Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue
ResearchontheproblemsandcountermeasuresinthedevelopmentofruralprimaryschoolteachersinethnicminorityareasofSoutheastChongqingby REN Yun-chang, GU Sheng-hua P.5
The main problems in the development of rural primary school teachers in ethnic minority areas of Southeast Chongqing are: teachers’insufficiency of self-study motivation, heavy burden of teaching tasks, complicated management affairs of students’ boarding, lack of reference resources, and limited but poor-effect training opportunities. Teachers are the most important factor in education; the rapid economic and social development of these areas, favorable development chances and policies for teachers in recent years should be made full use of to enhance the education there; to address these existing problems, a series of policies should be introduced as soon as possible, including policies on reforms of personnel post structures, salary systems, teacher trainings and distribution adjustment of schools.
Key words: ethnic minority areas of Southeast Chongqing; rural primary school teachers; problems of development
ThemethodologicalsignificanceofMarx’sviewonurban-ruraldevelopmentby LIANG Yan-hong p.15
Tobuild a moderately prosperous society, it is necessary to continue promoting the urban-rural integration development.In the view of urban-rural development,Marx draws the basic outline of the development of urban-rural relationship and predicts the future direction.Based on the analysis of causes of urban-rural separation, opposition and convergence, Marx introduces practical dialectics, historical analysis,class analysis and contradiction analysis, providing the methodological significance for the promotion of China's current urban-rural harmonious development.
Keywords:urban-rural relationship; urban-rural development; urban-rural harmony; methodology
OneffectivewaystoenhancesocialistCoreValueSystemby XU Jia-jia, LI Jun-kui p.19
To explore the effective ways in enhancing socialist core value system, we should not only try theoretical exploration, introduce factors of Chinese traditional culture and public popular culture and integrate overseas research achievements, but also make full use of emotional factors to transform people’s value consciousness into firm willpower.
Key Words: socialist core value system;ways of construction; convince people by reasoning;to move people by emotion
Anexplorationofthethecompulsorymedicalproceduresofmentalpatientsby HUANG Wen, WANG Yu-ting p.27
The newly modified Criminal Procedure Law explicitly stipulated in the “special procedures” the compulsory medical procedures of mental patients, bringing in laws for Chinese judicial authorities to abide and rules to follow while handling troubles caused by mental patients, which demonstrates the protection of rights and interests of mental patients by Chinese laws. The application and implementation of these law articles require further enlarging the range of suitable object of compulsory medical service, for the realization of societal defense value; compulsory medical procedures need to be completed and the protection of rights needs strengthening; special funds for the compulsory medical service of mental patients need to be established to allow mental patients to return to the society.
key words: compulsory medical service; societal practice; societal defense; protection of human rights
ProcessstudyonthegradualimplementationofNativechieftainsysteminsoutheasternChongqing:takingXiushandistrictastheexampleby ZHAO Xin-xian p.37
The respective content interpretation of Jimi policy, Jimi system and Native chieftain system should not be mixed up in related local historical documents. As the specific territory for the generation of folk cultural diversity of southeastern Chongqing, Xiushan district had direct relationship to the implementation of Jimi policy by the feudal central government over the minority groups in southwestern China; the emergence of Xiushan district as a national administrative division is the political cultural achievement of the national concept of “Grand unification”, which was pursued through Jimi policy, Jimi system and Native chieftain system over a thousand years.
Key words: Xiushan district; Jimi policy; Jimi system; Native chieftain system
SystematicthinkingandChinesestandardizationby SHI Can-fang P.55
With the aid of principles of integrity, purpose, relativity and optimality, the introduction of the systematic thinking into the Chinese standardization research could extend the research scope and make the standardized thinking more rigorous and the standardized work more scientific.
Key words: systematic thinking; standardization research; errors research
AcomparativestudyofmanifestsymbolsinChineseandEnglishexclamatorysentencesby HUANG Lan-die, HUANG Yi-huan p.63
In exclamatory sentences, there exist two types of symbols: manifest symbols and recessive symbols. In Chinese exclamatory sentences, the manifest symbols include adverbs, demonstrative pronouns, modal words, interjections, and exclamation mark; in English exclamatory sentences, the manifest symbols include how, what, interjections, some fixed expressions and exclamation mark. These symbols can help distinguish the typical exclamatory sentences. In Chinese and English exclamatory sentences, manifest symbols have similarities, but they also have their own features.
Key words: Chinese exclamatory sentences; English exclamatory sentences; manifest symbols; exclamatory center
LiuXieandhisYuefutheoryinTheLiteraryMindandtheCarvingofDragonsby WANG Mei, WANG Hui-bin p.76
Liu Xie took “zhengsheng” and “zongjing” as the objectives of his thesis, and hisYuefuchapter inTheLiteraryMindandtheCarvingofDragonsinitiated the “Pindi criticism” on Yuefu poems. In chapterYuefu, Liu Xie initiated to rank “Yuefu” as a genre, paralleling with poetry and advocated the unity of poems and sound, worshiped elegance of content and dismissed degrading contents; these are the core ideas of his Yuefu theory. In the aspects of poems and sound, he prioritized sound over poems, and used this criterion to critique the Yuefu poems in Han and Wei dynasties and “erotic songs” in the Liang Dynasty. Even though Liu Xie’s Yuefu theory is biased, it still carries great significance with great influence.
Keywords: Liu Xie;TheLiteraryMindandtheCarvingofDragons
ReadingofTheKitchenGod’sWifefromtheperspectiveofanti-orientalismby WANG Xiao-yan P.91
Amy Tan’s Chinese American identity and the knowledge of Chinese culture disguise her writing’s non-authenticity and partial exactness. Tan’s second novelTheKitch-enGod’sWife, featured with intense orientalism, successfully demonstrates the paradigm: “the West Saves the East”. If reading the novel from the perspective of anti-orientalism, it is noticeable that China depicted by Tan complies with the one from western readers’ ide-ology; Confucianism is blamed for most social problems in China; Chinese males are eith-er emasculated or misogynist; therefore, the western males and their cultures will be see-mingly justified in a way to save the eastern females and their culture.
Key words:Amy Tan;TheKitchenGod’sWife; Orientalism; Other
Onthethreeformsofeducationalphilosophyandtheinspirationby XU Chao-yang p.103
Educational philosophy exists in three forms: philosophy of professional education, philosophy of public education, and philosophy of personal education, which are interrelated with their own unique features. Inspiration: this knowledge helps avoid misunderstanding of educational philosophy, which is not only a type of theoretical philosophy, but also a practical philosophy;teachers need to construct a proper philosophy of personal education of their own and enhance their professionalism and specialism while improving their humanistic quality and professional sentiment; great efforts should be made to create an educational community to exert the influence of philosophy of public education, and to promote the healthy development of educational activities.
Key words: educational philosophy; three forms; theory and practice; philosophy of personal education; educational community
Reflectionontheintersubjectivityideologicalandpoliticaleducationby WANG Sheng-zhen p.110
Ideological and political education is an intersubjectivity spiritual practice of human society; both the educators and the educatees are the subject of ideological and political education; the object of such education is their ideological and political quality, which is a kind of social consciousness, reflecting the interpersonal and human-nature relationship. Theoretically speaking, the study on the ideological and political education can arouse the awareness in bringing into play the educatees’ subjectivity and initiative; in practice, the study on the ideological and political education can facilitate the return of ideological and political education to its true purposes and life, thus improving the efficiency of ideological and political education.
Key words: intersubjectivity philosophy; intersubjectivity ideological and political education; subject and object
Causeanalysisoftheacademicdeficiencyofeducationalresearchpapersby JING Ya-ping p.113
Among the huge number of academic papers in China, the academic deficiency of educational research papers is more severe. The root causes are mainly the generalization of educational and scientific research behaviors, the dwarfism of educational discipline consciousness, the stylized thinking in scientific research, and the non-academic evaluation of academic achievements.
Key words: education; scientific research; academic; deficiency; causes
Interventionofgroupcounselingoncollegestudents'socialwithdrawaltendenciesby LI Jia p.123
The group counseling was applied to train college students’ interpersonal communication from five aspects that influence their social withdrawal, including interpersonal trust, self-acceptance, being kind to others, free communication and maintenance of relationships, so as to explore the feasibility and validity of the group counseling in improving college students’ social withdrawal tendencies. The results showed that the group counseling is partially effective in improving college students’ social withdrawal tendencies, and can play a positive role in the improvement of college students’ interpersonal relationship and psychological health.
Key words:group counseling; college students;social withdrawal; psychological health
TheinfluenceofSino-AfricanculturaldifferenceontheeducationofAfricanstudentsinChina:takingAngolastudentsastheexampleby LONG Xia, XIONG Li-jun p.133
This paper, taking Angolan overseas students as an example, reveals the problems resulting from the differences of language, pedagogical thinking patterns between China and Angola as well as the lifestyle differences, providing a new perspective for solving the problem.
Key words: language differences; the differences of pedagogical thinking patterns;lifestyle differences
Explorationontheteaching-skillsteachingmodeforprofessionaldegreepostgraduatesinhistoryby WANG Chang-pei p.155
The professional degree postgraduates in history are high-level applied specialized talents cultivated with solid professional knowledge, capable of the teaching work for history teachers in middle schools, with close integration of history-major academic competence and history-teacher professionalism as their key features. The “teaching practice lessons” in teaching-skills teaching mode are designed for the cultivation of teaching capacity of these postgraduates. By participating in the teaching processes of degree courses as “lecturers”, students are expected to experience professional knowledge expansion and ability improvement, achieving the goal of teaching skills improvement.
Keywords: History; professional degreepostgraduates; teachingmode; teachingprocess