


姚 正 平

(北京师范大学 历史学院,北京市 100875)


姚 正 平

(北京师范大学 历史学院,北京市 100875)




于是,有关弗格森是否是历史进步论者的争论就出现了。欧兹-萨兹伯格(Fania Oz-Salzberger)否定了弗格森是历史进步论者的观点,她说:“弗格森的历史是非决定论的,并且是无预期目的的”,与他的同时代人伏尔泰、休谟不同,弗格森认为高度发达的社会将日益沦为未开化社会式的专制。不像黑格尔和马克思,弗格森并没有描述“人类将按照一条必然的道路,奔向美好的未来”[2]20。莱曼(W. C. Lehmann)更是指出弗格森是历史循环论者[3]9。但更多的学者显然是不同意这一观点的。他们仍将弗格森归为历史进步论者行列,高夫(J. W. Gough)在其对《文明社会史论》的书评中较早肯定了弗格森从“野蛮”到“文明”的进步史观[4]。伦德尔(Jane Rendall)则进一步发展了这种观点,认为弗格森并没有像苏格兰启蒙运动中的斯密、穆勒、罗伯逊等人一样将人类历史发展分为四个阶段,而是三个阶段,即野蛮、未开化和文明社会。同斯密重视社会物质发展的进步史观不同,弗格森则更热心评价每种社会给人们提供实现其道德潜能的机会[5]。哈姆尼(Ronald Hamowy)也指出,弗格森虽然在其《文明社会史论》中提到文明社会美德的丧失以及面临的腐化危险,但这种对极端形式进步论的否定并不能说明弗格森是否认人类的自然进步的,弗格森虽然拒绝这种盲目的进步论,但他的进步观念在其《文明社会史论》和其所有道德哲学著作中随处可见[3]9。







这里需要澄清一个问题。弗格森在《文明社会史论》中对野蛮民族的极力推崇,而对现代工商业的大加批评,促使很多学者将其归因于弗格森特殊的高地背景。*在18世纪启蒙学者推崇理性,简单否定过去的背景下,野蛮民族同未开化时期、中世纪文明一样都被作为是无知和迷信的产品,不值得有知识的人进行研究,或充其量只是作为现代文明的介绍。见Thomas Preston Peardon, The Transition in English Historical Writing, 1760-1830, New York: Columbia University Press, 1933, p.10.而当时的苏格兰高地地区其政治、经济十分落后,同代表高度发达的现代工商业文明的英格兰不可同日而语,在1707年英苏合并后,同英格兰甚至苏格兰低地的差距逐渐增大。因而,高地同野蛮民族一样,相对于18世纪的现代工商业文明,都是贫穷、落后,不值一提的他者。弗格森是18世纪苏格兰唯一一个出生于高地的主要启蒙思想家。一些学者就因此认为,弗格森对野蛮民族的推崇实际上暗含着对其家乡苏格兰高地进行赞扬的诉求。如欧兹-萨兹伯格就指出,《文明社会史论》虽然没有提及其出生地——苏格兰高地的名字,但是弗格森仍然深受苏格兰尤其是高地的影响,弗格森在《文明社会史论》中对与高地相似的原始部落的公民生活做了重要提及,大加赞美,对于高地传奇的远古诗人欧希安(Ossian)*欧希安是传说中苏格兰高地伟大的古代诗人。但对其是否真的存在,学术界一直颇有争议。1760年6月,麦克弗森(James Macpherson)出版了《从盖尔语或厄尔斯语翻译而来,源于苏格兰高地的远古诗片断》。他自称这些古诗来源于一本用苏格兰盖尔语写成的古诗遗稿,而这些遗稿真实地保留了欧希安的诗。紧接着在1761年、1763年,麦克弗森又编辑出版了欧希安的一系列诗,实际上证明了欧希安这位传说中伟大的高地诗人是真实存在的,因而在当时的学界引起了很大的轰动。弗格森、布莱尔(Hugh Blair)、吉本(Edward Gibbon)都对麦克弗森出版的这些古诗表示了很大的兴趣,相信这些古诗确是出于欧希安之手。但麦克弗森这些诗集的真实性也遭到越来越多学者的质疑。肖(William Shaw)在其《有关欧希安真实性的调查》中,更是指责弗格森参与了欧希安古诗集的造假。弗格森为表清白,同肖等质疑他的学者进行了激烈的论辩,最后此事不了了之。,弗格森从未将其视为凭空想象的产物[11]。正是因为他的高地背景,使他坚信远古高地诗人欧希安及其创作的古诗的真实性[2]11。这种观点颇为流行,引来不少追随者,如匹塔克(Murray G. H. Pittock)[12]、阿伦(David Allan)[13],中国一些研究弗格森思想的学者也基本持这种观点[9]。实际上,这些观点值得商榷,如上面提到的欧兹-萨兹伯格就指出,正是因为弗格森的高地背景,才使其对高地传说的远古诗人欧希安表示了极大的热情。的确,弗格森似乎从未怀疑过欧希安的真实性,甚至在麦克弗森死后,他还关心欧希安诗集的出版,但这并不能说明其特殊的高地情感。事实上,通观弗格森的通信集,除了“同普西进行辩论以及回答麦肯锡(Henry Mackenzie)有关高地社会的问题,弗格森的信几乎没有提到欧希安”[15]。在1781年给布莱尔的信中,弗格森明确指出“虽然我从未怀疑过詹姆斯·麦克弗森所出版的诗集的真实性”,但他也从未像很多人那样积极地为麦克弗森的欧希安诗集寻找证据[16]276*需要指出的是,在1798年给麦肯锡的一封信里,他明确指出,伴随着麦克弗森《芬戈》(Fingal)、《泰奥拉》(Tenora)的出版,他也开始怀疑麦克弗森过于随便地拼凑了一些古诗片断。可见弗格森对欧希安并不是盲目支持的,他的态度是相当客观的。见Vincenzo Merolle edited, The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson, London: William Pickering, 1995, p.431.。对他来说,欧希安好像是人类史上很有趣的话题,不是所谓的为苏格兰增添这种自负的荣耀,更别说嫉妒英国的其他地区了[16]76。可见,弗格森对欧希安问题是十分客观的,他没有毫无底线地支持欧希安古诗集的真实性,也从未为了论证欧希安古诗集的真实性投入过很大的精力。需要注意的是,麦克弗森出版的欧希安诗集真实性的问题在当时的英国引起了巨大的争议,布莱尔、休谟、吉本、约翰逊、肖、普西等众多知名学者都卷入了这场争论,甚至在欧洲大陆,欧希安问题也产生了广泛而深远的影响,赫尔德(Johann Gottfried Herder)、歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)、席勒(Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller)都对其表示了很大的热情,拿破仑甚至在随军作战时都要带上欧希安诗歌集[17]。然而,对于产生如此大争议和影响的可以代表高地古老文明的欧希安诗集,出生于高地的弗格森却表现出如此冷静和客观的态度,相比欧兹等学者的观点,这应该更能反映出弗格森并没有特殊的高地情结,而弗格森对欧希安所表现出的一些兴趣,只是因为其是“人类史上很有趣的话题”,而与高地并没有什么关系。由此可见,弗格森的眼光是十分宽广的,他是立足于人类发展史的高度对欧希安的问题表现了一些兴趣,而不是由于其高地背景对麦克弗森的欧希安古诗表示支持的。那些将其归于高地背景的学者,在误读弗格森思想来源的同时,事实上也把弗格森治学的立足点放得太低了。*其他反驳弗格森的思想同其高地背景有联系的观点,可参考:John D. Brewer, “Ferguson’s Epistolary Self”, in Eugene Heath and Vincenzo Merolle edited, Adam Ferguson: History, Progress and Human Nature, London: Pickering﹠Chatto, 2008. John Robertson, “An Essay on the History of Civil Society by Adam Ferguson”, History Workshop Journal, No.44, p.256. Jane B. Fagg, “Biographical Introduction”, in Vincenzo Merolle edited, The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson, London: William Pickering, 1995, p.lxxii.








[1] (英)休谟.休谟经济论文选[M].陈玮,译.北京:商务印书馆,1984:96-97.

[2] Fania Oz-Salzberger. Introduction. In Adam Ferguson. An Essay on the History of Civil Society[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

[3] Ronald Hamowy. The Political Sociology of Freedom-Adam Ferguson and F. A. Hayek[M]. Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2005.

[4] J. W. Gough. Essay on the History of Civil Society by Adam Ferguson[J]. The English Historical Review, 1967, 82(325): 849.

[5] Jane Rendall. The Origins of the Scottish Enlightenment[M]. London: St. Martin’s Press, 1978: 125-126.

[6] (英)亚当·弗格森.文明社会史论[M].林本椿,王绍祥,译.沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1999.

[7] Adam Ferguson. The Principles of Moral and Political Science[M]. London: A. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1792: 184-185.

[8] (英)亚当·弗格森.道德哲学原理[M].孙飞宇,田耕,译.上海:上海人民出版社,2005:63.

[9] 翟宇.论苏格兰启蒙思想家弗格森的政治思想[D].长春:吉林大学,2007.

[10] Jeng-Guo S. Chen. Providence and Progress: The Religious Dimension in Ferguson’s Discussion of Civil Society. In Eugene Heath and Vincnzo Merolle (Eds.), Adam Ferguson: History, Progress and Human Nature[C]. London: Pickering﹠Chatto, 2008: 184.

[11] Fania Oz-Salzberger. Adam Ferguson’s Histories in Germany: English Liberty, Scottish Vigour, and German Rigour. In Benedikt Stuchtey and Peter Wende (Eds.), British and German Historiography, 1750-1950, Traditions, Perceptions, and Transfers[C]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000: 56.

[12] Murray G. H. Pittock, “Historiography”, in Alexander Broadie edited, The Cambridge Companion to The Scottish Enlightenment, 三联书店,2006:273.

[13] David Allan. Ferguson and Scottish History: Past and Present in An Essay on the History of Civil Society[M]//Eugene Heath and Vincenzo Merolle edited, Adam Ferguson: History, Progress and Human Nature, London: Pickering﹠Chatto, 2008.

[14] 刘华.文明的批判——亚当·弗格森及其《文明社会史论》[J].历史教学问题,2004(5):53-58.

[15] Jane B. Fagg. Biographical Introduction. In Vincenzo Merolle (Eds.), The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson[C]. London: William Pickering, 1995: lxxii.

[16] Vincenzo Merolle (Eds.), The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson[C]. London: William Pickering, 1995.

[17] George F. Black. Macpherson’s Ossian and the Ossianic Controversy[M]. New York: The New York Public Library, 1926: 8-9.

[18] 马克思恩格斯选集:第3卷[M].北京:人民出版社,1975:56.

[19] 姚正平.亚当·弗格森《罗马共和国发展和衰亡史》中道德评判新论[J].温州大学学报,2012(1):74-75.

[20] 林毓生.从苏格兰启蒙运动谈起[J].读书,1993(1):89-96.

Relation between Culture and Economy:The Significance of Western Marxist Critique of Political Economics

MA Yong-jun(5)

China has entered the era of surplus economy when it is possible for Chinese people to satisfy their material needs. However, since the supply of cultural product is far below the level of its demand, the people are still in a deficit state in spiritual life. The deficiency in spiritual life is quite different from that in material life, in the sense that it cannot be overcome by the development of culture industry. The way of satisfying a cultural need is wholly different from that of a material need, thus the substitute of the former with the latter necessarily leads to the alienation of needs. Only when we substitute “preference economics” with “necessary economics” is it possible for us to see the potentiality of transformation from the “bourgeois society” to the “human society”, revealed by Marxian critique of political economics, and to set the base for the theoretical innovation of the transformation era. Western Marxist Critique of Political Economics has provided us with a rewarding reference.

From conflict to harmony: The Mode Conversion of Chinese Marxist World Views

GUO Zhong-yi JIA Yue(15)

The connotation of the concept of world view in the popular philosophy is fuzzy and lags behind reality. It needs to be understood and to keep pace with the times from the Marxist philosophy. World view is the thought modes of people to observe and understand the world. It is the prospect of world thought that bears the ultimate existence, the ultimate value and ultimate explanation. The Chinese Marxist world view is the prospect of world of Chinese communist ideas or ideology. The shift in the theme of the times in the real world, both the change of role of Chinese Communist Party from a revolutionary party to a ruling party, and the transition of class ideology into state ideology, lead to the mode conversion of Chinese Marxist world view from conflict to harmony.

Predicament of the Benefit Structure in Contemporary China: Analysis and Solutions

GUO Gen(55)

China has scored notable achievements over the past 30-odd years since the reform and opening-up as well as the imbalance of the benefit structure. The predicament in current society is shown in these aspects: the imbalance of the interest structure, the confusion of interest relations, the absence of channel for interest expression and the lack of the relief mechanism. Meanwhile, this predicament leads to a series of political consequences, including the ruling crisis, the undermined drive for reforms, the incredibility of the government and the social unrest. Therefore, it is urgent to ensure social justice and crack the difficult position, by means of idea, regulation, and policy.

A Sociological Reflection on the Reconstruction of Village Community

ZHOU Yong-kang LU lin(61)

Community represents a group lifestyle with common interest demand and ethical orientation. However, old village community was collapsed by the continual role of modernization and market economics, which also supplies an opportunity for the reconstruction of a new village community. We should construct new village community with village political community, village economic community, village ethical community and village spiritual community in the frame of socialist system, with the idea of constructing socialist harmonious society and socialist new village and balancing rural and urban development. Its basic goal is to realize rural economic development, political democracy, social harmony and civilization progress and people’s well-being and to co-development of urban and rural society and thus to maintain stability and prosperity of the whole society.

Innovation of the Opening Model in Inland China

WANG Jun(68)

Different from the opening in the coastal area, the opening in the inland area is new type, involving a model innovation so as to enhance the connection of the inland area with the world. This model innovation is the summary of the fruits of reform and opening practice in the past over thirty years, and the further exploration of direction of future reform and opening. With a view to the whole world and the future, the innovation of opening model in the inland area should be based on the realities and developing requirement, to carry out practical exploration in adjustment of economic structure, undertaking labour division in international industrial transfer and integration of global elements, so as to offer ever-lasting drive for the sustainable, fast, and healthy development of economy in inland China.

Adjustment of Industrial Structure, Urbanization and Urban-Rural Income Gap——Analysis Based on the Spatial-Temporal and Regional Differences

REN Yuan-ming WANG Xiao-hua(77)

This article is based on the panel data of 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China from 1985 to 2010, which are centering on urban and rural residents’ income gap.Studies find that:(1)Overall, the optimization of industrial structure is conducive to narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents, while upgrading of industrial structure and urbanization have speed up the expansion of income gap between urban and rural residents.(2)In recent years, the correlations between loans from financial institutions in the eastern regions and income gap of urban and rural residents are significant negative;upgrading of industrial structure, urbanization and loans from financial institutions in western regions will have a good influence in narrowing of urban-rural income gap.(3)To narrow the income gap of urban and rural residents, we should take appropriate measures based on different time and positions and avoid the “one size fits all”model.

On the Combination of Historical Facts and Theories in Educational Research

LIAO Qi-fa(85)

This essay makes a new interpretation of historical facts, theories and the combination of historical Facts and theories, and discusses its possibility, significance and basic requirements. The combination of historical facts and theories is meant to take scientific theories as the guidance to comprehensively analyze and study the whole development process and related facts of history to discover its developmental trends and laws, thereby, to put forward more scientific theory and viewpoint to guide practice develop healthily. It is possible to combine history/practice and theory in educational research, and likely to enhance research level and educational practice. Researchers in utilizing this rule of combing historical facts and theories in their research should not only have the awareness but also meet specific requirements.

A Review of College Employment Policy and its Management During the Anti-Japanese War Period

XIE Chang-fa WNG Yan-qiang(94)

During the period of Anti-Japanese War, in order to promote the social construction of vast rear area and to ensure the smooth running of various social undertakings in the battlefront, the national government greatly strengthened the overall planning on the employment of university graduates, thus gradually forming an employment network which focused on inspection distribution and requisition, integrating the government overall distribution, school and social organizations introduction and individuals making a living as a whole. This employment network gave full play to the advantages of all parties, realized the uttermost job placement, and to a certain extent, encouraged everyone to fully display his talents. In this sense, the higher education made its unique contribution to the nation during the Anti-Japanese War Period. The study of the employment policy and management measures in this period will surely offer us useful information.

Development of Questionnaire on Mental Health Service Providers’ Core Competencies

ZHANG Ai-lian HUANG Xi-ting(107)

The core competencies of mental health service providers are the basic competencies that all mental health service providers should possess. The preliminary test questionnaire is made on the basis of initial structure of the mental health services providers’ competency obtained through the interviews with experts in mental health service areas and literature analysis. The exploratory factor analysis of the 905 valid questionnaires obtained from 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions showed that, the core competencies of mental health service providers contain five factors, namely general traits, professional qualities, knowledge accomplishment, professional skills and professional ethics. The confirmatory factor analysis supports the structure of the questionnaire on mental health service providers’ competency. Combined with the results of reliability analysis, it indicates that the questionnaire on mental health service providers’ competency is of good reliability and validity.

The Cultural Differences in Workplace Bullying: Based on the Analysis of National Culture

FU Mei-yun Ma Hua-wei YUE Guo-an(113)

Currently, the descriptive researches on workplace bullying, including terminology, incidence, perpetrators and the way of bullying, differ from culture to culture all over the world,. Through the comparison of the cross-cultural researches, we may find that culture, as a series of values, beliefs, attitudes and norms shared by people, influences people’s acceptance and interpretation of workplace bullying and the targets’ reaction in a certain extent. Future researches could further explore culture differences in workplace bullying from the aspects of intervention mechanism, organizational culture and dynamic construction of culture.

Huanzhu Louzhuan’sStoriesofSwordsmenfromShushan

and the Post Buxiaosheng Age of Swordsman Fictions in the Republic of China

HANG Yun-bo(127)

In the course of swordsman fiction of the Republic of China, the novel Stories of Swordsmen from Shushan,whosecompositionspannedeighteenyears,wasarareexamplewithitsowntextualfeatures.Byempiricalclassification,thisnovelcanberesearchedasanepitomeofswordsmanfictionoftheRepublicofChinainthreedimensions:commentonmanandworld,serialform,andplotstructure.TheresearchonthisnovelcanbedevelopedintothehistoryoftheRepublicofChina’smiddleage,thustheviewangleofthe“PostBuxiaoshengAge”canbeintroduced.Justliketheviewangleof“PostJinYongAge”,italsooffersaviewtothelogicpointsandlogiclineoftheinheritanceandinnovationofswordsmanfictions.

Anecdotes about Boxing Series:AHarbingerofModernMartialArtsNovels


Anecdotes about Boxing Seriesisafictionseriescomposedbyworkswithsimilarnamesandfromseveralwriters.ItstartswiththebookofAnecdotesaboutBoxing,acollectionofclassicalChineseshortstorieswrittenbyLinShu.TheseriesweremainlypublishedintheearlyyearsofRepublicofChina.TheyfocusedontheperformanceofKungFu,andintroducedaseriesofmartialartsintonovels.TheyalsocontributedavarietyofvaluablethoughtstothequestionfromKungFumanofdealingwithrelationsamonghumanbeingsandbetweenindividualandsociety.Asaharbinger,theseriesworkslaidafoundationforthemodernmartialartsnovels.



Thecompilationofthemodernliteraryhistoryhasgonethroughalongtimeforninetyyears,butitisstillfarfrombeingmature.Theimmaturityisseeninmanyaspects,suchasthetimeofthemodernliterature,stagesofmodernliteraturehistory,thevisualfieldinthemodernliteraturehistory,theapplicationfieldofMarxhistoricalcriticismandaestheticcriticism,historicalevaluationofmodernwriters,settingstructureofthemodernliterature,evaluationofthemodernliterature,themodernliteratureresearchmethods,andsoon,eventhenameofitselfbecomesasuspenseproblem.However, “monism”isthecharacteristicofthemodernliteraryhistorybehindallthesechaos.Todiscardtheconceptsof“evolution”, “classtheory”, “newdemocracy”, “modernity”,andopenourmindsinbothfields,especiallyforthelocaltraditionalculture,weshouldkeepanopenattitudenotonlytothenewculturaltradition,butalsototheChinesetraditionalculture.











责任编辑 张颖超









实施“个十百千”工程 打造人才培养高地
宣判不公 弗格森抗议不止