摘 要 目的:分析航头镇3年户籍人口死亡率、死因顺位及潜在减寿年数。方法:对航头镇3年户籍人口死亡结果进行ICD-10编码,分析不同年龄组死亡人数、死因顺位及潜在减寿年数。结果:该社区标化死亡率为6.79‰,男性高于女性;死因前5位为循环系统、肿瘤、呼吸系统、损伤和中毒及消化系统,占总死亡人数的91.49%;期望寿命为82.56岁,其中男性为79.59岁,女性为85.19岁;寿命损失最为严重的前3位依次为肿瘤、损伤中毒和循环系统疾病。结论:该社区主要死因为循环系统、肿瘤、呼吸系统、损伤和中毒及消化系统,应加快家庭医生队伍建设,加强对慢性病病人的健康促进工作。
关键词 死因统计 死因顺位 期望寿命 潜在减寿年数 死亡监测
中图分类号:R195 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2014)04-0045-04
Analysis of the statistics of the death causes of
household population in Hangtou Town from 2010 to 2012
CHEN Lanlan
(Hangtou Community Health Service Centre of Pudong New District, Shanghai 201316, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the mortality rate, order of the death causes and potential years of life lost of household population in Hangtou Town within three years. Methods: The causes of death in household population in Hangtou Town from 2010 to 2012 were coded with ICD-10 and the number of deaths, order of the death causes and potential years of life lost were analyzed in different age groups. Results: The standardized mortality rate was 6.79‰ in this community and the rate of the male was higher than that of the female. The top five leading death causes were circulatory system, tumors, respiratory system, injury and poisoning and digestive system, which totally accounted for 91.49% in all deaths. Their life expectancy at the birth was 82.56 years old, among whom the male was 79.59 years old and the female 85.19 years old. The top three leading diseases which resulted in the most serious loss of life were tumors, injury and poisoning and circulatory system diseases. Conclusion: The main causes of deaths in this community were circulatory system, tumors, respiratory system, injury and poisoning, and digestive system. The development of family doctors teams should be accelerated and health promotion should be strengthened for patients with chronic diseases.
KEY WORDS statistics of the death causes; order of the death causes; life expectancy; potential years of life lost; death detection
1 材料与方法
1.1 资料来源
1.2 分析指标
人口构成、粗死亡率、标准化死亡率(采用2011年全国人口结构标化)、死因构成比、期望寿命、潜在减寿年数(PYLL)、平均减寿年(AYLL)、减寿率(potential years of life lost rate, PYLLR)。减寿率= 减寿年÷统计组总人口数×1000‰
1.3 统计方法
将上海市死因监测系统中航头镇2010-2012年户籍人口的个案监测信息导出,汇总整理,使用Excel及SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。
2 结果
2.1 全人口死亡情况及年龄别死亡率
2010-2012年航头镇平均人口数为57 756人,其中男性28 402人,女性29 354人。3年死亡总人数为1 175人,其中男性607人,女性568人。总死亡率为6.78‰,其中男性7.12‰,女性6.45‰。标化死亡率为6.79‰,其中男性7.74‰,女性5.93‰。0~39岁年龄组男女死亡率较接近,40岁以上年龄组人口死亡率进入快速上升通道,死亡率逐年增加,且男性死亡率明显高于女性(表1)。
2.2 死因顺位
2.3 期望寿命
2.4 减寿年数(PYLL)
肿瘤是致使寿命损失最为严重的因素,总共致使寿命损失2 559人年,其中男性1 468人年,女性1 091人年。男性平均减寿年数最长因素为损伤和中毒,达到20.56岁,女性为先天性心脏病,达到55.50岁(表4)。
3 讨论
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