You just don"t Understand Me你就是不理解我
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2014年5期
李 婴,女,毕业于华东师范大学附属小学,现就读于上海市延安初级中学6 年级预备班,英语特长班。酷爱阅读,热爱写作,能自如地运用英语思维。9 岁开始创作,10 岁发表处女作——英文童话故事The Adventures in a Wishing Bottle (8 章,连载)。迄今已发表长、中、短篇英文童话、散文、诗歌等作品若干。热爱生活,性格开朗,兴趣广泛,是学校里引人注目的学习之星,是班上尽职尽责的学习委员。课余喜欢游泳、乒乓球、围棋、舞蹈、剪纸、陶艺等。
Sometimes you dont understand me,
Why putting so much sugar in your tea.
Sorry I was only providing1 help,
If you dont want it,
Go and try the kelp!
You dont want me to try the jeep,
Its that you dont trust me.
Youve learnt to drive,
And so did I!
I trust you,
Isnt that huge?
Sometimes you dont understand me,
We both end up beep!
But if either of us say pardon,
There will be no humiliation2!
[1] provide v. 提供
[2] humiliation n. 丢脸,耻辱