青蒿素提取自传统中药青蒿(Artemisia annua),与其他药物联合使用可用于治疗疟疾。为监测具有青蒿素抗性的疟原虫,法国巴斯德研究所的研究人员识别出“镰刀形疟原虫”青蒿素抗药性的一个主要决定因子。该寄生虫的PF3D7_1343700kelch propeller domain(K-13propeller)中发生的等位基因突变频率增加与最近的抗药性传播有关。该发现除提出一个有用的分子标记外,还有助于加深对抗药性形成的认识,并为在新型抗疟疾药物减少抗药性提供思路。
论文链接: Ariey F,et al..A molecular marker of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin derivatives in southeast Asia threatens malaria control and elimination activities worldwide.To monitor the spread of artemisinin resistance,a molecular marker is urgently needed.Here,using wholegenome sequencing of an artemisinin-resistant parasite line from Africa and clinical parasite isolates from Cambodia,we associate mutations in the PF3D7_1343700kelch propeller domain(‘K13-propeller’)with artemisinin resistance in vitro and in vivo.Mutant K13-propeller alleles cluster in Cambodian provinces where resistance is prevalent,and the increasing frequency of a dominant mutant K13-propeller allele correlates with the recent spread of resistance in western Cambodia.Strong correlations between the presence of a mutant allele,in vitro parasite survival rates and in vivo parasite clearance rates indicate that K13-propeller mutations are important determinants of artemisinin resistance.K13-propeller polymorphism constitutes a useful molecular marker for largescale surveillance efforts to contain artemisinin resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion and prevent its global spread.
论文链接: Hattori T,et al..Recombinant antibodies to histone post-translational modifications.
Nature Methods,2013,(10),992-995.doi:10.1038/nmeth.2605.
Abstract:Variability in the quality of antibodies to histone post-translational modifications(PTMs)is a widely recognized hindrance in epigenetics research.Here,we produced recombinant antibodies to the trimethylated lysine residues of histone H3with high specificity and affinity and no lot-to-lot variation.These recombinant antibodies performed well in common epigenetics applications,and enabled us to identify positive and negative correlations amonghistone PTMs.
论文链接: Mukherjee S,et al..Antibacterial membrane attack by apore-forming intestinal C-type lectin.
Nature,doi:10.1038/nature12729.Published online:20November,2013.
Abstract:Human body-surface epithelia coexist in close association with complex bacterial communities and are protected by a variety of antibacterial proteins.C-type lectins of the RegIII family are bactericidal proteins that limit direct contact between bacteria and the intestinal epithelium and thus promote tolerance to the intestinal microbiota.RegIII lectins recognize their bacterial targets by binding peptidoglycan carbohydrate,but the mechanism by which they kill bacteria is unknown.Here we elucidate the mechanistic basis for RegIII bactericidal activity.We show that human RegIIIα (also known as HIP/PAP)binds membrane phospholipids and kills bacteria by forming a hexameric membrane-permeabilizing oligomeric pore.We derive a three-dimensional model of the RegIIIαpore by docking the RegIIIαcrystal structure into a cryo-electron microscopic map of the pore complex,and show that the model accords with experimentally determined properties of the pore.Lipopolysaccharide inhibits RegIIIαpore-forming activity,explaining why RegIIIαis bactericidal for Gram-positive but not Gram-negative bacteria.Our findings identify C-type lectins as mediators of membrane attack in the mucosal immune system,and provide detailed insight into an antibacterial mechanism that promotes mutualism with the resident microbiota.
论文链接: R.Lambrot,et al..Low paternal dietary folate alters the mouse sperm epigenome and is associated with negative pregnancy outcomes.
Nature Communications,2013,4(2889).doi:10.1038/ncomms3889.
Abstract:Epidemiological studies suggest that a father’s diet can influence offspring health.A proposed mechanism for paternal transmission of environmental information is via the sperm epigenome.The epigenome includes heritable information such as DNA methylation.We hypothesize that the dietary supply of methyl donors will alter epigenetic reprogramming in sperm.Here we feed male mice either a folate-deficient or folate-sufficient diet throughout life.Paternal folate deficiency is associated with increased birth defects in the offspring,which include craniofacial and musculoskeletal malformations.Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis and the subsequent functional analysis identify differential methylation in sperm of genes implicated in development,chronic diseases such as cancer,diabetes,autism and schizophrenia.While>300genes are differentially expressed in offspring placenta,only two correspond to genes with differential methylation in sperm.This model suggests epigenetic transmission may involve sperm histone H3methylation or DNA methylation and that adequate paternal dietary folate is essential for offspringhealth.
论文链接: Durisic N,et al..Single-molecule evaluation of fluorescent protein photoactivation efficiency using an in vivo nanotemplate.
Nature Methods,doi:10.1038/nmeth.2784.Published online:05January,2014.
Abstract:Photoswitchable fluorescent probes are central to localization-based super-resolution microscopy.Among these probes,fluorescent proteins are appealing because they are genetically encoded.Moreover,the ability to achieve a 1:1labeling ratio between the fluorescent protein and the protein of interest makes these probes attractive for quantitative single-molecule counting.The percentage of fluorescent protein that is photoactivated into a fluorescently detectable form (i.e.,the photoactivation efficiency)plays a crucial part in properly interpreting the quantitative information.It is important to characterize the photoactivation efficiency at the single-molecule level under the conditions used in super-resolution imaging.Here,we used the human glycine receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes and stepwise photobleaching or single-molecule counting photoactivated localization microcopy(PALM)to determine the photoactivation efficiency of fluorescent proteins mEos2,mEos3.1,mEos3.2,Dendra2,mClavGR2,mMaple,PA-GFP and PA-mCherry.This analysis provides important information that must be considered when using these fluorescent proteins in quantitative super-resolution microscopy.
论文链接: Wei Li,et al..Simultaneous generation and germline transmission of multiple gene mutations in rat using CRISPR-Cas systems.
Nature Biotechnology,2013,31:684-686.doi:10.1038/nbt.2652.
Abstract:CRISPRs are clustered,regularly interspaced,short palindromic repeats present in many bacteria and archaea genomes.Proteins encoded by CRISPR-associated(Cas)genes serve as guardians of the genome,which target foreign DNA at specific sites by means of small CRISPR RNA(crRNA)-guided DNA recognition and degradation.Recently,several groups described how CRISPRCas systems efficiently create site-specific gene modifications in whole organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae,Escherichia coli,Danio rerio(zebrafish)and mice,suggesting its potential application in the production of genetically engineered organisms,although germline transmission of the mutations remains to be shown.Here,we report the use of CRISPR-Cas systems to generate multiple gene mutations in rats in a germline-competent manner.
论文链接: Emma S.Mace,et al..Whole-genome sequencing reveals untapped genetic potential in Africa’s indigenous cereal crop sorghum.
Nature Communications,2013,4:2320.doi:10.1038/ncomms3320.
Abstract:Sorghum is a food and feed cereal crop adapted to heat and drought and a staple for 500million of the world’s poorest people.Its small diploid genome and phenotypic diversity make it an ideal C4grass model as a complement to C3rice.Here we present high coverage(16-45×)resequenced genomes of 44sorghum lines representing the primary gene pool and spanning dimensions of geographic origin,end-use and taxonomic group.We also report the first resequenced genome of S.propinquum,identifying 8Mhigh-quality SNPs,1.9Mindels and specific gene loss and gain events in S.bicolor.We observe strong racial structure and a complex domestication history involving at least two distinct domestication events.These assembled genomes enable the leveraging of existing cereal functional genomics data against the novel diversity available in sorghum,providing an unmatched resource for the genetic improvement of sorghum and other grass species.
论文链接: Owen R.Jones,et al..Diversity of ageing across the tree of life.
Abstract:Evolution drives,and is driven by,demography.A genotype moulds its phenotype’s age patterns of mortality and fertility in an environment;these two patterns in turn determine the genotype’s fitness in that environment.Hence,to understand the evolution of ageing,age patterns of mortality and reproduction need to be compared for species across the tree of life.However,few studies have done so and only for a limited range of taxa.Here we contrast standardized patterns over age for 11mammals,12other vertebrates,10invertebrates,12vascular plants and a green alga.Although it has been predicted that evolution should inevitably lead to increasing mortality and declining fertility with age after maturity,there is great variation among these species,including increasing,constant,decreasing,humped and bowed trajectories for both long-and short-lived species.This diversity challenges theoreticians to develop broader perspectives on the evolution of ageing and empiricists to study the demography of more species.
论文链接: Yusaku Uga,et al..Control of root system architecture by DEEPER ROOTING1increases rice yield under drought conditions.
Nature Genetics,2013,45:1097-1102.doi:10.1038/ng.2725.
Abstract:The genetic improvement of drought resistance is essential for stable and adequate crop production in drought-prone areas1.Here we demonstrate that alteration of root system architecture improves drought avoidance through the cloning and characterization of DEEPER ROOTING1(DRO1),a rice quantitative trait locus controlling root growth angle.DRO1is negatively regulated by auxin and is involved in cell elongation in the root tip that causes asymmetric root growth and downward bending of the root in response to gravity.Higher expression of DRO1increases the root growth angle,whereby roots grow in a more downward direction.Introducing DRO1into a shallow-rooting rice cultivar by backcrossing enabled the resulting line to avoid drought by increasing deep rooting,which maintained high yield performance under drought conditions relative to the recipient cultivar.Our experiments suggest that control of root system architecture will contribute to drought avoidance in crops.
论文链接: Feng Zhou,et al..D14-SCFD3-dependent degradation of D53regulates strigolactone signalling.
Abstract:Strigolactones(SLs),a newly discovered class of carotenoid-derived phytohormones,are essential for developmental processes that shape plant architecture and interactions with parasitic weeds and symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.Despite the rapid progress in elucidating the SL biosynthetic pathway,the perception and signalling mechanisms of SL remain poorly understood.Here we show that DWARF 53(D53)acts as a repressor of SL signalling and that SLs induce its degradation.We find that the rice(Oryza sativa)d53mutant,which produces an exaggerated number of tillers compared to wild-type plants,is caused by again-of-function mutation and is insensitive to exogenous SL treatment.The D53gene product shares predicted features with the class I Clp ATPase proteins and can form a complex with theα/βhydrolase protein DWARF 14(D14)and the F-box protein DWARF 3(D3),two previously identified signalling components potentially responsible for SL perception.We demonstrate that,in a D14-and D3-dependent manner,SLs induce D53degradation by the proteasome and abrogate its activity in promoting axillary bud outgrowth.Our combined genetic and biochemical data reveal that D53acts as a repressor of the SL signalling pathway,whose hormone-induced degradation represents a key molecular link between SL perception and responses.
论文链接: Matthew M Dobbin,et al..SIRT1collaborates with ATM and HDAC1to maintain genomic stability in neurons.
Nature Neuroscience,2013,16,1008-1015.doi:10.1038/nn.3460.
Abstract:Defects in DNA repair have been linked to cognitive decline with age and neurodegenerative disease,yet the mechanisms that protect neurons from genotoxic stress remain largely obscure.We sought to characterize the roles of the NAD+-dependent deacetylase SIRT1in the neuronal response to DNA double-strand breaks(DSBs).We found that SIRT1was rapidly recruited to DSBs in postmitotic neurons,where it showed a synergistic relationship with ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM).SIRT1 recruitment to breaks was ATM dependent;however,SIRT1also stimulated ATM autophosphorylation and activity and stabilized ATM at DSB sites.After DSB induction,SIRT1also bound the neuroprotective class I histone deacetylase HDAC1.We found that SIRT1deacetylated HDAC1and stimulated its enzymatic activity,which was necessary for DSB repair through the nonhomologous end-joining pathway.HDAC1mutations that mimic a constitutively acetylated state rendered neurons more susceptible to DNA damage,whereas pharmacological SIRT1activators that promoted HDAC1deacetylation also reduced DNA damage in two mouse models of neurodegeneration.We propose that SIRT1is an apical transducer of the DSB response and that SIRT1activation offers an important therapeutic avenue in neurodegeneration.
论文链接: Koike-Yusa H,et al..Genome-wide recessive genetic screening in mammalian cells with a lentiviral CRISPR-guide RNA library.
Nature Biotechnology,doi:10.1038/nbt.2800.Published online:23December,2013.
Abstract:Identification of genes influencing aphenotype of interest is frequently achieved through genetic screening by RNA interference(RNAi)or knockouts.However,RNAi may only achieve partial depletion of gene activity,and knockout-based screens are difficult in diploid mammalian cells.Here we took advantage of the efficiency and high throughput of genome editing based on type II,clustered,regularly interspaced,short palindromic repeats(CRISPR)-CRISPR-associated (Cas)systems to introduce genome-wide targeted mutations in mouse embryonic stem cells(ESCs).We designed 87,897guide RNAs(gRNAs)targeting 19,150mouse protein-coding genes and used a lentiviral vector to express these gRNAs in ESCs that constitutively express Cas9.Screening the resulting ESC mutant libraries for resistance to either Clostridium septicum alpha-toxin or 6-thioguanine identified 27 known and 4previously unknown genes implicated in these phenotypes.Our results demonstrate the potential for efficient loss-offunction screening using the CRISPR-Cas9system.