

世界建筑 2014年6期




1 酒店餐厅和室外座椅/Resort restaurant with outdoor seats

X2度假酒店并非一个大胆的设计声明,其设计概念源于对自然的静谧而精妙的把控。主要建筑物被设计得 “消失”在淳朴的自然中,成为与自然和谐共存哲学的一部分。





2 主游泳池/Main swimming pool

在与自然和谐共存的压力之下,项目的一些关键区域,如门厅和4K餐厅采用的是自然通风。人工建筑受益于周围自然环境无穷的资源和慷慨,应该对自然致以敬意。在某种程度上,X2度假酒店是一次赋予人工化建筑以人性和现代主义表达的尝试。远离混沌城市中的热闹和忙碌,X2提供的是一个让人消隐于和谐中的朴素场所。□(李若星 译)room, the maze concept is employed and integrated throughout. The longitudinal façade of the rooms becomes a stonewall that is able to create a sublime visual effect from the restaurant. The interior design concept follows the "inside out" approach. The external stonewall finishing continues to the inside blurring the threshold, between outside and inside. Natural light seeping through the ceiling openings gives the texture of the stone wall a dominant role.

The materials are locally sourced. The familiar sight of stone walls, traceable back hundreds of years, striding up the beach, has turned into an inspiration for X2. The choice of stones delivers a profound visual coherence. Wood used in this project were transported from a manufacturing forest in Finland, lauded for its ecologically friendly practice.

With a stress on living harmoniously with nature, certain key areas of the project, such as the lobby and 4K restaurant are naturally ventilated. In a way, X2 is an effort to humanize the artificiality of architecture and modern articulation. Far away from the bustle of a chaotic city, X2 simply offers a place for anyone to disappear into harmony. □

Rather than a bold design statement, X2's main concept triumphs over subtlety and unperturbed nature. Major constructions are designed to "disappear" into the pristine nature as a part of harmonious coexistence philosophy.

Situated two hundred kilometers south of Bangkok, X2 benefits greatly from proximity to the virgin beach, free from any other developments in its vicinity. The context of the site plays a major role ever since the project's conception. The existing trees have been kept to confirm the premises' strong connections to the nearby fishing village of Baan Bangkao, Kuiburi where natural preservation is an innate way of life.

Taking cues from the villagers and their serene lifestyle, X2's master plan revolves around the abundant trees and plants on the site. The large, revered tamarind tree has eventually become part of the welcoming brigade at the lobby area while other areas are also manipulated around the living, breathing trees.

X2 is set to accommodate merely 24 rooms, and this specific requirement serves as a prominent force in the overall design. The rooms are all planned out in accord with landscape typology. To create privacy between each unit and intimacy within each

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Astudo控股有限公司/Astudo Holding Co.,Ltd.室内设计/Interior Designers: Duangrit Bunnag Architect Limited (DBALP)

场地面积/Site Area: 2940m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 14400m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2006.03

摄影/Photos: Wison Tungtanya

3 别墅单元之间的景色/ Scenery between villa units

4 从海滩前的平台看主游泳池/View from ocean beach front terrace to main swimming pool





ZHANG Lufeng: The whole building complex seamlessly integrates with nature. A single building material, simple volumes, straight lines and a mirror like swimming pool work together to create a serene atmosphere. Its staggered layout maximizes ocean views from each room. The design of every single guestroom is simple but ingenious-centrally located bathrooms help to shape a symmetric and coherent space. Stone walls extend from inside to outside, blurring the boundary between indoors and out and helping to direct one's view to the ocean.

HAN Linfei: There are 24 rooms in the X2 Resort in Kuiburi and the plan of the complex gives each gives each of these rooms command over its own landscape. But it also creates rooms that lack a sense of direction. The architects needed to ensure privacy between adjacent cells and sacrificed a simplicity of architectural line to do so. The resulting maze must make it difficult for guests to find their rooms. The massing of the project is satisfactory. Yet this building is remarkable. In each of its spaces, the conversation between pure water and rough stones, transparent glass and sturdy walls, a delicate interior and simple exterior, make the building distinctive. The raw rough stone walls form an impressive landscape. The local building materials not only recall a sense of history, but are closely related to local traditions and culture. Calm water creates a quiet relaxing atmosphere and creates an immense separation between the resort and the frantic city.

X2 Resort, Kuiburi, Prachuap Khirikhan, Thailand, 2007

Architects: Duangrit Bunnag Architect Limited (DBALP)

5 别墅平面/Villa floor plan

7 泳池中的酒店倒影/Inverted reflection on the main swimming pool

6 导向公共休息室的餐厅走廊/The restaurant corridor leading to the public rest room

8 总平面/Site plan


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