Crossword Puzzle
快乐的寒假又到了,呱呱吹响了“集结号”:伙伴们,大家一起来练练身手吧,顺便拿拿新年礼物!这次的crossword puzzle要填的单词可真不少,但你千万别被它吓住了,因为呱呱已为多数单词标注了首字母和中文提示。要想成为“拼词小达人”,关键是要有信心和耐心!
By Chu Xianhua
Across →
1. The person who teaches you at school.
5. Are you f_____(空闲的) now?
Lets go and play.
6. The new street is quite w_____(宽的).
8. Go and play? Thats a good i_____(主意).
11. How l_____(长) is the Great Wall?
13. Can you s_____(滑冰) on ice?
14. A classroom table.
16. Wuzhen(乌镇) is an old t_____(镇).
18. Is this river d_____(深的)?
20. The sun rises in the east and s_____(落下)
in the west.
21. A smart sea animal that plays games.
Down ↓
1. The number between two and four.
2. We a_____(是) Big Mouth English readers.
3. H_____(怎么样) do you go to school? On foot.
4. Do you often listen to the r_____(广播)?
7. This is green and sheep eat it.
9. Cheer up! Never say d_____(完蛋).
10. If you dont know something, you a_____(问) a question.
11. Dont worry. L_____(让) me help you.
12. I bought a n_____(新的) bike yesterday.
15. Where did you s_____(度过) your holiday? Australia.
17. It o_____(常常) rains here in spring.
19. I have a pen-p_____(笔友) in England.
20. S_____(嘘)! Please keep quiet.