

世界建筑 2014年6期




1.2 外景/External views





当一个人走入其中,具有主导性的庭院是主要的空间组织者和导航者,它将每个住宅单元中迷宫般的路径统一并分隔开来。每个单元的边界在概念上是封闭的,但实际上部分单元是没有界限的,这产生了一种相互联系又不丧失私密性的感觉。十宅的最终目的不是保持实验性,而是为工薪阶层提供一个不寻常的居住解决方案。□(李若星 译)

TEN is a project that redefines the notion of housing development. Generally, residential projects do not leave middle class homebuyers many options in terms of design or construction. It's sad to think of these buyers saving money their whole working lives to buy their dream houses, but ending up with this kind of lacking in identity commercial design. In 1996, a group of Thai architects formed Community Architects for Shelter and Environment (or CASE) to address this problem. This collaboration of people of similar vision sought alternative housing project solutions. CASE explores the relationship between the design process and the desire to express the individual creativity of house owners or dwellers, generating add-on functions to serve their particular needs.

Each family is unique. The idea of involving inhabitants in the design process is daring and inspiring since housing projects do not consist of only one house, but rather a collection of neighbors with different preferences. Satisfying each of their preferences is a challenge. It requires a collaborative effort and compromise to create a unified blueprint with "ten" separate individualized homes.

CASE focuses on an ambition of a community in which each unit has a similar architectural and constructional logic. Yet, the design of each unit must be particular enough to respond to varying demands of its residents and reflect their lifestyle. By actually involving clients in the design process, CASE becomes more of an architect-consultant than an architect-designer. Still, CASE's role is crucial in transforming each client's particular vision into a final design representing the consensus of the whole community.

Unlike TEN Osaka, the original home community, TEN Bangkok is a pilot project comprising middle class homeowners some of which are architects and also members of CASE. As individuals, each remains powerless, but working as a community they can multiply their buying and creative power to achieve their ideal home. First, the working class members/designers/inhabitants of TEN Bangkok begin the site selection process.The land has to be affordable and in a location that equally convenient to all. The future expansion of Bangkok's transportation system is also taken into account. Then the design collaboration between each resident begins. The project occupies a single plot of land divided into ten subplots. The footprint of each subplot is equal. Everyone involved sets their personal and collective design and dwelling criteria. One cannot simply insert one’s design into the site without careful consideration and negotiation with the others. The goal is that each house produced on the site has the support and agreement of its neighbors.

Entering, a dominant courtyard acts as a main spatial organizer and navigator. It unites and separates the circulation of each and every unit.The boundary of each unit is fixed but also partially unbounded. There is a sense of interconnectedness without a lose privacy. The ultimate goal of the TEN is not to remain an experimental approach but to offer a generally viable alternative housing solution for working class people.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Clients: Patama Roonrakwit, Wachara Sonchaeng, Supitcha Tovivich, Nantapong Yindeekhun, Chawanad Launseng, Parnjai Jarusarn, Narttaya Kimyong, Thanida Samathapan

设计团队/Design Team: Patama Roonrakwit, Wachara Sonchaeng, Supitcha Tovivich, Nantapong Yindeekhun, Chawanad Launseng

室内设计/Interior Designers: Patama Roonrakwit, Wachara Sonchaeng, Supitcha Tovivich, Nantapong Yindeekhun

场地面积/Site Area: 936m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 1500m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2004

摄影/Photos: Art4d

3 用于公共活动的连接平台/Connected deck for common use

4 首层平面/Floor 0 plan



两个或者多个家庭所共享的一系列内院空间, 处于一种介于私密与半公共的模糊状态。建筑师恰到好处地利用墙面、隔栅、天桥、栏杆等因素的设计安排,既确定了每户家庭各自的活动领域,又创造出邻里之间可以进行视觉或语言沟通的空间场所。阳光透过顶棚隔栅洒进内院,一种静谧而富有张力的气氛笼罩了4m×4m网格构架体系所营造出的丰富空间,令人赞叹。有着相同居住理想的中产阶级家庭在这里汇聚,以彼此之间的价值认同和邻里关照为基础,形成和谐而富有温情的社区关系,这些都在作品中展露无遗,令人神往。



WANG Yan: A Quiet Space of Great Strength

The inner courtyard space at the heart of this project is shared by two or more families and hovers between a condition of privacy and semi-publicity. The architects appropriately used design, spatial composition, barriers, overlooks and various other tools to make each unit into a home for a family and create spaces for communication-visual and oral. As sunlight penetrates through the ceiling grille, a strong tranquil atmosphere is created in the space formed by the 4×4m grid structure. In this community of middle class families with common values a warm relationship is forged. And this commonality is fully supported by every detail of the architectureimpressive and attractive.

ZHAO Yang: It is not rare for an architect to build a house for himself, but it is very brave of these five architects to design this housing complex for eight architects including themselves. From its methods to its final results, this project expresses openmindedness and a willingness to experiment. The tools and methods must be rational and flexible to ensure that the buildings can be added to incrementally over time-allowing the richness and diversity of the user's life to shape their home. This CASE project reminds me of the Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena's Quinta Monroy residential project. In this project, the spatial composition was first determined using rational analysis and judgment. The user was then allowed to complete it (adding massing, facade elements, and interior partitions). The difference between these two projects is that, although each of the CASE architects reveals the differences of each of their lives in their homes, they use unified materials and detailing to maintain the project's integrity. Its compact layout, simple materials, and concise detailing reveal the architects' efforts to control architectural forms and the budget.

TEN House, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007

Architects: Community Architects for Shelter and Environment (CASE)

5 泳池/Swimming pool

6 3号住宅正面/Front of house No.3


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