CBF基因(也称为DREB1基因)编码一个具有AP2结构域的转录激活子,能够结合到CRT(C-repeat)或DRE(dehydration-responsive element)顺式作用元件上,调节植物冷适应相关基因的表达[1]。CBF基因是植物冷适应及信号传导领域最有意义的发现之一,多种与植物冷适应相关的基因都受其调控,目前已在多种重要的农作物及蔬菜中发现该基因[2~4]。Polashock等[5]从高灌蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum)品种蓝丰(Bluecrop)和兔眼蓝莓(Vaccinium virgatum) 品种梯芙蓝(Tifblue)中克隆到CBF基因并验证其功能,发现CBF基因表达量和表达模式的差异可能与品种间的抗寒性不同有关。
单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism,SNP)是指在基因组水平上由单核苷酸变异引起的一种序列多态性[6]。在所有可能的DNA序列差异性中,单核苷酸多态性是发生频率最高的变异,人类90%左右的DNA序列多态性都是单核苷酸多态性[7]。单核苷酸多态性具有数量大、分布广、稳定性强、易于分型等优点,在人类疾病的诊断及治疗、致病基因的发现、族群的演化研究等方面起到了重要作用,同时在小麦、玉米、大豆等作物的物理作图、进化研究、遗传研究中也是有效的分子标记[6, 8~11]。
以蓝莓幼嫩叶片为材料,采用TIANGEN植物基因组提取试剂盒提取基因组DNA, 根据已发表的蓝莓CBF基因序列设计引物进行PCR扩增。 扩增所用上游引物为5′-GAATCGTCGATGGAATATAACT-3′,下游引物为5′-TCTAAAATCTAACTCCACAACG-3′。PCR产物回收后采用pMD18-T载体(TaKaRa公司)连接,转化DH5α感受态细胞,在含有Amp的LB平板上培养过夜后,挑取菌落进行菌落PCR筛选阳性克隆,每个品种选取8个,送上海生工生物工程有限公司测序[12],所得序列采用DnaSP v5软件分析[13]。
PCR所得目的片段长度为698 bp,编码区长681 bp,将测序结果进行比对,除去重复序列,共得到123个非重复序列,每个品种有4~8个,结果见表1。
将得到的123个VcCBF基因编码区非重复序列用DnaSP v5软件进行单核苷酸多态性分析,结果见表2。共发现了120个SNP位点,全部为单核苷酸替换,没有InDel的情况发生,SNP的发生频率为1/695bp,核苷酸多态性值(Pi)为0.01251。在120个SNP位点中,单态突变位点(singleton variable sites)62个,简约信息位点(parsimony informative sites)58个,简约信息位点中,双突变55个,三突变3个(表3)。
本研究通过对21个蓝莓品种VcCBF基因的克隆测序,得到123个非重复序列,测序总长度83 394 bp,在VcCBF基因编码区共发现120个多态性位点,单核苷酸多态性发生频率为1/695bp,核苷酸多态性值(Pi)为0.01251。相对于其他物种,VcCBF基因的单核苷酸多态性频率较低,这可能与其受到的选择压力较大相关。通过对120个SNP位点的具体分析,发现单态突变位点有62个,简约信息位点58个(双突变55个,三突变3个)。对碱基替换方式进行分析,发现转换有91个,颠换为26个,转换与颠换的比率为3.5∶1。进一步通过组装一致序列,进行单倍型分析,发现21个蓝莓品种中有5种单倍型。
[1]Fowler S, Thomashow M F. Arabidopsis transcriptome profiling indicates that multiple regulatory pathways are activated during cold acclimation in addition to the CBF cold response pathway[J]. Plant Cell, 2002, 14(8):1675-1690.
[2]Thomashow M F. PLANT COLD ACCLIMATION: Freezing tolerance genes and regulatory mechanisms[J]. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol., 1999, 50:571-599.
[3]刘洋洋, 郭栋,楚秀生, 等. 转DREB基因小麦新品系抗旱生理指标测定[J]. 山东农业科学, 2013, 45(3):38-41.
[4]李利斌,刘立锋,王殿峰, 等. 大白菜CBF4基因的克隆和遗传进化分析[J]. 山东农业科学,2009,4:1-4.
[5]Polashock J J, Arora R, Peng Y, et al. Functional identification of a C-repeat binding factor transcriptional activator from blueberry associated with cold acclimation and freezing tolerance[J]. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2010, 135(1):40-48.
[6]Brookes A J. The essence of SNPs[J]. Gene, 1999, 234(2):177-186.
[7]Collins F S, Brooks L D, Chakravarti A. A DNA polymorphism discovery resource for research on human genetic variation[J]. Genome Res., 1998, 8(12):1229-1231.
[8]Rafalski J A. Novel genetic mapping tools in plants: SNPs and LD-based approaches[J]. Plant Science, 2002, 162(3):329-333.
[9]Chagne D, Gasic K, Crowhurst R N, et al. Development of a set of SNP markers present in expressed genes of the apple[J]. Genomics, 2008, 92(5):353-358.
[10]Ganal M W, Altmann T, Roder M S. SNP identification in crop plants[J]. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 2009, 12(2):211-217.
[11]Shu Y J, Li Y, Wu N L H, et al. Mining and identification of SNPs from EST sequences in soybean and converting SNP markers into CAPS[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2010, 36(4):574-579.
[12]臧建磊,李亚东,刘庆忠,等. 笃斯越橘CBF基因的克隆及序列分析[J]. 吉林农业大学学报, 2011, 33(5):532-535.
[13]Librado P, Rozas J. DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data[J]. Bioinformatics, 2009, 25(11):1451-1452.山 东 农 业 科 学2014,46(2):11~12,16Shandong Agricultural Sciences
[1]Fowler S, Thomashow M F. Arabidopsis transcriptome profiling indicates that multiple regulatory pathways are activated during cold acclimation in addition to the CBF cold response pathway[J]. Plant Cell, 2002, 14(8):1675-1690.
[2]Thomashow M F. PLANT COLD ACCLIMATION: Freezing tolerance genes and regulatory mechanisms[J]. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol., 1999, 50:571-599.
[3]刘洋洋, 郭栋,楚秀生, 等. 转DREB基因小麦新品系抗旱生理指标测定[J]. 山东农业科学, 2013, 45(3):38-41.
[4]李利斌,刘立锋,王殿峰, 等. 大白菜CBF4基因的克隆和遗传进化分析[J]. 山东农业科学,2009,4:1-4.
[5]Polashock J J, Arora R, Peng Y, et al. Functional identification of a C-repeat binding factor transcriptional activator from blueberry associated with cold acclimation and freezing tolerance[J]. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2010, 135(1):40-48.
[6]Brookes A J. The essence of SNPs[J]. Gene, 1999, 234(2):177-186.
[7]Collins F S, Brooks L D, Chakravarti A. A DNA polymorphism discovery resource for research on human genetic variation[J]. Genome Res., 1998, 8(12):1229-1231.
[8]Rafalski J A. Novel genetic mapping tools in plants: SNPs and LD-based approaches[J]. Plant Science, 2002, 162(3):329-333.
[9]Chagne D, Gasic K, Crowhurst R N, et al. Development of a set of SNP markers present in expressed genes of the apple[J]. Genomics, 2008, 92(5):353-358.
[10]Ganal M W, Altmann T, Roder M S. SNP identification in crop plants[J]. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 2009, 12(2):211-217.
[11]Shu Y J, Li Y, Wu N L H, et al. Mining and identification of SNPs from EST sequences in soybean and converting SNP markers into CAPS[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2010, 36(4):574-579.
[12]臧建磊,李亚东,刘庆忠,等. 笃斯越橘CBF基因的克隆及序列分析[J]. 吉林农业大学学报, 2011, 33(5):532-535.
[13]Librado P, Rozas J. DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data[J]. Bioinformatics, 2009, 25(11):1451-1452.山 东 农 业 科 学2014,46(2):11~12,16Shandong Agricultural Sciences
[1]Fowler S, Thomashow M F. Arabidopsis transcriptome profiling indicates that multiple regulatory pathways are activated during cold acclimation in addition to the CBF cold response pathway[J]. Plant Cell, 2002, 14(8):1675-1690.
[2]Thomashow M F. PLANT COLD ACCLIMATION: Freezing tolerance genes and regulatory mechanisms[J]. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol., 1999, 50:571-599.
[3]刘洋洋, 郭栋,楚秀生, 等. 转DREB基因小麦新品系抗旱生理指标测定[J]. 山东农业科学, 2013, 45(3):38-41.
[4]李利斌,刘立锋,王殿峰, 等. 大白菜CBF4基因的克隆和遗传进化分析[J]. 山东农业科学,2009,4:1-4.
[5]Polashock J J, Arora R, Peng Y, et al. Functional identification of a C-repeat binding factor transcriptional activator from blueberry associated with cold acclimation and freezing tolerance[J]. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2010, 135(1):40-48.
[6]Brookes A J. The essence of SNPs[J]. Gene, 1999, 234(2):177-186.
[7]Collins F S, Brooks L D, Chakravarti A. A DNA polymorphism discovery resource for research on human genetic variation[J]. Genome Res., 1998, 8(12):1229-1231.
[8]Rafalski J A. Novel genetic mapping tools in plants: SNPs and LD-based approaches[J]. Plant Science, 2002, 162(3):329-333.
[9]Chagne D, Gasic K, Crowhurst R N, et al. Development of a set of SNP markers present in expressed genes of the apple[J]. Genomics, 2008, 92(5):353-358.
[10]Ganal M W, Altmann T, Roder M S. SNP identification in crop plants[J]. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 2009, 12(2):211-217.
[11]Shu Y J, Li Y, Wu N L H, et al. Mining and identification of SNPs from EST sequences in soybean and converting SNP markers into CAPS[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2010, 36(4):574-579.
[12]臧建磊,李亚东,刘庆忠,等. 笃斯越橘CBF基因的克隆及序列分析[J]. 吉林农业大学学报, 2011, 33(5):532-535.
[13]Librado P, Rozas J. DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data[J]. Bioinformatics, 2009, 25(11):1451-1452.山 东 农 业 科 学2014,46(2):11~12,16Shandong Agricultural Sciences