

汽车科技 2014年3期

景立新 吴利广 李飞 姜清伟

摘 要:某车型在低速大转角转向时(极限位置回转90°~极限位置)释放方向盘,方向盘无法自动回正,而是转向极限位置,影响客户对该车辆性能的评价。针对此问题,首先进行了悬架K&C特性试验,发现其转向ackerman、主销后倾角及后倾拖距相对较小;通过理论分析发现,主销后倾拖距及转向ackerman对转向回正性能影响较大,而转向ackerman过小可能引起自动打死现象;通过等效试验验证了提高转向ackerman可消除自动打死现象,并利用CAE优化得出可行的悬架更改方案;优化方案在实车上得以验证,获得了理想效果。


中图分类号:U463.33 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1005-2550(2014)03-0030-04

The Steering Returnability Trouble Shooting of One Car

JING Li-xin, WU Li-guang, LI Fei, JIANG Qing-Wei

(China Automotive Technology & Research Center, Tian Jin 300162,China)

Abstract: When releasing the steering wheel after a large-angle steering (steering back 90°from the limit position to the limit position) in the low-speed, the steering wheel did not return automatically, but turned to the limit position, which will affect the evaluation of the vehicle performance. To solve this problem, first we tested the suspension K & C characteristics ,and found the steering ackerman, caster angel and mechanical trail are relatively small; through theoretical analysis, we found the mechanical trail and steering ackerman have significant impact on the steering returnability, and the small steering ackerman can cause the steering wheel to the limit position; By an equivalent test, we verified the improved steering ackerman can avoid the phenomenon of turning to the limit position. One solution was made by CAE analysis, and through the real car test, we obtained the good result.




5 总结









摘 要:某车型在低速大转角转向时(极限位置回转90°~极限位置)释放方向盘,方向盘无法自动回正,而是转向极限位置,影响客户对该车辆性能的评价。针对此问题,首先进行了悬架K&C特性试验,发现其转向ackerman、主销后倾角及后倾拖距相对较小;通过理论分析发现,主销后倾拖距及转向ackerman对转向回正性能影响较大,而转向ackerman过小可能引起自动打死现象;通过等效试验验证了提高转向ackerman可消除自动打死现象,并利用CAE优化得出可行的悬架更改方案;优化方案在实车上得以验证,获得了理想效果。


中图分类号:U463.33 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1005-2550(2014)03-0030-04

The Steering Returnability Trouble Shooting of One Car

JING Li-xin, WU Li-guang, LI Fei, JIANG Qing-Wei

(China Automotive Technology & Research Center, Tian Jin 300162,China)

Abstract: When releasing the steering wheel after a large-angle steering (steering back 90°from the limit position to the limit position) in the low-speed, the steering wheel did not return automatically, but turned to the limit position, which will affect the evaluation of the vehicle performance. To solve this problem, first we tested the suspension K & C characteristics ,and found the steering ackerman, caster angel and mechanical trail are relatively small; through theoretical analysis, we found the mechanical trail and steering ackerman have significant impact on the steering returnability, and the small steering ackerman can cause the steering wheel to the limit position; By an equivalent test, we verified the improved steering ackerman can avoid the phenomenon of turning to the limit position. One solution was made by CAE analysis, and through the real car test, we obtained the good result.




5 总结









摘 要:某车型在低速大转角转向时(极限位置回转90°~极限位置)释放方向盘,方向盘无法自动回正,而是转向极限位置,影响客户对该车辆性能的评价。针对此问题,首先进行了悬架K&C特性试验,发现其转向ackerman、主销后倾角及后倾拖距相对较小;通过理论分析发现,主销后倾拖距及转向ackerman对转向回正性能影响较大,而转向ackerman过小可能引起自动打死现象;通过等效试验验证了提高转向ackerman可消除自动打死现象,并利用CAE优化得出可行的悬架更改方案;优化方案在实车上得以验证,获得了理想效果。


中图分类号:U463.33 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1005-2550(2014)03-0030-04

The Steering Returnability Trouble Shooting of One Car

JING Li-xin, WU Li-guang, LI Fei, JIANG Qing-Wei

(China Automotive Technology & Research Center, Tian Jin 300162,China)

Abstract: When releasing the steering wheel after a large-angle steering (steering back 90°from the limit position to the limit position) in the low-speed, the steering wheel did not return automatically, but turned to the limit position, which will affect the evaluation of the vehicle performance. To solve this problem, first we tested the suspension K & C characteristics ,and found the steering ackerman, caster angel and mechanical trail are relatively small; through theoretical analysis, we found the mechanical trail and steering ackerman have significant impact on the steering returnability, and the small steering ackerman can cause the steering wheel to the limit position; By an equivalent test, we verified the improved steering ackerman can avoid the phenomenon of turning to the limit position. One solution was made by CAE analysis, and through the real car test, we obtained the good result.




5 总结







