Miyazaki Hayao, the Japanese master of fantasy animation, announced his retirement after the recent release of his new film The Wind Rises. Having come to prominence in the 1970s with his animation work for TV, the 73-year-old is now one of the most respected animation directors in the world.
Miyazakis vision has remained unique throughout his many films over the years. The worlds he creates—the teeming post-apocalyptic jungle world of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, the strange 19th-century science fiction of Laputa: Castle in the Sky—are as peculiar as they are captivating.
Here, by explaining the styles, themes and influences of Miyazakis films, we hope to take you—especially if youre unfamiliar with his work—into his magical world and say goodbye to this living legend.
Themes of Virtue
Though his films have quite a wide range in their settings, tones and target audience, a number of recurring themes run through Miyazakis films.
Good and Evil
Miyazaki rarely describes simple good and evil. The worlds he creates tend to be complex and ambiguous. For example, even the ominous witch-like figures in Spirited Away and Howls Moving Castle dont seem so bad once you get to know them.
Miyazaki has explained that the lack of clearly defined good and evil is because he sees the 21st century as a complex time, in which old norms are no longer true and need to be reexamined. Simple stereotypes cannot be used, even in childrens films.
Miyazakis films often emphasize the Earths fragility, especially in the context of critiquing development and pollution. In My Neighbor Totoro, a great tree tops a hillside on which magical creatures reside, and the family worships the tree. This ecological consciousness is echoed in Princess Mononoke with a giant primordial forest, trees, flowers and wolves.
Though his work can be violent, Miyazakis pacifism and opposition to violence go more than surface deep. Conflict and violence are usually seen as misguided and destructive, and Miyazakis heroes are often peacemakers. For example, in Howls Moving Castle, Howls negative view of the war is clear and he refuses to join the fight in any sides.
Moral Formation
A significant theme of moral formation runs through Miyazakis work. Respect for elders, responsibility, courtesy, generosity, maturity, courage, understanding and hard work are all common virtues exhibited by or acquired in the moral formation of Miyazakis young protagonists.
Recurring Features
Besides their progressive themes, in Miyazakis films, viewers frequently encounter the following elements:
Miyazakis protagonists are usually children or teens, more often young girls. For example, My Neighbor Totoro features two young girls who, unlike adults, can see the spirit world, and in Ponyo on the Cliff a boy and a magic creature from the sea become friends. Both Kikis Delivery Service and Spirited Away deal with growing up.
Sky and Water
Two of Miyazakis great loves are sky and water, and he uses them in related ways. Flight is a ubiquitous theme —Miyazaki has never done a film that doesnt involve flying of some kind, whether with gliders, magic brooms, World War I biplanes or with no visible means at all. His imagination seems to constantly soar and leave the pull of gravity behind.
Water is another way for Miyazaki to defy gravity. In his films he likes to unexpectedly flood spaces with crystal—clear water, and objects floating on the surface or drifting through the depths seem to be suspended by magic.