及分子疫苗的设计等提供理论基础。






1.2.1GTMUV E蛋白二级结构预测应用DNAStar软件的protean模块进行二级结构预测。采用Chou-Fasman法从氨基酸残基的晶体结构来预测蛋白质的二级结构;用Garnier-Robson法计算特定氨基酸残基在特定结构内部的可能性;用Karplus-Schultz法预测蛋白质骨架区的柔韧性。其中各参数的意义见相关文献[9-10]。

1.2.2GTMUV E蛋白B细胞抗原表位预测用DNA Star软件Protean程序预测B细胞抗原表位;用Kyte-Doolittle方法,同时依据氨基酸组成预测蛋白的亲水区和疏水区;用Emini方法预测特定区域于蛋白质表面的可及性;用Jameson-Wolf法预测蛋白的抗原指数,同时根据网址中的Kolaskar-Tongaonkar法预测蛋白的平均抗原表位指数。结合蛋白的亲水性、表面可及性、柔韧性、抗原指数等对测定结果进行综合分析。综合预测结果,预测鹅坦布苏病毒E蛋白的潜在优势B细胞抗原表位,其中各参数的意义参考相关文献[11-13]。


2.1GTMUV E蛋白的氨基酸序列

鹅坦布苏病毒E蛋白基因编码500个氨基酸,其理论分子量为54.38 kDa,理论等电点pI为7.32,存在跨膜区域。通过在线服务器预测表明,该蛋白有N_糖基化位点、蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点、酪蛋白激酶II磷酸化位点和N-豆蔻酰化位点。

2.2GTMUV E蛋白二级结构的预测








2.4.3E蛋白的抗原指数及抗原表位指数预测分析应用DNAStar软件,采用Jameson-Wolf方法对E蛋白的抗原性进行预测。从图5的分析可见,E蛋白存在有多个潜在的抗原表位位点,具有较高抗原指数的区域在6~19、26~31、33~44、61~89、92~105、108~115、118~137、144~159、172~177、179~186、189~199、226~251、257~262、273~301、312~322、330~339、344~355、376~383、388~395、397~418和475~484区段上。Kolaskar-Tongaonkar法预测的E蛋白平均抗原表位指数为1. 027,详见图6。








[1]Yun T,Ye W C,Ni Z,et al. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel flavivirus isolated from Pekin ducklings in China[J]. Veterinary Microbiology,2012,157(3/4):311-319.

[2]Huang X M,Han K K,Zhao D M,et al. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel flavivirus isolated from geese in China[J]. Research in Veterinary Science,2013,94(3):774-780.

[3]Yan P X,Zhao Y S,Zhang X,et al. An infectious disease of ducks caused by a newly emerged Tembusu virus strain in mainland China[J]. Virology,2011,417(1):1-8.

[4]朱丽萍,颜世敢. 鸭坦布苏病毒研究进展[J]. 中国预防兽医学报,2012,34(1):79-82.

[5]Kolaskar A S,Kulkarni-Kale U. Prediction of three-dimensional structure and mapping of conformational epitopes of envelope glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis virus[J]. Virology,1999,261(1):31-42.

[6]Seif S A,Morita K,Matsuo S,et al. Finer mapping of neutralizing epitope(s) on the C-terminal of Japanese encephalitis virus E-protein expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli system[J]. Vaccine,1995,13(16):1515-1521.

[7]Wu S C,Lin C W. Neutralizing peptide ligands selected from phage-displayed libraries mimic the conformational epitope on domain Ⅲ of the Japanese encephalitis virus envelope protein[J]. Virus Research,2001,76(1):59-69.

[8]刘丽娜,潘渠,朱军民,等. 2-型猪链球菌保护性抗原RfeA的B细胞表位预测[J]. 成都医学院学报,2011,6(2):133-135.

[9]Chou P Y,Fasman G D. Prediction of the secondary structure of protein comformation[M]. New York:Plenum Press,1990:549-586.

[10]Garnier J,Osguthorpe D J,Robson B. Analysis of the accuracy and implications of simple methods for predicting the secondary structure of globular proteins[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology,1978,120(1):97-120.

[11]Kyte J,Doolittle R F. A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology,1982,157(1):105-132.

[12]Emini E A,Hughes J V,Perlow D S,et al. Induction of hepatitis A virus-neutralizing antibody by a virus-specific synthetic peptide[J]. Journal of Virology,1985,55(3):836-839.

[13]Jameson B A,Wolf H. The antigenic index:a novel algorithm for predicting antigenic determinants[J]. Computer Applications in the Biosciences,1988,4(1):181-186.

[14]Doolittle R F. The roots of bioinformatics in protein evolution[J]. PLOS Computational Biology,2010,6(7):e1000875.

[15]Wang H W,Lin Y C,Pai T W,et al. Prediction of B-cell linear epitopes with a combination of support vector machine classification and amino acid propensity identification[J]. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology,2011,Article ID:432830,


[1]Yun T,Ye W C,Ni Z,et al. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel flavivirus isolated from Pekin ducklings in China[J]. Veterinary Microbiology,2012,157(3/4):311-319.

[2]Huang X M,Han K K,Zhao D M,et al. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel flavivirus isolated from geese in China[J]. Research in Veterinary Science,2013,94(3):774-780.

[3]Yan P X,Zhao Y S,Zhang X,et al. An infectious disease of ducks caused by a newly emerged Tembusu virus strain in mainland China[J]. Virology,2011,417(1):1-8.

[4]朱丽萍,颜世敢. 鸭坦布苏病毒研究进展[J]. 中国预防兽医学报,2012,34(1):79-82.

[5]Kolaskar A S,Kulkarni-Kale U. Prediction of three-dimensional structure and mapping of conformational epitopes of envelope glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis virus[J]. Virology,1999,261(1):31-42.

[6]Seif S A,Morita K,Matsuo S,et al. Finer mapping of neutralizing epitope(s) on the C-terminal of Japanese encephalitis virus E-protein expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli system[J]. Vaccine,1995,13(16):1515-1521.

[7]Wu S C,Lin C W. Neutralizing peptide ligands selected from phage-displayed libraries mimic the conformational epitope on domain Ⅲ of the Japanese encephalitis virus envelope protein[J]. Virus Research,2001,76(1):59-69.

[8]刘丽娜,潘渠,朱军民,等. 2-型猪链球菌保护性抗原RfeA的B细胞表位预测[J]. 成都医学院学报,2011,6(2):133-135.

[9]Chou P Y,Fasman G D. Prediction of the secondary structure of protein comformation[M]. New York:Plenum Press,1990:549-586.

[10]Garnier J,Osguthorpe D J,Robson B. Analysis of the accuracy and implications of simple methods for predicting the secondary structure of globular proteins[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology,1978,120(1):97-120.

[11]Kyte J,Doolittle R F. A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology,1982,157(1):105-132.

[12]Emini E A,Hughes J V,Perlow D S,et al. Induction of hepatitis A virus-neutralizing antibody by a virus-specific synthetic peptide[J]. Journal of Virology,1985,55(3):836-839.

[13]Jameson B A,Wolf H. The antigenic index:a novel algorithm for predicting antigenic determinants[J]. Computer Applications in the Biosciences,1988,4(1):181-186.

[14]Doolittle R F. The roots of bioinformatics in protein evolution[J]. PLOS Computational Biology,2010,6(7):e1000875.

[15]Wang H W,Lin Y C,Pai T W,et al. Prediction of B-cell linear epitopes with a combination of support vector machine classification and amino acid propensity identification[J]. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology,2011,Article ID:432830,


[1]Yun T,Ye W C,Ni Z,et al. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel flavivirus isolated from Pekin ducklings in China[J]. Veterinary Microbiology,2012,157(3/4):311-319.

[2]Huang X M,Han K K,Zhao D M,et al. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel flavivirus isolated from geese in China[J]. Research in Veterinary Science,2013,94(3):774-780.

[3]Yan P X,Zhao Y S,Zhang X,et al. An infectious disease of ducks caused by a newly emerged Tembusu virus strain in mainland China[J]. Virology,2011,417(1):1-8.

[4]朱丽萍,颜世敢. 鸭坦布苏病毒研究进展[J]. 中国预防兽医学报,2012,34(1):79-82.

[5]Kolaskar A S,Kulkarni-Kale U. Prediction of three-dimensional structure and mapping of conformational epitopes of envelope glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis virus[J]. Virology,1999,261(1):31-42.

[6]Seif S A,Morita K,Matsuo S,et al. Finer mapping of neutralizing epitope(s) on the C-terminal of Japanese encephalitis virus E-protein expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli system[J]. Vaccine,1995,13(16):1515-1521.

[7]Wu S C,Lin C W. Neutralizing peptide ligands selected from phage-displayed libraries mimic the conformational epitope on domain Ⅲ of the Japanese encephalitis virus envelope protein[J]. Virus Research,2001,76(1):59-69.

[8]刘丽娜,潘渠,朱军民,等. 2-型猪链球菌保护性抗原RfeA的B细胞表位预测[J]. 成都医学院学报,2011,6(2):133-135.

[9]Chou P Y,Fasman G D. Prediction of the secondary structure of protein comformation[M]. New York:Plenum Press,1990:549-586.

[10]Garnier J,Osguthorpe D J,Robson B. Analysis of the accuracy and implications of simple methods for predicting the secondary structure of globular proteins[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology,1978,120(1):97-120.

[11]Kyte J,Doolittle R F. A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology,1982,157(1):105-132.

[12]Emini E A,Hughes J V,Perlow D S,et al. Induction of hepatitis A virus-neutralizing antibody by a virus-specific synthetic peptide[J]. Journal of Virology,1985,55(3):836-839.

[13]Jameson B A,Wolf H. The antigenic index:a novel algorithm for predicting antigenic determinants[J]. Computer Applications in the Biosciences,1988,4(1):181-186.

[14]Doolittle R F. The roots of bioinformatics in protein evolution[J]. PLOS Computational Biology,2010,6(7):e1000875.

[15]Wang H W,Lin Y C,Pai T W,et al. Prediction of B-cell linear epitopes with a combination of support vector machine classification and amino acid propensity identification[J]. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology,2011,Article ID:432830,