IDEO Morph 38住宅楼,曼谷,泰国


世界建筑 2014年6期


IDEO Morph 38住宅楼,曼谷,泰国


1 从东北方向看住宅楼/View from the northeast






IDEO Morph 38是一栋高层建筑,与其身处的低层住宅文脉形成强烈的对比,并与环境形成共生的关系。其敏感的设计语言和绿色墙面,使这栋建筑拥有一种自然的美感,从而在为周边地区和城市提供一个愉悦的环境的同时,成为一座地标建筑。

IDEO Morph 38真实地表达了复杂的当代城市生活。通过将垂直空间最大化的巧妙设计和对现代化储物空间的功能性的强调,建筑所传达出的奢华真谛被加以放大。□ (李若星 译)

The scheme is located away from the density and congestion of Sukhumvit road and in a blissfully green low-rise residential area. The development has been separated into two towers to maximize plot ratio, and each building targets potential tenants with differences in character.

The architectural perspective boldly states the green attitude allowing the concept of nature's embrace to be implanted and integrated in the form of the building design. The sustainable design of the exterior has been adorned with vertical gardens. The pocket green balcony adds the exquisite setting and serenity to the surrounding ambience.

The two towers are visually interconnected through a folding "Tree Bark" envelope that wraps around from the 32-storey rear tower (Ashton) and 10-duplex-storey front tower (Skyle). This outer skin is a combination of precast concrete panels, expanded meshes and planters. The functions of the skin vary from being a sun shading device to covering air condensing units. The bark on the west and east side becomes green wall, in accordance to the tropic sun's orientation. The height of this wall is 65m on the front tower and 130m on the rear tower, respectively providing the residences and neighbors with a comfortable visual and natural environment.

Skyle targets singles or young couples and the smallest unit footprint is 23.3m2. These duplex units are expressed vertically with a variation in their balconies and condensing units. Apartments in this building have a small footprint in order to control the overall unit price and make them more affordable for those with smaller incomes.

In contrast, Ashton emphasizes horizontal and cantilevered spaces and is targeted to families. The unit sizes and types vary from a single bed with a reading room, to duplex units with a private swimming pool and a garden on 8thfloor and a four bed duplex penthouse at the top level. A 2.4m cantilevered living space projects from each unit on the north side. This is made up of a glazing enclosure on three sides and provides the maximum view. Each unit on the south has a semi-outdoor balcony which is flexible space. The double layer of sliding windows allows for a transition between a conventional balcony to an extended indoor living area.

The IDEO Morph 38 is a high rise building which is located in stark contrast to the low-rise residential context. The project has a symbiotic relationship with the environment. Due to its sensitive design language and the green populated facade, the buildings have a natural aesthetic, making them a pleasant environment for the neighborhood and the city.

The IDEO Morph 38 truly represents sophisticated urban living in the modern day. It captures the meaning of luxury and amplifies it with the ingenious design that maximizes vertical space alongside the emphasis on stylish functionalities of storage space.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Ananda Development PCL.

室内设计/Interior Designers: Fix Design, Dot Line Plane Company Ltd.

场地面积/Site Area: 5320m2

A塔/Tower A: 总建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 10884.82m2,地上10层、地下2层/10 Floors with 2 basements,单元面积/Unit Size: 23.2-37.3m2,单元数量/Number of Units: 162

B塔/Tower B: 总建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 26157.57m2,地上32层/32 Floors without basement,单元面积/Unit Size: 52.5-114.9m2,单元数量/Number of Units: 179

设计时间/Design Period: 2008.12

摄影/Photos: W Workspace(Fig.1,9), Somdoon Architects(Fig.3), Spaceshift Studio(Fig.4,5)

2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

1-主入口/Main entrance

2-门卫室/Guard house

3-车行道/Drive way

4-客人下车处/Drop off

5-人行道/Walk way

6-车库入口/Carpark entrance

7-停车位/Parking lots



10-管理室/Management room

11-机房/M&E room


3 前塔的垂直绿化/Green wall on the façade of Skyle

4 被“树皮”包围并限定出的后塔泳池空间/Swimming pool space enclosed and defined by the "tree bark" on Ashton

5 复式单元的双层空间反映在前塔的立面上/Double spaces of duplex units reflected on Skyle's façade

6 前塔顶层复式住宅下层平面/The 9thlower floor plan of Skyle

7 前塔顶层复式住宅上层平面/The 9thupper floor plan of Skyle

8 前塔剖面图/Section of Skyle

1-电梯间/Lift lobby

2-空中花园/Sky garden


4-地下停车库/Basement parking

5-避难平台/Refuge platform

6-机房/M&E room


8-行车道/Drive way

9 位于后塔顶层的游泳池和花园/Swimming pool and garden on the 31stfloor of Ashton




像大多数的亚洲大都市一样,曼谷正朝天空发展。欲将现代的幕墙式高层住宅融合泰国的特色和生活方式的话,通常可以来自一些常规的套路。比如,展开更多的立面层次,外表做出垂直绿化,间或融入高层庭园。显然,IDEO Morph 38用上了所有的这些类似杨经文的桥段,而且竟然也未损地产效益,还巧妙地对应了开发形态的多样性选择。至于所谓的标志性,在我看来,实则是籍由阳台、空调盒、树池、双层挑窗这样的凹凸有致的组织而达成。如此的建筑,缝合或根本是在挑战曼谷混乱无度和漫无边际的都市计划。这样的手法,比之藤本壮介旋转木马式的疯狂挑台和米兰的树塔,算是小儿科了。但这样愈来愈多的人造纵景的现象,到底是东南亚都市识别性的起步与新视平线?抑或根本是热带气候下高层建筑变革中的隔靴搔痒呢?


QI Bin: This is in essence a typical high-rise loft apartment building located in a densely populated urban area. The architects attempt to explore a strategy of individualized living in a context of urban complexity. It's very clear that this is a design from a mature firm with skill and careful thoughts, and that it was executed with few errors. Using a three dimensional system of modules, this high-rise building manages to create some fun spaces that typically only occur in low-rise apartment buildings. This design logic extends to the facade of the building, which embeds rich variation within a regular trellis system. The overhanging balconies of differing depths allow the architecture create a romance between logic and chaos, the rational and irrational. The vertical gardens on the building's facade, the small exquisite planted balconies and all the other details come together to reveal a deep appreciation of nature.

HAO Lin: Verticality and Identity Horizon

Like all of Asia's mega cities, Bangkok is developing towards the sky. There are a few strategies for integrating contemporary curtain wall high-rise residential towers with the Thai character and "lifestyle": applying layers to the facade, incorporating embedded green spaces into the tower, and adding vertical green. IDEO Morph 38 apparently uses almost all of Ken Yeang's tricks, but does so without sacrificing property value and actually achieves a very diversified product package. The building is iconic-an effect achieved through a wild mix of flying balconies, airconditioning boxes, tree pits and bay windows. The strategy actually challenges the endless sprawl and chaos of Bangkok urbanism. This strategy is certainly not a big deal when compared with Sou Fujimoto's carousel-styled balconies or Milan's Bosco Verticale. The phenomenon of artificially green towers is becoming more and more prevalent. But is it a new horizon for Southeast Asia's urban identity, or is this scratching in a path of high-rises an evolution of a tropical scene?

IDEO Morph 38, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013

Architects: Somdoon Architects


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