

中国船检 2014年2期

本刊记者 张向辉


本刊记者 张向辉





三十多年,弹指一挥间,中国与世界融为一体。进入21世纪,海洋再度成为世界关注的焦点,海洋的国家战略地位空前提高。早在2500年前,希腊海洋学者狄米斯托克利就曾预言:“谁控制了海洋,谁就控制了一切。”时至今日,人口爆炸、能源短缺,“饥饿”的人类越来越依赖海洋。伴随海洋意识的觉醒,顺应世界发展的潮流,中共十八大提出了 “建设海洋强国”的战略目标。显然,在中国经济面临转型挑战、结构调整阶段的时候,潜力无限却仍未充分开发的海洋经济无疑将成为未来中国经济发展的新增长极。






















As the world’s second largest economic entity,China’s trend of economic development in the future has always been the focus of the world.“In 2013, China’s GDP grew by that of one Turkey”,which is the description of China GDP growth in 2013 by a foreign media. Thus, as the global economy has still not fully recovered, where is the new growth pole of Chinese economy? More and more signs are pointing to the vast ocean.

The awakening of ocean consciousness of new China experienced a cycle which starts from coastal reform and opening up, then to the inland development, and returns to the ocean again. After more than 30 years’reform and opening-up, China’s economy achieved rapid progress, and the mind has also been undergoing profound changes. At the beginning, “Shenzhen special zone” was regarded as the window of the southeast coastal economic rise. In fact, at that time people did not have the true consciousness of developing ocean economy, but instead it was the thought liberation.After the west development, the revitalization of the old northeast region and the rise of central China, the whole land of China gradually began to be “activated”. As the bottleneck of land development becomes increasingly prominent and China’s comprehensive national strength has increased, ocean consciousness has been awakened,and now the strategy of building a maritime power has become the basis upon which the dream of the great revival of the Chinese nation is to be achieved. If it is summed up with a roadmap for the consciousness and strategy change of the past, present and future, that is,the coastal city driving the inland, and then moving from inland to ocean, from shallow sea to deep sea, from deep sea to the high seas (the Antarctic and Arctic) and to the world. It can be said that today’s China have people deeply feel the desire for the sea, and the surging power to speed up stepping into the sea.

There is no doubt that if China wants to rise from the ocean, “the article” must be satisfactorily completed in the South China Sea, because it is the best “private plot”,and is also the best “playground”.

Zhou Shouwei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering said that “the South China Sea will become the world’s fourth largest deep-water area”. At present, the world recognized replacement area of oil and gas is mainly concentrated in unconventional oil and gas resources, deep sea oil and gas resources. Of which, the deep sea oil and gas is mainly concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, Brazil. The South China Sea known as “the second Persian gulf ”, boasts oil reserve up to 41.8 billion tons, gas reserves of 7.5539 trillion cubic meters, as well as abundant reserves of sea combustible ice, which is of great strategic importance.Therefore, developing South China Sea has also drawn unprecedented attention from the domestic economic industry, technology industry and academics industry.However, the situation of South China Sea is not optimistic.

Driven by huge benef i ts, the mindset of the surrounding countries of South China Sea was distorted, which has damaged the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties of the South China Sea and its implementation. At present,oil and gas resources in Nansha sea has been wildly explored and developed by the surrounding countries of South China Sea, which act in the way of “gang up”, or“gang horde”.

Facing the“cornucopia”which is still asleep in the South China Sea, and facing unscrupulous brutality of the South China Sea neighbors and the tensions in the oil and gas development in this area, how does China plan and layout?

Expert points out that once China steps into the sea, an era dominated by sea power has been opened, and such era means expending enormous resources and costly state strategic orientation, so that we have to be scrupulous for all of this. It is a big move for the strategic development of South China Sea with the total investment not less than the West Development, and its size and potential not less than the West. As you might expect, if the strategic development of the South China Sea is conducted, more than one trillion Yuan will be invested every year, which will produce a great investment benefit. There is no doubt that the development of the South China Sea needs strong and comprehensive national strength as support,especially the investment of capital and technology.

It can be said that the development of the South China Sea is a big topic, which is affected by many complicated factors. Now, our country have a certain strength and good industrial base to develop the ocean in terms of economic strength, energy, technology, research and development, shipbuilding, shipping, offshore engineering equipment and other fields, but we are clearly aware of the existence of “short board”, however,a lot of “short boards” are not the unbridgeable gap.With the development of science and technology, many deficiencies, especially the technical bottleneck can be broken through and resolved. And for the political factor which is more sensitive, it needs a nation’s great wisdom and boldness.

Today, the strategy of developing ocean economy and constructing a maritime power has been clearly visible,so how to carry out this national strategy in a determined manner, it calls for related industries to make a positive response from tactical level.

Historical Coordinates of South China Sea Development

Reporter Zhang Xianghui


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