1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选取我院接受乳腺肿块切除的住院病人,收集时间为2008年 2月—2014年8月,共计350例,平均年龄(36.2±23.3)岁,中位年龄44.5岁,乳腺病灶共350个,患者在接受乳腺肿块切除前均行二维B超及超声弹性检查,350个病个均经手术后病理切片证实,其中良性病个170个,恶性病个180个,分别定义为良性组,恶性组。恶性组:28~67岁,平均年龄为(41.8±8.2)岁,肿块大小平均为(3.2±1.3)mm;良性组:18~64岁,平均为(39.1±7.3)岁,肿块大小平均为(3.7±2.1)mm。
1.2 入选标准及排除标准
1.3 仪器与方法
1.3.1 仪器为日立HF-456型具有弹性成像技术的彩超仪,探头型号HF-54,频率为5.5-10MHz,通过电脑对应的应变率比值软件进行统计分析。先进行常规二维B超,探测双乳腺组织,定位病个后,检测病个血流分布范围,以及病个的数量,形态形状、大小范围、回声强度、边界大小。常规二维B超检查后调整为弹性成像模式,通过计算机软件计算出弹性成像图与二维灰阶图像,对弹性成像打分。
1.3.2 弹性成像打分方法打分方法参照日本TURBERSE大学弹性成像评分法,即参考病个组织显示的颜色不同,不同颜色代表对应硬度,将弹性成像分为5分。周围组织与病个呈色谱均一的绿色,计为1分;病个内可见蓝色和绿色的混合颜色,但总体颜色以绿色为主,计为1分;病个内组织可见蓝色和绿色的混合色,混合色以蓝色为主,周边为绿色,计为3分;病个内组织可见完全的均一蓝色区域,稍可见绿色计为4分;病个区域被蓝色完全覆盖,计为5分。囊性病个评分一般为0分,弹性成像打分0~3分诊断为病变良性,弹性成像打分4~5分诊断为病变恶性。
1.4 统计分析方法
将所有研究对象的资料记录入SPSS 18.0软件。计量资料以(±s)的形式表示,使用t检验,计数资料用百分数表示,使用χ2检验。以P<0.05作为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 恶性组和良性组肿块病理类型分布
2.2 良性结节平均得分与恶性结节平均得分比较
表1 恶性组和良性组弹性评分比较
2.3 恶性组和良性组弹性评分与病理结果对比
3 讨论
表2 恶性组和良性组弹性评分与病理结果对比
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Clinical study on the use of ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast masses
LIU Yong
Danzhou hainan state farms that large hospitals ultrasound,Hainan 571700,China
ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical study on the use of ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast masses.MethodsIn our hospital inpatients with resection of breast masses,collect in time for the 2008 February to 2014 August,a total of 350 patients,mean age(36.2±23.3)years old,median age 44.5 years,a total of 350 breast lesions,patients receiving breast tumor resection were performed in 2D B ultrasound and ultrasonic elastography,350 disease a were confirmed by operation and pathology slice after confirmed,the benign disease and 170 malignant disease,180,are defined as benign,malignant group.Elastography score of all breast lesions,and were compared with the pathological diagnosis of the final.ResultsBenign group 170 nodules,including 63 breast disease,57 fibroadenoma,17 mastitis,13 intraductal papilloma,6 fiber lipoma,5 sclerosing adenosis,5 angiomyolipomas,4 mucinous adenoma.In the malignant group:160 infiltrating ductal carcinoma,6 infiltrating lobular carcinoma,5 cystosarcoma phyllodes,3 eczematoid carcinoma,mucinous adenocarcinoma 2,1 papillary carcinoma,1 carcinoma in situ,1 medullary carcinomas,1 highly glycogen transparent cancer.170 cases of benign nodules.The average score was(1.76±0.65),180 cases of malignant nodules;the average score was(4.3±1.21),the average score was statistically significant benign nodules and malignant nodules of the difference in mean score(P<0.05).The accurate rate of diagnosis of malignant group was 96.7%,the accuracy rate of diagnosis of benign group was 96.2%,the accuracy rate of diagnosis in malignant group and benign group diagnosis accurate rate as the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).ConclusionUltrasound elasticity imaging can accurately differentiate between benign and malignant breast tumors,the clinical diagnosis of breast masses provides a noninvasive means new.
Ultrasound elasticity;Malignant breast tumor;Benign breast masses