

中国医药导报 2014年8期


杨 宁1 朱乐攀2 谭 潭2 侯春燕1

1.湖南省郴州市第一人民医院耳鼻喉科,湖南郴州 423000;

2.湖南省郴州市第一人民医院检验科,湖南郴州 423000

[摘要] 目的 研究生存素(Survivin)下调多药耐药蛋白(MRP)的表达与鼻咽癌紫杉醇(PTX)耐药性关系,探讨鼻咽癌PTX耐药的分子机制。 方法 采用免疫组化检测Survivin和MRP在42例鼻咽癌PTX耐药患者与24例PTX非耐药患者中的表达;采用浓度递增法持续诱导建立鼻咽癌化疗耐药细胞株5-8F-PTX(+),绘制细胞生长曲线,测定细胞生长的倍增时间,检测肿瘤细胞的周期分布;采用siRNA技术干扰5-8F-PTX(+)中Survivin的表达后,Western blot法检测Survivin和MRP表达变化,MTT检测不同抗肿瘤药物PTX、顺铂(cDDP)、5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)、长春新碱(VCR)耐药敏感性的变化。 结果 Survivin在鼻咽癌化疗耐药患者中阳性表达率为83.3%,明显高于非耐药患者(41.7%),差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01);MRP在鼻咽癌PTX耐药患者中表达阳性率为88.1%,明显高于非耐药患者(37.5%),差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01)。5-8F-PTX(+)较5-8F的细胞生长速度明显减慢,5-8F-PTX(+)细胞生长的倍增时间为21 h,亲本5-8F细胞生长的倍增时间为15 h;5-8F-PTX(+)的G2/M期细胞百分比[(23.1±1.3)%]显著高于亲本5-8F细胞[(13.5±0.9)%];Survivin和MRP在PTX耐药细胞株5-8F-PTX(+)细胞株中的表达水平明显高于非耐药的5-8F,siRNA干扰5-8F-PTX(+)中Survivin的表达后,Survivin和MRP表达明显下调,PTX、cDDP、5-FU、VCR耐在siRNA-5-8F-PTX(+)中的IC50值不同程度地下降。 结论 Survivin可通过下调MRP的表达增强鼻咽癌细胞对PTX的敏感性。

[关键词] 鼻咽癌;紫杉醇;耐药性;生存素;多药耐药相关蛋白

[中图分类号] R739 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)03(b)-0009-06

The study of Survivin increase drug sensitivity to Paclitaxel in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line by down regulate MRP expression

YANG Ning1 ZHU Lepan2 TAN Tan2 HOU Chunyan1

1.Department of ENT, the First People's Hospital of Chenzhou City, Hu'nan Province, Chenzhou 423000, China; 2.Department of Inspection, the First People's Hospital of Chenzhou City, Hu'nan Province, Chenzhou 423000, China

[Abstract] Objective To find the relationship among Survivin and multidrug resistance associated protein (MRP) and drug resistance in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), and to explore the mechanism of drug resitance to Paclitaxel (PTX) in NPC. Methods Expression of Survivin and MRP were detected by immunohistochemistry method in 42 cases of NPC patients with Paclitaxel resistance and 24 cases of NPC patients without Paclitaxel resistance. The Paclitaxel resistance cell line, 5-8F-PTX (+) was established by a step-increased method. The curve of growth were drew and the doubling time were detected, and the distribution of cell cycle were detected by flow cytometry in 5-8F-PTX (+) and 5-8F. The expression of Survivin and MRP were detected by western blot after siRNA to 5-8F-PTX (+), the drug sensitivity of various kinds of antitumor drug, such as Paclitaxel, cDDP, 5-FU and Vincristine were detected by MTT method. Results The positive of survivin were 83.3% in NPC patients with Paclitaxel resistance and significant high than that of NPC patients without Paclitaxel resistance (41.7%), the difference was highly statistically significant (P < 0.01); the positive of MRP was 88.1% in NPC patients with Paclitaxel resistance and significant high than that of NPC patients without Paclitaxel resistance (37.5%), the difference was highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). The growth velocity decreased more obviously in 5-8F-PTX (+) than 5-8F, and the doubling time were 21 h in 5-8F-PTX (+) and 15 h in parent 5-8F. The ratio of G2/M cell cycle [(23.1±1.3)%] in 5-8F-PTX (+) was higher than that in 5-8F [(13.5±0.9)%]. The expression of Survivin and MRP were higher in 5-8F-PTX (+) than those in 5-8F. After siRNA treatment, expression of Survivin and MRP were obviously down regulated in siRNA-5-8F-PTX (+) than 5-8F-PTX (+) and 5-8F-PTX (+)-empty vector. The IC50 of Paclitaxel, cDDP, 5-FU and Vincristine were significantly down regulated in siRNA-5-8F-PTX (+) than 5-8F-PTX (+). Conclusion Decreasing of survivin expression can down regulate the expression of MRP and result into increase of drug sensitivity to Paclitaxel in NPC.

[Key words] NPC; Paclitaxel; Drug resistance; Survivin; MRP

鼻咽癌(NPC)是头颈部肿瘤中常见的恶性肿瘤,在中国南方其发病率居世界首位[1]。临床上,鼻咽癌确诊时往往已经到了晚期,其临床治疗方式是放疗和化疗相结合的方法,其临床疗效比较差,其5年无病生存率小于60%,化疗耐药的产生是鼻咽癌化疗失败的主要原因之一[2]。紫杉醇(PTX)是临床上鼻咽癌化疗的主要首选药物之一。临床上出现PTX耐药现象,是其临床治疗障碍主要原因之一[3]。目前,鼻咽癌通过PTX化疗后产生耐药性的分子机制并不清楚。肿瘤的多药耐药(multi-drug resistance,MDR)的本质是肿瘤细胞面对化疗药物时所建立起来的一种自我保护程序,通常会导致恶性肿瘤的治疗失败[4]。MDR与多药耐药蛋白(MRP)关系是肿瘤耐药研究当中的重点,许多肿瘤中出现MDR现象大多数与MRP表达增高有关[5]。研究发现,许多恶性肿瘤组织中发现有生存素(Survivin)的表达增高;Survivin与肿瘤细胞的化疗耐药性有关[6]。本研究通过研究Survivin和MRP之间的关系及其与鼻咽癌PTX耐药的关系,为临床上鼻咽癌PTX耐药的靶向逆转治疗提供实验支持。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

选择2010~2012年郴州市第一人民医院耳鼻喉?科66例鼻咽癌PTX治疗患者为研究对象,患者临床化疗方案为:PTX:135 mg/m2,1次/d,共1 d;顺铂(cDDP)30 mg/m2,共3 d。化疗后根据患者是否PTX耐药分为鼻咽癌PTX耐药42例和鼻咽癌PTX非耐药患者24例,PTX临床耐药判断标准:化疗前和化疗结束后第3天对患者的肿瘤部位进行CT检查,通过电脑软件测量肿块的体积,体积无明显改变或变大者为PTX耐药患者,体积明显缩小为治疗有效(PTX非耐药)患者。

1.2 主要试剂

苏木精、S-P即用型免疫组化试剂盒和DAB显色剂(福州迈新公司),小牛血清(杭州四季青公司),RPMI1640培基(美国GIBCO公司),鼠抗人Survivin抗体、鼠抗人β-actin抗体、Lipofectamine2000(美国Santa cruz公司),羊抗鼠二抗(美国Invitrogen公司),PTX注射剂(四川太极制药公司),cDDP干粉剂、5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)(山东齐鲁制药厂),长春新碱(VCR)(北京赛科药业公司)。

1.3 实验方法

1.3.1 免疫组织化学 免疫组织化学染色采用S-P法,具体步骤按照试剂说明书操作。

1.3.2 紫杉醇鼻咽癌耐药细胞株的建立 从-80℃冻存罐中取出人鼻咽癌细胞,立即置于37℃的恒温水浴中解冻后,离心,弃上清液。加入10倍体积的培养基,离心,弃上清液,重复用培养基洗涤1次。加入含15%小牛血清的RPMI1640培养基进行复苏,等细胞生长到80%汇合度时,及时进行细胞传代。对传代的细胞进行药物浓度递增法持续诱导,PTX注射剂(规格:5 mL,30 mg/支)。设置不同的浓度梯度:0.1、0.25、0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0、8.0、16.0、32.0 μmol/mL。经过1个月左右的观察和反复实验,本研究发现当浓度为1.0 μmol/mL时,5-8F细胞的死亡细胞占一半左右,同时细胞具有较好的生长,不会造成鼻咽癌细胞的全部死亡,选择1.0 μmol/mL进行持续性筛选1个月后,得到了鼻咽癌PTX的耐药细胞株5-8F-PTX(+)。

1.3.3 细胞生长曲线绘制和倍增时间计算 分别收集处于对数生长期的鼻咽癌细胞,用0.1%的胰酶消化后,用玻璃吸管多次吹打后制成单细胞悬液。常规接种培养于24孔板中,每孔中加入l mL含10%小牛血清的培养基,最后调整细胞密度为104/mL。每24 h用胰酶消化后收集其中3孔的细胞,进行细胞计数,连续7 d,以日期作为X轴,细胞计数作为Y轴,绘出鼻咽癌细胞株的生长曲线。细胞倍增时间测定[7]:按以下公式计算不同鼻咽癌细胞株生长的倍增时间,公式如下:倍增时间(DT)=t×[lg2/(lgNt-lgNo)])。t为细胞的培养时间,No为第1天细胞数(接种细胞24 h后),Nt为t d后细胞数。

1.3.4 细胞周期测定 分别取对数生长期的不同鼻咽癌耐药细胞株,常规消化制成单细胞悬液。收集约l×106个细胞,1000 r/min离心5 min,吸弃上清,用PBS溶液清洗1次,加入70%冰上冷却的乙醇5 mL混匀固定,加入到EP管密封,送南华大学流式细胞中心进行细胞周期检测分析。

1.3.5 siRNA及转染实验 从GenBank查询Survivin和MRP的mRNA序列,由上海生物工程公司设计并合成Survivin的siRNA序列:正义:5'-CTCAAGGACCACCGCATCTC-3';反义:5'-AAAGCGAACCGGACGAATG-3'。采用脂质体(Lipofectamine 2000)转染方法将Survivin的干扰载体(pSilencer 4.1-CMV)和空白载体(empty vector)分别转染到鼻咽癌PTX耐药细胞系5-8F-PTX(+),再通过G418筛选2周左右,可以获得siRNA干扰载体真正转染成功的阳性单克隆进行扩增,Western blot方法确定转染效率后再用于后续实验,本研究获得了Survivin的siRNA干扰细胞系siRNA-5-8F-PTX(+)和5-8F-PTX-empty vector(空白载体对照)。

1.3.6 Western blot 首先分别用刮子刮取收集不同的鼻咽癌细胞,细胞数量一般为1×108个。裂解样品,离心收集总蛋白,制备样品,测定蛋白浓度;蛋白样品首先需要通过加热对蛋白进行变性后,将样品置于冰上,冷却5 min,待其温度恢复到室温后进行凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE),电压为100 V,分离蛋白条带直至凝胶底部;将含有蛋白的凝胶置于两层PVDF膜之间,用夹板加压固定后进行转膜,设置条件如下:电压100 V,转膜时间约60 min,转膜后的PVDF膜放入平板皿中,加入丽春红染色3~5 min,将膜放入平板皿中,加足够的新鲜配置的5%脱脂牛奶进行封闭约2 h。在一次性杂交袋中加入适量的封闭液,加入一抗(浓度调整为1∶1000),室温摇晃2 h,剪开杂交袋,用吸管吸去封闭液和其中的一抗,用适量的TBST漂洗PVDF膜3次×10 min;往杂交袋中先后加入适量封闭液和二抗,使二抗的最后浓度为1∶1000,室温下杂交袋放置在摇床上2 h;最后ECL化学发光法检测:在暗室中,将PVDF膜压在医用X线片上,曝光1 min,再将X线片进行显影,定影,洗片,扫描。

1.3.7 IC50值的检测及计算方法 调整细胞密度为l×105/mL。在96孔板的每孔中均加入100 μL的待检测细胞、100 μL的培养基和不同浓度的抗肿瘤药物:PTX、cDDP、VCR和5-FU,总体积200 μL。每组设5个浓度(试验组)和1个空白对照组,72 h后,加入10 mg/mL的MTT 15 μL,继续培养4 h。再加入200 μL的二甲基亚砜,570 nm波长检测吸光度(OD值)。IC50的计算方法:药物的抑制率=1-(试验组的OD值/空白对照组的OD值),以X轴表示药物浓度,Y轴表示药物抑制率,绘制生长曲线,绘图得到各个药物的IC50值,计算各个药物的耐药指数(RI)=实验组IC50值/空白对照组IC50值。

1.4 统计学方法

采用SPSS 18.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料数据用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,两组间比较采用t检验;计数资料用率表示,组间比较采用χ2检验,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 生存素在鼻咽癌化疗耐药患者与非耐药患者中的表达

Survivin在鼻咽癌PTX耐药患者中表达阳性率为83.3%,明显高于非耐药患者(41.7%),两者相比差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01)。见表1。

表1 生存素在鼻咽癌紫杉醇耐药患者与非耐药患者中的表达[n(%)]

注:与PTX非耐药比较,χ2 = 12.222,*P = 0.000;PTX:紫杉醇

2.2 多药耐药蛋白在鼻咽癌紫杉醇耐药患者与非耐药患者中的表达

MRP在鼻咽癌PTX耐药患者中表达阳性率为88.1%,明显高于非耐药患者(37.5%),两者相比差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01)。见表2。

表2 多药耐药蛋白在鼻咽癌紫杉醇耐药患者与非耐药患者中的


注:与PTX非耐药比较,χ2 = 18.511,*P = 0.000;PTX:紫杉醇

2.3 亲本5-8F和紫杉醇耐药5-8F-PTX(+)的细胞生长曲线和倍增时间比较

绘制两个细胞株:亲本5-8F和PTX耐药5-8F-PTX(+)的生长曲线,发现5-8F-PTX(+)较5-8F的细胞生长速度明显减慢,5-8F-PTX(+)细胞生长的倍增时间为21 h,亲本5-8F细胞生长的倍增时间为15 h。见图1。

图1 亲本5-8F和紫杉醇耐药5-8F-PTX(+)细胞株的细胞生长曲线

2.4 亲本5-8F和耐药5-8F-PTX(+)细胞周期检测

运用流式细胞仪检测亲本5-8F和耐药5-8F-PTX(+)的细胞周期分布,5-8F-PTX(+)的G2/M期细胞百分比[(23.1±1.3)%]显著高于亲本5-8F细胞的G2/M期的比例[(13.5±0.9)%],两者比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);而两个细胞株的G0/G1、S期细胞比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P > 0.05)。见图2、表3。


图2 亲本5-8F和耐药5-8F-PTX(+)细胞株的细胞周期分布

表3 5-8F-PTX(+)和5-8F的细胞周期(%,x±s)

注:与5-8F比较,*P < 0.05

2.5 生存素和多药耐药蛋白在鼻咽癌细胞株中的表达情况

Survivin和MRP在5-8F-PTX(+)细胞株中的表达均明显高于5-8F细胞株,siRNA干扰5-8F-PTX(+)中Survivin的表达后,siRNA-5-8F-PTX(+)中MRP表达较5-8F-PTX(+)和5-8F-PTX-empty vector(空白载体对照)均明显下调,说明Survivin可下调MRP的表达。见图3。


图3 生存素和多药耐药蛋白在不同鼻咽癌细胞株中


2.6 不同药物在5-8F-PTX(+)和siRNA-5-8F-PTX(+)的IC50值及耐药指数


表4 不同药物在5-8F-PTX(+)和siRNA-5-8F-PTX(+)的IC50值及耐药指数


3 讨论

Survivin凋亡抑制基因定位在染色体17q25,编码的蛋白质的分子量为16.5 kD,其基因编码序列中含4个外显子和3个内含子。Survivin是一种主要的凋亡抑制类蛋白,它是目前已发现的效果最强的凋亡抑制因子,具有高度的组织特异性和强大的细胞抗凋亡活性[8]。一直以来,Survivin与肿瘤的关系都是科学家们研究的热点和重点,Survivin在细胞周期的不同阶段起着不同的作用。有研究发现,Survivin在不同的细胞周期时期其表达水平不一样,其表达水平在G2/M期是G1和S期的40倍左右[9];研究发现,p53可以通过抑制Survivin的表达,从而导致肿瘤细胞的凋亡[10]。




本研究通过浓度递增法持续诱导建立耐药细胞株获得了鼻咽癌PTX耐药细胞株,该细胞株具有耐药性稳定、所需要时间短等特点,通过生长曲线分析发现5-8F-PTX(+)较亲本5-8F的细胞生长速度明显减慢,亲本5-8F细胞生长的倍增时间为15 h,而耐药5-8F-PTX(+)细胞株细胞生长的倍增时间为21 h,PTX可以使细胞的有丝分裂停滞在中期,影响细胞的生长[21],可能是由于PTX诱导耐药细胞内与细胞增殖有关的基因发生了改变,导致细胞的生长周期发生阻滞。本研究发现,耐药的肿瘤细胞中,G2/M期细胞增多,细胞生长较慢,原因可能与肿瘤细胞的细胞周期阻滞有关。处于G2/M期的细胞对放射治疗比较敏感,提示放射治疗可能对鼻咽癌的PTX耐药具有较好逆转的作用,这种细胞周期分布的改变可能与鼻咽癌细胞产生的PTX耐药性有关,值得深入研究。




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[7] Rius J. Patterson-function direct methods for structure determination of organic compounds from powder diffraction data [J]. Acta Crystallogr A,2011,67(Pt 1):63-67.

[8] Ge QX,Li YY,Nie YQ,et al. Expression of survivin and its four splice variants in colorectal cancer and its clinical significances [J]. Med Oncol,2013,30(2):535.

[9] Moniri JS,Gharechahi J,Hosseinpour FM,et al. Transcriptional expression analysis of survivin splice variants reveals differential expression of survivin-3α in breast cancer [J]. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers,2013,17(4):314-320.

[10] Hmeljak J,Erculj N,Dolzan V,et al. Is survivin expression prognostic or predictive in malignant pleural mesothelioma ? [J]. Virchows Arch,2013,462(3):315-321.

[11] Brustmann H,Hinterholzer S,Brunner A. Immunohistochemical expression of survivin and γ-H2AX in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and low-stage squamous cell carcinoma [J]. Int J Gynecol Pathol,2011,30(6):583-590.

[12] Jacob NK,Cooley JV,Shirai K,et al. Survivin splice variants are not essential for mitotic progression or inhibition of apoptosis induced by doxorubicin and radiation [J]. Onco Targets Ther,2012,5:7-20.

[13] Hu W,Ding W,Yang H,et al. Weekly paclitaxel with concurrent radiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma [J]. Radiother Oncol,2009,93(3):488-491.

[14] Jiang D,Sui M,Zhong W,et al. Different administration strategies with paclitaxel induce distinct phenotypes of multidrug resistance in breast cancer cells [J]. Cancer Lett,2013,335(2):404-411.

[15] Zhou J,Zhao WY,Ma X,et al. The anticancer efficacy of paclitaxel liposomes modified with mitochondrial targeting conjugate in resistant lung cancer [J]. Biomaterials,2013, 34(14):3626-3638.

[16] 刘东华,章霞芝,陈兴无,等.Survivin、MDR1、MRP在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及意义[J].实用肿瘤杂志,2008, 23(2):126-129.

[17] Li Y,Tan BB,Zhao Q,et al. Tumor chemosensitivity is correlated with expression of multidrug resistance associated factors in variously differentiated gastric carcinoma tissues [J]. Hepato Gastroenterology,2013,60(121):213-216.

[18] Jang KJ,Han MH,Lee BH,et al. Induction of apoptosis by ethanol extracts of Ganoderma lucidum in human gastric carcinoma cells [J]. J Acupunct Meridian Stud,2010,3(1):24-31.

[19] 杨莉,胡礼仪,魏江,等.Survivin基因在急性白血病患者中的表达及其临床意义[J].中国医药导刊,2012,14(2):293-294,301.

[20] Lee ST,Wong PF,He H,et al. Alpha-tomatine attenuation of in vivo growth of subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograft tumors of human prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells is accompanied by inactivation of nuclear factor-kappa B signaling [J]. PLoS One,2013,8(2):e57708.

[21] Li D,Zhang Y,Xie Y,et al. Enhanced tumor suppression by adenoviral PTEN gene therapy combined with cisplatin chemotherapy in small-cell lung cancer [J]. Cancer Gene Ther,2013,20(4):251-259.

[22] 樊恒,宋甫春,包俊炜,等.凋亡抑制因子Survivin表达在大鼠重症急性胰腺炎肾损伤中的作用[J].临床肝胆病杂志,2012,28(8):603-605.

(收稿日期:2013-12-02 本文编辑:任 念)

[6] Ge QX,Li YY,Nie YQ,et al. Expression of survivin and its four splice variants in colorectal cancer and its clinical significances [J]. Med Oncol,2013,30(2):535.

[7] Rius J. Patterson-function direct methods for structure determination of organic compounds from powder diffraction data [J]. Acta Crystallogr A,2011,67(Pt 1):63-67.

[8] Ge QX,Li YY,Nie YQ,et al. Expression of survivin and its four splice variants in colorectal cancer and its clinical significances [J]. Med Oncol,2013,30(2):535.

[9] Moniri JS,Gharechahi J,Hosseinpour FM,et al. Transcriptional expression analysis of survivin splice variants reveals differential expression of survivin-3α in breast cancer [J]. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers,2013,17(4):314-320.

[10] Hmeljak J,Erculj N,Dolzan V,et al. Is survivin expression prognostic or predictive in malignant pleural mesothelioma ? [J]. Virchows Arch,2013,462(3):315-321.

[11] Brustmann H,Hinterholzer S,Brunner A. Immunohistochemical expression of survivin and γ-H2AX in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and low-stage squamous cell carcinoma [J]. Int J Gynecol Pathol,2011,30(6):583-590.

[12] Jacob NK,Cooley JV,Shirai K,et al. Survivin splice variants are not essential for mitotic progression or inhibition of apoptosis induced by doxorubicin and radiation [J]. Onco Targets Ther,2012,5:7-20.

[13] Hu W,Ding W,Yang H,et al. Weekly paclitaxel with concurrent radiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma [J]. Radiother Oncol,2009,93(3):488-491.

[14] Jiang D,Sui M,Zhong W,et al. Different administration strategies with paclitaxel induce distinct phenotypes of multidrug resistance in breast cancer cells [J]. Cancer Lett,2013,335(2):404-411.

[15] Zhou J,Zhao WY,Ma X,et al. The anticancer efficacy of paclitaxel liposomes modified with mitochondrial targeting conjugate in resistant lung cancer [J]. Biomaterials,2013, 34(14):3626-3638.

[16] 刘东华,章霞芝,陈兴无,等.Survivin、MDR1、MRP在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及意义[J].实用肿瘤杂志,2008, 23(2):126-129.

[17] Li Y,Tan BB,Zhao Q,et al. Tumor chemosensitivity is correlated with expression of multidrug resistance associated factors in variously differentiated gastric carcinoma tissues [J]. Hepato Gastroenterology,2013,60(121):213-216.

[18] Jang KJ,Han MH,Lee BH,et al. Induction of apoptosis by ethanol extracts of Ganoderma lucidum in human gastric carcinoma cells [J]. J Acupunct Meridian Stud,2010,3(1):24-31.

[19] 杨莉,胡礼仪,魏江,等.Survivin基因在急性白血病患者中的表达及其临床意义[J].中国医药导刊,2012,14(2):293-294,301.

[20] Lee ST,Wong PF,He H,et al. Alpha-tomatine attenuation of in vivo growth of subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograft tumors of human prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells is accompanied by inactivation of nuclear factor-kappa B signaling [J]. PLoS One,2013,8(2):e57708.

[21] Li D,Zhang Y,Xie Y,et al. Enhanced tumor suppression by adenoviral PTEN gene therapy combined with cisplatin chemotherapy in small-cell lung cancer [J]. Cancer Gene Ther,2013,20(4):251-259.

[22] 樊恒,宋甫春,包俊炜,等.凋亡抑制因子Survivin表达在大鼠重症急性胰腺炎肾损伤中的作用[J].临床肝胆病杂志,2012,28(8):603-605.

(收稿日期:2013-12-02 本文编辑:任 念)

[6] Ge QX,Li YY,Nie YQ,et al. Expression of survivin and its four splice variants in colorectal cancer and its clinical significances [J]. Med Oncol,2013,30(2):535.

[7] Rius J. Patterson-function direct methods for structure determination of organic compounds from powder diffraction data [J]. Acta Crystallogr A,2011,67(Pt 1):63-67.

[8] Ge QX,Li YY,Nie YQ,et al. Expression of survivin and its four splice variants in colorectal cancer and its clinical significances [J]. Med Oncol,2013,30(2):535.

[9] Moniri JS,Gharechahi J,Hosseinpour FM,et al. Transcriptional expression analysis of survivin splice variants reveals differential expression of survivin-3α in breast cancer [J]. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers,2013,17(4):314-320.

[10] Hmeljak J,Erculj N,Dolzan V,et al. Is survivin expression prognostic or predictive in malignant pleural mesothelioma ? [J]. Virchows Arch,2013,462(3):315-321.

[11] Brustmann H,Hinterholzer S,Brunner A. Immunohistochemical expression of survivin and γ-H2AX in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and low-stage squamous cell carcinoma [J]. Int J Gynecol Pathol,2011,30(6):583-590.

[12] Jacob NK,Cooley JV,Shirai K,et al. Survivin splice variants are not essential for mitotic progression or inhibition of apoptosis induced by doxorubicin and radiation [J]. Onco Targets Ther,2012,5:7-20.

[13] Hu W,Ding W,Yang H,et al. Weekly paclitaxel with concurrent radiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma [J]. Radiother Oncol,2009,93(3):488-491.

[14] Jiang D,Sui M,Zhong W,et al. Different administration strategies with paclitaxel induce distinct phenotypes of multidrug resistance in breast cancer cells [J]. Cancer Lett,2013,335(2):404-411.

[15] Zhou J,Zhao WY,Ma X,et al. The anticancer efficacy of paclitaxel liposomes modified with mitochondrial targeting conjugate in resistant lung cancer [J]. Biomaterials,2013, 34(14):3626-3638.

[16] 刘东华,章霞芝,陈兴无,等.Survivin、MDR1、MRP在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及意义[J].实用肿瘤杂志,2008, 23(2):126-129.

[17] Li Y,Tan BB,Zhao Q,et al. Tumor chemosensitivity is correlated with expression of multidrug resistance associated factors in variously differentiated gastric carcinoma tissues [J]. Hepato Gastroenterology,2013,60(121):213-216.

[18] Jang KJ,Han MH,Lee BH,et al. Induction of apoptosis by ethanol extracts of Ganoderma lucidum in human gastric carcinoma cells [J]. J Acupunct Meridian Stud,2010,3(1):24-31.

[19] 杨莉,胡礼仪,魏江,等.Survivin基因在急性白血病患者中的表达及其临床意义[J].中国医药导刊,2012,14(2):293-294,301.

[20] Lee ST,Wong PF,He H,et al. Alpha-tomatine attenuation of in vivo growth of subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograft tumors of human prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells is accompanied by inactivation of nuclear factor-kappa B signaling [J]. PLoS One,2013,8(2):e57708.

[21] Li D,Zhang Y,Xie Y,et al. Enhanced tumor suppression by adenoviral PTEN gene therapy combined with cisplatin chemotherapy in small-cell lung cancer [J]. Cancer Gene Ther,2013,20(4):251-259.

[22] 樊恒,宋甫春,包俊炜,等.凋亡抑制因子Survivin表达在大鼠重症急性胰腺炎肾损伤中的作用[J].临床肝胆病杂志,2012,28(8):603-605.

(收稿日期:2013-12-02 本文编辑:任 念)

