Journal of Economics of Water Resources


水利经济 2014年4期

LevelofcoordinateddevelopmentofurbangrowthpoleinYangtzeRiverDeltaregionofChina/WANG Baoqian, et al (Institute of Technical Innovation & Economic Development, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Empirical researches on the level of coordinated development of growth pole of 16 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region during 2007-2011 are performed by using the method of factor analysis. The results show that the deviations of economic, social, environmental and comprehensive indices are respectively 1.821,-0.096, 0.743 and 1.373, and their peak values are respectively 3.618,-0.722,-0.774 and 1.607, indicating that the difference of urban growth pole in the Yangtze River Delta region comes mainly from that of economic development level, and the small differences of social and environmental development levels are in favor of reducing the difference of the comprehensive development level in the Yangtze River Delta region. Therefore, maintaining the existing polarization system, the cities in the Yangtze River Delta region should combine with its own resources and historical accumulation to promote the free flow of factors and to raise the coordinated development level.

Keywords: growth pole; Yangtze River Delta region; level of coordinated development; principal component analysis.

EfficiencyofmarinepollutiontreatmentinChinabasedonthree-stageDEAanalysis/ZHOU Shenbei, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211000, China; School of Management, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)

Abstract: The input-output index system for marine pollution treatment in China is established by use of the collected data of marine environment. The three-stage DEA is employed to analyze the efficiency of marine pollution treatment in China from 2002 to 2011. The results show that: (1) the diseconomy of scale leads to the low level of the overall efficiency of the marine pollution treatment; (2) the external environmental factors are remarkable for the efficiency of the marine pollution treatment in the technical, economic and social aspects. Based on the above analysis, the relevant policy suggestions are put forward in order to improve the efficiency of the marine pollution treatment in China.

Keywords: marine pollution treatment; three-stage DEA; efficiency

Financialsubsidymechanismofurbannon-conventionalwaterresourcesinChina/ZHANG Tianyue (Department of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 102488, China)

Abstract: Because of the lagging of development of non-conventional water resources and the shortage of available water resources, the governments at various levels have to retain their dominance in the development and utilization of water resources to explore effective financial subsidy policies of non-conventional water-resources in order that the non-conventional water resources can play an important role in the security of water supply-demand balance in China. Based on the subsidy policies, implementation situations and existing problems of the urban non-conventional water resources including seawater desalination, sewage treatment and reuse and rainwater utilization in China, the relevant financial subsidy mechanism and countermeasures are established from five aspects of subsidy ring, target, form, subject and content, aiming at the decision-making for accelerating the development and utilization of non-conventional water resources by means of fiscal policies.

Keywords: non-conventional water resource; financial subsidy; seawater desalination; sewage treatment and reuse; rainwater utilization

Financialevaluationofwateraffaircompaniesbasedonintegratedweightingmethod/WANG Huizi, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: With regard to the characteristics of water affair companies and the existing problems in their financial evaluation, a financial evaluation index system is established. An evaluation model for the comprehensive financial evaluation of water affair companies is proposed by using the entropy method and AHP method to assign the integrated weight. Four listed water affair companies in China are selected to be empirically analyzed. The results show that the operating management capability, financing capacity, local government policy support, ability to integrate acquisitions and innovation capacity of the water affair companies are also the important indices. It is suggested that the regional water affair companies should merge the inter-regional assets to realize their role as the national water affair group.

Keywords: water affair company; financial evaluation; index system; integrated weighting method

Comparativeanalysisofapplicationprospectsbetweenhydropowerandsolarenergy/YANG Junfeng, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Based on the current structure of energy consumption in China, the application prospects between hydropower and solar energy under the trend of urbanization are investigated. The hydropower and solar power are strategically analyzed using the SWOT analysis method. On such a basis, they are compared from three perspectives of development potentials, costs and benefits and comprehensive utilization prospects. It is found that the hydropower has an important position in China's energy structure, and it should be greatly developed in the next few years so as to promote the marketization of hydropower price as soon as possible and to realize the organic integration of new urbanization construction and hydropower projects. The solar energy has broad long-term application prospects, and its recent breakthrough direction should be the integration of solar buildings. The hydropower and solar energy have a wide complementary range, and they can be jointly and coordinately developed under the background of urbanization.

Keywords: hydropower; solar power; urbanization; application prospect; comprehensive utilization; SWOT analysis

EstimationofpotentialtransactionscaleofwaterrightbetweenindustrialandagriculturalsectorsinQingdaoCity/SUN Jiangyong, et al (College of Economics and Management, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)

Abstract: The production function of the industrial and agricultural sectors is estimated by using their panel data of 17 cities in Shandong Province from 2007 to 2011. The potential transaction scale of water right between the two sectors is measured by means of the estimated parametric values of the production function. The results show that the water resources have significant effect on the production of both the industrial and agricultural sectors. The smaller the marginal revenue difference between the two sectors under water right transaction equilibrium, the larger the potential transaction scale of water right. The potential transaction scale of water right generally increases during the period from 2007 to 2011.

Keywords: transaction of water right; water resource; industrial sector; agricultural sector; Qingdao City

Methodsandstrategiesfordevelopmentofconventionalwaterresourcesincoastalregions/WANG Wen, et al (State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: The methods for developing and utilizing the conventional water resources in coastal areas are systematically compared and analyzed from the viewpoints of storage capacity, development cost, water quality, water price and environment. They include inter-basin water transfer, tide-defense and freshwater storage structures in river channels, plain reservoirs, coastal reservoirs and underground reservoirs. Their characteristics and existing problems are discussed. It is shown that, from the aspects of land-use cost and storage capacity, to build coastal reservoirs and underground reservoirs are the superior methods for the development and utilization of water resources in coastal regions.

Keywords: water resource; coastal region; freshwater storage project

Policiesforruraldrinkingwatersafetyproject/DU Xiaorong, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The construction of rural drinking water safety project is one of the key tasks in China during the “Twelfth Five-year Planning” period and also an important measure to promote the social justice and a higher level of new socialist countryside as well as a harmonious socialist society in response to the call of the Eighteenth National Congress of CPC. Since its implementation, the rural drinking water safety project has played a significant role in solving the amount of drinking water, water quality and guarantee rate of water supply, satisfying or even surpassing the expected effects of policies. However, there are some deficiencies in the relevant legislation, guarantee of operating funds and technical assistance. Some countermeasures and suggestions are proposed for improving the policies for the rural drinking water safety project by means of the successful international experience.

Keywords: rural drinking water safety project; policy research; international experience; policy suggestion

Benefitevaluationofwater-surgingenvironmentoftidalriversinGuangzhouCity/CHEN Xingru, et al (China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China)

Abstract: The water environment joint regulation experimental region in Guangzhou City is taken as an example. The potential benefits of the water transfer region after the improvement of its water environment are investigated by analyzing the orientation of the surrounding land function. Its economic, eco-environmental and social benefits are also estimated by using the substitution method, contingent valuation estimates, information search and fruit reference. The results indicate that the total ecological and economic benefits are 0.793 billion RMB Yuan, and the social benefits are significant. The water environment joint regulation in the urban tidal rivers has huge economic, environmental and social benefits. This study may provide reference for restoration of other water environment of tidal rivers in coastal regions of China.

Keywords: water environment; tidal river; river surge; benefit evaluation; Guangzhou City

Greenwatermanagementmechanismanditsapplicationprospect/QIU Qiaojun, et al (Hubei Provincial Water Resources and Hydropower Planning Survey and Design Institute, 430064 Wuhan, China)

Abstract: Water shortage has become a major bottleneck for the social and economic development. The structural pattern of green water management mechanism and its application prospect are discussed from the concept, role, management measures and credits of green water. It is considered that the traditional water management system uses the limited blue water to response to the infinite water demand for production, living and ecology. While the green water that directly related to maintenance function of terrestrial ecosystem and food production is ignored. The green water management mechanism is the one to improve the environment through the ecological compensation method, and it can optimize the land management pattern and improve the water management mechanism. The green water management mechanism is of extensive application prospect.

Keywords: green water management; green water credit; water resource management

Evaluationofruralwaterenvironmentbasedonstructuralequation/XIA Yanqiu, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Controlling the rural water pollution has become an important part of water environmental management in China. A model for assessing the rural water environmental management is proposed by using the structural equation. An evaluation index system is established by analyzing the direct and indirect factors to affect the rural water environmental management, and a questionnaire survey in the surrounding rural districts of Nanjing City is conducted. The second-order CFA model is employed to assess the performances of the rural water environmental management in Nanjing City. According to different degrees of various factors, some constructive suggestions are put forward in order to provide ideas for improving the situations of rural water environmental management.

Keywords: rural water environment; environmental management; influence factor; structural equation

Applicationof3Gmobilevideoindividualequipmentsinwaterconservancysupervisionindustry/SUN Jingjing (Hydraulic Research Institute of Anhui Province and Huaihe River Water Resources Commission, Bengbu 233000, China)

Abstract: The 3G mobile video technology is applied in the water conservancy supervision industry. The structure, functions and characteristics of the 3G mobile video individual equipments as well as their action and efficiency in the water conservancy supervision industry are introduced. They provide accurate data and image transmission services for the water conservancy supervision and are convenient for supervisors and owners to manage and deploy work sites in time so as to reduce the operating costs and to improve the work efficiency.

Keywords: 3G; mobile video; individual equipment; water conservancy supervision

Warningofurbanextremerainstormflooddisastersbasedoncloudmodel/WANG He, et al (State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; Institute of Management Science, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: By dividing the city into a number of relatively independent areas using the two-dimensional graph theory clustering method and creating four corresponding levels of normal cloud according to the actual situation of each individual region and a unified extreme rainfall flood disaster risk level, a warning model for the urban extreme rainstorm flood disasters is established based on the cloud model. It is employed to conduct dynamic warning of rainstorm flood disasters in Jingdezhen induced by the same rainfall in different areas and the rainfall during different periods in the same area. The results show that when the extreme storm comes, the west and east districts and Fuliang County of Jingdezhen suffer from a higher level risk of loss, and the level rises from grade Ⅲ to Ⅳ with the elapse of time, but Dianchang area and Lümeng Air area suffer from a lower level risk of loss, and the highest level is not larger than grade Ⅲ. The real-time and accurate dynamic warning for disaster levels of various regions in Jingdezhen during different periods are performed by means of the cloud model.

Keywords: cloud model; urban extreme storm flood; disaster warning

Resettlementgoalforhydropowerprojects:policyandreality/YAN Fengxia, et al (School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: The evolvement processes of resettlement goals and resource allocation patterns in China are reviewed. Combined with the development practice of ZJ resettlement village of Danjiangkou Reservoir, it is pointed out that the realization of the development goal of resettlement is mainly influenced by the allocation pattern of governmental resources, development conception of local governments, practical ability of communities and development capacity of immigrants. The lagging of any of the above factors may lead to deviation from the development goal. To avoid the development trap of resettlement, the following measures should be adopted: change of development conception, improvement of allocation patterns of resources, cultivation of community elites, strengthening of immigrants’ participation and mobilization of immigrants’ enthusiasm.

Keywords: development opportunity; development trap; reservoir resettlement; development concept

Developmentofurbanwaterparksinthevisionofecologicalcivilization:casestudyofJWaterPark/GU Jintu, et al (School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: The urban water park is the citizens’ daily recreation place and is greatly responsible for the construction of ecological civilization. Take J Water Park as an example, the main existing problems in the development and management of urban water parks are analyzed by interviewing with tourists and administrative staffs. The current problems in the management include the tourists’ lake of opportunities for close contact with the nature, security, comfort and innovation. The causes for the above problems are discussed from three aspects of management system, evaluation methods and orderly public participation. The relative countermeasures are put forward.

Keywords: construction of ecological civilization; urban water park; social evaluation