

世界建筑 2014年6期




1 观赏区和雕塑柱廊/Viewing point area and colonnades sculptures




功能性的空间隐藏在雕塑柱廊和树木的背后。内部包含服务区(旅游信息中心)、政府办公室、警察局、餐厅、会堂和穆斯林祈祷区。这些空间被设计成亭子的形式,亭子之间是用来分隔空间的微型花园,花园中的自然光透过半透明的屋顶照射进来。每座亭子被相同的屋顶覆盖,并与朴素的通道连接,由此产生简单、平和及谦逊的感觉。游客在刚进入这座建筑的时候便会体验到这里整体的氛围。此外,为了让这座建筑与当地的气候特性有所互动,建筑师让雨水流到会堂的外墙上,在雨天能够看到与瀑布相似的景观。建筑师还将日光和风引入内部空间,以此表达生命处于自然条件之中的理念。□(李若星 译)

Phuket Gateway communicates the character of southern Thai vernacular building in contemporary architecture. It is a striking design in these cool, breezy highlands. Situated at the north end of Phuket Island, the project is a gateway to the province, an inviting and huge living room. Phuket is a scenic town characterized by its blend of many cultures, races and architectural stylesfrom the local southern, Chinese, Muslim, to Sino Portuguese. But the Phuket Gateway project does not particularly represent any single culture. The work interprets local values through a combination of original materials, contemporary patterns and program.

Phuket Gateway is not the kind of threshold usually seen in other Thai provinces. It is a public space made of a contemporary building and landscape. The building sits in a linear position facing the province entrance and uses the original contours of the site. The requirement was to make the gateway a landmark. A series of 29 pillars-"lively sculptures" -represent and tell historical stories about Phuket. As visitors walk through them, reading or taking pictures, the interaction makes the sculptures 'lively'.

2 亭子之间的天光照亮微型花园/Skylight between pavilions lightening the pocket sized garden

100 meters of concrete columns generate a colonnade similar to an entrance to the Sino Portuguese building. Other arcades connect each building and provide access to every part of it. The columns lead to the tallest sculptural column covered with granite, a material that represents the origin of tin, a local resource that enriched the community long before it became a tourist town. Each piece of granite refers to the various cultures that make up the unique town of Phuket. The tall column acts as a never dimming beacon for visitors entering the province.

Functional spaces are hidden behind the sculptural colonnade and trees. The building provides service sections, such as a tourist information center, government office, police station, restaurant, auditorium and an area for Islamic prayer. These spaces are designed as pavilions divided by pocket-sized parks and natural light is brought in through the translucent roof. Each pavilion sits under the same roof and is connected by a simple pathway. Visitors experience all of this as soon as they enter the building. In addition, the building is designed to engage the character of the local climate. The architect allows rain to flow down the exterior wall of the auditorium making it resemble a waterfall. Daylight and breezes are pulled through the building and help create the impression of being outside, of life under natural conditions. □

3 柱廊之间的连接空间和观赏区/Connecting space between colonnades and viewing point area

4 平面/Plan

5 观赏区/Viewing point area





QI Bin: The design is a strong performance. Its 29 concrete pillars create a strong sense of formal order. While telling the story of Phuket, the building introduces visitors to its diverse local culture through dramatic spatial effects. Subtly modern spatial forms blend and contrast with primitive material textures.This effect allows the building to fully integrate with Phuket's beautiful native landscape. The building's form is relatively simple: a clear linear outdoor space easily connects the building masses and administrative spaces are hidden behind the colonnade and trees. The architect lets rainwater flow through the partially open roof to form a waterfall auditorium. The line of the same roof creates a zone of shade during sunny days. By encouraging the natural flow of air throughout the complex, the architect tries to create a dialogue between the local climate and the architecture.

GE Ming: This project, an integration of landscape and architecture, is located at the northern end of Phuket. Its sophisticated craftsmanship reveals the culture and customs of southern Thailand. There are two interesting features worth mentioning. First is the clear split of the plan-while sculptural pillars engraved with local history symbolize the gateway, other functions such as visitor information are hidden away behind the colonnade and a landscaped area. Second is the use of contrast in the building's materials as where rough and thick pillars and a variety of thinner ones coexist. Unfortunately, these pillars and the rest of the architecture seem a bit disjointed; the spaces in between the pillars have no focus. In contrast, the building itself is airy and graceful and has been expressed well.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 普吉岛管理中心/Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization

场地面积/Site Area: 1600m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 52800m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2005

摄影/Photos: Spaceshift Studio(Fig.1,2), Jeravej Hongsakul(Fig.3,5)

Phuket Gateway, Thalang, Thailand, 2007

Architects: IDIN Architects

