Abstract: through contact with the crowd of China male (MSM) survey, the Chinese continental MSM in childhood and adulthood - psychological do a preliminary investigation, and to provide reference for making intervention measures of AIDS.method: the cross of mental content from the MSM questionnaire. Descriptive statistics analysis.Results:in childhood, 34.2% of people think that when the girls better than boys, 37.1% of people like wearing a girl or boy features is not obvious (neutral) clothes or accessories, 79.6% people don't like aggressive game, 32.1% of people choose the most like a toy sword toys, 20.4% person games more female roles, 45.8% people when the preferred partner is a girl. 18.3% people have been raised as girls. In adulthood, 76.7% of people like their male sex, 10.4% of the people didn't like their gender, 12.5% of the people think that no obvious likes and dislikes. In same-sex sexual relations, 8.3% of people think that the male role, 16.7% of people think the role of women, 75% of the people think that they can not be classified as a kind of role. 6.3% people doesn't like biological gender own.Conclusion:a considerable part of the MSM population in childhood and / or adult period exists across the psychological, in the prevention of AIDS can be used as the relevant factors to be considered.
Keywords:MSM (MSM); cross sex psychology; AIDS; high risk behavior
【中圖分类号】R395.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-8602(2014)05-0029-01た缧员穑╟ross gender),是指具有某一生物学(解剖学)性别的个体,具有某种程度的异性心理、行为,或说异性气质。跨性别人群是美国CDC报道的新发现HIV阳性感染最高的人群[1]。本文依据从MSM回收的问卷里有关跨性心理的内容对这一现象进行初步调查。
1 资料和方法
1.1 样本: 样本来自青岛大学性健康中心收集的486份男男性接触者(MSM)的调查问卷。问卷为匿名,自我填写。应答者来自中国31个省市自治区和直辖市。调查问卷设计时广泛参考了国际间有关性取向、跨性心理、MSM的研究报告和中国文化特点,问卷正式发放之前进行了预调查。
1.2 数据处理:所有数据存入Visual Foxpro 5.0 并用SPSS 11.0软件分析。
1.3 主要变量:
(2) 儿童期跨性状况:包括回顾中的儿童期跨性心理,包括是否认为当女孩更好,是否喜着女性或中性衣装服饰,是否喜欢攻击性游戏,是否喜欢刀枪类玩具,在游戏中是否喜欢扮女角,偏爱的游戏伙伴是否为女孩,是否被父母当女孩抚养。
2 结果
统计描述部分:(1) 一般性描述:年龄中位数为29岁。受教育程度:61.2%为大学及大学以上,其他为大学以下。地域:63.8%住在大城市,其他住在中小城市和乡村。
(2)儿童期跨性情况:34.2%的人以为当女孩比当男孩更好,37.1%的人喜欢穿着有女孩特点或男孩特点不明显(即中性)的衣服或饰物,79.6%的人不喜欢攻击性游戏,32.1%的人选择玩具时最喜欢刀枪一类玩具,20.4%的人游戏时更多地扮演女性角色,45.8%的人小时候偏爱的伙伴是女孩。18.3%的人曾被当做女孩抚养。 (3) 成年期跨性状况:76.7%的人喜欢自己的男性性别,10.4%的人不喜欢自己的性别,12.5%的人认为无明显好恶。在同性性关系中,8.3%的人自认为男性角色,16.7%的人自认女性角色,75.0%的人认为自己不能归入某一种角色。6.3%的人不喜欢自己的生物学性别。
3 讨论
Wegesin & Meyer-Bahlburg 发现MSM在性活动中角色偏好差别显著[2],Whitam和Zent对MSM幼年期跨性行为的跨文化研究发现,在不同社会背景中,MSM在幼年都存在模式固定的跨性行为[3]。我们的发现与此相符,即相当一部分MSM人群在儿童期和/或成人期存在跨性心理,综合跨性别人群是美国CDC报道的新发现HIV阳性感染最高人群这一现实,提示在AIDS预防时可以作为相关因素加以考虑。
[1] Centers for disease control and prevention, HIV/AIDS, Who's at risk for HIV,gender;Saving lives. Protecting people[B]. 2013, Dec. 9:24/7.
[2] Wegesin, D., Meyer-Bahlburg. Top/bottom self-label, anal sex practices, HIV risk and gender role identify in gay men in New York[J]. Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality, 12, 43-62.
[3] Whitam, F.L., Zent. A cross-cultural assessment of early cross-gender behavior and familial factors in male homosexulaity[J]. Arcives of Sexual Behavior, 13, 427-439.