摘要 [目的]为了筛选观赏牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)容器栽培的最佳基质,提高牡丹家庭摆放与城乡观赏效果。[方法]采用腐叶土20%+园土20%+粗河沙20%+马粪20%(牛粪代替)+鸡粪20%(A)、腐园土100%+菜子饼20 kg/m3(C)3种不同配比基质栽培紫二乔,并进行了生长及观赏效果比较试验。[结果]自制基质B为栽培基质时紫二乔长势良好,商品性最高,其肥、透气性均高于处理A、C,特别是原料来源可就地取材,方便、成本低,只有鸡粪和菜子饼需经费购置,腐叶土、锯沫属变废为宝,不需购置费。同时在基质中加入少量充分腐熟的菜子饼可有效增加基质养分,更好地促进生长势。[结论]自制配方基质B,生态环保,可促进牡丹盆栽在不增加投入的情况下获取较高的商品价值与广阔市场,促进牡丹产业的综合发展和产业效益的不断提高。
Effects of Different Ratio of Substrate on Growth Characteristics of Peony(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)
CHENG Jiagao et al(The Administration Committee of Tongling Xinqiao Hightech Modern Agricultural Demonstration Park, Tongling, Anhui 244151)
Abstract[Objective] The aim was to screen the best substrate of ornamental peony cultivating in vessel, improve its ornamental peony of family placement and urban and rural. [Method] Three ratio substrates, corrupt leaf earth 20%+garden soil 20%+coarse river sand 20%+cow dung 20%+chicken dung 20%, corrupt leaf earth 40%+saw froth 30%+chicken dung 30%+rapeseed cake 20 kg/m3, garden soil 100%+rapeseed cake 20 kg/m3, were used to cultivate Zierqiao, and carried out the comparison test on its growth and ornamental effects. [Result] When using homemade matrix B as the cultivation matrix, Zierqiaos growth vigor was good, its commodity was the highest, its fertilizer and permeability were both higher than those of treatment B and C, especially because the materials got in local area, not only it was feasible but also its cost was low, only chicken dung and rapeseed cake need to buy, while which turned corrupt leaf earth and saw froth into things of value and need not to buy. Meanwhile that a few rapeseed cake fully decomposed was added into matrix increased its nutrient effectively, to promote its growth better. [Conclusion] Homemade formulation matrix B was ecological and environment friendly, gets higher goods value and broad market of peony cultivating in pot without increasing input, and then promotes the comprehensive development of peony industry and its industrial efficiency.
Key wordsMatrix; Peony; Growth characteristics
牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)是芍药科芍药属多年生落叶小灌木,原产我国西部秦岭和大巴山一带。牡丹生长缓慢,株型小,是我国特有的木本名贵花卉,有数千年的自然生长历史和1 500多年的人工栽培历史[1]。牡丹花被拥戴为花中之王,有关文化和绘画作品很丰富。牡丹素有“国色天香”、“富贵之花”、“花中之王”的美称[2]。为此,笔者研究不同栽培基质对牡丹生长特性的影响,筛选观赏牡丹容器栽培的最佳基质,以促进牡丹家庭摆放与城乡观赏效果。
1.1供试材料及来源腐叶土、园土、粗河沙、牛粪、鸡粪、锯沫、菜子饼、网筐。其中,牛粪、鸡粪、锯沫、菜子饼均需充分发酵腐熟后使用,并将其各种材料掺拌均匀,每栽1 000株(盆)准备4 m3基质。
1.2试验方法试验于2011年秋在铜陵新桥高科技现代农业示范园区铜陵创新农业科技有限公司基地进行,采用3种不同配方基质(表1),应用深30 cm、下底直径20 cm、上口直径25 cm的塑料网筐以及大田假植的方法,每一种配比的基质各栽20株4年生种苗(紫二乔均6个枝条),供试品种均于2011年10月17日定植。其塑料网筐内苗定植后即日假植于大田,和大田直接栽植一樣,株行距均按0.6 m×0.6 m假植,田间管理一致。开花期间考察候物性和其观赏效果等,并进行统计分析。
[1] 刘翔.中国牡丹[M].郑州:河南科学技术出版社,1995.
[2] 贺振.怎样栽牡丹[M].北京:中国林业出版社,1992.