

现代电子技术 2014年10期

许馨月 叶雪梅 陈柏松

摘 要: 为了深入探讨车载网络协议IEEE 802.11p的特性,首先对该协议的物理层、媒体控制访问层及其帧结构进行了详细介绍,然后从工作频率、传输速率及最大功耗等方面与其他短距离无线通信技术进行对比分析,最后归纳出车载网络协议IEEE 802.11p作为一项新的协议标准,在车载网络的实际应用中有着区别于其他无线通信技术的特有优势。因此,对该协议的突破性研究,将有助于车载网络技术在智能交通系统领域走向实用,既具有一定的理论意义,又具有重要的应用前景。

关键词: 智能交通系统; IEEE 802.11p; 无线通信技术; 车载自组网

中图分类号: TN919?34; TP393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)10?0086?03

Abstract:In order to further investigate the characteristics of IEEE 802.11p protocol for vehicular networks, first of all, the physical layer, media access control layer and its frame structure are described in detail, and then the working frequency, transmission rate and maximum power consumption of the protocol are compared with those of other short distance wireless communication technologies. Finally, as a new protocol standard, IEEE 802.11p protocol for vehicular networks has a unique advantage from other wireless communication technologies. Therefore, the breakthrough research of the protocol will help vehicular network technologies to move towards practical application for sure in the field of intelligent transportation system, and has the theoretical significance and application prospect.

Keywords: intelligent transportation system; IEEE 802.11p; wireless communication technology; vehicular Ad hoc network

0 引 言

IEEE 802.11p协议(又称WAVE),是由IEEE 802.11标准扩充的无线局域网标准,应用于智能交通系统(ITS)中,极大地促进了车载通信(DSRC)[1?2]发展。IEEE 802.11p在物理(PHY)层和媒体控制访问(MAC)层上规范了下半层标准,与IEEE 1609系列标准共同组成了车载环境下无线接入WAVE协议栈。

当前,802.11p的研究逐渐深入,好几类草案[3?5]标准相继提出,其中应用最广泛的是2010年美国发布的IEEE 802.11p标准[6]。

1 IEEE 802.11p协议标准

1.1 IEEE 802.11p物理层特性

IEEE 802.11p协议的物理层是由IEEE802.11a标准扩展而来,采用正交频分复用(OFDM)技术。


IEEE 802.11p的工作频率在5.9 GHz附近,频谱总带宽由7个10 MHz的信道和一个5 MHz的安全边界(图中最左边部分)组成,如图1所示[7]。其中,信道Ch172和Ch184用于交通安全, Ch178为控制信道(CCH),用于与交通安全相关的通信、系统控制和高优先级管理,其余信道(Ch174,Ch176,Ch180,Ch182)为业务信道,主要用于传统网络应用中,传送非安全性的消息等。

1.2 IEEE 802.11p MAC层特性

2.1 蓝牙技术

蓝牙[10]是一种支持设备短距离通信的无线个人网络传输(WPAN)应用,能在众多移动设备之间进行无线信息交换,进而提供一个全世界通行的无线传输环境。其载频选用在全球都可用的2.45 GHz ISM频带,数据速率为1 Mb/s,收/发信机采用跳频扩谱(FHSS)技术,使用IEEE 802.15协议。与其他工作在相同频段的系统相比,蓝牙调频更快,数据包更短,从而系统更稳定。

2.2 Wi?Fi技术

Wi?Fi[9]技术的工作频率包括2.4 GHz和5 GHz,速率可达1 Mb/s或2 Mb/s,采用16 MHz的直接序列扩频(DSSS),作为OFDM调制技术的一个补充。为了抵抗噪声干扰,Wi?Fi技术在MAC层采用ARQ纠错与OFDM正交频分复用技术。对于共享频带引发的干扰,Wi?Fi采取发射功率控制技术来抵抗。


2.3 ZigBee技术

ZigBee[10]技术的工作频率为2.4 GHz,基本速率达到250 Kb/s,采用跳频技术。ZigBee比蓝牙更简单,速率慢且功率及费用低,可靠性高,应用广泛。此外,ZigBee技术可实现254个节点联网,能更好地满足人们对电子娱乐游戏、家庭自动化应用等需求。

2.4 几种短距离无线通信技术的特点比较


这3种技术及IEEE 802.11p标准在很大程度上是互补的,其中前3种技术都使用工业、科学和医用的频带。相较而言,从传输速度、无线电波覆盖范围及行车具体动态变化的环境考虑,IEEE 802.11p的应用更适合室外高速移动的车辆环境,满足在车载网络[11]中对无线局域网的要求。

3 结 语

IEEE 802.11p协议在汽车通信[12?13]方面的巨大优势将推动其发展和应用,在智能交通系统中,存在巨大的商用价值和使用价值。相较其他无线通信技术,应用IEEE 802.11p标准可使得热点间切换更先进、更支持移动环境、增强了安全性、加强了身份认证等,保证在迅速变化的环境下运行和交换信息。


[1] LOCHERT C, SCHEUERMANN B, WEWETZER C, et a1. Data aggregation and roadside unit placement for a VANET traffic information system [C] // Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter?NET working. New York: ACM, 2008: 58?65.

[2] Anon. Definition of vehicular ad?hoc network [EB/OL]. [2013?01?07]. http://www.

[3] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D1.1. draft amendment to standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems?LAN/MAN specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2005.

[4] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D3.0. draft standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems? local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2007.

[5] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D10.0. draft standard for information technology? telecommunications and information exchange between systems?local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2010.

[6] IEEE. IEEE P802.llpTM/D10.0. IEEE 802.11 working group of the IEEE 802 committee [R]. USA: IEEE, 2010.

[7] IEEE P802.11pTM/D10.0. draft standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems?local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements?part11:wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA:IEEE, 2010.

[8] BILSTRUP K, UHLEMANN E, STROM E G. Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11p MAC method for vehicle?to?vehicle communication [C]// IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference. [S.l.]: IEEE, 2008: 21?24.

[9] 孙弋.短距离无线通信及组网技术[M].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2008.

[10] 原羿,苏鸿根.基于ZigBee技术的无线网络应用研究[J].计算机应用与软件,2004,21(6):11?15.

[11] 常促宇,向勇,史美林.车载自组网的现状与发展[J].通信学报,2007,28(11):116?126.

[12] TOOR Y, MUHLETHALER P, LAOUITI A. Vehicle Ad hoc networks: applications and related technical issues [J]. IEEE Communications Surveys&Tutorials, 2008, 10(3): 74?88.

[13] 魏李琦,肖晓强,陈颖文,等.基于相对速度的802.11p车载网络自适应退避算法[J].计算机应用研究,2011,28(10):3878?3880.

2.3 ZigBee技术

ZigBee[10]技术的工作频率为2.4 GHz,基本速率达到250 Kb/s,采用跳频技术。ZigBee比蓝牙更简单,速率慢且功率及费用低,可靠性高,应用广泛。此外,ZigBee技术可实现254个节点联网,能更好地满足人们对电子娱乐游戏、家庭自动化应用等需求。

2.4 几种短距离无线通信技术的特点比较


这3种技术及IEEE 802.11p标准在很大程度上是互补的,其中前3种技术都使用工业、科学和医用的频带。相较而言,从传输速度、无线电波覆盖范围及行车具体动态变化的环境考虑,IEEE 802.11p的应用更适合室外高速移动的车辆环境,满足在车载网络[11]中对无线局域网的要求。

3 结 语

IEEE 802.11p协议在汽车通信[12?13]方面的巨大优势将推动其发展和应用,在智能交通系统中,存在巨大的商用价值和使用价值。相较其他无线通信技术,应用IEEE 802.11p标准可使得热点间切换更先进、更支持移动环境、增强了安全性、加强了身份认证等,保证在迅速变化的环境下运行和交换信息。


[1] LOCHERT C, SCHEUERMANN B, WEWETZER C, et a1. Data aggregation and roadside unit placement for a VANET traffic information system [C] // Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter?NET working. New York: ACM, 2008: 58?65.

[2] Anon. Definition of vehicular ad?hoc network [EB/OL]. [2013?01?07]. http://www.

[3] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D1.1. draft amendment to standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems?LAN/MAN specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2005.

[4] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D3.0. draft standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems? local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2007.

[5] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D10.0. draft standard for information technology? telecommunications and information exchange between systems?local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2010.

[6] IEEE. IEEE P802.llpTM/D10.0. IEEE 802.11 working group of the IEEE 802 committee [R]. USA: IEEE, 2010.

[7] IEEE P802.11pTM/D10.0. draft standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems?local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements?part11:wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA:IEEE, 2010.

[8] BILSTRUP K, UHLEMANN E, STROM E G. Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11p MAC method for vehicle?to?vehicle communication [C]// IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference. [S.l.]: IEEE, 2008: 21?24.

[9] 孙弋.短距离无线通信及组网技术[M].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2008.

[10] 原羿,苏鸿根.基于ZigBee技术的无线网络应用研究[J].计算机应用与软件,2004,21(6):11?15.

[11] 常促宇,向勇,史美林.车载自组网的现状与发展[J].通信学报,2007,28(11):116?126.

[12] TOOR Y, MUHLETHALER P, LAOUITI A. Vehicle Ad hoc networks: applications and related technical issues [J]. IEEE Communications Surveys&Tutorials, 2008, 10(3): 74?88.

[13] 魏李琦,肖晓强,陈颖文,等.基于相对速度的802.11p车载网络自适应退避算法[J].计算机应用研究,2011,28(10):3878?3880.

2.3 ZigBee技术

ZigBee[10]技术的工作频率为2.4 GHz,基本速率达到250 Kb/s,采用跳频技术。ZigBee比蓝牙更简单,速率慢且功率及费用低,可靠性高,应用广泛。此外,ZigBee技术可实现254个节点联网,能更好地满足人们对电子娱乐游戏、家庭自动化应用等需求。

2.4 几种短距离无线通信技术的特点比较


这3种技术及IEEE 802.11p标准在很大程度上是互补的,其中前3种技术都使用工业、科学和医用的频带。相较而言,从传输速度、无线电波覆盖范围及行车具体动态变化的环境考虑,IEEE 802.11p的应用更适合室外高速移动的车辆环境,满足在车载网络[11]中对无线局域网的要求。

3 结 语

IEEE 802.11p协议在汽车通信[12?13]方面的巨大优势将推动其发展和应用,在智能交通系统中,存在巨大的商用价值和使用价值。相较其他无线通信技术,应用IEEE 802.11p标准可使得热点间切换更先进、更支持移动环境、增强了安全性、加强了身份认证等,保证在迅速变化的环境下运行和交换信息。


[1] LOCHERT C, SCHEUERMANN B, WEWETZER C, et a1. Data aggregation and roadside unit placement for a VANET traffic information system [C] // Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter?NET working. New York: ACM, 2008: 58?65.

[2] Anon. Definition of vehicular ad?hoc network [EB/OL]. [2013?01?07]. http://www.

[3] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D1.1. draft amendment to standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems?LAN/MAN specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2005.

[4] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D3.0. draft standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems? local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2007.

[5] IEEE. IEEE P802.11pTM/D10.0. draft standard for information technology? telecommunications and information exchange between systems?local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements, part11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA: IEEE, 2010.

[6] IEEE. IEEE P802.llpTM/D10.0. IEEE 802.11 working group of the IEEE 802 committee [R]. USA: IEEE, 2010.

[7] IEEE P802.11pTM/D10.0. draft standard for information technology?telecommunications and information exchange between systems?local and metropolitan area networks?specific requirements?part11:wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications amendment 7: wireless access in vehicular environments [R]. USA:IEEE, 2010.

[8] BILSTRUP K, UHLEMANN E, STROM E G. Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11p MAC method for vehicle?to?vehicle communication [C]// IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference. [S.l.]: IEEE, 2008: 21?24.

[9] 孙弋.短距离无线通信及组网技术[M].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2008.

[10] 原羿,苏鸿根.基于ZigBee技术的无线网络应用研究[J].计算机应用与软件,2004,21(6):11?15.

[11] 常促宇,向勇,史美林.车载自组网的现状与发展[J].通信学报,2007,28(11):116?126.

[12] TOOR Y, MUHLETHALER P, LAOUITI A. Vehicle Ad hoc networks: applications and related technical issues [J]. IEEE Communications Surveys&Tutorials, 2008, 10(3): 74?88.

[13] 魏李琦,肖晓强,陈颖文,等.基于相对速度的802.11p车载网络自适应退避算法[J].计算机应用研究,2011,28(10):3878?3880.


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