The Translation Of English I dioms in American TV Plays
(曲阜师范大学杏坛学院,山东 济宁273100)
1 The study of idioms
1.1 The definition of idiom
Idioms are distinctive, fixed expression, formed during the using process of language, through the test of practices. Idioms are words and expressions that have been gradually accepted by people.
1.2 The features of English idioms
1)For example, we can not change “ Jack of all trades is master of none” to “Jack of all jobs is master of none”, like in Chinese we cannot say“奇妙思想” instead of “奇思妙想”.
2)Because of linguistic, psychological, social and historical reasons,there are always differences between true meaning and literal meaning.For example, English idiom “lead a cat and dog life” cannot be translated into “像狗和猫一样生活”, but “过着经常吵架的生活”.Because cat and dog always cannot get along well with each other, point to lead a life in which people are constantly bickering and quarrelling.
3)Idioms are distinctive images. Language is a part of culture, and idioms are the essence of language, so idioms have rich cultural connotations. Reflected in the ways of expressions, idiom is often used closely related to things as metaphors, vividly explained principles. For example, “sour grapes”(吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸), “to offer fuel in snowy weather”(雪中送炭) .
1.3 The translation methods of idioms
1)Literal translation
For example,
Dark horse 黑马
Clench one’s teeth 咬牙切齿
An olive branch 橄榄枝
2)Borrowing translation
For example,
Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同
When there is a will, there is a way 有志者事竟成
Easier said than done 说时容易做时难
3)Free translation
For example,
Run like a blue-arsed fly 到处乱窜
Make the air turn blue 诅咒 骂街
Have the blues 无精打采 怏怏不乐
For example,
With a jaundiced eye 有嫉妒心;偏见;猜疑心(黄疸病人皮肤呈蜡黄,西方将黄色与嫉妒联系在一起)
Fight like kilkenny cats 死拼;两败俱伤(kilkenny 爱尔兰西部城市,官兵让两只猫打斗直至官兵切掉他们尾巴猫逃跑后告知军官它们是互相吃掉了对方)
Carry coal to Newcastle 多此一举(Newcastle 是英国产煤中心之一)
2 The subtitle translation of TV plays
2.1 The limit of subtitle translation
First,subtitle translation is limited by space which refers to the size of the screen. We all know that the size of screens and actors’ lip-cynch decided the subtitle’s length.
Second,subtitle translation is limited by time. Here, time means the duration of an image or a sound; the average time that the audience need to view the subtitle.
2.2 The translation methods of TV play subtitle
2.2.1 Additional translation
When the expression in the target language is not clear or can not be founded the corresponding component with the target language,translator should replace parts or supplement.
2.2.2 Language enrichment strategies
Due to the subtitle translation has time and space limitation, it is necessary to make information in the subtitle translation be in the acceptable range, it needs to concentrate on the translation, make simple expression sentences.
2.2.3 Naturalisation and dissimilation
Film subtitles translation is a purposeful translation, also a tool that spreads culture, so it should be ministrant, which determined the translator should translation according to the service object.
3 The translation of idioms in American TV Play
3.1 Reappearance of the tone
For example,
The original:Dude, she burned you!
The translation:伙计,她完胜你啊!
3.2 Amplification or omission of the subtitle translation
For example,
The original: Max: Jacob, you need listen to…?
Jebediah: Jebediah.
Max: For real?
The translation:Max: 雅各布,你需要听…?(看向Jabediah,表示询问他的名字)
Jebediah: 杰迪戴亚.
Max: 真的假的?!
3.3 The transformation of cultural images
For example,
The original:My little cupcake brought me a cupcake.The translation:我的小甜甜给我带来了小蛋糕。
The original: Earl: Let me pay for that.
Max: No, no, no, it’s on the house.
The translation:厄尔:我还是把钱给你吧。
3.4 The exchanges between abstract and concrete
For example,
The original: you are really judgmental
The translation:你太以貌取人了吧
Here is another example,
The original: You look so beautiful, I forget your personality is.
The translation:你美得让我差点忘了你是个悍妇了
[1]Collins Cobuld.Dictionary of Idioms(New)[M].Harper Collins Publishers Lmited,1998.
[2]Mona Baker.In Order Words:A Coursebook on Translation London:Taylor &Francis Ltd.1992[Z].